TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:23:26 EST 2025






OS Type [Ofir Shavit]

OS Type is the commercial branch of Israeli type designer Ofir Shavit. Designer in 2016 of OS Aran: Aran typeface is an 8 weights sans-serif font family (No Italics). It is a Latin expansion of the successful Aran Hebrew typeface created a year earlier by Ofir Shavit from OS-Type. Supports eastern Latin languages and Hebrew. Low contrast, a bit condensed, suitable for text and display. Very clean and non dominant appearance.

In 2018, he designed the Hebrew typefaces OS Villi Stens, OS Gibor, OS Egul and OS Zusha, and a wonderful Latin cursive typeface.

OS Type
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Israel ⦿ Hebrew font links ⦿

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Egul 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Egul Bold 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Gibor 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Gibor Bold 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Zusha 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Zusha 2018b

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Zusha 2018c

file name: Ofir Shavit Typeface 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit Typeface 2018b

file name: Ofir Shavit Typeface 2018c

file name: Ofir Shavit Typeface 2018d

file name: Ofir Shavit Typeface 2018e

file name: Ofir Shavit Typeface 2018f

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Villi Stens 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit Villi 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit Villi Stens 2018

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Aran 2016a

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Aran 2016c

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Aran 2016d

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Aran 2016e

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Aran 2016j

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Aran 2016k

file name: Ofir Shavit O S Aran 2016l

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html