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MyFonts: Bestsellers for November 2012

The fifty best-selling typefaces at MyFonts, as reported by them on November 1, 2012: #1: Proxima Nova (Mark Simonson), #2: Brandon Grotesque (HVD Fonts), #3: Hipster Script Pro (Sudtipos), #4: Nexa (Fontfabric), #5: Museo Sans (exljbris), #6: Futura (Bitstream), #7: Helvetica Neue (Adobe), #8: Interstate (Font Bureau), #9: Bombshell Pro (Emily Lime), #10: Diamonds (HVD Fonts), #11: Veneer (Yellow Design Studio), #12: Akzidenz-Grotesk BE (Berthold), #13: Museo Slab (exljbris), #14: Ride my Bike (Latinotype), #15: Carolyna Pro Black (Emily Lime), #16: Mercury Script (Fenotype), #17: Avenir (Linotype), #18: Intro (Fontfabric), #19: Benton Sans (Font Bureau), #20: Geogrotesque (Emtype Foundry), #21: Neue Helvetica (Linotype), #22: Univers (Linotype), #23: Pluto (HVD Fonts), #24: Frutiger (Adobe), #25: Aire (Lián Types), #26: Narziss (Hubert Jocham Type), #27: Graublau Sans Pro (FDI), #28: Populaire (PintassilgoPrints), #29: Museo (exljbris), #30: Clarendon (Bitstream), #31: Klavika (Process Type Foundry), #32: Mishka (Fenotype), #33: PF Din Text Pro (Parachute), #34: Futura PT (ParaType), #35: Neuron (Corradine Fonts), #36: Samantha Script (Laura Worthington), #37: LUELLA (Cultivated Mind), #38: Trade Gothic (Linotype), #39: Adelle (TypeTogether), #40: Neo sans (Monotype Imaging), #41: Helvetica (Adobe), #42: Belluccia (Correspondence Ink), #43: Verb (Yellow Design Studio), #44: Aphrodite Pro (Typesenses), #45: Freight Sans Pro (GarageFonts), #46: Carolyna (Emily Lime), #47: Pluto Sans (HVD Fonts), #48: Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ (Berthold), #49: NewJune (Hubert Jocham Type), #50: ITC Avant Garde Gothic (ITC).

Once again, Brandon Grotesque and Proxima Nova are trading places atop the charts, as they have done for the past two years. The biggest risers are Hipster Script (Sudtipos) and Nexa (a clean sans from Fontfabric), which went from nowhere to #3 and #4, respectively. Other highly ranked new entries include Diamonds (Hannes von Doehren) and Mercury Script (Fenotype). There are no big surprises, as well-known names fill the reaminder of the list, with just a few glitzes. These include, in the soft rounded sans category, the beautiful Neuron family (#35) by Manuel Eduardo Corradine and Sergio Ramírez. Higher up in the ranking we find other sanses with similar almost elliptical curvatures such as Klavika and Geogrotesque, but they don't have the juicy plumpness of Neuron. In #40, Neo sans (Monotype) has the elliptical genes and a bit of the roundness, but it is more subdued. Text typefaces were clobbered this month.

MyFonts: Bestsellers for November 2012
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MyFonts: Bestsellers for November 2012
MyFonts Pages ⦿

file name: Adobe Frutiger 2012 11 01

file name: Adobe Helvetica 2012 11 01

file name: Adobe Helvetica Neue 2012 11 01

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk B E 2012 11 01

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk B Q 2012 11 01

file name: Bitstream Clarendon 2012 11 01

file name: Bitstream Futura 2012 11 01

file name: Corradine Fonts Neuron 2012 11 01

file name: Correspondence Ink Belluccia 2012 11 01

file name: Cultivated Mind L U E L L A 2012 11 01

file name: Emily Lime Bombshell Pro 2012 11 01

file name: Emily Lime Carolyna 2012 11 01

file name: Emily Lime Carolyna Pro Black 2012 11 01

file name: Emtype Foundry Geogrotesque 2012 11 01

file name: F D I Graublau Sans Pro 2012 11 01

file name: Fenotype Mercury Script 2012 11 01

file name: Fenotype Mishka 2012 11 01

file name: Font Bureau Benton Sans 2012 11 01

file name: Font Bureau Interstate 2012 11 01

file name: Fontfabric Intro 2012 11 01

file name: Fontfabric Nexa 2012 11 01

file name: Garage Fonts Freight Sans Pro 2012 11 01

file name: H V D Fonts Brandon Grotesque 2012 11 01

file name: H V D Fonts Diamonds 2012 11 01

file name: H V D Fonts Pluto 2012 11 01

file name: H V D Fonts Pluto Sans 2012 11 01

file name: Hubert Jocham Type Narziss 2012 11 01

file name: Hubert Jocham Type New June 2012 11 01

file name: I T C I T C Avant Garde Gothic 2012 11 01

file name: Latinotype Ridemy Bike 2012 11 01

file name: Laura Worthington Samantha Script 2012 11 01

file name: Lian Types Aire 2012 11 01

file name: Linotype Avenir 2012 11 01

file name: Linotype Neue Helvetica 2012 11 01

file name: Linotype Trade Gothic 2012 11 01

file name: Linotype Univers 2012 11 01

file name: Mark Simonson Proxima Nova 2012 11 01

file name: Monotype Imaging Neo Sans 2012 11 01

file name: Para Type Futura P T 2012 11 01

file name: Parachute P F Din Text Pro 2012 11 01

file name: Pintassilgo Prints Populaire 2012 11 01

file name: Process Type Foundry Klavika 2012 11 01

file name: Sudtipos Hipster Script Pro 2012 11 01

file name: Type Together Adelle 2012 11 01

file name: Typesenses Aphrodite Pro 2012 11 01

file name: Yellow Design Studio Veneer 2012 11 01

file name: Yellow Design Studio Verb 2012 11 01

file name: exljbris Museo 2012 11 01

file name: exljbris Museo Sans 2012 11 01

file name: exljbris Museo Slab 2012 11 01

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html