TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on 2013-05-02
MyFonts: Anime typefaces
Written by Luc Devroye McGill University Montreal, Canada lucdevroye@gmail.com http://luc.devroye.org Up to main font page Up to main font index page
Nikona [Andinistas]
Mr. Jenkins [Lindstrom Design]
Robofan [Cesar Puertas]
VideoTech [The Northern Block]
JLS Data Gothic [Fontry West]
CorTen [The Northern Block]
WILD2 Ghixm [Fontry West]
Zaius [The Northern Block]
SkyWing [The Northern Block]
GetaRobo [The Northern Block]
Gendouki [Typodermic]
TwentyFourNinetyOne [steve mehallo]
Shibuya Dancefloor [Megami Studios]
P22 Ching Mang [IHOF]
Aldo [The Northern Block]
Sapeca [Just in Type]
Onigiri [Megami Studios]
Cortina [Delve Fonts]
QueueBrick [The Northern Block]