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160 Studio [Supar Wanto]
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24Design Studio [Nur Cholis Majid]
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38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources) [Muhammad Ridha Agusni]
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3rieart [Bagas Setriawan]
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A A Ngurah A Krisna Teja [Anomali Creative]
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Aan Kurniawan [AK Desain (or: Bangun Studio)]
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ABCinfy.com [Google]
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Abdillah Abdi [Dilbadil]
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Abdul Aziz [Bringtype Studio]
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Abdul Basit [Google]
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Abdul Malik Wisnu [Almarkha Type]
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Abdurrahman Hanif [Monocotype Studio (or: Monoco Type, or: Awal Studio)]
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Abigail Pesta [Nice Web Type]
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Abil Walian [Nun Creatype (was: Saeful Bahri)]
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Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio) [Panggah Laksono]
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Abstract Type Design [Patrick Durr]
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Achille Nzoda [Google]
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Acufonts (or: George's Music) [Google]
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Adam Ladd [Adam McIntyre]
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Adam McIntyre [Adam Ladd]
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Ade Meiada [Fontsgood]
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Ade Santani [Sancrea Studio]
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Adefa Studio [Symon Adam Abdullah]
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Adi Handoko [Handles Creative]
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Aditya Rezki Apriyadi [Embun Studio (or: Embuntype)]
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AEN Creative Studio [Agung Eko Nugroho]
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Afri Giani [Gian Studio]
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Agam Rahmadan [Letteragam (was: Viswell)]
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Agni Ardi Rein Prasetyo [Agniardi]
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Agniardi [Agni Ardi Rein Prasetyo]
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Agung Eko Nugroho [AEN Creative Studio]
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Agung Rohmat [Alphart]
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Agung Suwandi [Google]
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Agung Syaifudin [Vuuuds]
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Agung Triyanto [Cempluk Studio]
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Agustian Eko Saputro [Google]
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Ahmad Dindin [Google]
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Ahmad Fatkhul Munib [Hallotudio]
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Ahmad Jamaludin [Dharma Sahestya (or: Dharmas Studio)]
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Ahmad Khaidir
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Ahmad N [MaxnorType Studio]
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Ahmad Syarif Afandi [Letterafandi Studio (was: Letterafa Studio, Peterdraw, Delapan Studio)]
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Ahmad Yusuf Tri Prayogo [Tri Studio]
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Ahmad Zulfikar Ali [Zet Design (or: Afredo.fk, or: Seventype)]
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Aim Creative [Google]
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Ajusia [Pana Type and Studio]
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AK Desain (or: Bangun Studio) [Aan Kurniawan]
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Akaitype Studio [Sigit Nurcholis]
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Ake Thanantreesak [Nobu Collections (or: Ake)]
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Akhmad Reza Fauzi [Reza Design (or: Silverstein Design)]
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Akifatype Studio
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Akmal Yusar [Picatype Studio]
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Aksana Type [Google]
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Aktab Studio [Ilhamsyah Vutra]
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Alcode [Sukjana Almunandar]
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Alde Design [Alde Saputro]
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Alde Saputro [Alde Design]
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Aldiraya Pradipta [Graphix Line Studio]
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Aldy Sidik [Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja)]
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Alexander Tiunov [Besttypeco]
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Alexander Walter [Alexander Walter Handwriting]
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Alexander Walter Handwriting [Alexander Walter]
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Alfiyan [Google]
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Ali Hamidi [Noer Hadi]
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Alien Valley [Google]
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Alif Quentin [Google]
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Alit Design (or: Gurita Hitam) [Alit Suarnegara]
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Alit Suarnegara [Alit Design (or: Gurita Hitam)]
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Allmo Studio [Muhammad Nur Alamsyah]
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Allouse Studio [Fachrizal Yusuf]
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Almarkha Type [Abdul Malik Wisnu]
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Almeera Studio [Rinto Dwi Nugroho]
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Alpaprana Studio [Google]
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Alpha Design [Google]
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Alphart [Agung Rohmat]
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Alvaro Ariel [Google]
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Amin Maryono [Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio)]
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Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio) [Amin Maryono]
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Amir Subqi Setiaji
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Amtypes (was: TypeWolves, Amtypefoundry, or Try and Error) [Angga Mahardika]
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Ana Natalia [Lyth Creative (or: Iyanatha)]
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Ana Parracho [Ana's Fonts]
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Ana's Fonts [Ana Parracho]
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Anastasiia Kolodii [Google]
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Anata Sholeha [Google]
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Andfonts (was: Andrikos) [Andrii Shevchyk]
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Andhi Yulianto [Great19]
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Andi Imam Rosady [Menk]
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Andi Syahdan [Bregetz Studio]
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Andika Fez [Austin Signs]
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Andika Putra [Andmicro Studio (or: Scratchones)]
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Andmicro Studio (or: Scratchones) [Andika Putra]
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Andrea Zudip Aggasi [Nirmala Graphics]
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Andrew Hunt [Quantum Enterprises]
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Andrew Martin [Thumbnail Designs]
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Andri Ardianto [Madatype Studio (or: The Typerex, or: Andrimada Creative)]
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Andrii Shevchyk [Andfonts (was: Andrikos)]
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Andy Cruz [House Industries]
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Andy Krahling [Sunwalk Designs]
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Angga Mahardika [Amtypes (was: TypeWolves, Amtypefoundry, or Try and Error)]
[More] ⦿
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Angga Suwista [Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk)]
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Anke Arnold [Anke Art]
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Anke Art [Anke Arnold]
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Anmark [Anna Markovets]
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Anna Markovets [Anmark]
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Anna Safitri [Runsell Type (or: Runsell Studio, Studio Runsell)]
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Anna Zakharchenko [Anza Letters]
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Annas Alam Yahya [Letteralle]
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Annie de la Vega [Google]
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Anomali Creative [A A Ngurah A Krisna Teja]
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Anthonie Van Hayu [ARToni]
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Anton Cahyono [Motokiwo]
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Antoni Halim [Halim Studio]
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Anxiety Studio (or: Design Co) [Google]
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Anza Letters [Anna Zakharchenko]
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Aqeela Studio
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Aqib Ady [Vroz Studio]
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AQR Typeface [Azra Qaireen]
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Architext Inc [Google]
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Ardi Parwito [Green Adventure Studio]
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Ardyana Putra [Ardyana Types]
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Ardyana Types [Ardyana Putra]
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Arendx Studio [Asep Rendi]
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Arfi Ardian [Oreon Studio]
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Ari Setiawan [Google]
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Arief Setyo Wahyudi [Typia Nesia]
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Arif Dwi [Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio)]
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Arifin Kasrul [Arifin Studio]
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Arifin Studio [Arifin Kasrul]
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Aring Typeface [Måns Grebäck]
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Artiqlogy [Google]
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Artisan Studio (or: Artisans) [Roiyani Teungku]
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ArtistMike.com [Google]
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ARToni [Anthonie Van Hayu]
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Arttotell [Asep Prasetio]
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Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio) [Ghazi Humam Fauzan]
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Asep Prasetio [Bright Rhythm Studio]
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Asep Prasetio [Arttotell]
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Asep Rendi [Arendx Studio]
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Astigmatic One Eye [Brian J. Bonislawsky]
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Astro Type [Deden Handoko]
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AtomicType [Google]
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Aulia Rahman [ShowUp Type Foundry]
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Auratype [Wahyu Dwi Cahyo]
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Austin Signs [Andika Fez]
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Authentic Studio [Faras Dina]
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Authentype (or: Mix Jpg) [Ekayasa Ekayasa]
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Autumn Lane Paperie [Beck McCormick]
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Awan Setiawan [Awan Studio]
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Awan Studio [Awan Setiawan]
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Ayca Atalay
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Azetype (or: AZ Studio, Azet Media Co.) [Muhammed Aswar]
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Azkara Studio [Google]
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Azra Qaireen [AQR Typeface]
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Aztek Signature Fonts [Google]
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Azzam Ridhamalik
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Bagas Setriawan [3rieart]
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Bal Studio (or: Balstudio) [Iqbal Amsar Hidayat]
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Balevgraph Studio [Iqbal Paj]
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Balibilly Design [I Wayan Bill Natih]
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Balpirick Studio
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Bang Toyib [Eldertype Studio]
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Bangkit Tri Setiadi [Blankids Studio]
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Baron WNM [Rahmad Mulyadi]
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Bay-Link Computer Service [Google]
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Bec Ralec [Pixel Colours (or: pixelbypixel)]
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Beck McCormick [Autumn Lane Paperie]
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Bejos Work Studio [Waluyo Raharjo]
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Beni Pantona [MissinkLab Studio]
