TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:27:04 EDT 2025






Nick Curtis: Typefaces from 2009 [Nick Curtis]

Typefaces made by Nick Curtis from 2009, not listed elsewhere on these pages: Society Page NF (semi-script based on Morris Fuller Benton's Announcement, 1916), Glyphix One NF (dingbats), Glyphix Two NF (dingbats), Velveteen Round NF (based on Vellvé's only font, 1971), Steno Stout NF (the venerable Underwood Victoria typewriter on steroids), Diosa Rubia NF (condensed headline face), Mono Amono NF (octagonal), Turista Flaca NF (based on Baltimore Type Foundry's Tourist Extra Condensed), Boop Boop NF (based on handlettering found on Hallmark Studio Cards of the 1950s), Samosata NF (based on Bernhard Gothic), Waddem Choo NF (based on Tschichold's Transito from 1931), Jane Plain NF (architectural blueprint style), Hacky Sack NF (a zany typeface based on Ross F. George's Stunt Roman), Free Holeys NF (after the 1972 Letraset font Beans by Dieter Zembsch), Kingstown NF (semiscript), Kudos Kaps NF (2006: five nice ornamental caps and associated alphabet and border sets, including a Lombardic set, an engraved set; they are based on typefaces from Ludwig&Mayer), Melvin Eustace NF (handlettered), Weekly Bazaar NF (based on Harpers by the Central Type Foundry), Really Big Shoe NF (after a Cleveland Type Foundry typeface called Oxford), Bellwether Antique NF (after a 1913 typeface by Georg Belwe), Garmisch Rund NF (inspired by Rundgotisch, Emil Rudolf Weiss, 1937), Whitefriars NF (based on a font from the Blackfriars Type Foundry in London), Society Page NF (a curly serif typeface based on Morris Fuller Benton's Announcement Roman, designed for American Type Founders in 1917), USA Resolute NF (a unicase headline typeface based on Morris Fuller Benton's Eagle, ATF, 1934), Saturday Morning Toast (2001, based on the logotype font of the Saturday Evening Post from the 1920s), Examiner NF (based on Dwiggins' Metro from the 1930s). Hans Lijklema's Free Font Index has a CD which contains AirstreamNF-Italic, CalamityJaneNF-Bold, CalamityJaneNF, DaddyLonglegsNF, HamburgerHeavenNF, HeavyTrippNF, HutSutRalstonNF (2001), OrionRadioNF, ParkLaneNF, PhattPhreddyNF, RhumbaScriptNF (a silent movie font), Riot Squad NF (2000, after Otto Heim).

Nick Curtis: Typefaces from 2009
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Nick Curtis ⦿ De Stijl and type design ⦿ Blackboard type ⦿ Dan X. Solo ⦿ Labyrinthine fonts ⦿ LED / LCD fonts ⦿ Rotunda / Rundgotisch ⦿ Piano key typefaces ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿ Fashion mag typefaces ⦿ Neon tube or faux neon typefaces ⦿ Typefaces and Wassily Kandinsky ⦿ Paperclip faces ⦿ Curly typefaces ⦿

file name: Nick Curtis Examiner N F 2009 after Dwiggins Metro 1930s

file name: Nick Curtis Really Big Shoe N F 2009 after Cleveland Type Foundry Oxford

file name: Nick Curtis Really Big Shoe N F 2009 after James Ronaldson Oxford

file name: Nick Curtis Velveteen Round N F 2009 after Tomas Vallve Mengual Vellve 1971

file name: Nick Curtis Jane Plain N F 2009

file name: Nick Curtis Double D after Dave Davison Dimensional 1970s

file name: Nick Curtis Diosa Rubia N F 2009

file name: Nick Curtis Society Page N F 2009 after M F Benton Announcement 1916

file name: Nick Curtis Hacky Sack N F 2009 after Ross F George Stunt Roman

file name: Nick Curtis Hacky Sack N F 2009 after Ross F George Stunt Roman

file name: Ernst Deutsch 1922 Tango Italic Rhumba Script N F

file name: Nick Curtis Saturday Morning Toast N F 2001

file name: Nick Curtis Glyphix One N F 2009

file name: Nick Curtis Glyphix One N F

file name: Nick Curtis Glyphix Two N F 2009

file name: Nick Curtis Kudos Kaps Five N F 2006

file name: Nick Curtis Garmisch Rund N F 2009 Emil Rudolf Weiss Rundgotisch 1937

file name: Nick Curtis Sil Vous Plait N F 2009 M F Benton Invitation 1917

file name: Nick Curtis Earmark N F 2009

file name: Nick Curtis Earmark N F 2009

file name: Nick Curtis Samosatat N F 2009

file name: Nick Curtis Waddem Choo N F 2009

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html