TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:13:11 EDT 2025






Andrés Torresi

Argentinian graphic designer who graduated from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina and obtained a Specialist in Typeface Design degree from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. He works in his own graphic design studio. He is a participant in the Argentinian type coop Huerta Tipográfica.

With Carolina Giovagnoli, he developed Cambo (2011, Huerta Tipográfica), a family for Latin and Khmer [a free weight at Fontsquirrel and at Google Fonts].

Katachi Media collaborated with Andrés Torresi to create a typeface superfamily - targeted mainly for the iPad, but also for web and print. An intense project between Andrés in Argentina, and Katachi in Norway, took place over 14 months. The result so far is a serif and sans-serif, two of in total seven weights of the Katachi typeface. In the coming months we'll be adjusting these two, as well as add the last five weights.

In 2012, Andrés Torresi published Telex at Google Web Fonts: Telex is a humanist sans serif conceived to be a web font with nice legibility at normal text sizes.

Asap (2012) is a free rounded sans family designed by Pablo Cosgaya for Omnibus Type. Asap is based on Ancha (designed by Pablo Cosgaya and Hector Gatti), and has been developed with the collaboration of Andrés Torres.

In 2014, Huerta Tipografica published the free text typeface family Caladea which was designed by Carolina Giovagnoli and Andrés Torresi. Caladea is based on Lato and is metric-compatible with Microsoft's Cambria.

In 2015, Andrés Torresi and Carolina Giovagnoli developed the Devanagari typeface family Sarali at Huerta Tipografica (free at Google Web Fonts). The Latin part is based on Torresi's Telex (2012). Telder HT Pro (2015) is a commercial humanist sans serif family with ten weights, conceived for web use. Telder won an award at Tipos Latinos 2018.

Together with Pablo Impallari, he designed the free workhorse sans typeface family Encode Sans (2012) and Plata Sans (2019). Github link.

In 2016, he designed Cira Sans and Cira Serif. The original concept was created for Katachi Media as a corporate font for text and experimentation in an iPad magazine.

Andrés Torresi
 [Designer info]
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Argentina ⦿ Cambodian (Khmer) fonts ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Indic language fonts ⦿

file name: Andres Torresi Cira Sans 2016 211372

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file name: Andres Torresi Cira Sans 2016

file name: Andres Torresi Cira Serif 2016 211377

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file name: Andres Torresi Cira Serif 2016 211399

file name: Andres Torresi Cira Serif 2016 211400

file name: Andres Torresi Cira Serif 2016 211402

file name: Andres Torresi Cira Serif 2016

file name: Andres Torresi Telex 2012

file name: Andres Torresi Telex 2012b

file name: Pablo Impallari Andres Torresi Cristiano Sobral Plata Sans 2012 2019

file name: Pablo Impallari Andres Torresi Cristiano Sobral Plata Sans 2012 2019

file name: Carolina Giovagnoli Andres Torresi Caladea 2014

file name: Carolina Giovagnoli Andres Torresi Caladea 2014b

file name: Carolina Giovagnoli Andres Torresi Caladea Bold 2014

file name: Carolina Giovagnoli Andres Torresi Sarala Bold 2015

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015 187656

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015 187657

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015 187659

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015 187661

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015 187662

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file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015b

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file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015f

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file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015j

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015k

file name: Andres Torresi Telder H T Pro 2015l

file name: Pablo Impallari Andres Torresi Encode Sans Extra Condensed Black 2012

file name: Pablo Impallari Andres Torresi Encode Sans Semi Condensed Extra Light 2012

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi 2011

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi 2011b

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi 2011c

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi Sans 2011

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi Sans 2011b

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi Sans 2011c

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi Serif 2011

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi Serif 2011b

file name: Andres Torresi Katachi Katachi Serif 2011c

file name: Hector Gatti Asap 2012

file name: Carolina Giovagnoli Andres Torresi Cambo 2011

file name: Carolina Giovagnoli Andres Torresi Cambo 2011b

file name: Carolina Giovagnoli Andres Torresi Cambo 2011c

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html