TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:17:15 EST 2025
Sultan Fonts
[Sultan Mohammed Saeed]
Aden, Yemen-based designer of several typeface at Sultan Fonts (est. 2003 by Sultan Mohammed Saeed), which is run by Sultan Maqtari [I do not know the relationship between Sultan M. Saeed and Sultan Maqtari though]. Sultan Mohammed Saeed Noman was born in Aden in 1962. He was the first to computerize Musnad (Old South Arabian Writing System) in Unicode (at the Linguistic Department of the University of California 2007). He developed more than 90 Arabic font between 2000 and 2017. Author of the book Sultan's Fonts (2009). He developed a Naskh typeface that simulates Quran publishing. In addition, he taught graphics at several institutes, such as CISCO, New Horizons, Balfaqih. Typefaces from 2013 until 2014: Nizar (a Latin/Arabic script typeface), Sahareeg, Pumice, SF Change (2012; a cursive typeface for Latin, Arabic, Urdu, and Farsi; an award winner at The 2014 Horouf Type Design Competition; see also SF Change Pro (2020)), Hussein. Typefaces from 2016 include SF Mada. Typefaces from 2017: SF Tobba, SF Old South Arabian, SF Yazan (inspired by oriental kufi and Qairawani kufi), SF Sultan. Typefaces from 2018: Sultan Ruqah (for Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Uthmani, and Kurdish), SF Marwa, SF Droob7 (original from 2014, covering Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Latin), SF Mabsut (an Arabic typeface in the style of Maghribi (Moroccan Mabsut)), SF Saggar (SF Saggar is a Naskh style Arabic typeface that is inspired by an alphabet written by the calligrapher and artist Mohamed Said Al-Saggar in the 1970s to simplify Arabic printing), SF Nizar (2014-2018: a Latin / Arabic Ruqah style typeface based on the handwriting of poet Nizar Qabbani; followed in 2020 by Sultan Nizar Pro), SF Handwriting (a set of school fonts for Latin and Arabic). Typefaces from 2019: SF Abyan (for Arabic, Persian, and Urdu), SF Khaled. Typefaces from 2020: SF Manchit, SF Pumice. Typefaces from 2021: Plain (an 18-style variable Arabic font by Sultan Maqtari), SF News, SF Article (Arabic and Latin). Typefaces from 2022: SF Hussein (a Flintstone font), SF Liberty VF (the variable font versions of SF Liberty), SF Liberty (a workhorse organic sans in 18 static styles). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |