TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:40:07 EDT 2025






Hidetaka Yamasaki

Graduate of Kyoto University and the the University of Reading's MATD program. Hidetaka Yamasaki (Japan) designed several typefaces:

  • Clare. A clean and clear typeface ideal for journals, such as newspapers and magazines. It covers Latin and Thai.
  • Carl Marx. A geometric but warm rounded typeface based on a sketch drawn by a German painter who studied at Bauhaus, Carl Marx (1911-1991). It was published in 2018 in the Adobe Originals collection. Adobe writes: This typeface is based on lettering by Carl Marx (1911-1991), designed during his first semester at the Bauhaus in Joost Schmidt?s class, in 1932. Although the letter proportions are based on Schmidt's teachings, the forms are not constructed from compass and ruler, but drawn with brush and marker, lending the words a warm and lively touch. Hidetaka Yamasaki redrew the letters from scratch and added all missing characters for today's needs. A set of hanging figures, alternates for some critical letterforms (such as f, r, and t) as well as several ligatures make CarlMarx especially suitable for use in body text. As suggested by Marx, Yamasaki captured two weights from the original drawing and perfectly adjusted light and bold to highlight words and create hierarchy in headlines without losing or adding space. True to the original, Yamasaki captured the wobbly contour in CarlMarx, preserving warmth in the condensed geometric style of the early 1930s.
  • Sandberg Grotesque. A quirky typeface based on a black face used in Willem Sandberg's catalogues in 1950s; outstanding feature of tapering serves for display use, but will disappear in small size to turn out a useful text typeface.
  • Stylus. A simple, slightly lively text typeface for matching Latin with Arabic in small size.
  • Rudolph. A typeface for greeting cards and picture books, a three-day project as the first assignment of the MATD.
  • Luke (2019, The Northern Block). In the style of Caslon's English Blackletter (a textura), and named after the Caslon family tomb in the churchyard of St Luke Old Street in London.

Hidetaka Yamasaki
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Bauhaus and type design ⦿ Type design in Japan ⦿ Typefaces and type design for Arabic ⦿ Thai fonts ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Textura ⦿

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019 314828

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file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019 314834 002

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019 314835 002

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019 314836

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke Thick 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Luke Thin 2019

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Carl Marx 2018 after Carl Marx

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Carl Marx 2018 after Carl Marx

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Carl Marx 2018 after Carl Marx

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Carl Marx 2018 after Carl Marx

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Typeface 2018 after Carl Marx

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Typeface 2018 after Carl Marx

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018 Portrait 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Clare 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Rudolph 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Rudolph 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Rudolph 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Sandberg Grotesque 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Sandberg Grotesque 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Sandberg Grotesque 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Sandberg Grotesque 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Stylus 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Stylus 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Stylus 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Stylus 2018

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki 2018 Pic

file name: Hidetaka Yamasaki Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html