TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:36 EDT 2025






Nicolas Jenson

Or Nicholas Jenson. French printer and artist born in Sommevoire, France in 1420. He worked mostly in Venice as a printer, type designer, punch cutter, and engraver from 1468 until his death in Venice in 1480. In 1475 he was made a papal count by Pope Sixtus IV. He produces his first roman type in Cicero, Epistolae ad Brutum (1468), which is described as perfect and unequaled. A Greek typeface which is used for quotations was made in 1471. In 1473, he creates a blackletter typeface which he uses in books on medicine and history. In 1475, he founds his first book trading company, Nicolaus Jenson sociique, whose partners include the Frankfurt businessmen Peter Ugelheimer and Johann Rauchfass. In 1480, his second book trading company is launched under the name Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson et socii.

Jenson's typefaces influenced many new alphabets:

  • William Morris based his Gold Type on Jenson' type in 1890. Cobden-Sanderson modeled his typeface for Doves Press on Jenson's alphabets in 1900.
  • Bruce Rogers emulated them with his Centaur font (1914; called Venetian 301 at Bitstream).
  • In 1926, Jenson's roman is recut by Morris Fuller Benton as Cloister Old Style.
  • Eusebius (Ernest Detterer and Robert Hunter Middleton, Ludlow) is a further extension. Jim Spiece's NicolasJensonSG is a digital type family that builds on and extends Eusebius.
  • Perhaps the most prominent of digital Jensonian typefaces is Robert Slimbach's Adobe Jenson (1996).
  • Other derived typefaces include Hess Old Style (Sol Hess, 1920-1923 and Steve Jackaman, 1993), Jenson Oldstyle (ATF), Montaigne and Hightower (Tobias Frere-Jones, Font Bureau).

Brief bio by The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology of UCLA. Linotype link. FontShop link. Klingspor link.

Nicolas Jenson
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ History of type ⦿ Type design in Italy ⦿ Type design in France ⦿ Venetian or antiqua typefaces ⦿

file name: Nikolaus Jenson Italian Antiqua 1471

file name: Steve Jackaman Hess Old Style R R Medium 1993 after Sol Hess 1920 1923

file name: Robert Slimbch Adobe Jenson

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1996 Poster by Gabriela Da Costa 2014

file name: Antonella Pagliarulo Analysis of Jenson 2014

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014b

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014c

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014d

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014e

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Will Scharlott 2015

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Will Scharlott 2015b

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000

file name: Carlos Perez Adobe Jenson Slimbach Jenson Poster 2011

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Will Scharlott 2015c

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Hightower 1994

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Hightower 1994 1996b

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Hightower 1994 1996c

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Hightower 1994 1996d

file name: Jim Spiece Nicolas Jenson S G Regular Petite Caps

file name: Jim Spiece Nicolas Jenson S G Open

file name: A T F Jenson Oldstyle No2

file name: Nicolas Jenson Typographic Mark

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html