TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:28:18 EDT 2025
Mindofone Fonts
Dallas, TX-based creator of the free art deco stencil typeface Glas Deco (2012), which is based on a specimen found in Hoffmanns Schriftatlas: Das Schriftschaffen der Gegenwart in Alphabeten und Anwendungen, Stuttgart 1930. Another download site. View the original. Creator of Mexico 86 (2011), a bilined headline typeface that was modeled after the Mexico 1986 World Cup logo font, which in turn was based on Avant Garde Extra Light. Free download at abfonts. Creator of Twin Mo 1 (2012, bilined). In 2013, he/she created Hadley Numerals (based on the numbers originally generated by Gunter Gerhard Lange for his Derby typeface), and Hadley Stencil (based on the letters originally generated by Gret Mengelt-Mergenthaler and Walter Ballmer for their Swiss typeface TEXPO). Free download. North Dallas Forty (2012, free) is based on the custom letters in the original 1979 movie posters and marketing materials for the film North Dallas Forty. In 2011-2012, Dick Pape created a number of free fonts based on designs pointed out to him by Mindofone, and he calls them his Mindofone collection, 86 files strong. They include French Alphabets (FA) and French Advertising Alphabets (FAA). The French Advertising Alphabets were designed by M. Moullet in Brussels in 1946. The FAA series: FAA3DLettresEnRelief, FAAAllongees, FAAAllongeesBold, FAAAntiqueAllongee, FAAAntiqueGrasse, FAAAntiques, FAAAntiquesGrasses, FAABaroque3DInitiales, FAABlockLettresEnRelief, FAACameoHollow, FAACaracteresdeFantaisie, FAAChevauchantes, FAACubiques, FAAEcossaises, FAAEcritureGrasseEmoussee, FAAEgyptienneGrasse, FAAEgyptiennesEmoussees, FAAFantaisie, FAAFantaisieBlaireau, FAAFantaisieHardi, FAAFantaisieHaut, FAAFantasio, FAAFloralGothiqueInitiales, FAAFrenchMecane, FAAItalianHeavySlab, FAALettresAuCrayonItalic, FAALiberty, FAANormandes, FAANormandesAllongees, FAAOmbreeEnRelief, FAAOnciale, FAAOrientales, FAAPochoir, FAARomainClassique, FAARomainTypographique, FAScenesPaysannes, FAASerifEgyptienne, FAAVetteFantasieAntieke. The FA series consists first of all of digitizations that are from a booklet by signpainter Roumond entitled 32 Alphabets Modernes, published in Paris by A. Charayron and Léon Duran, some time in the 1930s. Pape's 32 fonts are FAModerne0369, FAModerne0562a, FAModerne0562b, FAModerne0946aBold, FAModerne0946bBold, FAModerne1367a, FAModerne1367b, FAModerne2021a, FAModerne2021b, FAModerne2491a, FAModerne2491b, FAModerne2491c, FAModerne2491d, FAModerne4441, FAModerne5204, FAModerne5204a, FAModerne5204b, FAModerne5204c, FAModerne6183a, FAModerne6183b, FAModerne6518a, FAModerne6518b, FAModerne6518c, FAModerne6518d, FAModerne7287a, FAModerne7287b, FAModerne7666, FAModerne7798, FAModerne9002a, FAModerne9002b, FAModerne9321a, FAModerne9321b. The other fonts in the FA series are FAAntique2748, FAAntiqueShaded, FACondensedGothic, FACondensedReversedGothic, FAGillSignWritersGuide, FAGothicInitials, FAHerrickSignWriters, FAJeuSubstantoBold, FAPutti, FARoundSans4901, FAThin3394, FATransportReversed4858, FAUltraLight, FAVineInitials, FAWildFlowers. Further typefaces by Dick Pape: Cathedral (2011, a sketched expressionist face, based on Martin Wait), ColorLinesFont (2010, based on work by Anton Gridz), ColorOutLinesFont, FuroreMexicoCameo, FuroreMexicoNormal, FuroreMexicoPlain, FuroreMexicoWide. The Furore series was made in 2011 based on Furore No. 11 The Mexico Issue (Piet Schreuders, Amsterdam, 1978). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |