TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 10:50:57 EST 2025
Dingbats (archives) | ||
7000+ Archive and links. Contains subdirectories with Sci-Fi fonts and dingbats. Frequently added new fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Ahmet Zorlu's dingbat font archive. Plus about 50 standard fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
A couple of Luftwaffe truetype fonts. Page by Ralph R. Forehand. Luftwaffe is a pretty blackletter font from the WSI collection, and din1451 is a gorgeous stencil font. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Archive specializing in animal dingbat fonts. Nice presentation. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Astrology, horror and symbol font archive (200+ fonts). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Small dingbat archive: Easter Art (Graham Meade), MotorBikez (General Ike), Slats-lt, StaintGlass, CK Jewels (CandeeKis), ck_vic-silhouette. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Only four fonts here, but one of them is Monotype's Milestones dingbats font! [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Cyrillic and dingbat fonts in the "rar" files: AGBenguiatCyrBook, AGBenguiatCyrBoldBold, AGLetterica-BoldOblique, AGLetterica-Oblique, AGLetterica-Roman, AGOpus-Bold, AGOpus-BoldOblique, AGOpus-Oblique, AGOpus-Roman, AGSouvenirCyrRoman, AGSouvenirCyrBold, AGSouvenirCyrBoldItalic, AGSouvenirCyrItalic, AmbassadoreType-Italic, AmbassadoreType, Arbat-Bold, Arbat, Chance, Decorations, FUNFACE, DecorCTT, ErikaC, GlasnostBold, GlasnostLightFWF, GlastenBold, GlastenNormal, PaladinPCRusMedium, GothicRusMedium, GothicRusMedium, JakobCTT-Regular, JakobCTT-Bold, JakobExtraCTT-Regular, MilestonesTT, Zbats-PS-, MonotypeSorts, NTHarmonica-Bold, NTHarmonica-Black-Normal, NTHarmonica-Normal, Optimal, Ornament, OrnamentTT, Ornament_TM, Penta-Light, RUBICKNormal, TimesNRCyrMT, TimesNRCyrMT-Bold, TimesNRCyrMT-Inclined, ZapfDingbatsITCbyBT-Regular, ABCTypeWriterRussian, Webdings, Wingdings-Regular, Wingdings2, Wingdings3, Herold. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dingbat font archive for jewelry decorations. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Great archive with many blackletter fonts. Features fonts such as AngloSaxon 8th, Bastarda, CelticFrames (Omega Font Labs), Celtic Gaelige (Susan K. Zalusky), The Middle Ages (dingbats), Monsters of Stone (dingbats), Stonehenge, Theodoric, Windsor, Magic Medieval (Dave Howell's modification of Goudy Medieval), Kelly Ann Gothic (Mike Allard), Judas, Houters Normal. Has Celtic fonts and Heraldic fonts as well. Page by Bryde the Webmistress. Alternate URL. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Andy Genovese's shareware archive for (well over 100) dingbats and foreign fonts. Great presentation of some foreign language fonts. Also an archive on logo fonts and another one on smashed fonts, which are mainly shareware old typewriter fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Seven cat fonts in this archive. Includes SnatchSoft's Vetrinarian-bats. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Ten truetype fonts with symbols for chemistry. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Free Christmas font archive by Sandra Avoletta. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
This archive flashes back at you. Dangerous for the eyes. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Rune and rune dingbat font archive: ChaoSquat, Eldar, Imperial1, Marines, Morpheus, Orky1. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Anis Sadeghpour's 950+ archive of freeware/shareware fonts. Includes a dingbat archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
The CorelDraw dingbats can be found in many places. The fonts: Animals-1, Animals-2, Arrows1, Arrows2, Awards, Balloons, Borders1, Borders2, Buildings, Bullets1, Bullets2, Bullets3, Bullets-4(Japanese), Bullets-5(Korean), Business&Government, Borders1, Borders2, Boxes, Charting, Clocks, CommonBullets, Computers, Chinese-Generic1, Electronics, Festive, Food, Furniture, GeographicSymbolsNormal, Household, Hygiene, HomePlanning, HomePlanning2, Japanese-Generic1, Kidnap, Korean-Generic1, Landmarks, LandscapePlanning, Medicine, Military, MilitaryID, MorseCode, Music, MusicalSymbolsNormal, NauticalFlags, OfficePlanning, People, Plants, Science, Semaphore, Signs, Space, SportsFigures, Sports&Hobbies, Stars1, Stars2, SymbolProportionalBT-Regular, Shapes1. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
