TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:16:09 EST 2025






Matthew Anderson

Or Matthew Hinders-Anderson. Climate activist and lead designer for 350.org. His abridged CV in his own words: Born in Columbus, Ohio. Played with Legos. Loved to draw. Played drums in a high school band. Started messing around in Photoshop. Became a vegetarian. Studied green architecture at Western College (Oxford, OH). Discovered that making posters and websites was more fun than building models. Moved to Washington DC to intern at Free Range. Moved to San Francisco to work for 350. Made some good friends. Ate too many burritos. Moved to Brooklyn for the hell of it.

In 2014, Matthew created the free sans typeface family Klima for the climate movement: Klima is my version of a more relaxed DIN: slightly wider, with a similar geometric foundation but more plainspoken. In three weights with obliques, free for non-commercial, non-climate denial use. It is exquisite and quite good, except perhaps that the italics are just obliques (slanted romans).

In 2015, he made OCR-B, extending Adrian Frutiger's 1968 design towards more languages (by adding accents of all sorts) and making the weight lighter.

The all caps sans typeface Graph was used in websites, signs and posters for the 2014 People's Climate March in New York City. It is designed to be a display-oriented companion to Klima. It was inspired by typefaces like DIN 1451 Engschrift, Tungsten and Trade Gothic Bold Condensed.

In 2015, Graph was supplemented with Graph Paris in view of the major U.N. climate conference in Paris. It is characterized by the curvy elliptical A, V and W.

  • Graph FF Condensed (2017). A flat-sided, condensed display face, good for headlines and titles. Originally created for the Fossil Free project identity. Includes icons from the Fossil Free icons set.
  • Katwijk Mono (2018).
  • Folsom (2018). Matthew writes: Wide, chunky, and super-double-extra-bold. Modern, but with a little bit of that old-time wood type flavor. Great for giant, unignorable headlines. Probably horrible for paragraphs or fine print. Originally created for the 'RISE' mass climate action happening around the Global Climate Action Summit in 2018.
    Matthew Anderson
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    Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type scene in Ohio ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ DIN ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ OCR fonts ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph 2014

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph 2014a

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph 2014b

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph 2014c

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph 2014d

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph Paris 2015

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph Paris 2015b

    file name: Matthew Anderson Graph Paris 2015c

    file name: Matthew Anderson O C B 2015

    file name: Matthew Anderson O C B 2015b

    file name: Matthew Anderson Klima 2014

    file name: Matthew Anderson Klima 2014b

    file name: Matthew Anderson Klima 2014c

    file name: Matthew Anderson Klima 2014d

    file name: Matthew Anderson Klima 2014f

    file name: Matthew Anderson Klima 2014g

    file name: Matthew Anderson Klima 2014h

    file name: Matthew Hinders Anderson Pic

    Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html