TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:41:10 EDT 2025






The Oldschool PC Font Resource [VileR]

A pixel font designer, who describes his site as follows: Home of the world's biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles. The pixel fonts are free, and have prefixes like Pxplus and Px437. The designer is VileR. Most fonts are dated ca. 2015. The list of 105 fonts, as of 2019: AMI BIOS 8x8, AMI BIOS-2y 8x16, AmstradPC1512 8x8, AmstradPC1512-2y 8x16, AT&T PC6300 8x16, AT&T PC6300-2x 16x16, ATI 8x14 8x14, ATI 8x16 8x16, ATI 8x8 8x8, ATI 8x8-2y 8x16, ATI 9x14 9x14, ATI 9x16 9x16, ATI SmallW 6x8, CompaqThin 8x14, CompaqThin 8x16, CompaqThin 8x8, DTK BIOS 8x8, DTK BIOS-2y 8x16, IBM 3270pc 9x14, IBM BIOS 8x8, IBM BIOS-2x 16x8, IBM BIOS-2y 8x16, IBM CGA 8x8, IBM CGA-2y 8x16, IBM CGAthin 8x8, IBM CGAthin-2y 8x16, IBM Conv 8x8, IBM Conv-2x 16x8, IBM Conv-2y 8x16, IBM EGA8 8x14, IBM EGA8-2x 16x14, IBM EGA9 9x14, IBM EGA9-2x 18x14, IBM ISO8 8x16, IBM ISO9 9x16, IBM MDA 9x14, IBM PGC 8x16, IBM PGC-2x 16x16, IBM PS/2thin1 8x16, IBM PS/2thin2 8x16, IBM PS/2thin3 8x16, IBM PS/2thin4 8x16, IBM VGA8 8x16, IBM VGA8-2x 16x16, IBM VGA9 9x16, IBM VGA9-2x 18x16, ITT BIOS 8x8, ITT BIOS-2y 8x16, Kaypro2K 8x8, Kaypro2K-2y 8x16, Phoenix BIOS 8x8, Phoenix BIOS-2y 8x16, PhoenixEGA 8x14 8x14, PhoenixEGA 8x16 8x16, PhoenixEGA 8x8 8x8, PhoenixEGA 8x8-2y 8x16, PhoenixEGA 9x14 9x14, TandyNew 225 8x9, TandyNew 225-2y 8x18, TandyNew Mono 9x14, TandyNew TV 8x8, TandyNew TV-2y 8x16, TandyOld 225 8x9, TandyOld 225-2y 8x18, TandyOld TV 8x8, TandyOld TV-2y 8x16, ToshibaLCD 8x16 8x16, ToshibaLCD 8x8 8x8, Verite 8x14 8x14, Verite 8x16 8x16, Verite 8x8 8x8, Verite 8x8-2y 8x16, Verite 9x14 9x14, Verite 9x16 9x16, VGA SquarePx 8x19 VTech BIOS 8x8, VTech BIOS-2y 8x16, Wyse700a 16x16, Wyse700a-2y 16x32, Wyse700b 16x16, Wyse700b-2y 16x32.

Typefaces from 2021: Flexi IBM VGA.

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Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿

file name: Vile R Flexi I B M V G A True 2021

file name: Vile R Px Plus I B M E G A9 2015

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html