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177 Studio [Google]
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Abdul Malik Wisnu [Almarkha Type]
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Abdul Manan [Belove Studio (or: Takiy)]
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Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio) [Panggah Laksono]
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Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio) [Sarwo Edhi Prayitno]
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Addy Sukma Bharata [Suke Toejoeh (or: Pollux of Geminorum)]
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Adi Marwah [BBA Key (or: Marwah Store, or Arwah Studio, or Art Design)]
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Aditiyo Dwi Putranto [Creaditive Design]
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Agni Ardi Rein Prasetyo [Agniardi]
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Agniardi [Agni Ardi Rein Prasetyo]
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Agung Suwandi [Google]
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Agus Diantoro [Google]
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Ahsan Ahmedzai [Kufic Studio]
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Ak Mal [Akrtype Studio (was: Tertia Type)]
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Akhmad Reza Fauzi [Reza Design (or: Silverstein Design)]
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Akrtype Studio (was: Tertia Type) [Ak Mal]
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Al Studiossa [Rahmat al-hidayat]
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Alcode [Sukjana Almunandar]
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Alde Design [Alde Saputro]
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Alde Saputro [Alde Design]
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Aldy Sidik [Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja)]
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Alien Valley [Google]
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Alif Ryan Zulfikar [Sakha Design]
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Allmo Studio [Muhammad Nur Alamsyah]
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Almarkha Type [Abdul Malik Wisnu]
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Almeera Studio [Rinto Dwi Nugroho]
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Amin Maryono [Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio)]
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Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio) [Amin Maryono]
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Anastasia Dimitriadi [DimitriAna]
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Anastasiia Kolodii [Google]
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Andre Bima Falah Rabbani [Atharuah Studios]
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Andrey Font Design [Stephanus Prabowo]
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Andri Kurniawan [Struggle Studio]
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Angga Suwista [Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk)]
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Anton Cahyono [Motokiwo]
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Aqeela Studio
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Area Type (was: GType) [Dhan Ghete]
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Arendx Studio [Asep Rendi]
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Arif Dwi [Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio)]
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Arif Gunawan [Natural Ink]
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Arthur Ilyin [Quothron (was: TJ Creative)]
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Artisan Studio (or: Artisans) [Roiyani Teungku]
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Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio) [Ghazi Humam Fauzan]
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Asep Rendi [Arendx Studio]
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Atharuah Studios [Andre Bima Falah Rabbani]
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Atom (or: Letteratom) [Eko Kurniawan]
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Authentype (or: Mix Jpg) [Ekayasa Ekayasa]
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Autumn Lane Paperie [Beck McCormick]
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Awansenja Type [Riyadh Abuhafs]
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Bal Studio (or: Balstudio) [Iqbal Amsar Hidayat]
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Balpirick Studio
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Bangkit Tri Setiadi [Blankids Studio]
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BBA Key (or: Marwah Store, or Arwah Studio, or Art Design) [Adi Marwah]
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Beck McCormick [Autumn Lane Paperie]
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Belove Studio (or: Takiy) [Abdul Manan]
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Blankids Studio [Bangkit Tri Setiadi]
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Blue Robin Design Shop (or: August 10) [Google]
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Brand Semut [Goresan Pelangi]
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Bung Letter [Muhammad Nazar]
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Burhan Afif [HansCo]
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Callie Hegstrom [MakeMedia Co]
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Chaidir Gata [Gatype (or: Chairul Art)]
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Chairul Art [Khairul Akbar]
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Chairul Ashar [Hiro (or: ashar1802)]
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Christopher King [Wing's Art Studio]
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Colllab Studio [Muhammed Aswar]
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Cooldesign Lab [Kurniadi Saputra]
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Creaditive Design [Aditiyo Dwi Putranto]
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Dabah Faulkner [Google]
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Dav Studio (or: Dimas) [Dimas aji Virgiawan]
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Davis Andi Pradana [Ribeth Studio (or: Fonthana Studio)]
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Dhan Ghete [Area Type (was: GType)]
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Dimas aji Virgiawan [Dav Studio (or: Dimas)]
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Dimas Ardhi [Glyph Style]
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DimitriAna [Anastasia Dimitriadi]
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Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype) [Donis Miftahudin]
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Diosi Julianto [DLetters Studio]
