August 27, 2012: The slides of the invited speakers are now on-line. They can also be downloaded here in PDF format: Avi Wigderson, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Michael Drmota, Svante Janson.
July 20, 2012: The proceedings are now on-line. The correct reference is 23rd Intern. Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'12), 2012, DMTCS Proceedings, Nicolas Broutin and Luc Devroye, editors. Free download (of course!).
July 20, 2012: The group picture is now on-line.
June 20, 2012: The organizers thank all participants for their contribution to a successful meeting.
April 5, 2012: The program is now on-line.
April 4, 2012: Registration is now open.
April 4, 2012: Social event schedule has been posted. Details and venues will follow later.
April 1, 2012: Accepted papers have been posted.
April 1, 2012: Lodging: several recommended links are listed.