This truetype archive has Carta-Normal, Kudasai, HemiHead426, Botanical, UniversCondensed, UniversCondensed-Bold, UniversCondensed-Italic, Univers, Univers-Bold, Univers-BoldItalic, Univers-Italic, UptownPlain. The Univers family is from Miles (1992). Botanical are leafy dingbats by Monotype (1995). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Thomas Leuthard's large font archive of freeware/shareware fonts. Great dingbat sub-archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
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Hrzica Davor from Croatia showcases many dingbat fonts, including Monotype dingbats such as Df Calligraphic Ornaments, Df Diversions, and df Diversities. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Useful French archive with nice categories such as Cartoons, Horror, Tech, Fantasy, Script, Symbols, Famous fonts, pixel fonts, typewriter, Gothic. It has grown to be the number one site in the world for publishing new free fonts. All designers are clearly identified, and all font information is easily accessible. Links. About 10000 fonts now, with monthly additions. Newest stuff. Links to all designers. All pre-October 2009 fonts in one 660MB download file. Run by Rodolphe Milan (France, b. 1972). [Google] [More] ⦿ |
This small archive has, e.g., Atlantean (1999, Walt Disney Company: runes), Disney-Dingbats, Dracula, Kidnap, MorseCode (Corel), MusicalSymbolsNormal, SignLanguage, Signs, Tribal, WDIMemo (Monotype). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Cloer (kitchen tile font from FLOP Design), Humanbuilding, Pilgi2 (Hangul font), SAKURAhira (kana font), SnowDream, Toon-Plain, VintageDingbats, ZingDing. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Huge French archive with 500 dingbats, and thousands of fonts. It includes the original dingbat font Trains (Uncle Dave's Oakstand Enterprises, 1991). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Fantastic and huge dingbat archive by Ozmee. Ozmee's own dingbats: AngelsBears, Arrows1, BoysSamplerPack, FreeMixFreeware, Holialphadecorative, Munchkins, Shapes1, ValentineDayNormal, Easterdc, Frames1Normal, Boysdc, Sealifedc. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Possibly the greatest dingbat archive, about 1200 fonts strong, it went silent after about a decade. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dingbat archive. An original font, TrickorTreatDing (truetype, 20 Halloween dingbats). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dingbat font archive. About 80 fonts in all. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
One of the greatest dingbat archives, with perfect categorization. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Archive with 159 Freeware/Shareware Dingbat Fonts, in TrueType format. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
UK-based archove for lost dingbats. Very useful. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
At Shirley J. Rollinson's site in Portales, New Mexico, an archive with Greek, Coptic, Hebrew and dingbat fonts. A sampling: AWI105 (Amien World International), Alex, Altrussisch, AltrussischBold, AltrussischBoldItalic, AltrussischItalic, American-PresidentsSAMPLE, AngloSaxonRunes, AngloSaxonRunes1, AngloSaxonRunes2, Animals, Animals2, AntoniousJJencom, AntoniousJJencomHollow, AntoniousJJencomThin, AntoniousJJencomWide, AntoniousNormal, AntoniousNormalHollow, AntoniousNormalThin, AntoniousNormalWide, AntoniousOLOverLine, AntoniousOLOverLineHollow, AntoniousOLOverLineThin, AntoniousOLOverLineWide, Athenian, Athletes, BSTGreek, BSTHebrew, Basics, CU_SYMBL, CarrAnimalDingbats, CarrArrowsfilled, CarrArrowsoutline, CarrDingbats2, CarrDings, CelticPatterns, ChayaBold, ChemCycles, ChristianCrosses, ClassifiedDingbats, CommonBulletsNormal, Coptic-Regular, Coptic-Regular, CopticNormal, Dastafarin-Regular, Dingbat-Cats2, DivChem, DwarfRunes, DwarfRunes1, DwarfRunes2, Eggs, FOOD, Fabeldyr-2, Flower-Show, FontForFree, Futura-Thin, Futura-ThinItalic, GermanicRunes, GermanicRunes1, GermanicRunes2, GideonMedium, Grammata, Greek-Regular, Greek-Regular, Greek, GreekOldFace, GreekOldFaceC, HWGreek, Hebpar, Hebrew-Italic, Hebrew-Regular, Inter, Ismini, KirillicaWincyr, Kitchentile, KoineMedium, Koptos-Regular, Korinthus-Italic, Korinthus, Kur2siv-Italic, Lashon-Tov, Lavra-Plain, Linear-B, LudlowDingbats, MENA-1, Martin-Vogel's-Symbols, Medicine, MendelSiddurBold, MendelSiddurMW-Bold, Milan-Greek, MonitorNormal, New-Dingcats, Noam-New-Hebrew, NovaNormal, Novgorod-Plain, Ornaments, Paleo-Hebrew-NormalA, PecanSoncHebrew, Pni2na, Pointers, QuiltersDelight, RK-Meroitic-(Demotic), RK-Meroitic-(Hieroglyphics), RK-Meroitic-Transscript, RK-Persian-Cuneiform, RK-Sanskrit, RK-Ugaritic-Transscript, RK-Ugaritic, Rashi, Roman-Catholic, RuthFancy, SILDoulosIPA, SILGalatia, SILGalatiaBold, SILGalatiaExtras, SILGalatiaExtrasBold, SILManuscriptIPA, SILSophiaIPA, SPAchmim, SPDamascus, SPDoric, SPEdessa, SPEzra, SPIonic, SPTiberian, Sgreek-Fixed, Sgreek-Medium, ShalomOldStyle, ShalomOldStyle, ShalomScript, ShalomStick, ShebrewMedium, States, Statuer, Symbol-Accentuated, SymbolMW-Bold, SymbolMW-BoldItalic, SymbolMW-Italic, SymbolMW-Normal, TLHelpCyrillic, TattooNo1, TattooNo2, TimesNewRomanNavajo, TimesNewRomanNavajoBold, TimesNewRomanNavajoBoldItalic, TimesNewRomanNavajoItalic, TorahSofer, TransliterationItalic, Tzipporah, Ugarit, VintageDingbats, WarnSymbols1, WarnSymbols2, WarnSymbols3, WarnSymbols4, WarnSymbols5, YourKeys, ZapfDingbats, button_by_fanta, fantas-second, hebrew, persische-Keilschrift. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Bambi Douglas's Christmas font archive. Alternate more direct URL. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Several fonts here, such as GeotypeTT (dingbats, 1997, Exclamat!ons), SympolsTT (1998, Exclamat!ons), WebKnobsTT (1997, Exclamat!ons), AstroglyphHard (futuristic font, 1999, M. Burns&Associate Typographical Foundry), LanskyMedium (1995, by Intecsas oHG, Duesseldorf), WebKnobsTT, SnellBT-Bold, ZurichBT-UltraBlackExtended, Staccato222BT-Regular, HandelGothicBT-Regular, ZurichBT-LightExtraCondensed, OzHandicraftBT-Roman. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
A few dingbats here such as ArtsyParts-Dingbats-JL, Calendar-Normal, Cheq, ClassifiedDingbats, Electronics-Regular, Hazard-Regular, LogosCorporate-VOL1A, MiniPics, OldTimeAdDingsTwo, Panda, Pie-charts-for-maps, RoadWarningSign, RoadSign, Transport-Regular (by Magnum Software), CORPartSample, CORPartIISample (both by Grafik Solutionz, 1997), Medicine. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Chrissie's 750-font archive, and links to original freeware fonts. Some Bitstream fonts, many SSi fonts, and an interesting array of other typefaces. Plus lots of dingbat fonts. Was Chrissie's Corner / chrissie's webgraphix. A very very good web page. Great presentation! [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Ellinor Maria Rapp
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Small archive with LED fonts, Liquid crystal fonts, dot matrix fonts, electrical symbol fonts, digital readout fonts, oscilloscope fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Scouting font archive: UKPatrolBadges, Baden-Powell-Patrol-Animals, ScoutingUKDings, Twig. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Italian archive with old language fonts, alchemy symbol fonts, rune fonts, and dingbats. Contains MarseilleTarotA (1997). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Small archive. Has Cheq (truetype), African Ornaments One (Dixie's Delights, 1994). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
About 600 free TrueType fonts archived by Thomas Derdeyn. Has a substantial dingbat archive. Earlier goodies included Emigre's Zeitguys2 by Bob Aufuldish and Eric Donelan, Surf_Bat__Windsurfing_Dingbats by Art, and Freudfont and StarburstFont by Jonathan Macagba of Handcraftedfonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Vicky Tay's great fancy/faerie/fantasy/dingbat font archive. Has some Maori fonts (Verdana, ComicSans, TimesRoman). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Small archive of big font files, typically dingbats and initial caps. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Interesting display font and dingbat archive with many fonts such as the MiniPics series from Image Club Graphics, GoudyStout (Microsoft) and Butterflips. About 150 fonts in all. Direct access. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
About 1000 dingbat fonts here. Absolutely fantastic presentation! [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Japanese language font site. Links, and an archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Font archive from Denmark. Includes several original dingbat fonts from Listemageren such as Ancient Greeks and Gabriel's Angels. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Big font archive. Subpages on everything, including old typewriter fonts, and handwriting fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Useful large archive of truetype fonts. Has a dingbat section. Run by Shirley Newbold. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
A great 1000+ font archive, well-managed by "pheanix". Type 1 and TT for the PC. Support Pheanix because he was unfairly harassed by ITC's Tom Dunbar for copyright infringement. Has a great dingbats page now. Check also his low graphics page. Plus many links. dingbats-Thin however, is a carbon copy of Zapf Dingbats. Direct access. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Alphadings archive by Pauline Cantaloup. Visit also her font archive, and her dingbat archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Well-stacked and neatly categorized archive. Lots of dingbat fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Holiday dingbat archive. Part of the Fontessa site. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Archive with over 750 categorized fonts. Rather slow--lots of clicking and changing directories, and graphics. Good dingbats archive. Direct access. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Great archive by Peter Olsson, with exemplary categorization, including dingbats, Western fonts, Asian-looking fonts, "famous fonts", pixel fonts, and so forth. Links. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Big archive (over 3000 fonts, and at least 300 dingbats and over 1200 Mac fonts), with special dingbat category. List contains great-looking fonts. An exemplary page, with the designers clearly identified (with links), and easy fast downloads. Dingbat archive. Worth a very strong bookmark. The designer and boss is Richmond, VA-based Ole Larsen. Some original dingbat fonts as well, such as BatBats, BorderCorners, BorderCorners2, BugBats, Eagles, Florals1, Florals2, FlowerOrnaments, Hole In One, PensnPencils, Pirates1, Pirates2, Rothenburg-Decorative-Normal, SeasonsGreetings, WedDing, YeeHaw. The FontFreak links are also highly recommended. New fonts. Type designers. Dafont. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Jenna (Tygre)'s font archive, with emphasis on band fonts such as Ogilvie (Skinny Puppy), Sin Gothic (NIN), Treasure (Cure), Metallica, Metal Lord (Iron Maiden font by Ray Larabie), Violation (Depeche Mode), and Temple (Pearl Jam). There are some new dingbat fonts, such as Woolbats (occult symbols), Hippy (hippy symbols), Modebats (Depeche Mode dingbats), and City (Skyline). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dingbat and alphading archive. Most button no functional. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Free dingbat font BoozeBats by Fontalicious (1998). Plus a page called Flirt-Fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Small Danish font archive: dingbats, movie fonts, game fonts, fantasy fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
The 15MB fonts.zip file contains fonts by Microsoft, Bitstream, MicroVision, Brendel, Monotype, plus additional fonts such as TxFntB10, TxFntB12, TxFntB14, TxFntB8, TxFntN6, TxFntN8, the Quicktype family (Monotype), PressWriterSymbols (Broderbund, 1996), NelcoSymbols (Bitstream, 1998), Embie (embossed letters by Sean Cavanaugh, 1997), Sylfaen and LucidaSansUnicode. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Hundred + font archive with a great selection. Lots of Bitstream fonts. Includes also the MiniPics dingbat series. Convenient 3.5MB mega-dpwnload. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
John and April post a few freeware or shareware public domain TT and T1 fonts sent in by volunteer designers for your downloading pleasure: Gogo-Big, Bodiac, Arenski (nice calligraphic font), Debussy (also neat) and International Dingbats. The fonts change every week, apparently. A useful page! Has grown to nice proportions now, and includes interesting designs such as Menu Dings, Child Silhouette Dings, Binner Gothic, Agency Gothic, Ocean, StudioEArt Dings, Matador All Caps, Tropicana, Deerfield All Caps, Fancy Food Dings, McBoing, Pine Casual, ESP, Music Fun, Silbooettes, Swenson, ListDing Squares, Esperanza (1996, connected medieval handwriting), Cassandra. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Small archive specializing in dingbats and frilly typefaces. Direct access to Alison-Regular, AmazeNormal, BeMine, BeachmanScript, Birthdaze, BlackChancery, BlackadderITC-Regular, Blackletter686BT-Regular, BorderCorners2, BouquetInitials, BrockScript, ChelseaStudio, CurlyArtNouveau, CurlzMT, EdwardianScriptITC, Fiolex-Girls, FlowerShower, GandoBT-Regular, Gigi-Regular, HarlowSolid, HolidayPiBT-Regular, Iphegenia, KiddyDing, LariatLight, Littlecuties, SomeoneSpecial, Tattoo. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Font and dingbat archive. See also here for a letterbat archive. The letterbat archive has thirty-five pearlygates fonts, including eight not available on the pearlygates official site: Dinosaur Stomp, Fairy Sparkle, I'm Every Woman, Liberace, Lolly, Millenium Bug, Millenium Star,&Typewriter Letter. The text sample for DeathHead KeltCaps is unintentionally very funny. (Thanks to Peter for pointing this out to me.) [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Klaus Johansen
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Archive offering knot fonts: 40knot, RopeMF (by Richard William Mueller), knots. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Lilian Virginia Caixeta's 2000-font archive. Truetype for PC. Contains Zapf Dingbats, about 200 Bitstream fonts, and many nice things. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Listemageren Fontarkiv
Dafont link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Font archive. Original fonts FreeNights&Weekends (2002) and Jay Diddy (2002). The designer is "Jeff". Alternate URL. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Over 3000 free commercial logos (not in font format, but convertible by hackers). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Lord Kyl's Medieval and Fantasy Fonts
Alternate URL at TypOasis. Other archive categories: runic fonts, gothic, versals (initial caps), uncial, roman era, anglo-saxon. Old URL. Dafont link. Fontspace link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
A 13MB font rar file with 420 dingbats, including the collections of Samuel Marcius, Listemageren, and others, but also including BOTAROSA1 (Ivan Louette, 2000), Bearpaw Bats (Dennis Anderson, 1999), CORPart (Grafik Solutionz Inc, 1996-1997), CarTown (Juan Carlos Alcala, 1997), Ice Stars II (Lovena Harwood), MacDingbats (Stephen M. Wheeler, 1995), Mapbats (Ken Gross, 1998), Monopolybats (Chris Brown, 1998), Pi Rho Runestones (Peter Rempel, 1998), Prince (Ellipsis Design, 1994), Printers Ornaments One (Blake Haber, 1994), Smilly (Yoshi Sodeoka, 1995). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Fonts here include DNRRecreationSymbols, DNRRoadSymbols, ParkSymbol (by the US National Park Service), ESRI Military dingbat fonts, recreational dingbat fonts by Paul A. Zellmer of the Tongass National Forest, and a goldmine of links to travel and government dingbat fonts. Animal dingbat archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Margarit Ralev
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Mike Doughty
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Mike's Sketchpad: Free Font Archive
| From Studio City, CA, Mike Doughty's free font archive. This page also has his tech fonts, "Generic Tech", in all formats for all computers. Mike created Wichita in 1997 with Chank Diesel. Alternate URL. Has a good dingbat archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Medium-sized archive. Has subarchives with Christmas fonts, Easter fonts, Valentibe fonts, music fonts, and Halloween fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Archive with feline fonts such as BadBlackCat, CarrieCattSH, Dingbat-Cats2, KittyPrint. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Brazilian archive with 2000+ fonts. Dingbat subarchive. Barcode subarchive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Archives for blackletter, decorative, esoteric and dingbat categories. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Ole Larsen
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Pablo Saratxaga's archive with about 20 display fonts, and fonts for Vietnamese, Armenian, Georgian, Thai, Indic and dingbats. Just the Armenian subarchive has these fonts, mostly by Ruben Tarumian, dated 1994: ArTarumianAfrickian, ArTarumianAnpuit, ArTarumianBakhum, ArTarumianBarak-Bold, ArTarumianBarak, ArTarumianErevan, ArTarumianGovazd-Italic, ArTarumianGrig, ArTarumianGrqiNor-Bold-Italik, ArTarumianGrqiNor-Bold, ArTarumianGrqiNor-Italic, ArTarumianGrqiNor, ArTarumianHamagumar, ArTarumianHandes, ArTarumianHeghnar, ArTarumianIshxan, ArTarumianKamar, ArTarumianMHarvats, ArTarumianMatenagir-Bold-Italic, ArTarumianMatenagir-Bold, ArTarumianMatenagir-Italic, ArTarumianMatenagir, ArTarumianNorMatenagir, ArTarumianPastar, ArmNet-Helvetica. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Lav Plourde's font archive. Many dingbats. A total of about 550 fonts. Links. Direct access. Oriental simulation fonts. Cat font archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Pauline Cantaloup's 50-font archive. Gorgeous animal dingbat archive. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
About twenty dingbats and 200 regular fonts in this archive dating from 1999, maintained by Pete Boy (Petri Salmela). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Large archive with subdivisions into Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Dingbats. It has mostly shareware fonts, but sprinkled with an occasional commercial font. Run by "Nancy". [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Ralf Franz's great archive, nicely categorized. About 500 fonts right now. Mystery fonts, erotic fonts, psycho fonts, Star Trek fonts, famous fonts, and dingbats, to name the main categories. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Letraset's PabloLetPlain truetype font. Plus PartiesMT. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Archive with: ClowningWayText-Condensed (Imageline), the following fonts by Yoshiyasu Ito of DigitalDreamDesign: D3-Concretism-typeA, D3-Concretism-typeB, D3-Cubism, D3-CuteBitMapism-TypeA, D3-CuteBitMapism-TypeB, D3-Electronism, D3-Electronism-Katakana, D3-Honeycombism, D3-Honeycombism-Bold, D3-Honeycombism-Sorround, D3-Littlebitmapism-Katakana, D3-Mouldism-Katakana, D3-Parallelism; Faerie (Scriptorium dingbats), Freecityrhyme (Bradford Cox, 2000), Freekitten (Bradford Cox, 2000), Hiragana-Regular, Japanese, Kemuri (Toxic Type, 1997), LittleTroubleGirlBV, MotterFemD, RetroBatsOne, ROTORkeffBold, ROTORkeffRoundedBold, ROTORkeffRounded, ROTORkeff (all ROTOR fonts by Jonas Petersson of ROTORtype), Setsama (by Amanda, 2000: cat dingbats), Sumdumgoi (Mike Allard), UniCase (squarish font by Jacky Frossard, 1999), Bit4 (pixel font by Magnus Högberg, 2000), DFFangSong1B-GB, PrincessBV, RotodesignDingbats, Silkscreen, Valium, Velvet (by Faizal Reza, Squirtgun, 1997, based on URW's KunstlerschreibschD-Medi). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Robert D. Anderson
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Rodolphe Milan
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Ruud Aarbodem from the Sector Informatica, Haagse Hogeschool, Den Haag, has a 45-truetype dingbat font file, and an 89-type 1-dingbat font file in his archive. Included are AmericanIndian, Animals, Arrows1, Arrows2, Borders1, Borders2, Boxes, BrailleFont, Buildings, Bullets1, Bullets2, Bullets3, Business&Government, CSLCyrilGothic, CSLShalomOldStyle, CarrElectronicDingbats, Carta, Charting, Clocks, CommonBullets, Computers, Czar-Bold, DavysDingbats, DavysOtherDingbats, Electronics, Festive, Fleurons, Food, Furniture, GeographicSymbolsNormal, GildeSorts, Hanzi-Kaishu, HomePlanning, HomePlanning2, Household, Hygiene, Landmarks, LandscapePlanning, Medicine, Military, MilitaryID, MiniPics-ASL, MiniPics-ConfettiMedium, MiniPics-Digidings, MiniPics-International, MiniPics-LilCreatures, MiniPics-LilDinos, MiniPics-LilFeatures, MiniPics-LilFishies, MiniPics-LilFolks, MiniPics-NakedCityDay, MiniPics-NakedCityNight, MiniPics-UprootedLeaf, MiniPics-UprootedTwig, MiniPics-Zafrica, MiniPics, MorseCode, Music, MusicalSymbolsNormal, NauticalFlags, OfficePlanning, PCOrnaments, People, Plants, Qwerty-Mac, Qwerty-PC, Science, Semaphore, Shapes1, Shapes2, ShpfltnatA, Sign, Signs, Sonata, Space, Stars1, Stars2, Swifty, SymbolProportionalBT-Regular, Technology, Tools, Tracks, Transportation, Weather. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Aubrey Blumsohn's archive with Marvosym Font (Martin Vogel), Alchemist Font (Jay Pierstorff, Computer Safari, 1995), Healthcare Font, Medical Font, Hazard Font. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Zip files with collections of themed fonts: Americana. Summer, Autumn, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, School Time, Fill-In Fonts, Mother's Day, Flowers, Journaling. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Free Chinese truetype fonts. Slow page. Latin fonts. Dingbats. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Educational handwriting fonts. Great dingbat and alphading archive too, all organized and presented by Joanne Lindgren. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Retro (50s, 60s) style font archive. One 600k file with all fonts. The dingbat archive has Retrobats, and GlamoconRetroBats (by Fontalicious). Includes Garrett Boge's Spring, CarpenterICG, DolmenICG, HarlowICG, BernhardFashionBT-Regular, URW's ChurchwardBruD-Regu and BrodyFont, to name a few. Additional fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dingbat archive. Subcategories include animals, business, creative, floral, funky, machines, outer space, people, and sports. The people subpage has the smilie font Expressionism (Jeff Levine). I do not like the fact that they are making money from commercial links off free dingbat fonts---for example, they carry mine without ever having asked me. I would have agreed to it if they had stayed non-commercial, but now I feel violated. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Original fonts designed by Jumbles: Haven, Beady, Fontain (a border font), Chino, Hook, Jumbles, Jumbles Book and Volts. Check out his Animal Fonts/Dingbats archive with fonts such as Animals1, DoggyPrint, KittyPrint, Panda and MiniCritters. Plus a 50-font archive. Truetype for PC. Alternate entrance. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Archive with subdirectories for dingbats, Alan Carr, Autumn Leaves, Stencil fonts, LD fonts, stamped look fonts, and typewriter fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Celtic font archive (PC). Includes some Futhark, Angerthas, Ogham and Tengwar runes. Plus several Celtic links. Celtic dingbats with goodies such as Celtic Frames, Orient Patterns, Celtic Patterns, Tattoo, Spirals, Celtic Border. Also, Celtic Zoomorphics was created by Vicky Yan. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
The dingbats zip file has WSI's rip-off of Zapf Dingbats, the DingbatsOne and DingbatsTwo fonts, in truetype. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
This Czech blog has an icon font archive: Atmandings, Bagarozz, Cartographer, DISTYolksEmoticons, DotCom, Emoticons, Entypo, Evilz, Heydings-Icons, IconBitOne, Kfon, MexicanOrnaments, ModernPictograms, NaiveOrnamentsFree, NoticeStd, Nymphette, Paskowy, SLZodiacIcons, SirucaPictograms, SoftOrnaments, SymbolSigns-Basisset, WCRhesusABta, WebSymbols-Regular, Webmasters, Zodiac01. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Useful logo dingbat fonts
