TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:26:38 EDT 2025






Manfred Klein's Fonteria [Manfred Klein]

Prolific Frankfurt-based designer, born in Berlin in 1932, who studied typesetting at the Kurier in Berlin, later in Typografische AG (a work-group). His teacher was Berthold's G. G. Lange. He worked as a Creative Director and then as a freelancer for several companies, including Stempel and Monotype. Since 1990, prolific font creator, with fonts appearing at Fontshop, Fonthaus, Elsner and Flake, Alphabets Inc, Apply Design Group, and Medienwerkstatt Muehlacker (school fonts). His fonts are partly commercial and partly freeware. They are invariably stylish, original, and often funny. He looks at type as an essential part of visual communication, and that theme unifies his work, giving his typefaces a unique cachet. Manfred Klein died on November 17, 2018.

MyFonts page. MyFonts catalog. List of his commercial typefaces. His fonts can be found here:

  • Alphabets Inc: AlphaKid, AlphaZeta, AppleWine, BadTimes, Before The Alphabet-I, BeforeTheAlphabet II, BradOgilvy, BritishWriting, CaligulaNero, ChaoTiqua, ClassicalBPlus, ClassicCaps, ClassicIngenus, DancingEgypt, Dino, DinoSaurier, Flighty, Fragment, FraktKonstruct (1994), FraktScript, FranklySpoken, FruechtOne, Fusion, Half, Head to Heads, HeSheIt, Ideograph, JessicaPlus, JustPicts, KleinsSerif, Laufendes, MarsMen, MirrorKleinShadows (2000), NeptuneSerif, OlisEckige, Online, ParmaPetit, Quasimodo, SomeDrawings, StopperRosetten, Szene, Toskana, ToursandTravels, Uncitroncia, EthnoFont, WhyNot, Witches and Venezia.
  • At Fontshop: FF Carolus Magnus (uncial), FF Double Digits, FF JohannesG (blackletter), FF Koberger (blackletter), FF Quill, FF Schoensperger (blackletter), FF Spontan, FF Witches.
  • Fonthaus:
  • Elsner&Flake: EF Aliens (great tribal masks), EF BeforeTheAlphabets (primitive dings), EF Birds (1992), EF Bloxx, EF Brushable, EF BuchZeichen, EF DeconStruct, EF Ethno Font, EF Flying Objects, EF Flying OpArt, EF Gois, EF Gutenbergs Traces, EF KLTypeFaces, EF Kleins Sketch (1995), EF More Kaputt, EF PoetConcrete, EF Remember Irme R (1995), EF StarsN Spirals, EF Suetterlin, EF Tokay (1992, after an idea of Imre Reiner), EF WhyNot (a lovely crazy handwritten character font, oozing originality and style), EF Witches Brood.
  • Apply Design.
  • Linotype: SketchCameoInvers (free).
  • Medienwerkstatt Muehlacker: KreuzWort, Norddruck, Sdfett, Vahalb, Veraus, Verfett.
  • His first animal-inspired font, Font Zoo (1990).
  • Tons of experimental typefaces, such as MoKsford Fraktur (based roughly on a bitmap font that came with the early Macs), Unciale Experimental, Jahn Caps Round (named after Klein's friend Joachim Jahn, who studied type with him in the fifties under G. G. Lange), Moksford BetaTest and Moksford Stencil.
  • Kopffuessler: heads and feet font, free. This is a hilarious face.
  • Fonteria CD (2001, from his own foundry): Aliens2000 (masks), Artist, BodoniTwinsCaps, Caslonia, CircusOne through CircusFour, Clown, CrazyTimes, Emmenthaler, Ermir, Erpressung, FloRaTialen, GaraNitials, GaraSans, Imre, Jockey, Jonas, KL1GridZebra, KL1MonoSansInvers, KL1MonocaseSerif, Kl1RheumaticFraktur (2001), KleinsDancingSlapzerif-Light, Laurens, LernschrittABC, Mighty, MightySpecial, MirrorKleinShadows, MonoAlphabet, MonoAlphabetSerif, Monument, Mutoni, PfeileOne through PfeileThree, Pointout, RootsOfMatisse, SMHand, SaltoOne, SaltoTwo, SonnCar, Steamdecor, StonageStamp, Stoneage, WalNuss, Zoography-Normal.
