TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:26:29 EDT 2025






bBox Type [Ralph Oliver du Carrois]

Berlin-based type foundry run by Ralph du Carrois and Anja Meiners. Their friends are Jenny du Carrois, Natalie Rauch, Mark Froemberg, and they cooperate with Erik Spiekermann, FontShop, Monotype, (URW)++, Adam Twardoch, Alphabet Type, Okan Tustas, The Fontpad, TN Typography, Mota Italic, Akaki Razmadze, Hasan Abu Afash, Fontef, Lettersoup, and Thomas Maier. As of 2018, their typefaces include:

  • ABeZeh (2016). A school book font family by Anja Meiners.
  • Belbo (2016). A sans by Ralph du Carrois.
  • FingerPaint (2015). By Ralph du Carrois.
  • Fira Sans (2012-2018). By Carrois and Spiekermann, who explain this famous open source typeface: Born in 2012 in close cooperation with Erik Spiekermann. Fira Sans, the little sister of Meta---Erik's famous and worldwide well known typeface. Fira Sans was originally designed as a typeface for the Mozilla OS, Fira Sans has developed towards a standalone OpenSource project. After Mozilla withdrew from the project, we integrated small bug fixes and several requests for the 4.3 release. Additionally, Fira now offers localised features for Hungarian, Serbian, Macedonian and Bulgarian. Especially the locl BGR, which was designed in cooperation with Bulgarian type designers Botio Nikoltchev and Vassil Kateliev, is a real treat. The free typeface family Trujillo (2019) is a fork (a small modification) of Fira Sans by bBox Type GmbH, Carrois Corporate GbR and Edenspiekermann AG.
  • FiraGO (2012-2018). A (free) outgrowth of Fira Sans: In 2016, the geo data provider Here chose Fira Sans as their corporate typeface. Their need for a broader language coverage especially in map applications led them to commission us with a global script extension. Thanks to our great team of designers, consultants and technicians, the project was completed by 2017. Based on the Fira Sans 4.3 glyph set, FiraGO now supports Arabic, Devanagari, Georgian, Hebrew and Thai.
  • Gintronic (2016). A programming font by Mark Froemberg.
  • Gute (2018). A rounded sans by Ralph du Carrois and Anja Meiners.
  • Krikikrak and Krikikrak Dingbats (2016). By Jenny du Carrois.
  • Lonne (2017). By Natalie Rauch.
  • Mamotschka (2017). By Anja Meiners based on her mother's handwriting.
  • Midori (2018). A rounded sans by Ralph du Carrois.
  • Neue Galerie (2017). By Ralph du Carrois who explains: In 2010, together with Anja Knust, we reworked Mies van der Rohe's sketches of the typeface Allzweck. During this interesting and historical project we had to carefully consider when to stick to the original and when to optimise it typographically. See also du Carrois's Allzweck (2012).
  • Quist (2016). A contemporary gothic sans by Ralph du Carrois.
  • Raikka (2016). By Natalie Rauch.

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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Architectural lettering/typefaces ⦿ School fonts ⦿

file name: b Box Carrois Spiekermann Trujillo 2019

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago 2018

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago 2018b

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago 2018c

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago 2018e

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago 2018f

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago Arabic 2018

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago Hebrew 2018

file name: Mozilla Telefonica Carrois Bbox Type Firago Opentype Features 2018

file name: Firago The Team 2018

file name: Firago Poster 2018

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Anja Meiners Gute 2018

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Anja Meiners Gute 2018b

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Anja Meiners Gute 2018c

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Belbo 2016b

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Belbo 2016c

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Fingerpaint 2015

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Midori 2018

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Midori 2018b

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Neue Galerie 2017

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Neue Galerie 2017b

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Quist 2016

file name: Ralph Du Carrois Quist 2016b

file name: Natalie Rauch Lonne 2017

file name: Natalie Rauch Lonne 2017b

file name: Natalie Rauch Raikka 2016

file name: Natalie Rauch Raikka 2016b

file name: Jenny Du Carrois Krikikrak 2016

file name: Mark Fromberg Gintronic 2016

file name: Mark Fromberg Gintronic 2016b

file name: Mark Fromberg Gintronic 2016c

file name: Mark Fromberg Gintronic 2016d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html