Luc's library has now opened its web doors to all McGill University students. The library is in fact my office (room 300N, McConnell Engineering Building), and the books are a subset of my private collection. Any McGill student may borrow any book at any time!
Laurence Abbott
Terrence J. Sejnowski (eds)
| Neural Codes and Distributed Representations Foundations of Neural Computation [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
1999. |
J.A. Anderson
E. Rosenfeld (eds)
| Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research [Google]
MIT Press,
1988. |
M. Anthony
P.L. Bartlett
| Neural Network Learning: Theoretical Foundations [Google]
Cambridge University Press,
1999. |
M. Anthony
| Discrete Mathematics of Neural Networks Selected Topics [Google]
2001. |
M. A. Arbib (ed.)
| The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
1998. |
Benedikt Bauer
| Statistische Aspekte der Schätzung von Ersatzmodellen und des Deep Learnings in hohen Dimensionen [Google]
Darmstadt, Germany,
2017. |
Christopher M. Bishop
| Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning [Google]
New York,
2006. |
C.M. Bishop
| Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition [Google]
Clarendon Press,
1995. |
C.M. Bishop
| Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition [Google]
Clarendon Press,
1995. |
G.A. Carpenter
S. Grossberg (eds)
| Pattern Recognition by self-Organizing Neural Networks [Google]
MIT Press,
1988. |
A. Cichocki
R. Unbehauen
| Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing [Google]
John wiley,
1993. |
Eduardo Bayro Corrochano
| Handbook of Geometric Computing [Google]
2005. |
N. Cristianini
J. Shawe-Taylor
| An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-Based Learning Methods [Google]
Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK,
2000. |
Nelio Cristianini
John Shawe-Taylor
| An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-Based Learning Methods [Google]
Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK,
2000. |
L. Devroye
L. Györfi
G. Lugosi
| A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition [Google]
New York,
1996. |
Thomas G. Dietterich
Suzanna Becker
Zoubin Ghahramani (eds)
| Neural Information Processing Systems 14 Volume 2 [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
2002. |
Thomas G. Dietterich
Suzanna Becker
Zoubin Ghahramani (eds)
| Neural Information Processing Systems 14 Volume 1 [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
2002. |
D. Graupe
| Principles of Artificial Neural Networks [Google]
World Scientific Publishing Co.,
1997. |
Ralf Herbrich
| Learning Kernel Classifiers Theory and Algorithms [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
2002. |
J. Hertz
A. Krogh
R.G. Palmer
| Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation [Google]
Redwood City, CA,
1991. |
D. Husmeier
| Neural Networks for Conditional Probability Estimation [Google]
1999. |
Alan Hutchinson
| Algorithmic Learning [Google]
Clarendon Press,
1994. |
Michael I. Jordan (ed)
| Learning in Graphical Models [Google]
MIT Press,
1999. |
P.U. Lima
G.N. Saridis
| Design of Intelligent Control Systems based on Hierarchical Stochastic Automata [Google]
World Scientific Publishing Co.,
1996. |
M. Mozer
M. Jordan
T. Petsche (eds.)
| Neural Information Processing Systems [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
1997. |
R.M. Neal
| Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks [Google]
New York,
1996. |
R.M. Neal
| Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks [Google]
New York,
1996. |
Sarunas Raudys
| Statistical and Neural Classifiers [Google]
2001. |
A.F. Rocha
| Neural Nets [Google]
1992. |
Robert E. Schapire
Yoav Freund
| Boosting Fondations and Algorithms [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
2012. |
Robert E. Schapire
Yoav Freund
| Boosting Fondations and Algorithms (Paperback Edition) [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
2014. |
W.F. Schmidt
| Neural Pattern Classifying Systems (Ph.D. dissertation) [Google]
Technical University of Delft,
Delft, The Netherlands,
1994. |
B. Schölkopf
C.J.C. Burges
A.J. Smola (eds)
| Advances in Kernel Methods Support Vector Learning [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
1999. |
Bernhard Schölkopf
Alexander J. Smola
| Learning with Kernels [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
2002. |
J. Schürmann
| Pattern Classification: A Unified View of Statistical and Neural Approaches [Google]
John Wiley,
New York,
1996. |
I.K. Sethi
A.K. Jain (eds)
| Artificial Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern Recognition [Google]
North Holland,
1991. |
J. Shawe-Taylor
N. Cristianini
| Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis [Google]
Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK,
2004. |
D.M. Skapura
| Building Neural Networks [Google]
ACM Press,
New York,
1996. |
A.J. Smola
P.L. Bartlett
B. Schölkopf
D. Schuurmans(eds)
| Advances in Large Margin Classifiers [Google]
MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA,
2000. |
J.A.K. Suykens
J.P.L. Vandewalle
B.L.R. De Moor
| Artificial Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Non-Linear Systems [Google]
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
1996. |
Johan Suykens
Gábor Horváth
Sankar Bau
Charles Micchelli
Joos Vandewalle (eds)
| Advances in Learning Theory: Methods, Models and Applications [Google]
IOS Press,
2003. |
S. Thiria
Y. Lechevallier
O. Gascuel
S. Canu
| Statistique et méthodes neuronales [Google]
1997. |
V. Torre
J. Nicholls
| Neural Circuits and Networks [Google]
New York,
1998. |
A.J.F. van Rooij
L.C. Jain
R.P. Johnson
| Neural Network Training using Genetic Algorithms [Google]
World Scientific Publishing Co.,
1996. |
Vladimir Vapnik
| Statistical Learning Theory [Google]
John Wiley,
New York,
1998. |
V.N. Vapnik
| The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory [Google]
New York,
1995. |
V.N. Vapnik
| The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory (2nd ed) [Google]
New York,
2000. |
P. Whittle
| Neural Nets and Chaotic Carriers [Google]
John Wiley,
1998. |
Kwok-Yee Michael Wong
Irwin King
Dit-Yan Yeung (eds)
| Theoretical Aspects of Neural Computation [Google]
1998. |