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Dirtyline Studio [Hendra Maulia]
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Ditatype [Donis Miftahudin]
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DLetters Studio [Diosi Julianto]
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Dmitriy Chirkov [Media Lab (or: Dima Evans)]
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Donis Miftahudin [Ditatype]
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Donis Miftahudin [Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype)]
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Edric Studio [Ega Nugraha]
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Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef) [Luthfi Fauzi]
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Ega Nugraha [Edric Studio]
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Egi Ahmad Mufid
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Eka Pamuji [Eknoji Studio]
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Ekayasa Ekayasa [Authentype (or: Mix Jpg)]
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Eknoji Studio [Eka Pamuji]
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Eko Kurniawan [Atom (or: Letteratom)]
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Emanuela Krusteva [Satin Studio (or: Satiné)]
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Emily Conners [Emily Lime Design]
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Emily Lime Design [Emily Conners]
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Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja) [Aldy Sidik]
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Ergibi Studio [Riyadh Rahman]
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Fade Line (was: Director Fonts) [Juni Fadil Putra]
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Fahri Rizal [Mocca Letter (or: Fana Studio)]
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Fahri Yanjah [Fatma Studio]
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Faisal Tanjung [Sizimon Studio]
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Fatma Studio [Fahri Yanjah]
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Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif) [Muhammad Fikry]
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Fiqi Art [Fiqi Febriyanto]
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Fiqi Febriyanto [Fiqi Art]
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Floral Studio [Google]
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Gatra Studio [Wahyu Edhi Widodo]
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Gatype (or: Chairul Art) [Chaidir Gata]
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George Studio (was: I M Studio, Logic Type, or: Biargabara) [Ikhsan Maulana]
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Get Studio (or: Her Design) [Herman Syah]
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Ghazi Humam Fauzan [Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio)]
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Gie Studio [Giwidodo Dodo]
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Gilang Maulana [Maulana Creative]
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Gilar Studio [Gumilar Pratama Adiatna]
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Gittype [Sigit Nur Wicaksono]
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Giwidodo Dodo [Gie Studio]
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Gizem Kilic [Google]
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Glyph Style [Dimas Ardhi]
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Goresan Pelangi [Brand Semut]
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Guisela Mendoza Puentes
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Gulya Yeap [Peach Creme]
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Gumilar Pratama Adiatna [Gilar Studio]
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Haffa Studio [Google]
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Haikal Jamal [Haikal MHJ]
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Haikal MHJ [Haikal Jamal]
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Hajid Hikmatiyar [Hikhcreative]
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HansCo [Burhan Afif]
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Haris Purnama Putra [Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere)]
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Hatf Type [Rendi Rochimah]
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Hayinah Hayinah [Rockboys Studio (or: Rockboy Studio)]
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Hendra Maulia [Dirtyline Studio]
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Hendry Juanda [Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend)]
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Herman Syah [Get Studio (or: Her Design)]
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Herpin Maulana [Lemon Studio Type]
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Hikhcreative [Hajid Hikmatiyar]
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Hiro (or: ashar1802) [Chairul Ashar]
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Hisoka Morrow
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Hleb Zhyhunou [Mr. Typeman]
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I Can Letter [Sumho Pinheiro]
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Ikhsan Maulana [George Studio (was: I M Studio, Logic Type, or: Biargabara)]
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Imam Muhajir [Straight Co]
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Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio) [Arif Dwi]
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Iqbal Amsar Hidayat [Bal Studio (or: Balstudio)]
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Irina Dvilyuk
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Isroni Yoga Prasetya [Yoga Letter]
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Ivan Rosenberg
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Java Pep
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Jeremy Vessey [Pixel Surplus]
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Joel Maker
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Joss Type [Teuku Zulfikar]
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Juni Fadil Putra [Fade Line (was: Director Fonts)]
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Katie Holland [Makeitrock]
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Kayona Alma [Pineung Type]
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Khair Unnas [Zelow Type (was: Khaiuns)]
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Khairul Akbar [Chairul Art]
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Kufic Studio [Ahsan Ahmedzai]
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Kurniadi Saputra [Cooldesign Lab]
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Lemon Studio Type [Herpin Maulana]
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Letterara Studio [Thomas Aradea]
