TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:15:32 EST 2025






Helsinki Type Studio [Niklas Ekholm]

Finnish commercial type foundry, est. 2013 by Niklas Ekholm, Juho Hiilivirta, Jungmyung Lee and Jaakko Suomalainen. The typefaces:

  • Absolution (2016, by Niklas Ekholm). Experimental: Absolution is a pseudorandom typeface for holy scriptures and an ecclesiastical punishment.
  • Adult Antiqua (2013). A severe wedge serif by Niklas Ekholm.
  • Bastard Semibold (2012, by Jungmyung Lee).
  • Bookish Book (2011, by Niklas Ekholm).
  • Finlandica (2015, by Juho Hiilivirta, Niklas Ekholm and Jaakko Suomalainen). A free custom typeface. Finlandica was commissioned by the Prime Minister's Office as part of a visual identity for Finland. They write: Ink traps like cuts from a blunt ax, makes the typeface reliable in small sizes and gives it character in large headlines. Like the Finnhorse it's a breed suitable both as riding horse and workhorse. Free download. This font is sometimes referred to as the Suomi 100 font, as it was created for the 100th birthday of Finland.
  • HTS One and HTS One Mono (2016, by Niklas Ekholm and Jaakko Suomalainen). Techno.
  • Leighton (2012, by Niklas Ekholm).
  • Mignon (2011, by Niklas Ekholm).
  • Mogul (2012, by Juho Hiilivirta).
  • Nils (2011-2014, by Niklas Ekholm).
  • Railo Thin (2017, by Juho Hiilivirta). A widely monospaced typeface.
  • Relevant Regular (2011, by Niklas Ekholm and Jaakko Suomalainen).
  • Rodham (2016, by Juho Hiilivirta).
  • Scarla (by Jungmyung Lee).
  • Tyrant (2012, by Juho Hiilivirta).

Helsinki Type Studio
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ The Finnish type scene ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿ Experimental type ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿

file name: Niklas Ekholm Adult Antiqua Bold 2013

file name: Niklas Ekholm Jaakko Suomalainen H T S One Mono 2016

file name: Niklas Ekholm Absolution 2016

file name: Niklas Ekholm Absolution Five 2016

file name: Niklas Ekholm Absolution Regular 2016

file name: Jungmyung Lee Scarla

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Mogul Medium 2012

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Mogul Medium 2012b

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Tyrant 2015

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Tyrant 2015b

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Railo Thin 2017

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Rodham 2016

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Rodham Black 2016

file name: Helsinki Type Studio Finlandica 2021

file name: Helsinki Type Studio Finlandica 2021

file name: Helsinki Type Studio Finlandica Bold 2021

file name: Helsinki Type Studio Finlandica Regular 2021

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Niklas Ekholm Jaakko Suomalainen Finlandica 2015

file name: Juho Hiilivirta Niklas Ekholm Jaakko Suomalainen Finlandica 2015b

file name: Jungmyung Lee Bastard Semibold 2012

file name: Niklas Ekholm Jaakko Suomalainen Relevant Regular 2011

file name: Niklas Ekholm Bookish Book 2012

file name: Niklas Ekholm Bookish Book 2012b

file name: Niklas Ekholm Bookish Book 2012c

file name: Niklas Ekholm Leighton Medium 2012

file name: Niklas Ekholm Leighton Medium 2012c

file name: Niklas Ekholm Mignon Bold 2011

file name: Niklas Ekholm Mignon Book 2011

file name: Niklas Ekholm Nils Medium 2018

file name: Niklas Ekholm Nils Bold 2011

file name: Niklas Ekholm Nils Regular 2011

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html