TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:28:24 EDT 2025






August Heffner's list of required typefaces [August Heffner]

For his graphic design class, August Heffner lists the only typefaces that he wants his students to use in their projects:

  • Old Style (renaissance 15th and 16th centuries): Garamond (1617) (v), Caslon (1722), Bembo (1495), Janson (1690), Palatino (1950), Sabon (1964), Centaur (1916).
  • Transitional (baroque 17th century) (neo classical 18th century): Baskerville (1757), Times Roman (1931) (v), Scotch (1810), Electra (1935), Bookman.
  • Modern (romantic 18th and 19th century): Bodoni (1780) (v), Didot (1784), Walbaum (1800).
  • Egyptian/Slab: Century Schoolbook (1890) (v), Clarendon (1845), Cheltenham (1896), Lubalin Graph (1974), Melior.
  • Sans Serif (realist 19th and 20th centuries)(Geometric Modernist 20th century): Helvetica (1957) (v), Univers (1957), Gill Sans (1928), Futura (1927) (v), Avant Garde (1967), Optima, Bell Centennial (1978), News Gothic (1908), Folio, Franklin Gothic, Adzidenz Grotesk, Frutiger, Trade Gothic.
  • Digital Typefaces (Postmodern/Vernacular): Tobias Frere Jones, Interstate, 1993-95 (Font Bureau), Tobias Frere Jones, Knockout (Font Bureau), Tobias Frere Jones and Jesse Ragan, Gotham, 2000-01 (HFJ), Erik Spiekermann, Meta, 1984-991 (Font Shop).
  • Digital Typefaces (Classical/Historical Revival): Jonathan Hoefler, HTF Didot, 1991 (Hoefler Type Foundry), Matthew Carter, Galliard, 1978, Matthew Carter, Big Caslon, 1994, Matthew Carter, Mantinia, 1993.
  • Digital Typefaces (Electronic Communications): Tobias Frere Jones and Jonathan Hoefler Retina, 2000, Tobias Frere Jones and Jonathan Hoefler, Mercury, 1999, Zuzana Licko, Lo-Res, 1985 (Emigre), Matthew Carter, Miller, 1997 (The Guardian), Albert-Jan Pool, FF DIN, 1995 (Font Shop).
Note: (v) refers to Massimo Vignelli's list of the only typefaces you will ever need.

August Heffner's list of required typefaces
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Choice of fonts ⦿ Eric Gill and his typefaces ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Hoefler Gotham Black 2003

file name: Albert Jan Pool F F D I N Office Pro Black 2010

file name: Chauncey Griffith Bell Centennial Address 1937 Bitstream Version 1978

file name: Chauncey Griffith Bell Centennial Bold Listing 1937 Bitstream Version 1978

file name: Matthew Carter Mantinia 1993

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 01

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 02

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 03

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 04

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 05

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 07

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 08

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 09

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 12

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 14

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 15

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 16

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 17

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2000 poster by Alexey Razuvaev 2019

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2000 Poster by Siddhanta Pudasaini 2017

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 Poster by Ela Stipicic 2016

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 Poster by Ela Stipicic 2016b

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 Poster by Ela Stipicic 2016c

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 Poster by Ela Stipicic 2016d

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 Poster by Bill Dawson 2015

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Knockout Poster by Naomi Tenenini 2016

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Knockout Poster by Naomi Tenenini 2016b

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Knockout Poster by Naomi Tenenini 2016c

file name: Hoefler H T F Didot 1991 Poster by Tony Mungiguerra

file name: Hoefler H T F Didot 1991

file name: Hoefler H T F Didot 1991b

file name: Hoefler H T F Didot 1991c

file name: Eric Gill Gill Sans 1928 Poster by Alexander Murphy White 2015

file name: Hermann Zapf Palatino 1948 Poster by Alexandra Ferreira 2014

file name: Hermann Zapf Palatino 1948 Poster by Alexandra Ferreira 2014b

file name: Matthew Carter Bell Centennial Sub Caption 1978

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 Poster by Zekai Saltoglu 2016

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic Poster by De Art Lab Studio 2016

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 Poster by Juana Caudal 2014

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 poster by Daniela Carusone 2016

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 poster by Carolina Steele 2015

file name: Jan Tschichold Sabon M T 1966

file name: Matthew Carter I T C Galliard 1978

file name: Matthew Carter I T C Galliard Italic 1978

file name: Jackson Burke Trade Gothic Pro Bold 1948

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html