TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 9 12:25:10 EST 2025






Viktoriya Gadomska [Viktoriya Grabowska]

Freelance graphic and type designer in Poznan, Poland. Shee came from Crimea (Ukraine) but currently lives in Poznan, Poland. She obtained an MA in Graphic Design (Type Design) from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan in 2010. Since 2010 she teaches at the Sign and Typography Studio of the University of Arts in Poznan.

Creator of some interesting typefaces in 2008: Argon, Jackson (hand-printed, inspired by Michael Jackson).

In 2009, she made the Armata family of elliptical sans faces for Latin and Cyrillic. This typeface is free at Fontsquirrel, where it was published by Sorkin Type.

She also uses the name Viktoriya Grabowska at Google Font Directory, where one can download her angular typeface Passero One (2011) and the sturdy yet balanced balanced text face Fjord One (2011).

In 2012, she made the rounded sans family Capriola (Google Font Directory). Kavoon, a fat signage script, and Fruktur, an angular German expressionist typeface, can be found at Sorkin Type and Google Web Fonts.

Codesigner with John Hudson, Joshua Darden, Maxim Zhukov and Eben Sorkin of Omnes Cyrillic.

Her informal typeface Birra Saison (Darden Studio) won an award at 23TDC.

Speaker at ATypI 2016 in Warsaw. Fontsquirrel link. Behance link. Blogspot link. Fontspace link. Google Plus link.

Viktoriya Gadomska
Fontspace page
Behance page
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ The Polish type scene ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type design in Ukraine ⦿ Typefaces related to German expressionism ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Birra Saison 2020

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fjord One 2011c

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fjord One 2011

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fjord One 2011b

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fjord One 2011d

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fjord One 2011e

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fruktur 2012

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fruktur 2012g

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fruktur 2012b

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fruktur 2012d

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fruktur 2012e

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Fruktur 2012f

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012c

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012b

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012d

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012e

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012f

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012g

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Kavoon 2012h

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Capriola 2012

file name: Joshua Darden Eben Sorkin Viktoriya Grabowska John Hudson Maxim Zhukov Omnes Cyrillic 2006

file name: Wiktoria Gadomska Argon2008

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Passero One 2011

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Passero One 2011b

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Passero One 2011c

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Passero One 2011d

file name: Viktoriya Grabowska Passero One 2011e

file name: Wiktoria Gadomska Armata 2009

file name: Viktoriya Gadomska Armata 2008

file name: Viktoriya Gadomska Armata 2008b

file name: Sorkin Type Armata 2012

file name: Wiktoria Gadomska Armata 2009b

file name: A Typ I 2017 Viktoriya Grobowska

file name: A Typ I 2017 Kenneth Ormandy Alanna Munro Viktoriya Grabowska Quinn Keaveney

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html