TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:25:32 EDT 2025
This company used to sell fonts ca. 1994. A partial list: Adriatic, Ajile, Alexina, Alpist, AlpistPrimer, AltastGreeting, AltastGreeting, AmammaInline, Ammonite, Amossa, Amphora, AmphoraOpenface, AquaticHeavy, AquaticOutline, AquaticOutline, Artista, Auralle, Baltane, BankenScriptBold, Banque, Barber, Barston, Basquerole, Beanstalk, Beanstalk, Beanstalk, Belton, Benjamin, BenjaminSupplement, Berman, Bethany, BisteckBold, Bonhomi, Booster, BostonianUltra, BrintonCondensed, Brunella, Bursten, Calliope, Camanetti, Carlotta, Carolissa, Carpens, Catullus, Cecily, CentarraNova, Cetan, Chamois, Chapell, Chatten, Cheever, Chichester, Cincin, Circuit, Claritan, Claustrum, ConsidineShadow, Cortege, Crinoline, Danton, Debut, Delmonica, DeltaicItalic, Deroon, Destiny, Deweese, Dispando, Distance, Divinity, Dolmen, Dommono, Dragoon, Dryad, Easterly, Ecstatic, Eddmond, EddmondBold, Edifice, Eglentine, Eider, Elspeth, Energetic, Engine, Epworth, Evangel, Famoose, Fansilla, Fanzine, Fascinate, FascinateSpecialBoldItalic, Faysie, Fleece, Fluorine, Folderol, Foster, Frabbel, Framina, Frieze, FuseeBold, Galina, Galton, Gamina, Gasteur, Gautane, Girth, Gittani, Gleeson, Greenwood, Grettin, Guernsey, Hassan, Hostel, Houghton, Houston, Huckleberry, Ignatius, Immediate, Issabella, Ittery, Izzard, Jacquard, Jenkins, Johnson, Justine, Keeple, Kingman, Kisstelle, Kollman, Koloss, Korilly, Lagniappe, Lapidary, Latiara, Lattinum, Laurell, Leagus, Lender, Lentule, Lesline, Lichten, Litelle, Lorrenne, Lufton, Macklen, Madama, Malloy, MansourContour, Marpelli, Marsdale, Mazurka, Mearschaum, Mearschaum, Micheline, Microlla, Mirth, Modellen, Montague, Montague, Naushen, Navinno, Newsel, Novella, OakenShaded, Obbsidda, Opalone, Paliard, Passtine, Paxolla, Penki, Phaeton, Phineas, Picott, Pillsdon, Plastone, Powhatten, Prancer, Precipice, Presscon, Professor, Purcell, Quantum, Quotidien, Raffia, Rickover, Rodding, Roskell, Rostrina, Rublof, Sanctus, Sanderson, SandersonShaded, Scythe, Scythe, Sentian, Shantung, Shattuck, Shonnen, Simmissa, Spinoza, Spoleto, Standle, Stillen, Stillen, Swanson, Sylph, Tamago, Theodora, Valhalla, Vantage, Ventura, Voltaire, Wasserman, Windewood, Xebec, Yonkers, YvesScript, Zapotec, Zirkon. Most (all?) fonts are revivals of other typefaces. Examples: Amossa = Amati (1951, Georg Trump), Baltane = Biltmore (in Rookledge Typefinder; Yanega thinks Baltane is the only existing digitization), Brunella = Brudi Mediaeval (1953-1954, Walter Brudi), Cheever = Chesterfield (1977, Alan Meeks, Letraset), Elspeth = Elizabeth (1937, Elizabeth Friedlander, FTN, and 2006, Elizabeth by Jim Rimmer), Fascinate = Favrile (1985, Tom Carnase, WTC), Justine = Wolf Antiqua (1966, Hans-Juergen Wolf, VGC), Madama = Magna Carta (1974, Vladimir Andrich, Alphatype), Naushen = Nova Augustea (1951, A. Butti and A. Novarese, Nebiolo), Paliard = Packard (1913, Oswald Cooper, ATF; see also Varityper and Photo-Lettering), Parsnip = Parsons (1918, Will Ransom and 1994, Inna Gertsberg, A*I), Sentian = Serlio (Linotype), Valhalla = Richmond Oldstyle (1920s, Blackfriars). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |