TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:23:49 EST 2025






Katja Schimmel

Type designer (b. 1992) based in Essen (and before that, Berlin), Germany. Graduate of Bauhaus University Weimar, and later the TypeMedia program at KABK, class of 2018. Her graduation typeface, Tweak, was released by Future Fonts in 2018. Tweak comes in two groups of styles, Tweak Text and Tweak Display.

After graduation, she became a font engineer at Alphabet-Type in Berlin, and wrked briefly with Grilli Type.

Contributor in 2019 to the variable programming font Recursive Sans+Mono, the brainchild of Stephen Nixon. Github page where we learn that contributors besides Stephen Nixon include Katja Schimmel, Lisa Huang and Rafal Buchner. In 2019, these authors published Recursive as a variable font with five axes: mono, casual, weight, slant and italics. Dedicated page. It will be added to Google Fonts at some point.

Co-designer with Loris Olivier and Noheul Lee of McQueen Superfamily (2020, at Fontwerk), a 20-style sans family. Fontwerk link.

Katja Schimmel
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Variable fonts ⦿ Fonts for programming ⦿

file name: Katja Schimmel Loris Olivier Noheul Lee Mc Queen 2020

file name: Katja Schimmel Loris Olivier Noheul Lee Mc Queen 2020

file name: Katja Schimmel Loris Olivier Noheul Lee Mc Queen 2020

file name: Katja Schimmel Loris Olivier Noheul Lee Mc Queen 2020

file name: Katja Schimmel Loris Olivier Noheul Lee Mc Queen 2020

file name: Katja Schimmel Loris Olivier Noheul Lee Mc Queen 2020

file name: Recursive Design Recursive Sans Mono 2019

file name: Recursive Design Recursive Sans Mono 2019

file name: Recursive Design Recursive Sans Mono 2019

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Tweak 2018

file name: Katja Schimmel Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html