TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:33:01 EDT 2025






Vibrant Types (was: Calligrafiction) [Philip Lammert]

Calligrafiction was a German type foundry that was founded in 2014 by Philip Lammert, who is based in Hamburg. Lammert studied communication design in Düsseldorf, Germany, and Guatemala City. In 2017, he embarked on a Masters program at the HAW Hamburg under the supervision of Jovica Veljovic. Philip's typeface Peter (2014) is a neo-grotesque sans. Very basic, it shows humanist touches in the heavier weights.

In 2018, he published DIN Neue Roman, a serif experiment based on DIN 1451. DIN Neue Roman is part of his 2015 Masters Thesis at HAW Hamburg.

In 2020, he changed the name of his foundry to Vibrant Types. In that same year, Lammert released the dynamic chiseled typeface family Slandic. Slandic includes a variable font.

Typefaces from 2021: Adelbrook (a ten-style humanist text typeface with tapered asymmetric serifs, and an unclosed counter in the lower case b; the italics appear almost brushed; Adelbrook includes two variable fonts).

Vibrant Types (was: Calligrafiction)
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German type scene ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ DIN ⦿ Chiseled fonts ⦿ Variable fonts ⦿

file name: Philip Lammert Adelbrook 2021

file name: Philip Lammert Adelbrook 2021

file name: Philip Lammert Adelbrook 2021

file name: Vibrant Types Adelbrook 2021 1

file name: Vibrant Types Adelbrook 2021 2

file name: Vibrant Types Adelbrook 2021

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020 359944

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020 359946

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020 359947

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020 359948

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020 359949

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020 359950

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020 359951

file name: Vibrant Types Slandic 2020

file name: Calligrafiction D I N Neue Roman 2018 254778

file name: Calligrafiction D I N Neue Roman 2018 254780

file name: Philip Lammert D I N Neue Roman 2018 254776

file name: Calligrafiction D I N Neue Roman 2018 254781

file name: Calligrafiction D I N Neue Roman 2018 254782

file name: Calligrafiction D I N Neue Roman 2018

file name: Philip Lammert Peter 2014b

file name: Philip Lammert Peter 2014c

file name: Philip Lammert Peter 2014d

file name: Philip Lammert Peter 2014e

file name: Philip Lammert Peter Heavy 2014

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html