TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on 2012-08-29
MyFonts: Incunabula
Written by Luc Devroye McGill University Montreal, Canada lucdevroye@gmail.com http://luc.devroye.org Up to main font page Up to main font index page
Nicholas [ShinnType]
1545 Faucheur [GLC]
1589 Humane Bordeaux [GLC]
1495 Bastarde Lyon [GLC]
Aldus [Linotype]
1512 Initials [GLC]
1470 Sorbonne [GLC]
Paradigm [ShinnType]
Lascaris [Lascaris]
1456 Gutenberg B42 Pro [GLC]
1584 Rinceau [GLC]
Florati [Proportional Lime]
1492 Quadrata [GLC]
1514 Paris Verand [GLC]
Paradigm Pro [ShinnType]
Aldus [Adobe]
1484 Bastarde Loudeac [GLC]
1456 Gutenberg [GLC]
1510 Nancy [GLC]
Morphelic [Intellecta Design]
Merona [Intellecta Design]
Nicolaus Kesler [Proportional Lime]
1509 Leyden [GLC]
Scoto Koberger Fraktur N9 [Intellecta Design]
Scoto Koberger Fraktur N11 [Intellecta Design]
1495 Lombardes [GLC]
Sweynheym Pannartz [Proportional Lime]
1462 Bamberg [GLC]
Printers in Marks [Proportional Lime]
Martin Crantz [Proportional Lime]
Gutenberg B [Alter Littera]
Psalterium [Alter Littera]