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Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend) [Hendry Juanda]
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Lindsay Kramlich [The Styled Script (or: Luna Paper Co)]
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Luthfi Fauzi [Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef)]
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Madjack Font [Zaki Muhammad]
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Madonna Erotica [Google]
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Majda Spurej Rushton [Sunday Nomad]
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Makeitrock [Katie Holland]
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MakeMedia Co [Callie Hegstrom]
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Maulana Creative [Gilang Maulana]
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Media Lab (or: Dima Evans) [Dmitriy Chirkov]
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Miftahul Jannah [Mytha Studio]
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Mila Garret [Google]
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Mira Kartika Sari [Papermode Co]
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MJ Type (or: Jun Creative) [Muhamad Junaid]
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MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design) [Muhammad Mujibulloh]
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Mocca Letter (or: Fana Studio) [Fahri Rizal]
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Motion Tail Studio [Saiful Bahri]
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Motokiwo [Anton Cahyono]
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Mozatype [Su Kasih]
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Mr. Typeman [Hleb Zhyhunou]
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Muhajir Akarim [Soft Creative]
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Muhajir Muhajir [Skinny Type]
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Muhamad Junaid [MJ Type (or: Jun Creative)]
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Muhamad Yusron Billah [Sron Studio]
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Muhammad Fikry [Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif)]
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Muhammad Ilham [Old Studio (or: Analogous Studio)]
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Muhammad Mujibulloh [MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design)]
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Muhammad Nazar [Bung Letter]
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Muhammad Nur Alamsyah [Allmo Studio]
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Muhammad Rayyan [Slex Studio]
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Muhammad Taufik [Rastype]
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Muhammed Aswar [Colllab Studio]
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Muksalmina Muksalmina [Muksalmina (or: Mercurial, or: Muksal Creatives)]
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Muksalmina (or: Mercurial, or: Muksal Creatives) [Muksalmina Muksalmina]
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Muntab Art [Satriyo Hutomo]
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Mur Zani [Zane Studio]
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Mytha Studio [Miftahul Jannah]
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Nahar [Nanda Hardiansyah]
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Nanda Hardiansyah [Nahar]
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Natural Ink [Arif Gunawan]
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Naufal Paramata [Young Type (was: Alpa Studio)]
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Nestype (was: Nest Studio) [Yesaya Amnestian]
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Nirmana Visual [Sigit Dwipa]
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Nissa Nana (or: Nissa Studio) [Novia Himatunnisa]
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Niyos Studio (or: Niyyos Studio) [Nur Huda]
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Noftanti Studio [Google]
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Novia Himatunnisa [Nissa Nana (or: Nissa Studio)]
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Nur Huda [Niyos Studio (or: Niyyos Studio)]
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Nurul Fajri Redy [Redy Studio (or: Nfajri Redy)]
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Nurul Hidayani [Olive Type]
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Old Studio (or: Analogous Studio) [Muhammad Ilham]
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Olive Type [Nurul Hidayani]
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Panggah Laksono [Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio)]
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Papermode Co [Mira Kartika Sari]
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Peach Creme [Gulya Yeap]
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Pedro Yan [Yanin Design]
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Perspectype [Google]
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Pineung Type [Kayona Alma]
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Pixel Surplus [Jeremy Vessey]
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Putra Cetol Studio [Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma]
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Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma [Putra Cetol Studio]
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Quothron (was: TJ Creative) [Arthur Ilyin]
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Rachel White [Rachel White Art]
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Rachel White Art [Rachel White]
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Rahmat al-hidayat [Al Studiossa]
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Randi Ilhamsyah [VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative)]
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Rastype [Muhammad Taufik]
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Redy Studio (or: Nfajri Redy) [Nurul Fajri Redy]
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Reka Safriani [Selotype]
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Rendi Rochimah [Hatf Type]
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Restu Angga
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Reza Design (or: Silverstein Design) [Akhmad Reza Fauzi]
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Reza Mukhtazar [Rezatype (or: Reza Studio; was: Norman Debut Studio)]
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Rezatype (or: Reza Studio; was: Norman Debut Studio) [Reza Mukhtazar]
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Rhydan Studio [Google]
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Ribeth Studio (or: Fonthana Studio) [Davis Andi Pradana]
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Rinto Dwi Nugroho [Almeera Studio]
