MyFonts: 1890s
Luc Devroye School of Computer Science McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6
Great Bromwich [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Helenium [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Caslon Antique [URW++]
Asteroid Primo SG [Spiece Graphics]
Beverly Shores Script SG [Spiece Graphics]
Caslon Antique [GroupType]
Caslon Antique VL [Mecanorma Collection]
P22 Morris [P22]
Wolvercote [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Devinne Ornament [URW++]
Charter Oak [URW++]
Farringdon [Solotype]
Devinne [URW++]
Bank Script SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
FM Aloysius [FontMeister]
Romana [URW++]
Florentine [URW++]
Baraboo Banner [Solotype]
Phinney Jenson [HiH]
Adantine [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Regina Cursiv [HiH]
Bromwich [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Penny Arcade [Solotype]
P22 Kilkenny [IHOF]
Zinc Italian SG [Spiece Graphics]
Caslon Antique EF [Elsner+Flake]
Morris [HiH]
Ornaments of Paris [Outside the Line]
Gable Antique Condensed SG [Spiece Graphics]
Engravers DT [DTP Types]
Wolverhampton [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Excelsis [Solotype]
Bank Script [URW++]
Edison Swirl SG [Spiece Graphics]
Bradley [profonts]
Art Nouveau SCF [Scholtz Fonts]
MVB Peccadillo [MVB]
Edison [HiH]
Alaska [Solotype]
Arcade [Solotype]
Gaiety Girl [HiH]
Fleurons of Paris [Outside the Line]
Ronaldson [Canada Type]
Schnorr Gestreckt [HiH]
Kunstler Grotesk [HiH]
Mulier Moderne [HiH]
Goodfellow [Solotype]
Hispania Script [HiH]
Petrarka [HiH]
Edelgotisch [HiH]
Blue Point [Solotype]
Romana [Bitstream]
Cleopatra [Solotype]
Romana EF [Elsner+Flake]
Nantucket [Bogusky 2]
Diablo [Solotype]
Valerie [Solotype]
Crossroads [Solotype]
Acantha [Solotype]
Brussels [Solotype]
Patent Reclame [HiH]
Alfereta [Solotype]
Brevet [Solotype]
Romana [Tilde]
Gaisma Latin [Lamatas un Slazdi]
Novelty Script [HiH]
FM Secessionist [FontMeister]
Gaisma [Lamatas un Slazdi]
DeVinne Ornamental [Linotype]
Caslon Antique [Linotype]
Engravers Bold Face [Monotype Imaging]
Caslon Antique [Monotype Imaging]
Caslon Antique [FontHaus]
Romana [Linotype]
Macbeth [Linotype]
Engravers Bold Face [Linotype]
Engravers LH [Adobe]