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Sir Charles Reed

Sir Charles Reed FSA (1819-1881) was a British politician who served as Member of Parliament for Hackney and St Ives, Chairman of the London School Board, Director and Trustee of the original Abney Park Cemetery Joint Stock Company, Chairman of the Bunhill Fields Preservation Committee, associate of George Peabody, lay Congregationalist, and owner of a successful commercial typefounding business in London. He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and was knighted by the Queen at Windsor Castle in 1874. As a pastime he collected autographed letters and keys. Charles' son Talbot Baines Reed (1852-1893), an author of books for boys, wrote the standard reference work on the history of typefounders in England.

The family settled in the London district of Hackney where Charles was active in public and religious affairs, with a particular interest in education. He became a member, and later chairman, of the London School Board, and helped to establish the Congregational Church Board of Education. From 1868 to 1881 he was one of Hackney's MPs. He also raised a family of five sons, the third of whom, named Talbot Baines after his distinguished uncle, was born at the family home, "Earlsmead", on 3 April 1852. Over the years, Charles expanded his business interests, and by 1861 had prospered sufficiently to acquire the Thorowgood type foundry in Fann Street, City of London.

The business was called Stephenson Blake & Charles Reed & Sons at one point.

A few scans from Henry Taylor Wyse's book of 1911, showing types owned jointly by stephenson Blake and Sir Charles Reed of Sheffield: AntiqueRoman, Athenian, Baskerville, Black No. 3, DeVinne, DeVinne Italic, Hallamshire Old Italic, Italian Old Style, Italian Old Style, Italian Old Style Italic, Lining Modern No. 20, Lining Old Style No. 5, Lining Westminster Old Style, Winchester Bold, Winchester Old Style, Winchester Old Style Italic.

Sir Charles Reed
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Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ History of type ⦿ Foundries of the 19th century ⦿ Baskerville ⦿

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Antique Roman 36pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Athenian 30pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Baskerville

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Black No3 36pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed De Vinne 36pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed De Vinne Italic 36pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Hallamshire Old Style

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Italian Old Style 14 24pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Italian Old Style

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Lining Italian Old Style Italic

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Lining Modern No20 36pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Lining Old Style No5

file name: Stephenson Lining Old Style No5 1908 Specimen Book

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Lining Westminster Old Style

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Winchester Bold 36pt

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Winchester Old Style

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Winchester Old Style Italic

file name: Stephenson Blake Charles Reed Sons

file name: Charles Reed Portrait

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html