TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Tue Oct 22 09:05:55 EDT 2024






PDF-related web sites

[Dog drawn by Ralph Steadman]



From the press release by Peter Szabo, its developer: "a2ping is a UNIX command line utility written in Perl that converts many raster image and vector graphics formats to EPS or PDF and other page description formats. Accepted input file formats are: PS (PostScript), EPS, PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, PNM, BMP, GIF, LBM, XPM, PCX, TGA. Accepted output formats are: EPS, PCL5, PDF, PDF1, PBM, PGM, PPM, PS, markedEPS, markedPS, PNG, XWD, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, XPM. a2ping delegates the low-level work to Ghostscript (GS), pdftops and sam2p. a2ping fixes many glitches during the EPS to EPS conversion, so its output is often more compatible and better embeddable than its input." [Google] [More]  ⦿


A list of over 100 users who are willing to help each other out with Acrobat problems. Maintained and led by Dane S. Udenberg. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aglib Software (was: AdLib eDocument Solutions)

Commercial applications such as AdLib eXpress (was: Sentinel) and Publisher 4.0 that turn many types of files into PDF files. Their own blurb: Server based document conversion, OCR, and PDF editing software products for high volume automated processes. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Arphic Technology Co

Taiwanese font company in Taipei. In 1999, they donated four TrueType fonts to the Open Source community under the Arphic public license. These four fonts consist of two Sung type typefaces and two Kai type typefaces, each for traditional and simplified Chinese: bkai00mp.ttf (AR PL KaitiM Big5), # # P L # # Big5 (14148) bsmi00lp.ttf (AR PL Mingti2L Big5), gkai00mp.ttf (AR PL KaitiM GB), gbsn00lp.ttf (AR PL SungtiL GB).

It sells the UniFonts 2000 package, as well as an XPDF font pack. Many of the free Chinese fonts on the web originate from Arphic. For example, here, one could download these fonts from 1998: Arphic-Mingti2-Light-BIG5, HerSin-Medium, InnMing-Bold, InnMing-Extra, InnMing-Heavy, InnMing-Medium, InnMing-Ultra, MaokaiEG-Bold-Big5, MaokaiEG-Extra-Big5, MaokaiEG-Heavy-Big5, NewGothic-Bold, NewGothic-Extra, NewGothic-Heavy, NewGothic-Light, NewGothic-Medium, OvlapRound_Outline-Ultra, PensinkaiEG-Light-Big5, PensinkaiEG-Medium-Big5, Pop1-Bold, Pop2EG-Bold-Big5, Pop3EG-Extra-Big5, Pop3EG-Medium-Big5, Pop3EG-Medium-Big565329, ShanHeiSun-Light, ShanheisunEG-Bold-Big5, ShanheisunEG-Medium-Big5, SingkaiEG-Bold-Big5, SingkaiEG-Light-Big5, StdKai-Medium, StdMing-Medium, StdkaiEG-Bold-Big5, StdkaiEG-Light-Big5, StdsungEG-Bold-Big5, StdsungEG-Heavy-Big5, StdsungEG-Light-Big5, TankuinEG-Bold-Big5, YankaiEG-Heavy-Big5, YankaiEG-Ultra-Big5, YenRound-Bold, YenRound-Extra, YenRound-Heavy, YenRound-Light, YenRound-Medium, YenRound-Ultra, ZuinnEG-Medium-Big5. Their Japanese fonts are sold by Dex Web. FireFly, a Taiwanese company, maintains the free font AR PL New Sung (2004), which was originally an Arphic font. Monotype sells many fonts, such as the sake barrel font Arphic PKanteiryu JIS. Alternate URL.

In 2018, they published the multilingual (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and many other languages) font Jing Xi Hei (+Hair, +Thin, very nice weights), AR DC Qing Yuan, AR DC HY Jian Wei, AR Fang Xin Shu.

Typefaces from 2019: AR Shu Yuan Song.

People presently involved with Arphic include Teresa Mou (senior font designer), Jeff Wu (Genral manager), Grace Yang, Judy Lee (senior font designer), Edwina Lee (strategic cooperation manager), August Lan (head of Font Wizard), and Kaku Kuo (team leader and font designer). Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bakoma TEX

This extensive package designed by Basil K. Malyshev for Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT/98/95 contains a wealth of fonts and software. We quote the author: "BaKoMa TeX is Postscript enabled TeX system intended for Electronic Publishing. Postscript enabled means that the system includes built-in Postscript interpreter that provides careful drawing Postscript graphics (including one embedded into DVI via TeX special's) on display and on (even non-postscript) printers. Also, it provides perfect conversion of any Postscript graphics for such output formats as: PDF, SVG, and HTML. SVG output lets you to create high quality animated presentations. The system supports using a scalable fonts in modern font formats: OpenType, TrueType (Unicode supported), Postscript Type1 (including Multiple Masters), and Type3." The 1500 fonts included are broken down as follows (nearly all are conversions of metafonts):

  • CM (including LaTeX and Logo fonts + vf for T1 with CX)
  • AMS Fonts (Euler, Math Symbols).
  • EC/TC.
  • LH (T2A).
  • Concrete (Math, ECC).
  • Malvern.
  • CMCyr + vf for T2A/LCY.
  • Scripting fonts, CMPica, Punk.
  • Stmaryrd, Wasy, Rsfs, YHMath, BlackBoard (bbm, doublestroke).
  • Lams, Astro Symbols (cmastro, astrosym, moonphase).
  • Barcodes (barcodes, wlean, wlc*), Logical (loggates, milstd).
  • timing, MusiXTeX, Chess/CChess, Go, Backgammon, Dingbats/NiceFrame.
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Bakoma TeX

"BaKoMa TeX is PostScript enabled TeX system intended for preparing of Electronic Publications. The system works under Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT/98/95. The system includes Integrated Development Environment, Extended BaKoMa Fonts Collection, TeX processor with friends, and popular macro packages. The system supports using a scalable fonts (OpenType, TrueType, PostScript Type 1 (including Multiple Masters), and Type 3 font formats) and importing of PostScript graphics into documents. The system supports generation of PDF and printing on any printer supported by a driver under MS Windows." Shareware, developed by Basil Malyshev. [Google] [More]  ⦿

BaKoMa TeX

Free software by Basyl K. Malyshev: BaKoMa TeX is a complete TeX system for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000. It supports type 1, type 3, truetype, OpenType, and TeX PK formats, and enables PostScript in TeX. The system includes about *1500* typefaces in PostScript Type 1 and Type 3 font format including the following fonts: CM (including LaTeX and Logo fonts + vf for T1 with CX, AMS Fonts (Euler, Math Symbols), EC/TC, LH (T2A), Concrete (Math, ECC), Malvern, CMCyr + vf for T2A/LCY, Scripting fonts, CMPica, Punk, Stmaryrd, Wasy, Rsfs, YHMath, BlackBoard (bbm, doublestroke), Lams, Astro Symbols (cmastro, astrosym, moonphase), Barcodes (barcodes, wlean, wlc*), Logical (loggates, milstd), timing, MusiXTeX, Chess/CChess, Go, Backgammon, Dingbats/NiceFrame. PDF output supported. Direct access to the fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ben Blish

Ben Blish compares PDF with HTML:" ... You could just use HTML in the first place. PDF is primarily a scam, a huge, overweight format that offers very little in return for it's proprietary nature. If you can't prepare a good document in HTML, use a higher level tool to do it for you. Or learn how, which is smarter, anyway. HTML is the language of the web. PDF is not. HTML is a fabulous, compatible, live loading streaming format. PDF is not. HTML is a flexible, live medium that encourages quality document authoring in many styles (including print styles) while PDF is a static, inflexible medium that encourages "print-like" authoring only. HTML is accessable to any machine, old or new. Anything on the net. PDF is accessible only to machines that have ports of these representations, and that's just a few platforms. PDF locks you to Adobe (like GIF locks you to Unisys.) HTML frees you to use any compatible mechanism from a text browser to the most complex, newest, dingleberry-enhanced browser (like Opera!) When ego drives you to require a printed document (or a net document!) that "must match exactly" what you see on your screen, all you're doing is demonstrating that you're anal retentive. And that you could care less, or have not considered in any depth, the needs of the readers. Yes, readers have vastly different needs. Some *need* large print, some prefer small. Size is totally relative - what looked good to the author on a 15 inch monitor running 800x600 looks like ant tracks on a 21 inch in 1600x1200. Some like wide columns, some like (or need!) narrow. TO limit the reader to the composer's vision of a document is egotistical, shortsighted and in some cases, even cruel. We're beginning to even see this foolhardy approach on web pages with advent of style sheets; pages where the font can't be enlarged and the page does not follow the browser size... imagine the dismap of the visually impaired as they can't read what's on the screen because some joker locked the font into a tiny representation. If you're good at authoring documents, you'll write them so that they display well in any browser, and print in a rational fashion from those browsers, barring actual browser printing problems you can't get around (the same thing applies to PDF... no special dispensation required!) You'll test your documents at all font sizes to make sure that they continue to format well, and you'll make sure your images don't stomp on your text because you didn't clear the margins. But what you WON'T do... is use PDF. And... almost all of that applies to postscript as well." [Google] [More]  ⦿

Big Faceless

The Big Faceless PDF Library is a Java class library for creating and editing PDF files. You can generate reports in PDF format, create or edit interactive PDF AcroForms, digitally sign PDF documents, and import and edit existing PDF documents. Also available - Report Generator and Graph Library. Free trials available. Contact: Jason Norris. [Google] [More]  ⦿


ClibPDF is a library of ANSI C functions, distributed in source form, for creating PDF (Acrobat) files directly via C language programs without relying on any Adobe Acrobat tools and related products. It is suitable for fast dynamic PDF Web page generation in response to user input and real-time data, and also for implementing publication-quality graph plotting for both on-screen viewing and printing in any custom application. Since there is minimal platform-specific code, it is ideal as cross-platform graphing solutions with minimal developement efforts. Generated PDF files are viewed and printed by auto-launching Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other PDF viewer available free for many platforms. Note that ClibPDF is for PDF file creation only. It has no support for reading or editing existing PDF files. [Google] [More]  ⦿


PDF newsgroup. [Google] [More]  ⦿

DSP Search Engine

From a reliable source: " Out of all the OEM (corporate ID) fonts done in North America over the past five years, Font Bureau was commissioned to do 80% of the work. Apparently, Font Bureau charges a flat $2000 for the full rights of their custom-made fonts. Compare to Adobe's $18000, Emigre's $10000, Fontshop's $35000, and Monotype's $15000. [Google] [More]  ⦿


DVI to PDF filter. Free. [Google] [More]  ⦿


dvi to pdf filter by Mark A. Wicks (Kettering University). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Email to Albert Graef

[More]  ⦿


Script by John Warnocke for distilling all EPS files in a given directory (folder) into a single PDF file. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Siep Kroonenberg]

Epspdf (2008) is an ps/eps/pdf converter which can be used both from the command-line and as a GUI application. It is a Ruby script and is freely provided by Siep Kroonenberg. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Extracting fonts from PDF files

Someone on alt.binaries.fonts posted his/her way of extracting fonts from PDF files using Acrobat (not Acrobat Reader). This recommendation may be slightly dated. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Extracting fonts from PDF files: method I

(1) Export a PostScript file (by pdf2ps, ghostscript, or AcrobatReader); (2) Look for pfa-format type 1 PostScript fonts (they start with %! and end about 50k later with cleartomark); sometimes you may want to look for BeginResource or BeginFont and take anything until the next EndResource; (3) Save that portion to a file (if the first line is not %! then use an editor to add that line; (4) Convert this to a pfb, by using free tools such as t1binary; (5) Warning: you have no .afm (font metric) file, so all kerning is lost, and the fonts are a tad useless. There are free tools to create .afm files without kerning pairs though. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Extracting fonts from PDF files: method II

(1) Make sure you have Acrobat Reader 3 (not later!!!); (2) Open the PDF in Acrobat Reader 3; (3) While the file is open, look at your temporary file folder (called temp oir tmp on most operating systems--it is /tmp on UNIX/Linux) and look for files like PFB...TMP or with PFB in them. These are the font files; (4) Copy these files and name them whatever.pfb; (5) Open the file in a font editor to rename the font and check things. Renaming can also be done if you have the t1binary package: create a pfa format file, open in a conventional text editor, rename the font, and regenerate a pfb format file; (6) Generate a metrics file (AFM and/or PFM), either through a font editor or by using free tools. [Google] [More]  ⦿

FastIO Systems

ClibPDF and TIFF2PDF are ANSI C libraries for direct PDF generation. Not bad---try them out! [Google] [More]  ⦿


A command line or DLL-based component for converting, merging, marking and creating PostScript and PDF files. Commercial product from Visual Integrity. [Google] [More]  ⦿


GhostPDF and Ghostscript are Artifex Software's implementations of the Adobe PostScript and PDF page description languages. Free software for UNIX and Windows. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Guru's Lair: Acrobat library shelf directory

Arizona-based Don Lancaster's huge list of links for PDF and Acrobat. Includes PostScript code websitan.ps, reflog1.ps and weblogu2.ps (website analysis in PostScript), urlindoc.ps (embed url links directly into your pre-Acrobat source documents), tutorial on PostScript "alpha" transparency, a JPEG to PDF file conversion tutorial, catools1.ps (a et of PostScript utilities that let you read Acrobat catalog internals), and a PFB2PFA.PS program. He has, among many other things, some articles on text justification in postscript, called Picojustification and Postjustification. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Han The Thanh

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Hans Hagen

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Helios Software GmbH

German company that sells PDF Handshake. This page explains the "Berthold Types Ltd. vs. European Mikrograf Corp" suit in 2000: "Plaintiff Berthold Types Limited filed a five-count complaint against defendants European Mikrograf Corp., Helios Software Gmbh, and Helmut Tschemernjak alleging counterfeiting (Count I), trademark infringement (Count II), false designation of origin and unfair competition (Count III), deceptive trade and business practices (Count IV), and unjust enrichment (Count V). [...] Plaintiff alleges that defendants market and sell font software as part of a software package called PDF Handshake, which includes font software for over 340 typefaces identified by the Berthhold trademarks, without permission or authorization. [...] Defendants Helios Software ("Helios") and Helmut Tschemernjak have filed a motion to dismiss plaintiff's complaint as to them for lack of personal jurisdiction. For the following reasons, defendants Helios and Tschemernjak's motion to dismiss is granted." [Google] [More]  ⦿


With I-services, one can create PDF files on the fly. From SANFACE Software. This includes the interesting Web PDF viewer! [Google] [More]  ⦿


iText is a java library for the creation and modification of PDFs. It has a LGPL/MPL license and it's free. It supports all kind of fonts including TrueType and CFF with subsetting, interactive content, forms, digital signatures, etc. It also supports many kinds of images: tiff, gif, png, bmp, jpeg and wmf. It has several layout capabilities like tables, columns, lists, etc. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Jaws RIP is a PostScript level 3 and PDF compatible interpreter that runs on Mac and Windows. Jaws PDF Creator is a PDF creator. And Jaws PDF library has PDF to PostScript and PostScript to PDF converters. Commercial products. Personal comment: except for the PDF creator, the other things can be obtained for free, with open source code, in any ghostscript distribution. There are no UNIX or X-Windows versions of the Jaws software as far as I can tell, because the demo download page only shows a choice between Mac and Windows. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Instructions from a colleague on how to make your PDF file look snappy on screen. You need ghostscript 6.5 or newer. Latex your document as normal. Then set "dvips -o foo.ps -Ppdf -G0 -t letter foo.dvi". Finally, "ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true foo.ps foo.pdf". [Google] [More]  ⦿

Laurens Leurs

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"MakePDF provides MS Windows users with a GUI and command-line environment for converting Postscript files to PDF. Utilising the standard MS Windows environment simplifies this activity for the average Windows users." A free open source code project under development. Headed by Samiuela Loni Vea Taufa. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free software project managed by Simon Chenery. They state: Mapyrus is software for creating plots of points, lines, polygons and labels to PostScript (high resolution, up to A0 paper size), Portable Document Format (PDF), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format and web image output formats. Mapyrus is open source software and is implemented entirely in Java enabling it to run on Linux, Mac OS X, Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows and other operating systems for which Java is available. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martin Hosken

Martin Hosken's free PERL modules. GitHub link.

  • Font-TTF: Supports reading, processing and writing of the following tables: GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, LTSH, OS/2, PCLT, bsln, cmap, cvt, fdsc, feat, fpgm, glyf, hdmx, head, hhea, hmtx, kern, loca, maxp, mort, name, post, prep, prop, vhea, vmtx and the reading and writing of all other table types. GitHub link.
  • Font-TTF-Scripts: Smart font script supporting modules and scripts for TTF/OTF. This module contains a number of useful programs for hacking with TTF files: check_attach, eurofix, fret, hackos2, make_gdl, make_volt, psfix, thai2gdl, thai2ot, thai2volt, ttfbuilder, ttfenc, ttfname, ttfremap, ttfsetver, volt2xml, voltExportAnchors, voltFixup, voltImportAnchors.
  • hackos2: edit the OS/2 table in a TrueType Font.
  • ttfbuilder: assemble a font from another font. Its aim is to allow a user to describe a new font in terms of the glyph pallette of a source font.
  • Text-PDF (text to PDF).
  • Font-FRET: font reporting tool system. See also here.
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Online viewer for PDF, PostScript and Word

Free on-line viewer for PS, PDF and Word files, by Samuraj Data AB in Sweden. There is also a free open source program, psview. There is also a free open source program, psview. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Native PDF Creation for Delphi (freeware library for Borland Pascal 7 and Delpih 1-4). By T.K. Cham. [Google] [More]  ⦿

PDF FLY (was: The Graphics Connection)

Commercial product from Visual Integrity. It converts PostScript, EPS and PDF files into PostScript, PDF, SVG, DXF, CGM, HPGL, MIF, WMF, EMF, EPS, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP and ASCII. Licenses start at $395. Available in desktop, server and developer versions on Windows, Linux and UNIX. Formerly known as The Graphics Connection from Square One bv. [Google] [More]  ⦿

PDF store

A central warehouse for commercial and non-commercial PDF software. Has a newsletter. [Google] [More]  ⦿

PDF Zone

[More]  ⦿


Free open source code by Twibright Labs for making HTML pages out of PDF files. Note: I struggled for 30 minutes, and failed to install it for FreeBSD Unix. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Perl script written by Detlev Droege. [Google] [More]  ⦿


A (free open source code) PDF/XML conversion program. The project is headed by Steve Dunn. [Google] [More]  ⦿


PDF::Create is a Perl module that allows you to create PDF documents, possibly on the fly, using a large number of primitives. This free software project is being spearheaded by Fabien Tassin. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free Open Source utility for Windows for "creating PDFs out of common software Like Word, StarCalc or every other Windows Application that uses the Windows Printers." Developed by Philip Chinery and Frank Heindörfer. [Google] [More]  ⦿

PDFindex 1.1

PDFindex, a shareware PERL5 program by Fabrizio Pivari at SANFACE Software, allows one to create an index from a PDF archive. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Thomas Merz]

Free source code by Thomas Merz: A library for generating PDF on the fly. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Commercial product that generates PDF files. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Han The Thanh]

PDFTEX is an extended version of TeX that can create PDF directly from TeX source files and enhance the result of TeX typesetting with the help of PDF. It is based on the original TeX sources and Web2c, and has been successfully compiled on Unix, Win32 and DOS systems. It is still under development and features may change; it produces excellent PDF code. It was developed by Han The Thanh. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Let TEX produce a PDF document. See also here. Free software by Han The Thanh. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Gueorgui Ovtcharov and Rainer Dorsch at the University of Stuttgart developed free Open Source code for converting PDF files into HTML files. [Google] [More]  ⦿


From EnFocus Software, commercial product to edit PDF files. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free open source png to pdf converter developed by Dirk Krause. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free converter from PNG to PDF. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Hans Hagen]

Based in Hasselt, The Netherlands, this is an advanced document engineering company, dealing with metapost, PDF, postscript, TEX, metafont, and professional typesetting in general. Led by Hans Hagen and Ton Otten. Publishers of PDFTEX. ConText is TEX macro package. METAFUN is a manual related to Metapost. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Laurens Leurs]

Laurens Leurs' page, with special attention paid to PostScript errors. It contains a database of known PostScript errors and offending commands, including tips on how to get rid of the errors (if possible). Also included is a brief history of the world's 30 most important typefaces. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free product that is part of Ghostscript: ps2pdf "is a work-alike for nearly all the functionality (but not the user interface) of Adobe's AcrobatTM DistillerTM product: it converts PostScript files to Portable Document Format (PDF) files. ps2pdf is implemented as a very small command script (batch file) that invokes Ghostscript, selecting a special "output device" called pdfwrite." [Google] [More]  ⦿

ps2pdf with ghostscript

gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.ps
Check here for more info on creating PDF files from TEX via dvips, by Kendall Whitehouse. [Google] [More]  ⦿


The LaTeX package ps4pdf provides a new way to use Postscript commands (e.g. PSTricks graphics, PSfrag replacements, EPS graphics) inside a pdfLaTeX processed document. You need recent versions of the LaTeX packages preview, ifpdf, ifvtex and a new LaTeX base installation. By Rolf Niepraschk. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free program to PS/EPS/TIFF/JPEG files to PDF, transcode PDF to PDF and generate EPS. It can also be used as Windows PDF printer, producing PDF directly from any application - even over the network. For Windows, Mac OSX and UNIX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

PStill v1.20

Frank M. Siegert's PostScript to PDF converter for NeXTSTEP, OpenStep/Mach and Linux/Intel, Solaris/Sparc, IRIX 6.x/MIPS, and UNIX. Free for private and educational use. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Q Equational Functional Language

Albert Graef's language: Q is an experimental functional language based on the term rewriting calculus. Interface to PostScript is included. C source code available for free. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Qoppa Software

Commercial products of Qoppa include jPDFViewer (java code for putting in applications), jPDFProcess (java library), and jPDFWriter (java class library). This material is aimed at software manufacturers and programmers. [Google] [More]  ⦿


PDF writer with Q interface written by Jan Skibinski at Numeric Quest Inc. "Qpdf is a dynamic writer of PDF files, which uses C library PDFlib as a back end and Equational Functional Lanquage Q as an engine to drive the library." [Google] [More]  ⦿


"RML2PDF is a translator which takes a document specification written in RML and translates the specification into a PDF document. RML (Report Markup Language) is an XML dialect which is as easy to use as HTML but which also provides a high degree of control for page layouts and graphical presentations." It is part of the free open source product called ReportLab. Contact: Dinu Gherman. Requires Python though. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rich Sprague
[The Scoop on Font Embedding Restrictions&Adobe Acrobat PDF]

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Siep Kroonenberg

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A commercial PostScript editor for Mac that exports to EPS, AI, PDF, PICT, TIFF, and GIF formats. 370USD commercial, 200USD educational. Pitstop PDF editor for Windows/Mac at 300 USD. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tamir Hassan

Doctoral student at Technische Universität Wien specializing in data extraction from PDF files. He also works on parametrized fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TechPool Software

Commercial software like PSEditLink (import EPS and PostScript files directly into Freehand), and Transverter Pro (PostScript and PDF utility). [Google] [More]  ⦿


Martin Hosken's free Perl module for manipulating and creating simple PDF files. Supports truetype, but not type 1. Alternate site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Scoop on Font Embedding Restrictions&Adobe Acrobat PDF
[Rich Sprague]

Rich Sprague on font embedding in PDF files, Acrobat's Distiller, Fontographer incorrect 0001 fsType embedding number, and the future of embedding. Alternate source. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thomas Merz

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Tiff Junction

Commercial Windows software by Aquaforest for batch converting tiff files and pdf image only files to pdf files (325 USD). It can also split and merge tiff files. For 1000 USD, one can get the Pro version, which allows one to create from either a tiff or an image-only pdf file a text searchable pdf file, an OCR text file or just a text file. Free trials. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Torry's Delphi

This site has many pieces of software, including LlPDFLibrary v.1.2 (Lionsoft's pure Object Pascal library for create PDF documents. This library dosen't use any DLL and external third-party software to generate PDF files), Nishita's PDF Creation VCL v.2.0 (K. Nishita's Delphi Native VCL to create Adobe Acrobat PDF files), PasPDF v.0.943 (T.K. Cham's native PDF creation for Delphi), PDF In-The-Box v.1.4 (by Synactis, a PDF generator), PowerPdf v.0.9 beta (Takeshi Kanno's VCL to create PDF docment visually), TTFToVector Converter v.2.05 (Marco Cocco's converter of truetype fonts to polylines), WPDF - The PDF PDFPrinter v.1.34 (Julian Ziersch's tool for PDF creation). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tutorial on JPEG to PDF conversion

By Don Lancaster. [Google] [More]  ⦿

txt2pdf v7.0

Flexible shareware PERL5 program to change text into a PDF file. 55 dollars per license. By SANFACE Software. There is also txt2pdf.cgi. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typesetter Forum

Forum and blog for typesetters. Subpages on fonts, TeX, PDF and Adobe's software. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Using Truetype fonts with TeX and pdfTeX

Damir Rakityansky gives an absolutely fantastic description on the use of TrueType fonts with TeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX. Requires ttf2afm, ttf2tfm, ttf2pk. [Google] [More]  ⦿


StoryPad is a commercial product for PC and Linux for extracting text and images from PDF files. The company, IDRsolutions, wants to see itself listed as "http://www.idrsolutions.com". [Google] [More]  ⦿


View PDF files on X-Windows, and extract images from PDF files. By Derek B. Noonburg. GNU license software, faster and more reliable than Acrobat Reader. To extract fonts from pdf files: start xpdf, print to a file (a postscript file). That file has all the fonts neatly embedded in pfa format, except for the first line (the BeginResource line should be replaced by the first line of a pfa font). The last line is "cleartomark". Use a pfa to pfb converter, and you are done. [Google] [More]  ⦿

XPDF and X-Windows type 1 fonts

How to set up X-windows Type 1 fonts for use with xpdf. Deals mainly with the Bakoma fonts (type 1 versions of the Computer Modern fonts). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Y&Y: TeX to PDF

Article on creating PDF documents from TeX. At the Y&Y site. Check also this page of links. [Google] [More]  ⦿