| Margarit Ralev's list of links to logo dingbat fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
YOFF (or: Your Own Font; was Font Garden)
Listing of these initial handwriting fonts: AaronFont-Hand, Addiction, AliceWachol, Amura, AmuraMusic, Amyie-Hand, AngHand, Augustin-Hand, Bonnie'sfont, BrianneHand, CRobles, Cathie'sHand, Charyn-Hand, Chelmo, Chelsea'sHandwriting, CherFont-Hand, Cheryl-Hand, Cindywrite-Hand, Crys-Hand, David-Hand, Deanna'sHand, Deanna'sHand-Music, Delany-Hand, Derek-Hand, DeseraePlain, DesereaFancy-Hand, Diana-hand, Dulce'sFont, EdithHand, Efficient, Elisha-Hand, Ellifont, Erin-Elizabeth, FG Klara (2005, Fiona-Hand, ForgetMeNot-Girl, Frederick-Hand, Gina, GraysonFont, Gunnar-Krus, Handwriting, Ivy-Hand, Jayne-hand, JaynePrint-Hand, Jeana-Script, Jeff-Hand, JenniferHand, Jenny-Handwriting, Jessy-hand, Joe, Judy-Script, Justen-Hand, KariKatziFont, Katie-Font, Keven-Hand, KollerFont-Script, Kristen Curly (1999), KristenScript, Kristenscriptalt, LN, Larina-hand, Larua-Hand, LeafQueen, LeafQueen-scripty2, LeafQueenHand, LeafQueenScript-scripty2, LockermanHand, Maria-Hand, MarioHand, Mats-Hand, Mazgiz, Melodie, Mich, Michelle (2000), Michelle-Marker, MomsFont-Hand, Nancy-Print, Natalie'sScribble, Pam'sHand, Paulette-Hand, PiaScript, Polly, QUesneLL, REW, RingbearerRegular, Rissa'sFont, SSR-Hand, Samantha-hand, Sammy, Sandy-Script, SaraElizabeth, Schaun-Hand, Shane-Hand, Shelton, Shennette-Hand, Starlet, Steve-Hand, Steven2-Hand, Stuarty-Hand, TotallyTweetie, Traci-Hand, Valorie-Hand, VirgilGS, Whitney2, Whitney2, Wolfie-Hand, Wurth-hand, c.j-Hand. She created Claudia (2003, handwriting by Claudia Lasiter). At Dafont, one can find her typefaces Cheryl Hand (2000), Jayne Print (2000), Totally Tweetie (2001, dings) and Whitney2 (2000). A list of fonts on their site in 2006: BrianneHand, FGAaron, FGAddiction, FGAmura, FGAmuraMusic, FGAmyie, FGAngHand, FGAugustin, FGBonnie'sfont, FGBunnigrrrl'shandwriting, FGCJ, FGCRobles, FGCathie'sHand, FGCharyn, FGChelsea'sHandwriting, FGCherFont, FGCheryl, FGChris, FGChristine, FGCindywrite, FGCrys, FGDavid, FGDeanna'sHand, FGDelany, FGDerek, FGDesereaFancy, FGDiana, FGDulce'sFont, FGEdith, FGEfficient, FGElisha, FGEllifont, FGErin-Elizabeth, FGFiona, FGFrederick, FGGina, FGGraysonFont, FGGunnar, FGHandwriting, FGIvy, FGJayne, FGJaynePrint, FGJeana, FGJeff, FGJennifer, FGJenny, FGJessy, FGJoe, FGJusten, FGKariKatzi, FGKatie, FGKeven, FGKollerFont, FGKristenCurly, FGKristenScript, FGLN, FGLarina, FGLaura, FGLeafQueen1, FGLeafQueen2, FGLeafQueenHand, FGLisa, FGLisaScript, FGLockerman, FGMariaHand, FGMelodie, FGMich, FGMichelle, FGMomsFont, FGNancy, FGPam'sHand, FGPaulette, FGPiaScript, FGPolly, FGQUesneLL, FGREW, FGRingbearer, FGRissa'sFont, FGSamantha, FGSammy, FGSandy, FGSaraElizabeth, FGSchaun, FGShane, FGShelton, FGStarlet, FGSteve, FGSteven, FGStuarty, FGTotallyTweetie, FGTraci, FGValorie, FGVirgil, FGWhitney1, FGWhitney2, FGWolfie, FGWurth. Dafont link. Font Garden at MyFonts sells FG Adam, FG April, FG Camilla, FG Carola (2006), FG Caroline, FG Elias, FG Ellinor, FG Erin, FG Jasmine, FG Jennifer (2007), FG Jordan, FG Lova, FG Matilda, FG Muriel, FG Nadja, FG Nando, FG Nina, FG Petra, FG Rakel, FG Rebecca, FG Ronja, FG Saga, FG Smilla, FG Tindra, FG Traci, FG Typical, FG Rochelle, FG Emmy. Added in 2007: FG Jacky, FG Norah. Fonts in 2008: FG Abby, FG Sharon, FG Alison, FG Jason, FG Pedro, Bethany (handwriting), FG Callie (grunge blackletter), FG Noel (child's hand). Fonts from 2009: FG Kelli (connect-the-dots face), FG Liz, FG Tiffany. Additions in 2010: FG Alex, FG Audrey, FG Kristine, FG Lina, FG Well Well, FontAddicts Halloween, FG Tonya, FG Jennie, FG Swan, FG Suzanne. Additions in 2011: Charlotta (children's hand). As YOFF, MyFonts sells Abigail YOFF (2020), Alisha YOFF, Mazi YOFF (2011, a happy hand-printed family), Jolly, Abby, Bunnigrrrls Handwriting YOFF, Nicola YOFF (2013), Stella YOFF (2013), Roger YOFF (2013). Klingspor link. Dafont link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |