TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on 2012-12-09
MyFonts: Typefaces with interior shading
Written by Luc Devroye McGill University Montreal, Canada lucdevroye@gmail.com http://luc.devroye.org Up to main font page Up to main font index page
Ademo [astype]
Nanquim [PintassilgoPrints]
Portsmouth [Open Window]
Archive Tilt [Archive Type]
Archive Kludsky [Archive Type]
Rough Riders Redux [FontMesa]
Rough Riders [FontMesa]
Archive Garfield [Archive Type]
Building + Loan [K-Type]
Goldbarre [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Archive Copperplate Head [Archive Type]
Roman Shaded [URW++]
Archive Tinted [Archive Type]
Archive Western Iron [Archive Type]
Grand Prairie NF [Nicks Fonts]
Smackeroo NF [Nicks Fonts]
Archive French Shaded [Archive Type]
Pittsburgh [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Bradley Initials [Font Bureau]
Jazz [Letraset]
Skritchy [Sideshow]
Sweet Titling No. 22 [Sweet]
Parisian Ornamentals [Celebrity Fontz]
Gothic Garbage [Intellecta Design]
AF Module Texture [ACME Collection]
Archive Copperplate Text [Archive Type]
SiliusEngraved [Intellecta Design]
Carbon Neutral [Okaycat]
Panopticum [Vladislav Ivanov]
Roman Ornamented [Intellecta Design]
Gothic Trashed [Intellecta Design]
Partager Caps NF [Nicks Fonts]
Das Riese [Intellecta Design]
Nouveau Rock [Okaycat]
ITC Abaton [ITC]
Battista Stroke [preussTYPE]
sh klicker Diagonal Stripes [shType]
Logofontik Stripes 4F Italic [4th february]
Logofontik Stripes 4F [4th february]
Antiqua Shaded 3 [Intellecta Design]
Antiqua Shaded 4 [Intellecta Design]
Bandoliers Jailed [PintassilgoPrints]
Wilma Interior B [Type-o-Tones]
Wilma Interior Forat C [Type-o-Tones]
Wilma Interior Forat B [Type-o-Tones]
Wilma Interior C [Type-o-Tones]
Wilma Farcit B [Type-o-Tones]
Gras Vibert Handtooled [Intellecta Design]
Chevalier Initials D [URW++]
Traktoretka Grad [Storm]
Horsfords Shaded [Coffee Bin Fonts]
Deco Hatched [Open Window]
Dominus RR Modern Engraved [Red Rooster Collection]
Chevalier Stripes DC D [URW++]
Chevalier Stripes SC D [URW++]
Revenue Shaded [Aboutype]