TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on 2012-07-13
MyFonts: Mercantile typefaces
Written by Luc Devroye McGill University Montreal, Canada lucdevroye@gmail.com http://luc.devroye.org Up to main font page Up to main font index page
Mercantile Display NF [Nicks Fonts]
Asteroid Primo SG [Spiece Graphics]
Rough Riders [FontMesa]
Strangelove [TypeArt Foundry]
Soap Box [Coffee Bin Fonts]
Horsfords [Coffee Bin Fonts]
H74 Her Majesty [Hydro74]
Letterhead [Coffee Bin Fonts]
Seminary [Solotype]
Gladiate [Solotype]
Penny Arcade [Solotype]
P22 Victorian Gothic [P22]
Kingthings Serifique Pro [CheapProFonts]
The Youths Companion [Coffee Bin Fonts]
Zinc Italian SG [Spiece Graphics]
Drugstore [Coffee Bin Fonts]
LHF Ambrosia [Letterhead Fonts]
Hoyts German Cologne [Coffee Bin Fonts]
Telegraph [Solotype]
Basque [Monotype Imaging]
Mephisto [Scriptorium]
Alaska [Solotype]
Violette [T-26]
Penelope [Solotype]
Hansard [Solotype]
Delysian NF [Nicks Fonts]
Benjamin [Solotype]
Nova Script Recut One + Two SG [Spiece Graphics]
ITC Malstock [Linotype]