TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:01:50 EST 2025
YOFF (or: Your Own Font; was Font Garden)
[Ellinor Maria Rapp]
Ellinor Rapp was born in Örebro, Sweden, in 1972. She works at Örebro University Hospital at the microbiological laboratory as a biomedical scientist. Her pages had over 1400 fonts and dingbats. Alternate dingbat URL. A 20 USD handwriting font service and 5 USD signature/logo service. Her pages were initially called Font Garden, but changed in 2011 to YOFF, or Your Own Font. Ellinor Rapp herself also made some fonts, typically based on the samples sent to her. About 70 of these handwriting fonts are stored here and here. Listing of these initial handwriting fonts: AaronFont-Hand, Addiction, AliceWachol, Amura, AmuraMusic, Amyie-Hand, AngHand, Augustin-Hand, Bonnie'sfont, BrianneHand, CRobles, Cathie'sHand, Charyn-Hand, Chelmo, Chelsea'sHandwriting, CherFont-Hand, Cheryl-Hand, Cindywrite-Hand, Crys-Hand, David-Hand, Deanna'sHand, Deanna'sHand-Music, Delany-Hand, Derek-Hand, DeseraePlain, DesereaFancy-Hand, Diana-hand, Dulce'sFont, EdithHand, Efficient, Elisha-Hand, Ellifont, Erin-Elizabeth, FG Klara (2005, Fiona-Hand, ForgetMeNot-Girl, Frederick-Hand, Gina, GraysonFont, Gunnar-Krus, Handwriting, Ivy-Hand, Jayne-hand, JaynePrint-Hand, Jeana-Script, Jeff-Hand, JenniferHand, Jenny-Handwriting, Jessy-hand, Joe, Judy-Script, Justen-Hand, KariKatziFont, Katie-Font, Keven-Hand, KollerFont-Script, Kristen Curly (1999), KristenScript, Kristenscriptalt, LN, Larina-hand, Larua-Hand, LeafQueen, LeafQueen-scripty2, LeafQueenHand, LeafQueenScript-scripty2, LockermanHand, Maria-Hand, MarioHand, Mats-Hand, Mazgiz, Melodie, Mich, Michelle (2000), Michelle-Marker, MomsFont-Hand, Nancy-Print, Natalie'sScribble, Pam'sHand, Paulette-Hand, PiaScript, Polly, QUesneLL, REW, RingbearerRegular, Rissa'sFont, SSR-Hand, Samantha-hand, Sammy, Sandy-Script, SaraElizabeth, Schaun-Hand, Shane-Hand, Shelton, Shennette-Hand, Starlet, Steve-Hand, Steven2-Hand, Stuarty-Hand, TotallyTweetie, Traci-Hand, Valorie-Hand, VirgilGS, Whitney2, Whitney2, Wolfie-Hand, Wurth-hand, c.j-Hand. She created Claudia (2003, handwriting by Claudia Lasiter). At Dafont, one can find her typefaces Cheryl Hand (2000), Jayne Print (2000), Totally Tweetie (2001, dings) and Whitney2 (2000). A list of fonts on their site in 2006: BrianneHand, FGAaron, FGAddiction, FGAmura, FGAmuraMusic, FGAmyie, FGAngHand, FGAugustin, FGBonnie'sfont, FGBunnigrrrl'shandwriting, FGCJ, FGCRobles, FGCathie'sHand, FGCharyn, FGChelsea'sHandwriting, FGCherFont, FGCheryl, FGChris, FGChristine, FGCindywrite, FGCrys, FGDavid, FGDeanna'sHand, FGDelany, FGDerek, FGDesereaFancy, FGDiana, FGDulce'sFont, FGEdith, FGEfficient, FGElisha, FGEllifont, FGErin-Elizabeth, FGFiona, FGFrederick, FGGina, FGGraysonFont, FGGunnar, FGHandwriting, FGIvy, FGJayne, FGJaynePrint, FGJeana, FGJeff, FGJennifer, FGJenny, FGJessy, FGJoe, FGJusten, FGKariKatzi, FGKatie, FGKeven, FGKollerFont, FGKristenCurly, FGKristenScript, FGLN, FGLarina, FGLaura, FGLeafQueen1, FGLeafQueen2, FGLeafQueenHand, FGLisa, FGLisaScript, FGLockerman, FGMariaHand, FGMelodie, FGMich, FGMichelle, FGMomsFont, FGNancy, FGPam'sHand, FGPaulette, FGPiaScript, FGPolly, FGQUesneLL, FGREW, FGRingbearer, FGRissa'sFont, FGSamantha, FGSammy, FGSandy, FGSaraElizabeth, FGSchaun, FGShane, FGShelton, FGStarlet, FGSteve, FGSteven, FGStuarty, FGTotallyTweetie, FGTraci, FGValorie, FGVirgil, FGWhitney1, FGWhitney2, FGWolfie, FGWurth. Dafont link. Font Garden at MyFonts sells FG Adam, FG April, FG Camilla, FG Carola (2006), FG Caroline, FG Elias, FG Ellinor, FG Erin, FG Jasmine, FG Jennifer (2007), FG Jordan, FG Lova, FG Matilda, FG Muriel, FG Nadja, FG Nando, FG Nina, FG Petra, FG Rakel, FG Rebecca, FG Ronja, FG Saga, FG Smilla, FG Tindra, FG Traci, FG Typical, FG Rochelle, FG Emmy. Added in 2007: FG Jacky, FG Norah. Fonts in 2008: FG Abby, FG Sharon, FG Alison, FG Jason, FG Pedro, Bethany (handwriting), FG Callie (grunge blackletter), FG Noel (child's hand). Fonts from 2009: FG Kelli (connect-the-dots face), FG Liz, FG Tiffany. Additions in 2010: FG Alex, FG Audrey, FG Kristine, FG Lina, FG Well Well, FontAddicts Halloween, FG Tonya, FG Jennie, FG Swan, FG Suzanne. Additions in 2011: Charlotta (children's hand). As YOFF, MyFonts sells Abigail YOFF (2020), Alisha YOFF, Mazi YOFF (2011, a happy hand-printed family), Jolly, Abby, Bunnigrrrls Handwriting YOFF, Nicola YOFF (2013), Stella YOFF (2013), Roger YOFF (2013). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |