TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on 2012-02-21
MyFonts: Brochures
Written by Luc Devroye McGill University Montreal, Canada lucdevroye@gmail.com http://luc.devroye.org Up to main font page Up to main font index page
Calluna [exljbris]
Typewriter Serial [SoftMaker]
Chaparral Pro [Adobe]
Theorem [Sudtipos]
Kepler [Adobe]
Cronos [Adobe]
El Castillo SG [Spiece Graphics]
Caslon Graphique [URW++]
Tekton [Adobe]
Century Expanded [Bitstream]
Gothic 720 [Bitstream]
New Telegraph [transkrypt]
Revival 555 [Bitstream]
Albertus [Mecanorma Collection]
Romana [URW++]
CA Normal Serif [Cape-Arcona]
Flareserif 821 [Bitstream]
Caslon Graphique EF [Elsner+Flake]
Adelon Serial [SoftMaker]
Vinegar Pro [Jelloween]
Caslon Graphique SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Legitima [Cesar Puertas]
Century Expanded [URW++]
Marat Std [Ludwig Type]
LTC Italian Oldstyle [Lanston Type Company]
Marat Pro [Ludwig Type]
Bookman [Bitstream]
JoAnne Display [JMA]
Flareserif 821 [Tilde]
Anthology SG [Spiece Graphics]
Toshna Std [astype]
Mokka [Ludwig Type]
LTC Hadriano [Lanston Type Company]
Stratford Serial [SoftMaker]
Romana [Bitstream]
Romana EF [Elsner+Flake]
Stratford SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Ciseaux [Wilton Foundry]
Magna [URW++]
Stratford EF [Elsner+Flake]
Magna EF [Elsner+Flake]
Century Expanded SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Century Expanded EF [Elsner+Flake]
Stratford [URW++]
Boldface [URW++]
Romana [Tilde]
Warnock [Linotype]
Sava [Linotype]
Kepler [Linotype]
Cronos [Linotype]
Chaparral [Linotype]
New Aster [Linotype]
Monotype Goudy Modern [Linotype]
Fournier [Linotype]
Dante [Linotype]
Caslon Graphique [Linotype]
Wilke [Monotype Imaging]
Versailles [Monotype Imaging]
Tekton [Monotype Imaging]
Spectrum MT [Monotype Imaging]
LinoLetter [Monotype Imaging]
ITC Flora [Monotype Imaging]
ITC American Typewriter [Monotype Imaging]
Monotype Grotesque [Monotype Imaging]
Goudy Modern MT [Monotype Imaging]
Fournier [Monotype Imaging]
Else NPL [Monotype Imaging]
Ehrhardt [Monotype Imaging]
Dante [Monotype Imaging]
Century Expanded [Monotype Imaging]
Calvert [Monotype Imaging]
Octavian [Monotype Imaging]
Italian Old Style [Monotype Imaging]
Photina [Monotype Imaging]
Hadriano [Monotype Imaging]
Apollo [Monotype Imaging]
Spectrum MT [Linotype]
Romana [Linotype]
Photina MT [Linotype]
Octavian MT [Linotype]
Magna [Linotype]
Italian Old Style MT [Linotype]
Horley Old Style MT [Linotype]
Hadriano [Linotype]
Grotesque MT [Linotype]
Ehrhardt MT [Linotype]
Century Expanded [Linotype]
Calvert MT [Linotype]
Apollo MT [Linotype]
Horley Old Style [Monotype Imaging]
Wilke [Linotype]
Versailles [Linotype]
Tekton [Linotype]
Albertus MT [Linotype]
LinoLetter [Linotype]
ITC Flora [Linotype]
ITC American Typewriter [Linotype]
URW Bookman [URW++]
Wilke [Adobe]
Spectrum MT [Adobe]
Octavian [Adobe]
Monotype Italian Old Style [Adobe]
Horley Old Style MT [Adobe]
Hadriano [Adobe]
Monotype Grotesque [Adobe]
Goudy Modern MT [Adobe]
Fournier [Adobe]
ITC Flora [Adobe]
Else NPL [Adobe]
Ehrhardt [Adobe]
Dante [Adobe]
Century Expanded [Adobe]
New Aster [Adobe]
Apollo MT [Adobe]
American Typewriter [Adobe]
Albertus [Adobe]
ITC Flora [ITC]
ITC American Typewriter [ITC]
ITC American Typewriter [Bitstream]
Albertus [Monotype Imaging]