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Commentary November 30, 2002 More on the Palatino story |
Your question actually mentions small-time stuff like Arial and Geneva, but
when you delve slightly deeper into the subject, you run into the sticky
maze of Book Antiqua, the mother of all derivative work.
People who usually warn others against derivative work claim to have the
designer in mind. And that's the only exit there is. You simply can't
justify warning others against derivative work without rationalizing it
through the benefit of the original designer. But when you look at other
aspects of the industry, this logic can put you at a loss. Check out some
designers out there. Some of them sell a font on their own web site for,
say, $50, and at the same time sell the same font through a distributor for
the same price.
Insert light bulb here.
If I sell you a pound of cucumbers for $1, I make the $1 from it. If I give
the cucumbers to my cousin, then my cousin sells them to you for $1, I get
only 5 cents from the transaction.
Something must be self-explanatory there, because I've never seen it
explained anywhere, and for the life of me I can't seem to understand it.
All I see is a one-way reasoning that says: I planted the cucumbers, so I'm
free to sell them however I like for whatever price I like, and it isn't
anybody's business how my benefit gets affected.
Well guess what? If I cop an attitude such as this one, I can't exactly
blame anyone for planting the same kind of cucumbers and selling them for
cheaper than I do. What's more, I can hardly blame anyone for buying my
cucumbers then using their seeds to plant their own in order for them to
avoid buying more cucumbers from me in the future. If planting then raising
then harvesting a cucumber costs me $20, while if I were to buy it it would
cost me $40, oh-hell-yes I'll plant it. And the manuals on how to plant
cucumbers cannot be outlawed.
Unlike Monotype's work on Book Antiqua, most derivative work shows a lot of
ingenuity. Take the beginner of this thread for an example. Andre, who
perhaps has no idea what Fontographer and Fontlab are, was willing to spend
hours condensing the characters of a font by crunching code. His only
purpose in doing that was to have a font to use in a program he wrote, and
that the font is not someone else's. Now that's what I think of as ingenious
consideration. If he were to contact Microsoft or a typographer to have the
font made for him, they would have probably done the same thing he did, but
in faster ways, and charged him a fortune for it. In some people's view,
that would be ethically acceptable and everything else would be corruption.
I think it would be plain idiocy, waste, submission to someone's
opportunistic logic, and ethics have nothing to do with it. Ethics work both
ways, you know. Whenever they don't, one side of the story must be
hypocritical. I'm all for the designers making money, but there's a
difference between doing business as usual and laying the law for the hunt.
Most derivative works have a utilitarian end. People don't add another
engine to their lawnmowers if their lawnmowers were satisfactory to them.
Besides, where is the line drawn? How many Garamonds are out there selling
for $60 each? How many Palatinos
are out there selling for $50 a shot? This
is probably the biggest double-standard around. If Bitstream or Adobe or URW
were to do derivative work, it's reproduction with improvement in mind, but
if WSI or Brendel were to do derivative work, then it's highway robbery. Is
this a double-standard or what?
If people have objections to what Andre did, let someone speak with enough
justification to their objections. A link to TypeRight and a shadow of legal
canines are not enough. TypeRight members themselves do derivative work
(check Bruton's custom-made fonts, and Ralph Smith's fonts), so either this
logic is not supposed to have two ends or people are expected to bob their
heads and pay the bill with no questions asked.
Ting-a-ling. |
The end result was a newly created typeface that may have been quite
similar to the copied face but one that required some measure of skill
and thought along the way to production, and one that would necessarily
have some differences in the details of the implementation.
Fast forward to the era of digital type. Some of the rules haven't
changed. Type foundries (and individuals) can still start with a printed
copy of any typeface and draw/scan/digitize it, add hinting and kerning
information, and sell it (or give it away) under a new name. Even given
the shapes of the various letter forms to start with there is quite a
lot of skill required to turn those shapes into a quality digital font,
especially a text face.
However, U.S. courts have decided that what can not be done is to start
with the digital form of the font e.g. the .ttf file, just "change a few
things," and declare it to be a new font. That is not to say that you
can't modify a font file for your own use so that, for example, the
upper case I and lower case l are distinguishable or adding a slash to
the zero character. However, just moving a few anchor points or even
converting the font through a font editor and stretching it a few
percent still leaves the font as substantially somebody else's work.
No different, really, than using a hex editor to change all instances of
"Microsoft Word" to "AcmeInc Editor" in the executable and then
reselling it. However, creating a new word processor from scratch, even
one that looks like and acts like MS Word, is a lot more defendable.
It's not a perfect analogy (cf. Lotus v Borland) but you can get the
Rich Webb Norfolk, VA |
To complicate matters, there are differences between the
various versions of Palatino, all pointed out in the
text below. [Click on the images to get enlarged versions.]
[Linotype Palatino] departs tremendously from the original
Palatino. For instance, E and F did not
have serifs at the middle cross bars
originally, p and q did not have foot
serifs, the serif of k was much more
elegant, the y too etc. etc., and what
is more: The x-height was smaller (=
the ascenders longer) making for a much
more elegant typeface (similar to Bembo).
When Berthold went broke, the original Palatino seems to
have vanished from the type face market. At least, I do
not know any company that still offers it.
[Text by Ulrich Stiehl.]
Copyright © 2002
Luc Devroye |