TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:37:43 EDT 2025






Goudy Text

A textura blackletter typeface designed by Frederic Goudy in 1928. D.J.R. Bruckner: Ultimately, Goudy said, this black face was based on the Gutenberg forty-two-line Bible, via letters he had made for lines in Typographica No. 5 and Elements of Lettering. "My drawings show a trait on the lower-case b, h, k, l, which properly belong only to the l. The trait is a little pointed projection on the left side of the straight stem of the l at the height of the lower-case middles and (I think) was used to differentiate the l from the figure one (1). In my ignorance I put a trait on the other straight ascending stems where it was not needed, a lapse I never expect to live down, although no one, as yet, has called me for it---praise be.

Mac McGrew: Goudy Text or Goudy Black was designed and cut by Goudy in 1928. Its design began with the style of letter in Gutenberg's 42-line Bible, the first printed book, but evolved into a freely rendered Gothic letter (in the old sense), composite in form from various sources. Monotype sought permission to copy the face, and to change the name to Goudy Text, as it is now generally known. Goudy's Lombardic Capitals (q. v.) are designed and cast for use as alternates with this face. The shaded version was added by Monotype. Compare Cloister Black, Engravers Old English.

Digital versions: Goudy Text (Monotype), Goudy Text (Adobe), LTC Goudy Text (Lanston Type Company), Goudy Text CT (CastleType), Opti Goudy Text (Castcraft).

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Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Textura ⦿ Lombardic types ⦿

file name: Adobe Goudy Text 2000

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Goudy Text 2006 124514

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Goudy Text 2006

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Goudy Text 2006

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Goudy Text Lombardic Caps 2006

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Goudy Text Shaded Pro 2006

file name: Monotype Goudy Text 2002

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Text C T 2003 171029

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Text C T 2003 182162

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Text C T 2003

file name: Frederic Goudy Goudy Text 1928

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html