TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:29:34 EDT 2025







Pixel font specialist who created these pixel typefaces using FontStruct in 2013: fs Inspira 2 (pixel face), fs Mikibit, FS Tacticalreminds, FS Terc.butyl (slab serif), Fin Competition, Opipik's Caps, Stencil, Cond, Alter Ego, Anakin, Nonsense Remix, Simple, Fluid PX (pixelish), Fluid, Shamewriting (wide techno face), The FS Ion (stencil), Opirus Semi-Serif, Launching a similar one, F Serif Q, Opirus OPIK, Sans Tai Na, Leftleaning, FSPx Kayah D70, 1234 Font, Random Regular.

Other typefaces made in 2013 include fs Logo, fs Mansion, fs Kismet, LASO Serif, fs Ad, fs Groszak's Dreams, fs Road Sans, fs Connet (retro automotive script), fs Large, fs Mico, fs Use, fs By, fs Part, fs Strongness, fs Permutoo 1 through 7 (op-art), fs Ethstruct, fs Ais (wood type simulation), fs Eng (like fs Ais), fs 01, fs Jim Jam (sencil), fs Sor, fs Nothing (blackletter), Anakin Mono (a sci-fi face), Shaak Sans, LASO Serif, 42 Stencil, 42 Sten Grid (kitchen tile face), 42 Bold (piano key face), 42 Sten Vert, Sten Bold Vert, 42 Light Vert, 42 Bold Vert, 42 Light Grid, 42 Cond, 42 Light, 42 Black, Iont Slab (monospaced), Experiment Elongated Ears, Pixel Old English, Check It, Trifolium Stencil (like a Bauhaus stencil), Avatars New, Shaakmono, and Better Sans.

Typefaces from 2014 include fs Pixalic (a great textured typeface), fs Weighted, fs Monital, fs Pixnod Serif, fs Gaelpix, fs Jenson 1 (+Italic), fs Hand2, fs Wood Type 1, fs135 Opinno Serif, fs135 Inno Huge, fs Dotnudge Biggerterm, fs Nudgershoots, fx 8x6, fs Eng, fs Streetsign, fs Fassyrian, fs Apjop, fs Jenson 1, fs Stenserife, fs Recover, fs Lapa 1 Bold, fs Dotital, fs Lapa 1, fs Hikinspot, fs Geofut, fs Samil, fs Pxalic, fs Stdb Regular, fs Papeda, fs Greekpix, fs Stylized Arpeggios, fs Teimodern, fs My Take on Parsifal 1, fs Samil, fs Eco, fs Dotmatrix Serif Mono, fs Dotmatrix Sans, fs Uahkoch, fs Fluffy, fs Computer Says No Mild Italic, fs Paseky Ideograms, fs Eatit Bold, fs Mind, fs Switch, fs Dotty Serif, fs Smallmicro, FSerifQ, fs Afterline, fs FontstrFillersMono, fs Four Ideas.

Typefaces from 2-15: fs Konhex.

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Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Sci-Fi fonts ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿ FontStruct fonts ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Kitchen tile fonts ⦿ Piano key typefaces ⦿ Bauhaus and type design ⦿ Op-art Typefaces ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Wood Type ⦿ Textured typefaces ⦿ Hexagonal typefaces ⦿

file name: opipik Shamewriting 2013

file name: opipik fs Dotty Serif 2014

file name: opipik fs Pixalic 2014

file name: opipik fs Monital 2014

file name: opipik fs Four Ideas 2014

file name: opipik fs micro 2014

file name: opipik fs micro 2014

file name: opipik fs Fonstr Fillers Mono 2014

file name: opipik fs Four Ideas 2014

file name: opipik fs Streetsign 2014

file name: opipik fs Mind 2014

file name: opipik fs Kismet 2013

file name: opipik fs Switch 2014

file name: opipik The F S Ion 2013

file name: opipik fs Ais 2013

file name: opipik fs Jim Jam 2013

file name: opipik fs Permutoo7 2013

file name: opipik fs Sor 2013

file name: opipik fs Strongness 2013

file name: opipik 42 Bold 2013

file name: opipik 42 Stencil 2013

file name: opipik 42 Sten Bold Vert 2013

file name: opipik 42 Sten Grid 2013

file name: opipik F S Tactical Reminds 2013

file name: opipik Stencil 2013

file name: opipik Anakin Mono 2013

file name: opipik Opirus Semi Serif 2013

file name: opipik L A S O Serif 2013

file name: opipik Avatars New 2013

file name: opipik Check It 2013

file name: opipik Shaak Sans 2013

file name: opipik Shaak Mono 2013

file name: opipik Trifolium Stencil 2013

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html