TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:30:03 EDT 2025






Counterpoint Type Studio [Jason Anthony Walcott]

Established in 2013 by Hollywood, CA-based Jason Walcott (formerly operating as JAW Fonts and as Jukebox Type), b. 1971, Michigan, Counterpoint Type Studio started marketing fonts in that same year. The first batch included India Ink (2013), Raspberry Jam (a delightfully curly vampire script), Profiterole (a feminine pastry shop script), and Califunkia (pure psychedelia), and Domani CP (a faithful digital revival of an old photo-typositing typeface called ITC Didi. Originally designed by Herb Lubalin and Tom Carnese, Domani brings to life a font that has been somewhat neglected by the digital era until now).

In 2014, he added Swashington.

In 2015, he designed Plectrum CP (a Peignotian sans typeface family with very large x-height). Later in 2015, he set up Jukebox Collection.

Typefaces from 2016: Schmalfette CP. He writes: SchmalfetteCP is the result of another collaboration between designers Jason Walcott and Rob King. King suggested that Walcott revive this wonderful and somewhat forgotten sans serif typeface from the mid 1950s. Originally designed by Walter Haettenschweiler in 1954, Schmalfette Grotesk was used for many years in the German magazine Twen. The typeface was notoriously hard to acquire at the time and graphic designers in the USA often resorted to cutting letters from the Twen magazines and reusing them in their own designs. Later, when digital type came along several typefaces very similar were created that claimed to be digital revivals of Schmalfette Grotesk. However, they are actually only loosely based on the original. The proportions are different and in some cases a lower case was added. The original font was all caps.

Counterpoint Type Studio
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Psychedelic types ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Type scene in Michigan ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Curly typefaces ⦿

file name: Counter Point Type Studio Schmalfette C P 2016 196173

file name: Counter Point Type Studio Schmalfette C P 2016 196175

file name: Counter Point Type Studio Schmalfette C P 2016 196176

file name: Counter Point Type Studio Schmalfette C P 2016 196177

file name: Counter Point Type Studio Schmalfette C P 2016 196178

file name: Counter Point Type Studio Schmalfette C P 2016 196170

file name: Counter Point Type Studio Schmalfette C P 2016

file name: Jason Walcott Califunkia 2013

file name: Jason Walcott Califunkia 2013b

file name: Jason Walcott Califunkia 2013

file name: Jason Walcott Califunkia 2013h

file name: Jason Walcott Plectrum C P 2015

file name: Jason Walcott Plectrum C P 2015a

file name: Jason Walcott Plectrum C P 2015b

file name: Jason Walcott Swashington 2014

file name: Jason Walcott Swashington 2014b

file name: Jason Walcott Swashington 2014c

file name: Jason Anthony Walcott Domani C P 2013 after Herb Lubalin Tom Carnase I T C Didi

file name: Jason Anthony Walcott Domani C P 2013 after Herb Lubalin Tom Carnase I T C Didi

file name: Jason Anthony Walcott Domani C P 2013 after Herb Lubalin Tom Carnase I T C Didi

file name: Jason Anthony Walcott India Ink 2013

file name: Jason Anthony Walcott India Ink 2013b

file name: Jason Walcott Kon Tiki Hula J F 2002

file name: Jason Walcott Kon Tiki Kona J F 2002

file name: Jason Walcott Kon Tiki Lounge J F 2002

file name: Jason Walcott Kon Tiki Trader J F 2002

file name: Jason Walcott Profiterole 2013

file name: Jason Walcott Profiterole 2013b

file name: Jason Walcott Profiterole 2013

file name: Jason Walcott Raspberry Jam 2013

file name: Jason Walcott Raspberry Jam 2013b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html