TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on 2012-09-21
MyFonts: Compare 420 garalde typefaces
Written by Luc Devroye McGill University Montreal, Canada lucdevroye@gmail.com http://luc.devroye.org Up to main font page Up to main font index page
Calluna [exljbris]
ITC Garamond [Adobe]
Livory [HVD Fonts]
Adobe Garamond Pro [Adobe]
Le Monde Sans Std [Porchez Typofonderie]
Bembo [Adobe]
Plantin [Monotype Imaging]
Adobe Garamond [Linotype]
Minion Pro [Adobe]
Waverly [Red Rooster Collection]
Adobe Caslon Pro [Adobe]
Vulpa [Schizotype]
Sabon [Adobe]
Sabon [Linotype]
Dundee [Red Rooster Collection]
Monotype Garamond [Monotype Imaging]
Kepler [Adobe]
Corda [Hoftype]
Cala [Hoftype]
LTC Caslon [Lanston Type Company]
P22 Mackinac [IHOF]
Tribute [Emigre]
Berling [URW++]
Filo Pro [URW++]
Caslon 540 [ParaType]
Minion [Linotype]
Plantin [Adobe]
ITC Galliard [ITC]
Caturrita Display [Armasen]
Dolly [Underware]
Berling [Adobe]
Minister [Linotype]
LTC Deepdene [Lanston Type Company]
Athelas [TypeTogether]
Poppl-Pontifex BE [Berthold]
Augustin [Ludwig Type]
Palatino [Adobe]
Garamond 96 DT [DTP Types]
ITC Garamond [ITC]
LTC Goudy Oldstyle [Lanston Type Company]
Maiola [TypeTogether]
ITC Giovanni [ITC]
Stempel Garamond [Linotype]
Goudy Oldstyle [Adobe]
Goudy Old Style [Bitstream]
Original Garamond [Bitstream]
URW Palladio [URW++]
MVB Celestia Antiqua [MVB]
Bembo [Monotype Imaging]
Lazurski [ParaType]
Caslon No. 540 [URW++]
BF Girando Pro [Brass Fonts]
Garamond Premier Pro [Adobe]
Caslon 540 [Adobe]
Vendome [Linotype]
WTC Goudy [URW++]
1592 GLC Garamond [GLC]
ITC Galliard [Adobe]
Monotype Sabon [Monotype Imaging]
1726 Real EspaƱola [GLC]
Tribute OT [Emigre]
Granjon [Linotype]
Trump Mediaeval [Linotype]
1669 Elzevir [GLC]
Fleurons Two [Wiescher Design]
1786 GLC Fournier [GLC]
Schiller Antiqua [Red Rooster Collection]
Classica [Presence Typo]
Palatino [Linotype]
MVB Gryphius [MVB]
Serlio [Linotype]
Caslon 540 [Linotype]
Epic [Positype]
Erasmus [Red Rooster Collection]
Dominus [Red Rooster Collection]
Serlio [Adobe]
Silverado [Red Rooster Collection]
Garth Graphic [Adobe]
Bell [Monotype Imaging]
Garamond FB [Font Bureau]
Caturrita Extra [Armasen]
Worcester Rounded [Linotype]
Goudy Old Style [URW++]
Eterna [Wiescher Design]
Aetna JY [JY+A]
ITC Giovanni [Adobe]
Pevensey [Aah Yes]
Americana [Bitstream]
Classical Garamond [Bitstream]
Elegant Garamond [Bitstream]
Garamond No. 5 EF [Elsner+Flake]
Comenia Serif Pro [Storm]
Angie Sans Std [Porchez Typofonderie]
Berling Nova [Linotype]
LTC Garamont [Lanston Type Company]
Simoncini Garamond [Linotype]
1689 GLC Garamond Pro [GLC]
Original Garamond [ParaType]
Archive Garamond [Archive Type]
Deepdene [URW++]
ITC Mixage [ITC]
1545 Faucheur [GLC]
Old Claude LP [LetterPerfect]
Bell [Adobe]
Dante [Adobe]
ITC Founders Caslon [ITC]
Americana [Linotype]
Berling [Linotype]
Sackers Light Classic Roman [Monotype Imaging]
Americana SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Caslon 540 [Bitstream]
Dutch Mediaeval [Canada Type]
JAF Lapture [Just Another Foundry]
Zapf Renaissance Antiqua SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Arrus BT [Bitstream]
Aldine 721 [Bitstream]
Garamont Amsterdam SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Galba [Mecanorma Collection]
Leighton [Red Rooster Collection]
1584 Pragmatica Lima [GLC]
Cartesius [T4]
Bell [URW++]
Goudy Catalogue [Bitstream]
Eleganza [Wiescher Design]
Meno [Font Bureau]
Starling [Font Bureau]
Floralissimo [Wiescher Design]
Fleurons One [Wiescher Design]
Principe [Wiescher Design]
Fleuron Labels [Wiescher Design]
Pacioli [MADType]
1589 Humane Bordeaux [GLC]
1470 Jenson Latin [GLC]
Vendome [URW++]
1462 Bamberg [GLC]
Fifteen36 [Grummedia]
1776 Independence [GLC]
Garamont Amsterdam EF [Elsner+Flake]
Minister EF [Elsner+Flake]
News Plantin [Monotype Imaging]
Zapf Renaissance Antiqua EF [Elsner+Flake]
Garth Graphic [Monotype Imaging]
1689 Almanach [GLC]
Legitima [Cesar Puertas]
Kuenstler 480 [ParaType]
Americana [Adobe]
Poliphilus [Monotype Imaging]
Stempel Garamond [Adobe]
1499 Alde Manuce Pro [GLC]
Bembo Titling [Monotype Imaging]
Titus [Linotype]
Berling SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Garamont Amsterdam SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Goudy Old Style SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Goudy Old Style SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Aldine 401 [Bitstream]
Hachura [Outras Fontes]
American Garamond [Bitstream]
Enzia [insigne]
Hiroshige [URW++]
1512 Initials [GLC]
Caslon No 337 [URW++]
Goudy Catalogue [URW++]
Tritura [estudioCrop]
Longinus Pro [066.FONT]
Belfast Serial [SoftMaker]
Jensen Old Style [Wooden Type Fonts]
Ardone [Hackberry]
1543 Humane Jenson [GLC]
Brass [HiH]
1742 Civilite [GLC]
1756 Dutch [GLC]
1550 Arabesques [GLC]
Zilvertype [Canada Type]
Espinosa Nova [Estudio CH]
Caturrita [Armasen]
Aldine 401 [ParaType]
Stempel Schneidler [Linotype]
Roos [Canada Type]
Jannon Pro [Storm]
Aquiline [GroupType]
Relato [Emtype Foundry]
Aragon Condensed [Canada Type]
Americana [URW++]
Garamond 3 [Adobe]
Williams Caslon Text [Font Bureau]
Lineare [Tipo]
Zagolovochnaya [ParaType]
Worcester Serial [SoftMaker]
Dante [Monotype Imaging]
Fleurons V [Wiescher Design]
El Franco [Fonthead Design]
Caslon Old Face [Bitstream]
1584 Rinceau [GLC]
Monotype Goudy Catalogue [Monotype Imaging]
Renault [URW++]
Fleurons Four [Wiescher Design]
Aragon Sans [Canada Type]
Ehrhardt [Monotype Imaging]
Iowan Old Style BT [Bitstream]
1676 Morden Map [GLC]
ITC New Winchester [ITC]
Ornata B [Wiescher Design]
Calisto [Monotype Imaging]
Garamond 3 [Linotype]
Laricio [Presence Typo]
1479 Caxton [GLC]
Garamond Classico [Linotype]
Goudy 38 [Red Rooster Collection]
Minister SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Apolline Std [Porchez Typofonderie]
Ronaldson [Canada Type]
Life [URW++]
Hiroshige [Linotype]
Bamberg Serial [SoftMaker]
CG Garamond [Monotype Imaging]
Fleurons Three [Wiescher Design]
Academica [Storm]
Bembo Book [Monotype Imaging]
Garamond Ludlow [Red Rooster Collection]
Aragon [Canada Type]
Berling SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Berling EF [Elsner+Flake]
Le Monde Livre Classic Std [Porchez Typofonderie]
Liam [Intellecta Design]
1492 Quadrata [GLC]
NixRift [New Fonts]
Garamond No 2 [URW++]
EF Garamond Rough H [Elsner+Flake]
Diaconia Old Style [Hackberry]
Karacan Pro [066.FONT]
Paradigm Pro [ShinnType]
Veronese [Red Rooster Collection]
Museum Ornaments [T4]
Classical Garamond [Tilde]
Americana EF [Elsner+Flake]
Italian Garamond [Bitstream]
Bannikova [ParaType]
Goudy Catalogue EF [Elsner+Flake]
ITC Garamond Handtooled [Adobe]
Ehrhardt [Adobe]
Vendome SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
P22 Michelangelo [P22]
Hiroshige [Adobe]
Steinburg Modern [TypeArt Foundry]
Caslon 540 EF [Elsner+Flake]
Le Monde Livre Std [Porchez Typofonderie]
Garamond No. 1 SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Zapf Calligraphic 801 [Tilde]
New Millennium Linear [Three Islands Press]
Goudy Old Style [Tilde]
Zapf Renaissance Antiqua [Linotype]
Trump Mediaeval Office [Linotype]
Blado [Monotype Imaging]
Renaissance Caps BA [Bannigan Artworks]
Revival 565 [Bitstream]
OL Garamond [Dennis Ortiz-Lopez]
1456 Gutenberg [GLC]
TS Gascogne [TypeShop Collection]
GLC Ornaments One [GLC]
Sarabande [Three Islands Press]
Ornata D [Wiescher Design]
Zapf Calligraphic 801 [Bitstream]
Minister [URW++]
Kuenstler 480 [Bitstream]
Amsterdamer Garamont [URW++]
Tyrnavia [T-26]
Caslon 540 Italic with Swashes [Letraset]
1533 GLC Augereau Pro [GLC]
TYMA Garamont [T4]
Toshna Std [astype]
Matt Antique [Bitstream]
Americana [Tilde]
Garamond Simoncini SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Zapf Renaissance Antiqua No. 2 SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
1538 Schwabacher [GLC]
Mysl [ParaType]
Truesdell [Monotype Imaging]
Octoberfest [Aerotype]
Palatino Linotype [Linotype]
Insigne Fleurons [insigne]
1557 Italique [GLC]
Fleurons Six [Wiescher Design]
TS Goudy [TypeShop Collection]
1565 Venetian [GLC]
Ornata E [Wiescher Design]
Administer [Red Rooster Collection]
Bellini [Red Rooster Collection]
Mediaeval SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Berstrom DT [DTP Types]
Garamond Simoncini EF [Elsner+Flake]
Ornata F [Wiescher Design]
Poppl-Pontifex BQ [Berthold]
Francesco Decorative [Intellecta Design]
Dracena [Aerotype]
Renault SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Aldine 721 [Tilde]
Goudy Old Style DT [DTP Types]
1532 Bastarde Lyon [GLC]
Anselm Serif [Storm]
Goudy Catalogue [Linotype]
Andron 1 Latin Corpus [SIAS]
Revival 565 [ParaType]
Vendome EF [Elsner+Flake]
Jannon Sans [Storm]
1484 Bastarde Loudeac [GLC]
Envoy [Tim Rolands]
Aetna JY Pro [JY+A]
Original Garamond [Tilde]
Laurentian [Monotype Imaging]
Sabellicus [Monotype Imaging]
Monotype Goudy Old Style [Monotype Imaging]
Monotype Goudy [Monotype Imaging]
Alisal [Monotype Imaging]
Andulka [Storm]
Granjon [Adobe]
Sepia [Wilton Foundry]
Titus [URW++]
Renault EF [Elsner+Flake]
1467 Pannartz Latin [GLC]
TS Belfast [TypeShop Collection]
Serapion [Storm]
Bergsland Pro [Hackberry]
Trump Mediaeval [Adobe]
Adroit [URW++]
Breughel [URW++]
Zapf Renaissance Antiqua SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
1510 Nancy [GLC]
Griffo Classico [Linotype]
Garamond Simoncini SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Linotype Compendio [Linotype]
LTC Fleurons Garamont [Lanston Type Company]
Gazette [Linotype]
Kis Classico [Linotype]
Life [Linotype]
Dovtrina Christam Concani 1622 [Intellecta Design]
Stanhope [Red Rooster Collection]
Minister [Adobe]
Simoncini Garamond [Adobe]
Renault SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Gazette [Adobe]
Museum Borders [T4]
Stirling [Red Rooster Collection]
1590 Humane Warszawa [GLC]
Forum Titling [Red Rooster Collection]
Beckenham [Red Rooster Collection]
TS Garamond [TypeShop Collection]
Pentagraf [Storm]
Liquoia [Wiescher Design]
Advantage [Intellecta Design]
2009 GLC Plantin [GLC]
Malena [Tipo]
Life EF [Elsner+Flake]
MVB Verdigris Pro [MVB]
Dractura [Aerotype]
TS Granada [TypeShop Collection]
Life [Adobe]
Ornata C [Wiescher Design]
Flexion Pro [Red Rooster Collection]
Vendome SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Life SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Copacabana [Alan Meeks Collection]
Leipziger Antiqua [profonts]
Elegant Garamond [Tilde]
Merona [Intellecta Design]
Scottish Vignetes [Intellecta Design]
Goudy Catalogue SB [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
Gilman [Miller Type Foundry]
1495 Lombardes [GLC]
Brigade [Alan Meeks Collection]
Aurelia [Linotype]
Garamond No. 4 [URW++]
Amitie [URW++]
Modernista [Wiescher Design]
Matt Antique [Tilde]
Aldine 401 [Tilde]
Seneca BQ [Berthold]
Renault [Mecanorma Collection]
Tattersall [Elemeno]
Guardi [Adobe]
Goudy Catalogue SH [Scangraphic Digital Type Collection]
TWT Pavane [Three Islands Press]
SwirlityScript [Ingrimayne Type]
Berylium [Typodermic]
Fenix [TipoType]
FF Spinoza Pro [FontFont]
Pinnacle JY Pro [JY+A]
Diorite [Three Islands Press]
FF Milo Serif [FontFont]
Tempera Biblio [Typonine]
Kuenstler 480 [Tilde]
Cycles [Stone Type Foundry]
Indigo [Elsner+Flake]
RTF Amethyst [Rimmer Type Foundry]
Vergil BQ [Berthold]
Garamont Amsterdam BQ [Berthold]
Deepdene BQ [Berthold]
Arrighi BQ [Berthold]
Maxime [Monotype Imaging]
Vendome [Image Club]
FF Absara [FontFont]
FF Zine Serif [FontFont]
FF Tibere [FontFont]
FF Parango [FontFont]
Benicia [Parkinson]
Orion [Linotype]
Augereau [Abrams Legacy]
ITC Garamond [Monotype Imaging]
Palatino Linotype [Microsoft]
FF Quadraat [FontFont]
FF Angie [FontFont]
Ehrhardt MT [Linotype]
1530 Garamond [Tiro Typeworks]
Manticore [Tiro Typeworks]
Garamond No 9 [URW++]
MVB Celestia Antiqua [Adobe]
Throhand [Font Bureau]
Big Caslon [Font Bureau]