TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Jan 20 08:30:56 EST 2025
Programming Fonts
[Koen Lageveen]
Koen Lageveen is a photographer and UX Designer at Peppered in Delft. His pages about programming fonts are wonderful. They include an on-line app for comparing them. Github link, where most of the programming fonts in his study can be downloaded. In 2021, these included agave, anka-coder, anonymous-pro, apl2741, apl385, aurulent, average, b612-mono, bedstead, binchotan-sharp, bitstream-vera, borg-sans-mono, bpmono, bront-dejavu, bront-ubuntu, camingocode, cartograph, cascadia-code, code-new-roman, comic-shanns, consolamono, courier-prime, courier-prime-code, cousine, cozette, cutive, d2coding, daddytimemono, dejavu, dm-mono, droid-sans, edlo, effects-eighty, ellograph, envy-code-r, fairfax, fairfax-hd, fairfax-serif, fantasque-sans, fifteen, fira, firacode, fixedsys, fixedsys-ligatures, font3270, generic, gintronic, gnu-freefont, go-mono, hack, hasklig, hermit, ia-writer-mono, inconsolata, inconsolata-g, iosevka, jetbrainsmono, julia-mono, latin-modern, league, lekton, liberation, lilex, luculent, luxi, mensch, meslo, monoflow, monofur, monoid, mononoki, mplus, nanum-gothic-coding, notcouriersans, noto, nova, office-code-pro, opendyslexic, overpass, oxygen, plex-mono, press-start-2p, profont, proggy-clean, proggy-vector, pt, quinze, recursive-mono-linear, roboto, sax, share-tech, sk-modernist, sometype-mono, source-code-pro, space, sudo, terminus, tex-gyre-cursor, ubuntu, unifont, verily, victor-mono, vt323. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |