TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:27:42 EDT 2025






Talavera Type Workshop [Jesús Eladio Barrientos Mora]

Talavera Type Workshop is Jesus Barrientos's type foundry in Puebla, Mexico. He has a Masters in Type Design from Estudio Gestalt in Veracruz, class of 2013. Presently he is a professor at Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico.

Barrientos designed Vecchia Romana (2008), a winner in the Tipos Latinos 2008 competition for best text family.

At Tipos Latinos 2012, he won awards in the display type category for Agony, and Ecstasy. Speaker at ATypI 2014 in Barcelona. Speaker at ATypI 2016 in Warsaw. Graduate of the TDi program in 2018 at the University of Reading.

In 2012, these commercial fonts were offered via MyFonts: Vecchia (Venetian), Ochenteros (counterless geometric face), Escuadra (squarish), Signorina, Ecstasy (blackletter), Agony (a script).

Kyrenia TTW (2014) is a calligraphic script family.

In 2014, after heaving studied Elzevir in depth, Jesus published his Leidener typeface family. The actual letters were developed from those found in Constantini Imperiatoris (1611) and Exercitationum Mathematicarum (1657), which were printed by Louis and John Elzevir in their workshop in Leiden.

In 2017, he published the pixelish typeface Kader at Letter Inc.

In 2018, he designed Malaguenya and the grungy Rapenburg.

Typefaces from 2020: Nimbo TTW (kaleidoscopic mandalas).

Typefaces from 2021: Keizer (a superb 5-style display serif with Titling, Inline, Openface, Initials and Outline options; Keizer has its roots in early XXth century cartography), Blacken (a blackletter inspired by the gothic-cholo style, Mexican sign painting and some delicious Belgian beer).

IT FADU link. Fontown link.

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Talavera Type Workshop
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type design in Mexico ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Venetian or antiqua typefaces ⦿ Elzevir ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿

file name: Jesus Barrientos Pic

file name: Jesus Barrientos Keizer 2021

file name: Talavera Keizer 2021

file name: Jesus Barrientos Keizer Initials 2021

file name: Jesus Barrientos Keizer 2021

file name: Jesus Barrientos Keizer 2021

file name: Jesus Barrientos Keizer 2021

file name: Talavera Blacken 2021 2

file name: Talavera Blacken 2021 3

file name: Talavera Blacken 2021 5

file name: Talavera Blacken 2021

file name: Jesus Barrientos Nimbo T W 2020 365546

file name: Talavera Nimbo T T W 2020 365551

file name: Jesus Barrientos Nimbo T W 2020 365547

file name: Talavera Type Workshop Malaguenya 2018

file name: Talavera Type Workshop Malaguenya 2018b

file name: Talavera Type Workshop Malaguenya 2018 poster by Javier Garcia 2018

file name: Talavera Type Workshop Rapenburg 2018 poster by Javier Garcia 2018

file name: Talavera Type Workshop Rapenburg 2018

file name: Jesus Barrientos Leidener 2014

file name: Jesus Barrientos Leidener 2014b

file name: Jesus Barrientos Leidener 2014c

file name: Jesus Barrientos Leidener Heavy 2014

file name: Jesus Barrientos Leidener Italic 2014

file name: Jesus Barrientos Kader 2017

file name: Jesus Barrientos Kyrenia Pro T T W 2014

file name: Jesus Barrientos Kyrenia Pro T T W 2014b

file name: Jesus Barrientos Agony 2012

file name: Jesus Barrientos Agony 2012c

file name: Jesus Barrientos Agony 2012b

file name: Jesus Barrientos Signorina 2012

file name: Jesus Barrientos Ecstasy 2012

file name: Jesus Barrientos Ecstasy 2012

file name: Jesus Barrientos Escuadra 2012

file name: Jesus Barrientos Ochenteros 2012

file name: Jesus Barrientos Vecchia 2012

file name: Jesus Barrientos Vecchia 2012b

file name: Jesus Barrientos Vecchia Romana

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html