  • Progothics (a Fraktur web site run by Steffmann and Cybapee; free downloads): Broken Brains, Frax Initials, MKaslon Textura, Civilité Edges, Very Broken Frax, Fraxx Sketch Quill (inspired by the work of Imre Reiner), Cowboy Caxton, TShirts for Frax.
  • Manfred Klein @ typOasis (free creations). The first batch of free fonts: Aftermath Manhattan, Aida Oops, Airdried Parma Font, Aliens, Amazon, AnthroPosoph, Architypo, Bullets 1+2, Casual Stencil, Cats, Circle Initials Freestyle, ClassiCaps, Claudius Imperator, Creepy, DisProporz, Dizzy, Eagle Konfetti, Feathered, First TypoManiacs, Flying Carpets, Furioso, Glitter, Glyptographs, Grid Exercise, Grid Scribbles, Headbirth (a great font with caricatures of men composed of deformed letters only), Headfeeter, Headfeeter 3, Hello Mr Pharao, IntourisTiqua, Kenzotiqua, Kidge&KidgeBoxes, Kleins BinAerfabet, Kleins First Bricks, Kleins Moons, Kleins Pharao I+II, Kleins Round Fragments, Kleins Sausages, Kleinsan (Japanese letterform simulation), Klill For Typesetters, Linoleu, Mannes Heads, MK Bats, MKonstrukTshirts, MutanTrios, My Nippon, Neu Gothic, Old Roman Klein, Oli Klein Bats (drawing by Manfred's son, 2001), Papercuts, Petra Font, Pointilism, Pompeji, Rainy Day, Remember Manhattan, Remember Scribbled Type?, Roots Koch Three, Rosett Klung, Sailing Strong Breeze, Sanstencil, Scribbled Astrobats, ScribbleDoni, SternenHimmel, Total Floral, Uncial Virtual, Uncitron Swinging Bold, Xmas Gingerbread, Grid Zebra, RuniK100-Bold, RuniKleinFreeform (2001, great simulated runes), Brix Round, AZ-Fusione, ClassiCaps Xmas, AngloSaxon, Betonia, Was A Screenfont, Kleins First Script, PetriFree, Aida Serif, Roaring Twenties, RoaringTwenties 2, TypeWriters Substitute, Free Bradbury, Twiggy, Arrowbix, Solunciale, Dada's Traces, AppleWine, Sumo Heavy, Petit San, Sketch Cameos Round, NipponToon (2001), CrazyTimes (2001), Give Euro A Face (2001), Kids Kas (2001), DymoFontInvers (2001), K-Neptuns (2001), Smile And Train (2001), Free Bradbury Sans, Funny Faces, PointerSisters (2001), Kritzel One (2001), Quick Greek (2001), Kleins Heraldry Box (2001), Mercato Light+Bold (2001), Silhous (2001), Vertigo (2001), CircleSigns (2001), Warum 2001 (2001), MKlammeraffen (2001), Dillefanten (2001), Hallelujah (2001), OhRosetta (2001), Backgrounders (2001), Cave AB (2001), Broken ABC (2001), XPFourTwoContour Medium, Karlas 1st Font (2001), Frogs And Men, Pixel Nonsens (2001), Latin Lovers Runes, Roundheads (2001), Wacbats (2001), CalliPsoGrafia, Typeface Eggs (2001), Gourmet Icons, Hacke It!, Square Heads, FroxXMedium, FirstBricksMirored, Sportive, WacbatsItalic (2001), MKartuhns (2001), Typos (2001), Free People, OliJo Sans Italic (2001), FlyingSwimming (2001), Clone Products (2001), OliJo (2001), Gutenbergs Traces (2001), Bauhouse (2002), ClassiCaps Xmas 2002 (2002), GGothique MK (2002), Lombardic (2002), Mouse Traces (2002), Music Elements (2002), DreiDreiDreiBlack (2002), Griffo's Font (2002), Noisy Buttons (2002), Hamlet ToBeOrNot, Oszillo Caps (2002), Cave Paintings (2002), Rodgauer (2002), Prinz Eugen (medieval font, 2002), DreiDee Sketches, Typo Cubes (2002), AustralBats, RoundMouseBats (2002), Torynitialen, Wood Cutted (2002), FlowerPower, Graf Typo, Solitaire (2002), Breeze, Eyes, Lead Types Heap, Petit Fleur (2002), ABCari, Floralalpha (2002), Karlas ABC-Start, OliJo Bold (2002), Athena Handwritten, The BroadWay (2002), MK Squares (2002), Incunitials (2002), Luc's Plants (2002), Monte Petito (2002), Before Alphabets 4, Threedimensional (2002), Blind Reading, Zebral Caps (2002), Before Alphabets 3, Braille Latin, Tangoasis (2002), Katrins (handwriting of Katrin Dillmann, Manfred's daughter), Laurens Erste (handwriting of Laurens Dillmann, Manfred's grandson), Tangodoni (2002), Typesetters TV, Unscreen (2002), Caps MKS (2002), Haunted, Mouse Scribbles (2002), RunishMK (2002), Fatsans (2002), Rotten Script, Stormy, Strong Dots (2002), Caro Mio, Reduce 2 Max (2002), Pudels Kerning (2002), Cheerio, Gersans (2002), ArabDances (2002, Arabic simulation font, with Cybapee), Slab Serif Written (2002), Shalom (2002, Hebrew simulation), Bloxx Serif, Kara Ben Nemsi, Remember Cassandre, Wieynk Caps Round (2002), Fragment Caps, Golden Swing, Tango Macabre (a gorgeous font in which letters are made with skeletons: 2002), Eye Beings, Frax Handwritten (2002), HotsBlots, Latin China (2002, oriental lettering), Dinos Fragments, HotchPotch (2002), SketchBats (2002), AmorE (2002), Chinawestern (2002, oriental simulation), Valentine Flies (2002), AmorEatPersia, AmorEmoticons (2002), Artfacts, The Kiddies (2002), ConstrAccident, Kochs Roots (2002), AnimSilhous (2002), Framed Frax Caps, K-Arrows (2002), GridEx Gallery, K-Arrows B, Swinging Petidoni (2002), Big Swinging SlabS, Relief Caps, Shapes 1-3 (2002), Petitscript, Shapes Four (2002), Fullsize Sans, Petitscript Italic, Shapes A 1-3 (2002), Imperium Serif (2002), Big Broken, Semaphore (2002), MKalligFrax, Pix Caps (2002), Slabsoft, Windy City (2002), Slabsoft, Windy City (2002), Timeless (2002), Against Rules, Berolina (2002), FabCreatures (2002), CookinDada (2002), FoodnDrinks One, HabSpass-HaveFun (2002), Mighty (2002), Klammeraffen Italic (2002), Elefontitis Xtreme (2002), Cairotiqua Freestyle, Eastereggs (2002), Cave People, RandoMiKa (2002), Big Ella, Hands Subversive 1+2 (2002), Build Your Own People (2002), Antroposofia, EasterChicken, GridRiding (2002), rish Sketches, KidPicts, MatrixbuK (2002), Dornspitz Grotesk, PeaceBats (2002), Arte FS, Eagles Buttons (2002), BlowinInWind, Cave Popart, Karla 1B (2002), Crosses, SharkJockey, Toscanienne (2002).

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Manfred Klein's Fonteria
Manfred Klein ⦿ Cutout or paper-cut typefaces ⦿ Linocut Type ⦿ Dieter Steffmann ⦿

file name: Manfred Klein Catalog1

file name: Manfred Klein Catalog2

file name: Manfred Klein Catalog3

file name: Manfred Klein Catalog4

file name: Manfred Klein Catalog5

file name: Manfred Klein Catalog6

file name: Manfred Klein On Kochs Roots 2002

file name: Manfred Klein On Kochs Roots 2002b

file name: Manfred Klein Aida Serif Oblique Medium 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Torynitialen 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Moksford 2001

file name: Manfred Klein Big Ella

file name: Manfred Klein Rodgauer

file name: Manfred Klein Mighty Special 20031

file name: Manfred Klein Tango Macabre

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html