Luc's library has now opened its web doors to all McGill University students. The library is in fact my office (room 300N, McConnell Engineering Building), and the books are a subset of my private collection. Any McGill student may borrow any book at any time!
J. Adamek
| Foundations of Coding [Google]
John Wiley,
1991. |
David Applebaum
| Probability and Information An Integrated Approach Second Edition [Google]
Cambridge University Press,
2008. |
John Baylis
| Error-Correcting Codes [Google]
1998. |
T.C. Bell
J.G. Cleary
I.H. Witten
| Text Compression [Google]
Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
1989. |
D.P. Bertsekas
R.G. Gallager
| Data Networks [Google]
Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
1987. |
Juergen Bierbrauer
| Introduction to Coding Theory [Google]
Chapman & Hall,
Boca Raton, FL,
2005. |
Ian F. Blake
Ronald C. Mullin
| An Introduction to Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory [Google]
Academic Press,
New York,
1976. |
Francine Blanchet-Sadri
| Algorithmic Combinatorics on Partial Words [Google]
Chapman & Hall,
Boca Raton, FL,
2008. |
C.W. Brown
B.J. Shepherd
| Graphics File Formats [Google]
Manning Publications Company,
Greenwich, CT,
1995. |
G.J. Chaitin
| Information, Randomness and Incompleteness (2nd ed) [Google]
World Scientific,
1990. |
Gregory J. Chaitin
| Exploring Randomness [Google]
2001. |
G. Cohen
I. Honkala
S. Litsyn
A. Lobstein
| Covering Codes [Google]
1998. |
Thomas M. Cover
Joy A. Thomas
| Elements of Information Theory Second Edition [Google]
John Wiley,
New York,
2005. |
T.M. Cover
J.A. Thomas
| Elements of Information Theory [Google]
John Wiley,
New York,
1991. |
I. Csiszár
J. Körner
| Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems (reprint) [Google]
Academic Press,
Orlando, FL,
1986. |
Imre Csiszar
Paul C. Shields
| Information Theory And Statistics: A Tutorial [Google]
Now Publishers Inc,
Hanover, MA,
2004. |
Imre Csiszár
Gyula O.H. Katona
Gábor Tardos (eds.)
| Entropy, Search, Complexity [Google]
János Bolyai Mathematical Society,
2007. |
Imre Csiszár
Gyula O.H. Katona
Gábor Tardos (eds.)
| Entropy, Search, Complexity [Google]
János Bolyai Mathematical Society,
2007. |
Amir Dembo
Ofer Zeitouni
| Large Deviations Techniques and Applications (Second Edition) [Google]
New York,
1998. |
Yuval Fisher (ed)
| Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis [Google]
New York,
1998. |
Brendan J. Frey
| Graphical Models for Machine Learning and Digital Communication [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
1998. |
R.G. Gallager
| Information Theory and Reliable Communication [Google]
John Wiley,
New York,
1968. |
R.M. Gray
| Entropy and Information Theory [Google]
Springer Verlag,
New York,
1990. |
R.W. Hamming
| Coding and Information Theory [Google]
Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
1980. |
D. Hankerson
G.A. Harris
P.D. Johnson
| Introduction to Information Theory and Data Compression [Google]
CRC Press,
Boca Raton,
1998. |
D. Hankerson
G.A. Harris
P.D. Johnson
| Introduction to Information Theory and Data Compression [Google]
CRC Press,
Boca Raton,
1998. |
D. Hankerson
D.G. Hoffman
D.A. Leonard
C.C. Lindner
K.T. Phelps
C.A. Rodger
J.R. Wall
| Coding Theory and Cryptography. The Essentials [Google]
Marcel Dekker,
New York,
2000. |
Darrel R. Hankerson
Greg A. Harris
Peter D. Johnson, Jr.
| Introduction to Information Theory and Data Compression, Second Edition [Google]
Chapman and Hall/CRC,
Boca Raton,
2003. |
Te Sun Han
| Information-Spectrum Methods in Information Theory [Google]
2003. |
Raymond Hill
| A First Course in Coding Theory [Google]
Clarendon Press,
1986. |
W. Cary Huffman
Vera Pless
| Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes [Google]
Cambridge University Press,
2003. |
Jørn Justesen
Tom Høholdt
| A Course in Error-Correcting Codes [Google]
European Mathematical Society,
2004. |
Solomon Kullback
| Information Theory and Statistics [Google]
Dover Publications,
Minneola, New York,
1957. |
Tamás Linder
Gábor Lugosi
| Bevezetés az Információelméletbe [Google]
1990. |
San Ling
Chaoping Xing
| Coding Theory a First Course [Google]
Cambridge University Press,
2004. |
F. MacWilliams
N. Sloane
| The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes [Google]
1988. |
Marc Mézard
Andrea Montanari
| Information, Physics, and Computation [Google]
Oxford University Press,
New York,
2009. |
J.D. Murray
W. van Ryper
| Graphics File Formats, 2nd Ed [Google]
O'Reilly and Associates,
1996. |
M. Nelson
| The Data Compression Book [Google]
M&T Books,
Redwood City, CA,
1991. |
Harald Niederreiter (ed.)
| Coding Theory and Cryptology [Google]
Singapore University Press,
2002. |
Dénes Petz
| Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Statistics [Google]
Berlin / Heidelberg,
2008. |
V. Pless
| Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes [Google]
John Wiley,
New York,
1989. |
Oliver Pretzel
| Error-Correcting Codes and Finite Fields, Student Edition [Google]
Clarendon Press,
1992. |
Oliver Pretzel
| Codes and Algebraic Curves [Google]
Clarendon Press,
1998. |
Maxim Raginsky
Igal Sasson
| Concentration of Measure Inequalities in Information Theory, Communications and Coding Second Edition [Google]
Delft, The Netherlands,
2014. |
J. Rissanen
| Sochastic Complexity in Statistical Inquiry [Google]
World Books,
1989. |
David Salomon
| Data Compression [Google]
New York,
1998. |
J.A. Storer
| Data Compression: Methods and Theory [Google]
Computer Science Press,
Rockville, MD,
1988. |
T.M. Thompson
| From Error-Correcting Codes throught Sphere Packings to Simple Groups [Google]
The Mathematical Association of America,
Washington, D.C.,
1983. |
Roberto Togneri
Christopher J.S. deSilva
| Fundamentals of Information Theory and Coding Design [Google]
Chapman and Hall/CRC,
Boca Raton,
2002. |
J.F. Traub
G.W. Wasilkowski
H. Wozniakowski
| Information-Based Complexity [Google]
Academic Press,
San Diego,
1988. |
Antonia M. Tulino
Sergio Verdú
| Random Matrix Theory and Wireless Communications [Google]
Now Publishers,
Hanover, MA,
2004. |
Antonia M. Tulino
Sergio Verdú
| Random Matrix Theory and Wireless Communications [Google]
Now Publishers,
Hanover, MA,
2004. |
S. Verdú (ed)
| Information Theory Commemorative Issue 1948-1998 [Google]
Piscataway, NJ,
1998. |
Peter Walters
| An Introduction to Ergodic Theory [Google]
New York,
1982. |
R. Williams
| Adaptive Data Compression [Google]
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
1990. |
J. Wolfowitz
| Coding Theorems of Information Theory [Google]
1961. |
J. Wolfowitz
| Coding Theorems of Information Theory [Google]
1964. |