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Rise Graph [Google]
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Riski Firmana [Solid Type]
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Riyadh Abuhafs [Awansenja Type]
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Riyadh Rahman [Ergibi Studio]
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Roch Art [Rochadi Sudarma]
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Rochadi Sudarma [Roch Art]
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Rockboys Studio (or: Rockboy Studio) [Hayinah Hayinah]
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Roiyani Teungku [Artisan Studio (or: Artisans)]
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Rometheme [Yahdi Kumala]
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Rotterlab Studio [Sidiq Fahmi]
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Saffatin & Edy (was: Saffatin Sweettype, Saffatin Co, Siwox Studios, Siwox Smoke, DSiwoX) [Sarwo Edi]
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Saiful Anwar [Sealoung (was: Masay Letter)]
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Saiful Bahri [Motion Tail Studio]
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Sakha Design [Alif Ryan Zulfikar]
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Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk) [Angga Suwista]
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Sarid Ezra
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Sarwo Edhi Prayitno [Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio)]
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Sarwo Edi [Saffatin & Edy (was: Saffatin Sweettype, Saffatin Co, Siwox Studios, Siwox Smoke, DSiwoX)]
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Satin Studio (or: Satiné) [Emanuela Krusteva]
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Satriyo Hutomo [Muntab Art]
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Sealoung (was: Masay Letter) [Saiful Anwar]
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Selotype [Reka Safriani]
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Shape Studio [Teuku Saifullah]
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Sidiq Fahmi [Rotterlab Studio]
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Sigit Dwipa [Nirmana Visual]
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Sigit Nur Wicaksono [Gittype]
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Silver Stag [Google]
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Sizimon Studio [Faisal Tanjung]
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Skinny Type [Muhajir Muhajir]
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Slex Studio [Muhammad Rayyan]
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Snipe Scientist [Google]
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Soft Creative [Muhajir Akarim]
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Solid Type [Riski Firmana]
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Sron Studio [Muhamad Yusron Billah]
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Stefani Letter [Stefani Tri Rosa Setiati Christiana]
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Stefani Tri Rosa Setiati Christiana [Stefani Letter]
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Stephanus Prabowo [Andrey Font Design]
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Stipline Studios (was: Fittingline Type Supply, or: Apon Bahrainy) [Teuku Marjan Bahrainy]
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Straight Co [Imam Muhajir]
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String Labs Creative Studio [Virgiawan Listanto]
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Stripes Studio [Yur Lis]
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Struggle Studio [Andri Kurniawan]
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Su Kasih [Mozatype]
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Suke Toejoeh (or: Pollux of Geminorum) [Addy Sukma Bharata]
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Sukjana Almunandar [Alcode]
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Sumho Pinheiro [I Can Letter]
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Sunday Nomad [Majda Spurej Rushton]
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Suza Studio [Zikril Lah]
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T Create (was: Primafox Design, or: Tanincreate) [Tanya Amos]
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Tanya Amos [T Create (was: Primafox Design, or: Tanincreate)]
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Teuku Marjan Bahrainy [Stipline Studios (was: Fittingline Type Supply, or: Apon Bahrainy)]
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Teuku Saifullah [Shape Studio]
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Teuku Zulfikar [Joss Type]
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Teweka [Tuanku Muhammad Iqbal]
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The Styled Script (or: Luna Paper Co) [Lindsay Kramlich]
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Thomas Aradea [Letterara Studio]
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Tuanku Muhammad Iqbal [Teweka]
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Typeline Studio [Yadhie Setiawan]
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Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere) [Haris Purnama Putra]
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UI Creative [Uzma Chaudhry]
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Union Hands (was: 50Fox)
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Uzma Chaudhry [UI Creative]
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Virgiawan Listanto [String Labs Creative Studio]
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VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative) [Randi Ilhamsyah]
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Wahyu Edhi Widodo [Gatra Studio]
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Wing's Art Studio [Christopher King]
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Yadhie Setiawan [Typeline Studio]
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Yahdi Kumala [Rometheme]
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Yanin Design [Pedro Yan]
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Yesaya Amnestian [Nestype (was: Nest Studio)]
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Yoga Letter [Isroni Yoga Prasetya]
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Young Type (was: Alpa Studio) [Naufal Paramata]
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Yur Lis [Stripes Studio]
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Zaki Muhammad [Madjack Font]
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Zane Studio [Mur Zani]
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Zelow Type (was: Khaiuns) [Khair Unnas]
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Zikril Lah [Suza Studio]
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