TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:44:14 EDT 2025






Mah Studios

Designer of script and hand-crafted typefaces. In 2021, the catalog showed Aciem Guanteng, Adinda, Agatha Setyna, Aiden, Alatheen, Aliantyara Signature, Allcania, Allger, Allyntha, Anastasya vella, Angelina, Anindya, Arfas Tan, Athelred Script, Atlantha, Avellyn's, Barel, Bidadari Syurga, Blankenship, Bocha Chilick, Castila Signature, Chedillla, Chikachips Boolohoy, Chilax (horror font), Chris Oliver, Chutarie Ghost, Dandellion, Dannieffa Stefania, Dloothe Ridle, Dylema, El Cantika, El Jhuan, Ethan, Fahira, False Note, Fanfare, Fantasia, Feel Special, Feelix, Foolgan, Gaseda, Gelatik, Genaru, Giglle Diglle, Gilberto, Haer Script, Halima, Happy Jelly, Hella Fella, Herind Arabic, James Theodore, Januworry, Jelitha, Jhackyson, Jihan Meta, John Tone, Julliane, Kyroon, Lagath, Layla, Little Theory, Marlina Script, Marshynha Lovelytta (formal calligraphy), Moran, Morning Sunday, Mugoth, Oxos, Paboya, Petter sans, Quasia, Rain fall, Ramsay, Rayline Swift, Reillytta Sheilabe, Rhisa, Robins Aisha, Robinson Yilow, Romans Line, Roronoa, Rossy Script, Sahida, Sajak Senja, Samanta, Sattint, Serenade, Serendipity, Settarlla, Shaa Shaa, Sharon Minari, Sherapym, Sitqia, Squirl Quiin, Sweet Talker, The Chelasi, The Joejeita, The Latte, The Meddley, Thin Think, Thought, Tulilut, Van Gall, Veronica, Washington Angharad and Wonderfull Obelia.

Mah Studios
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Horror fonts ⦿ Signature/logo fonts ⦿ Monoline script fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Catalog 2021

file name: Mah Studios Chillax 2021

file name: Mah Studios Chillax 2021

file name: Mah Studios Chillax 2021

file name: Mah Studios Chillax 2021

file name: Mah Studios Marshynha Lovelytta 2021

file name: Mah Studios Marshynha Lovelytta 2021

file name: Mah Studios Sattint 2021

file name: Mah Studios Sattint 2021

file name: Mah Studios Sattint 2021

file name: Mah Studios Thought 2021

file name: Mah Studios Thought 2021

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html