TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on 2013-05-05
MyFonts: Letterpress typefaces
Written by Luc Devroye McGill University Montreal, Canada lucdevroye@gmail.com http://luc.devroye.org Up to main font page Up to main font index page
Letterpress [FaceType]
Letterpress Text [Chris Costello]
BlincType Letterpress Fontpak [Chank]
OCR B Letterpress [URW++]
ESTHER [Design23]
Ronaldson [Canada Type]
Wishes Script [Typesenses]
Veneer [Yellow Design Studio]
Aphrodite Slim [Typesenses]
Adios Script Pro [Sudtipos]
Poem Script Pro [Sudtipos]
Anodyne [Yellow Design Studio]
Cheap Pine [HVD Fonts]
Dom Loves Mary [Correspondence Ink]
Brownstone Sans [Sudtipos]
Cpl Kirkwood [Kimmy Design]
Wausau [Yellow Design Studio]
Lito [Borutta]
Business Penmanship [Sudtipos]
FM Bolyar Ornate [The Fontmaker]
Wood Type Collection [Borutta]
Platinus Script Pro [Sudtipos]
Affair [Sudtipos]
Shelton Slab [HVD Fonts]
Subway Novella [KC Fonts]
Headliner No. 45 [KC Fonts]
Telegdi Pro [IHOF]
FM Bolyar [The Fontmaker]
Bootstrap [Aerotype]
Woodie [Borutta]
Zapatista [MADType]
BENITO [Borutta]
Bosque [Latinotype]
Quick Death [wearecolt]
Wood Bonnet Antique No.7 [astype]
P22 Mackinac [IHOF]
Addison [Kimmy Design]
Magesta Script [Yellow Design Studio]
BOJO [Borutta]
Stud [Typodermic]
Woodgrit [Baseline Fonts]
Le Monde Journal Std [Typofonderie]
Elo [Borutta]
Regula [Storm]
FHA Condensed French [Fontry West]
Mocha Mattari [Flat-it]
Caslon Antique [GroupType]
Prison AOE [Astigmatic]
Rhythm [Positype]
Jonze [KC Fonts]
Giddelham [wearecolt]
Quick Rest [wearecolt]
BF Corpa Gothic [Brass Fonts]
Caslon Antique [Linotype]
Espinosa Nova [Estudio CH]
Antidotum [GRIN3 Nowak]
HAINE [Borutta]
Neuzon [Typodermic]
Caslon Antique VL [Mecanorma Collection]
Miyagi [Thinkdust]
Coldstyle [E-phemera]
Crush [Typadelic]
Meteora [Andinistas]
Transit Display [KC Fonts]
SALUTE [Borutta]
Edgar No 9 [Type Innovations]
Navaja [Andinistas]
Renju [Typodermic]
Ciclope [Andinistas]
Dudu [Borutta]
Old Claude LP [LetterPerfect]
Caslon Antique [URW++]
Montada [BRtype]
HWDP [Borutta]
Butterfly Effect [PintassilgoPrints]
Secret Scrypt [Canada Type]
Bronzino [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Grit Primer [Baseline Fonts]
Everafter [TypeTrust]
Mailart Rubberstamp [K-Type]
Aurora [Borutta]
Macro Print [Jagjagvi]
Hurstmonceux [Anthony Prudente]
Journal [Emigre]
Stampact [Spark Creative]
Berg [Borutta]
Dunelm [MADType]
Old Times American [Baseline Fonts]
Austin Antique [HiH]
Cotton [Typodermic]
Addlethorpe [Typodermic]
CA Postal [Cape-Arcona]
Frank Woods [Wiescher Design]
King Wood [Canada Type]
Chitchy [Baseline Fonts]
Rough Egyptienne [Baseline Fonts]
57 Rodeo [Baseline Fonts]
Bronzetti [Greater Albion Typefounders]
Antique Tuscan No 9 [HiH]
LoveBirds [PintassilgoPrints]
Iron [The Fontry]
Licious Script [Baseline Fonts]
Alta California [steve mehallo]
Silvertone Woodtype [David Thometz Design]
Slab American [Baseline Fonts]
Hazelnut Pro [Eimantas Paskonis]
King Tut [Canada Type]
Revers [GRIN3 Nowak]
FM Eva [FontMeister]
Pound [Typodermic]
Grit Egyptienne [Baseline Fonts]
Wickenburg [VersusTwin]
Americanus [Aerotype]
Monte Cristo [Canada Type]
Nisswa [SparkyType]
MVB Gryphius [MVB]
Love Birds Pattern [PintassilgoPrints]
Zilvertype [Canada Type]
Antihistory [Typodermic]
Lascaris [Lascaris]
Jamaistevie [Vladislav Ivanov]
FunFair [VirtueCreative]
Moravus [Stamp+Press]
Vtg Stencil US No.4 [astype]
Country Fang [Baseline Fonts]
P22 Ruffcut [Sherwood Type]
Antimony [Baseline Fonts]
Fifteen36 [Grummedia]
Shnixgun [Typodermic]
Neacademia [Rosetta]
Debunk [Matt Grey Design]
Caslon Antique EF [Elsner+Flake]
BF Amnesia [Brass Fonts]
Buttkowski [Buttfaces]
Modernista FA [Fontarte]
Bonsai [Three Islands Press]
Usurp [Typodermic]
Hit [Typodermic]
Beverly Shores Script SG [Spiece Graphics]
Floro [Andinistas]
Tritura [estudioCrop]
Broken [Canada Type]
Archetype [T-26]
Octopus [T-26]
Manuskript Antiqua [URW++]
Dovtrina Christam Concani 1622 [Intellecta Design]
Telegraph [ParaType]
Fango [Typo5]
NixRift [New Fonts]
Tuscan [Baseline Fonts]
Pandilla [Typozon]
19th Century Retro [Matthias Luh]
Meat [Borutta]
Mamute [PintassilgoPrints]
Old Face Open [ARTypes]
Old Claude LP [Adobe]
Caslon Antique [FontHaus]
Columbia Titling [Typetanic Fonts]
Thirsty Rough [Yellow Design Studio]
Bellissima Script Pro [Sudtipos]
Halis Rounded [Ahmet Altun]
Taca [Fountain]
Williams Caslon Text [Font Bureau]
Antique Decorations JNL [Jeff Levine]
Bernhard Modern [Adobe]
MVB Peccadillo [MVB]
Italian Throwback [OSC Type Foundry]
Stefania Antique [insigne]
P22 Avocet [Sherwood Type]
Elegeion Script [Patricia Lillie]
P22 Sherwood [Sherwood Type]
OCR-B [Adobe]
Jeanne Moderno [steve mehallo]
Hoosegow JNL [Jeff Levine]
Ornata D [Wiescher Design]
Redwood [Canada Type]
Ornata E [Wiescher Design]
OCR-A [Adobe]
Old Paris Nouveau [Baseline Fonts]
Calendar Blocks JNL [Jeff Levine]
Walburn [ShinnType]
P22 Mayflower Smooth [Sherwood Type]
Matrona [Hubert Jocham Type]
Architectuur NF [Nicks Fonts]
Venis [Chank]
Aztek 2D [2D Typo]
LTC Garamont [Lanston Type Company]
China Dragon JNL [Jeff Levine]
Bfrika [Holland Fonts]
TX Switch [Typebox]
Lexon Gothic [Storm]
Throhand [Font Bureau]
Bfribat [Holland Fonts]
Antique [Storm]