TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:29:21 EDT 2025






Khrys Bosland

Aka Khrys Kreations. Kindergarten teacher (b. 1988) in Florida, who made many hand-printed typefaces that appeal to children. Her typeface list as of 2012: KBBlockParty, KBChubby, KBDabble, KBDinoMite, KBDottyDot, KBFancyMe, KBKinderWrite, KBNeat, KBPeppy, KBRoundUp, KBSketch, KBSpacingOut, KBStripedPajamas, KBSubtle, KBSunshine. Many of these fonts were made with FontMaker and/or MyScriptFont.

Typefaces from 2013: KB Up In Smoke, KB True Believer, KB Sneaky Walrus, KB Radio Wizard, KB Jumping Jellybeans, KB Fun House, KB Brght and Merry, KB Tiny Red Whale, KB The End Is Broken, KB Pancake Party, KB Googley Eyes, KB Funky Glasses, KB Brainy Skeleton, KBanAvoxlost, KB Zipa Dee Doo Dah, KB Seriously Into Her, KB Miso Soup, KB Hear Me Play, KB Earthquake, KB Camera Shy, KB And It Slips My Mind, KB Witching Hour, KB Pay The Lady, KB Reindeer Games, KB Gobble Day, KB Stick, KB Lucky Clover, KB Dunk Tank, KB Dark Hour, KB Planet Earth, KB Lace Nightgown, KB The Silent Night, KB Nosy Neighbor, KB Bubblegum, KB Freezer Burn, KB Hold the Phone, KB Jellybean, KB Jukebox, KB Starlight, KB Broken Apart, KB Push Over, KB Sandy Shorts, KB Love It Down, KB Pink Lipgloss, KB When Pigs Fly, KB Crazy Town, KB Her Highness, KB Lola Loves Me, KB Scared Straight, KB Write It On A Post It, KB Wiggle Worm, KB Saucey Lady, KB RiceaRoni, KB Pasta For Two, KB Ninja Power, KB Moonlight Falls, KB Maker Factory, KB Hot Tamale, KB Fancy Footwork, KB Cheetah Rita, KB Stylographic, KB Snowballin, KB Shot In The Dark, KB All Aboard, KB Troubled Soul, KB Delicate Soul, KB ABC Doodles, KB Grandeur, KB Turning Gears, KB Queeny Me, KB A Stitchin Time, KB Pop The Bubbly, KB Quipster, KB Cloudy Day, KB Noodle Monster, KB Out Of Towner, KB Ribbons and Bows, KB Skittled, KB You've Been Spotted, KB You're Just My Type, KB Bonjour Sweetheart, KB Curious Soul, KB Framework, KB Push, KB Washi, KB Camp Out, KB Chatter Box, KB Lime Light, KB Kinder Write Bold, KB Ruffled Feathers, KB So Thinteresting (+Bold), KB Sunshine Bold, KB Swirl N Twirl.

Typefaces from 2014: KBCallMe, KBNeiledIt, KBNowWalkItOut, KBRacecars, KBReallyDnealie, KBTheFlowerFarm, KBTwoLovers, KBHabitsCanBeBroken, KBInterestingZebra, KBLikePinkStars, KBOneBigScrape, KBQuietStories, KBRadioWatcher, KBSecretPassage, KBSourdoughBread, KBSquishyBlanket, KBStickToThePlan, KBTropicalVACATION, KBWalkingontheTable, KBWanderAround, KGSummerSunshineBlackout, KGSummerSunshineShadow, KGSummerSunshine.

Typefaces from 2016: KB Balloon Animal, KB Bus Stop, KB Caterpillar, KB Darling MG, KB Expansive, KB Mommy Dearest, KB Mosaic, KB Play Date, KB Swifty, KB The Little Fella, KB Warm Her Up.

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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Children's handwriting fonts ⦿ Type scene in Florida ⦿ iFontMaker fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Typefaces for stitching ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Mosaic typefaces ⦿

file name: Khrys Bosland K B J Miso Soup 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Moonlight Falls 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Mosaic 2016

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Ninja Power 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Dunk Tank 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Radio Watcher 2014

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Radio Wizard 2014

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Stick To The Plan 2014

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Tropical Vacation 2014

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Cheetah Rita 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Cheetah Rita 2013c

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Lime Light 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Fun House 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Jumping Jelly Beans 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Radio Wizard 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Bonjour Sweetheart 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Stylographic 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B A B C Doodles 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B A Stitchin Time 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Curious Soul 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Jukebox 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Starlight 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Youre Just My Type 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Swirl N Twirl 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Push 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Block Party 2012

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Brainy Skeleton 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Googley Eyes 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Peppy 2012

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Ruffled Feathers 2013

file name: Khrys Bosland K B Ruffled Feathers 2013b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html