The 100 best free fonts of 2012
There are many lists of best free fonts, but this list by the Dutch Studio Daas is not slapped together in ten minutes. I reproduce it here in summary form, grouped by the source. This is supposed to be a snapshot of the best free fonts in 2012, but since it was published in May 2012, I assume that the 12 months preceding May 2012 are meant. Here are the fonts with clickable download links: - Fontfabric (Svetoslav Simov): Hagin, Weston, Intro, RBNo2, Intro, Archive, Static, Hero, Code Pro, Dekar, Metropolis, Tetra, The Kabel, Rex, Facet, Mod, Val, Portal, Gota, Null, Age.
- The League of Movable Type: Linden Hill (a free version of Goudy's Deepdene), Sorts Mill Goudy, Prociono, Raleway, Ostrich Sans, Junction.
- Lost Type: Homestead, Geared, Wisdom Script, Lavanderia, Bender, Haymaker, Ranger, Mensch, Duke, Blanch, Habana, Bemio, Muncie, Ribbon.
- Pablo Impallari: Quattrocento (+Sans), Lobster, Cabin, Dosis.
- Practice Foundry: Collator, Narrator, Egypt 22.
- Type Together: Bree Serif, Adelle, Abril Fatface, Jockey.
- Miscellaneous fonts from elsewhere: AdamasRegular, Adec2.0, AltAeon, AltRetro, Arvo, BandaTypefaceRegular, Barata, Bobber, Bohema, Cassannet, ChromeLight, ClaireHand, Exo, Merge, FarreronsSerifLight, FertigoProRegular, Fiveminutes, Forum, Frontage, Henry, Hyperbola, Infinity, Jura, Lato, Ledger, LegionSlab, Linguina, Lorena, Matilde, MergeLight, MuseoSlab, NeuEichmass, Nomed, Noticia, Nougatine, Novecento, Piron, Poly, QubFont, Rawengulk, SansitaOne, Satellite, Sketchetik, Sofia, Stitchingfont, Telefono, Valentina, Zaguatica.
The 100 best free fonts of 2012
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