TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Tue Feb 4 08:19:56 EST 2025






Hacker Fonts

This is a name and a typeface category suggested to me by Suzanne Fleischauer. In hacker fonts, glyphs are replaced by other ones, possibly rotated or combined. For example, a 3 can be rotated to make an E, or S could be replaced by $. A list of such typefaces, sent to me by Suzanne, organized by designer:

  • Abdullah Al-Khafaji (Fonts Bomb): New Kind of English.
  • Alessio Leonardi: F2F Metamorfosi, 1995.
  • Andrew Galarza: Numbers.
  • Andrew Lander: Times Screwed Roman.
  • Bright Ideas: Accumulations (1999).
  • Chank Diesel: Hreak Krusty.
  • Channelzero: HackerArgot (1998, Andi Jones), and Drum Komputer (1998, Taylor Deupree).
  • Dan Bailey (Fontosaurus): Fallen Thyme, Snow Crash.
  • Dimitris Kolyris (Popdog): Vandaloop.
  • Dirk Uhlenbrock (Eyesaw, Signalgrau): ORAV (1998), Y2K.
  • Eddie Colton (Footnote Fonts): Killing Joke.
  • Gynophobia and/or myfont.de: LeetSpeek (2005).
  • Iconian: X-Cryption (1999).
  • Jeff Rentsch (InDigest Avant Press Fonts): Anarchy Mono (1995, based on Corel's Monospaced font).
  • Katsuhiro Otomo: Memories.
  • Matt Desmond: Stomper. Suzanne's notes on Stomper and various descendants: It started life, as far as I can tell, as a free font from Matt Desmond called Stomper-Regular, released when he was freeware MADType, dated 1999. There is another version, just plain Stomper, that is credited to TestPilotCollective (which of course is still Matt Desmond) plus Chank Diesel (back when Chank was gobbling up freeware producers and having them stop giving things away except through him). The date of this font and the read me giveaway are 3/19/99; since this has more characters, and the TPC attribution, I'm assuming it's later. Then I have a pair of Open Type fonts called Stomper and Stomper Alternate. We're in 2004, and it's MADType again. Here it appears that the 'hacker' parts have been put into Stomper Alternate. I don't know if Desmond did this, or it's just someone futzing around renaming things.
  • Mike Larsson (aka Mr. Fisk): Symbol Nerve (1998).
  • Other fonts: Phoneczyk.
  • Ray Buetens (aka Lawn Dart Fonts): POLYGLOT-Crumbled and POLYGLOT-Font of the World.
  • Randy Humphries (i2 Design): Born (1999).
  • Ronald Sansone (Studio Sans 1): NumerO.
  • Stimuleye Fonts: Bungle City (hacked Arial).
  • Susan Townsend (Vintage Type): the VT DigitDog series.
  • Uddi Uddi: Buttercrumb. Beast vs. Buttercrumb is Uddi Uddi's Buttercrumb with Cyrillic letters added by Y. Warhol. MSButtercrumb is another version, done by Mastersoft.
  • Unknown: Times Hackers (1996).
  • Uzim Web: Distorted Faith.
  • Zane Townsend (13th Degree): 13_Fletcher.

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Hacker fonts ⦿

file name: Zane Townsend Fletcher

file name: Iconian X Cryption 1999

file name: M A D Type Stomper 1997

file name: Accumulation

file name: Dimitris Kolyris Vandaloop

file name: Dirk Uhlenbrock O R A V 1998

file name: Eddie Colton Killing Joke 1999

file name: Jeff Rentsch Anarchy Mono 1995

file name: Mike Larsson Symbol Nerve 1998

file name: Randy Humphries B O R N 1999

file name: Stimuleye Bungle City 1999

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html