TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:20:16 EDT 2025






Dan X. Solo -- Solotype: List of typefaces

An alphabetical list of the 135 typefaces in the Solotype digital collection: Acantha, Alaska, Alfereta, Angel, Arcade, Assay, Athena, Atlantis, Bamberg, Bamboo, Bandstand, Banquet, Baraboo Banner, Barbary Coast, Bareback, Behrens Antiqua, Behrens Schrift, Beijing, Benjamin, Berolina, Bindweed, Blue Point, Bordeaux, Brevet, Brussels, Buddha, Cabaret, Campaign, Cathedral, Cheval, Cigar Label, Circlet, Cleopatra, Cognac, Concave Extended, Coney Island, Contract Banner, Crossroads, Dainty Lady, Dangerfield, Dawson, Diablo, Dime Museum, Disco, Donaldina, Dutch Treat, Eastlake, Eccentric, Egyptian Oldstyle, Emperor, Estienne, Eureka Antique, Europa Text, Excelsis, Extravaganza, Fairmont, Fancy Dan, Fandango, Fantan, Farringdon, Fat Face No. 20, Faust Text, Filmstar, Five Star Final, Fletcher, Flo Barnum, French Ionic, Gashouse Gang, Ghost Show, Gilbey, Gladiate, Goodfellow, Grecian, Gretchen, Hansard, Harlem Text, Harmony, Hattan Antique, Hearst Italic, Hearst Roman, Houdini, Hullabaloo, Huntsman, Huron, Illyrian, Kitcat, Lady Cleo, Lord Mayor, Malibu, Manifesto Bold, Mardi Gras Improved, Margie, Marshall, Master Script, Memorial, Minnesota, Minsky, Monument, Moritz, Moulin Rouge, Mozart, Mural, Nadall, Opera House, Pacifica, Palmetto, Paper Lanterns, Pekin, Penelope, Penny Arcade, Quadrille 2, Rigney, Riviera, Roman Forum, Roundhead, Seminary, Sentry, Sparticus, Spearhead, Stamps, Standing Stones, Tally Text, Telegraph, Tourist, Trapeze, Tuscan Gothic, Unique Wood, Valerie, Valjean, Vanities, Vienna, Webster, Welcome, Westmore, Zorro.

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Font names/aliases ⦿ Dan X. Solo ⦿ Circus fonts ⦿ Tuscan fonts ⦿

file name: Dan X Solo Bamberg 2005

file name: Dan X Solo Bamberg 2005b

file name: William F Capitain Alfereta Crescent Type Foundry 1897

file name: Dan X Solo Alfereta 2004 after Crescent Type Foundry 1897

file name: Dan X Solo Dime Museum 2004

file name: Dan Solo Faust 2005 after Bernd Nadall Faust Text 1898

file name: Dan X Solo Huntsman 2015

file name: Dan X Solo Eccentric 2004 based on A T F 1898

file name: Dan X Solo Eccentric 2004 based on Hamilton 1895

file name: Dan X Solo Palmetto 2005 after A D Farmer Palm 1887

file name: Dan X Solo Valjean after Tubbs Co 1900s

file name: Dan X Solo Memorial 2004 after Fredrick Ullmer

file name: Dan X Solo Penny Arcade 1992 after Boston Type Foundry Mural 1890

file name: Dan X Solo Seminary 2005 after Bruce Type Foundry 1885

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html