TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:29:17 EDT 2025






Pierre Pané-Farré

Pierre Pané-Farré is a type designer born in Germany. Pierre studied at the Fachhochschule in Wismar and, later, at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig, class of 2012. His thesis focused on the development of the book cover in the early 19th century, while his practical work explored and revived the technique of compound-plate printing, using Pierre's own woodcut poster types. Pierre lives and works in Leipzig. He co-founded Forgotten Shapes in 2017.

His study, What came after black and red, which deals with color and chromatic typefaces in the German print industry in the nineteenth century, was published in Vom Buch auf die Strasse: Grosse Schrift im öffenlichen Raum (Journal der HGB, no. 3, 2014), Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig.

At OurType in 2012, he published the typefaces Orly Stencil, Couteau Stencil, and Greco Stencil. At Forgotten Shapes, he published these revival typefaces:

  • Antiques FSL (2017): Antiques FSL is the digital re-issue of Antiques advertised in "Epreuves de caracteres" by E. Tarbe & Cie. (Fonderie Generale) around May 1839 in Paris. Antiques was available in the sizes of Corps 220, Corps 252 and Corps 280. The design was the sans serif counterpart to Allongees---a condensed Egyptian display typeface.
  • Breite-Fette Antiqua FSL (2017): Breite-Fette Antiqua FSL is the digital re-issue of an unidentified display typeface which---from ca. 1850 onwards---was part of the type case in the printing workshop of Oskar Leiner in Leipzig. It can not be said whether it was a custom-made design or if the typeface was distributed commercially by a foundry.
  • Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne FSL (2017): Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne FSL is the digital re-issue of Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne by Eduard Haenel, Magdeburg. It was advertised 1833 in "Schrift- und Polytypen-Probe. Zweite Lieferung. Blatt 25-72." and again 1834 in "Neueste Lettern", a supplement to the "Journal fuer Buchdruckerkunst." Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne itself was a re-casting of Two-Line English Egyptian No. 1 originally shown in 1821 by William Thorowgood, London.
  • Schmale Egyptienne N.12 FSL (2017): Schmale Egyptienne N.12 FSL is the digital re-issue of Schmale Egyptienne No. 12, 28 Cicero Kegel advertised 1841 in "Proben der Affichen-Schriften von Eduard Haenel. Berlin."

His Affichen Schriften FSL won the type design prize at the Tokyo Type Directors Club TDC 2020. This is a digitally reconstructed set of four distinctive display typefaces from that era, Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne FSL, Schmale Egyptienne No.12 FSL, Antiques FSL, and Breite-Fette Antiqua FSL.

At ATypI 2013 in Amsterdam, he spoke about the multicolored typefaces of the 19th century. Speaker at ATypI 2016 in Warsaw on The stencilled poster in Paris in the 19th century.

Pierre Pané-Farré
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ History of type ⦿

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Antiques 2017 after E Tarbe 1839

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Antiques 2017 after E Tarbe 1839

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Antiques 2017 after E Tarbe 1839

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Breite Fette Antiqua 2017

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Breite Fette Antiqua 2017b

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Breite Fette Antiqua 2017c

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Doppel Mittel Egyptienne 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1833

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Doppel Mittel Egyptienne 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1833

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Doppel Mittel Egyptienne 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1833

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Couteau 2012

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Greco Stencil 2012

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Orly Stencil 2012

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Orly Stencil 2012b

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Orly Stencil 2012c

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Orly Stencil 2012d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html