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Best Font Studio (was: Bald Creative, Asry Lab) [Rifan Asri]
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Besttypeco [Alexander Tiunov]
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Bezier Design Limited [Google]
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Bijitec [Google]
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Bill Moseley [Google]
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Blankcraft (was: Fallen Type, or: Fallen Graphic) [Vava Aryanto]
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Blankids Studio [Bangkit Tri Setiadi]
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Blue Robin Design Shop (or: August 10) [Google]
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Blue Studio [Winarno]
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Bluestype Studio (was: Jefri Design) [Jefri Dwi Alfatah]
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Bluetype (or: Ardana Creative) [Ferry Ardana Putra]
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Blythe Green
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Bogdan Casota [Design A Lot]
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BOOKNET [Wolfgang Reifarth]
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Borys Liechti [Google]
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Bosstype Studio [Mu Fazzal]
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Boyan Nurdiansyah [Ussual Studio (or: Boyanurd)]
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Brand Semut [Goresan Pelangi]
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Bregetz Studio [Andi Syahdan]
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Brian J. Bonislawsky [Astigmatic One Eye]
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Bright Rhythm Studio [Asep Prasetio]
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Bringtype Studio [Abdul Aziz]
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Burhan Afif [HansCo]
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B.W. Lee [STAR Retrieval Systems]
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ByHand [Google]
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Calamar Art (or: Calamar Studio) [Oksana Petrenko]
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Calligraphics Signature System [Google]
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Calligraphy Designs by Julia [Google]
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Calligraphy Fonts [Google]
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CanDoo Creative Concepts [Google]
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Candra Hamdani [Vultype Co]
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Carine de Wandeleer
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cd-tec [Google]
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cd-tec digital font [Google]
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Celebrity Fontz [Jose Jimenez]
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Cempluk Studio [Agung Triyanto]
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Chad Johnson [Google]
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Chaidir Gata [Gatype (or: Chairul Art)]
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Chank Fonts (or: Chank Store, or: Chank Diesel)) [Charles R. Anderson]
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Charles R. Anderson [Chank Fonts (or: Chank Store, or: Chank Diesel))]
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Cheapfontgenerator [Miley Cyrus]
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Chebby39 [Joanne Marie]
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Chococreator (or: Missingfont) [Sutrisno Al Rasyid]
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Chocotype [Krisna Galuh]
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Christ Trek Fonts [Tim Larson]
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Christoph Nino [Nino Chichucha (or: Chichucha, or: Christoph Nino)]
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Christoph Nino [Vimddd]
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Cititype [Siti Saribanon Nurjannah]
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Clark T. Riley [Google]
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Cloud Studio [Levin S. Datau]
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Cob Studios (was: Aidan, or WY Creative) [Wildan Yakob]
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Cochocib (was: Weasel Foundry) [Google]
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Colin Bootle [Google]
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Collectype Studio
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Corel Draw [Google]
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Corien Bennink [Corien's Handwritingfonts]
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Corien's Handwritingfonts [Corien Bennink]
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Corridor [Florian Kriegner]
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Cotbada Studio [Nicolas Isfani]
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Create Big Supply [Irpan Maulana]
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Creative Killer [Google]
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Creative Media Lab [Kadek Adi Mahardika]
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Creative Truetype Font Service [Google]
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Creativeqube Design [Lucy Chugg]
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Creativework Studio (was: Creativework69 Studio) [Daddi Daryawan]
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Creatype Studio (or: Taro Creatype, Crella Marketplace, Rahardi Creatype) [Mohamad Rian Rahardi]
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Creavora [Google]
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Cumberland Fontworks [Samuel John Ross]
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Custom Cursive Handwriting Font Service by Darcy Baldwin [Darcy Baldwin]
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Cybertype (was: Western Commercial Arts Company (WCA Co)) [Kevin Simpson]
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Da Only Aan [Google]
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Daddi Daryawan [Creativework Studio (was: Creativework69 Studio)]
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Damelev Studio (was: Logo Labs, Tanziladd, Rawi Project) [Nyapa Tanzil]
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Daniel Feldt [Great Scott]
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Darcy Baldwin [Custom Cursive Handwriting Font Service by Darcy Baldwin]
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Darul Qutni Hakiki [Hanaksara Studio]
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Data Becker [Google]
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Datascan [Google]
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Dave Fenwick [Signature Software (or: Vletter Inc.)]
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David Fleming Nalle [Scriptorium (Ragnarok Press, Fontcraft)]
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David Kasidi [Silverdav Studio]
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David Radisic [Dr. Adept]
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David Uebel [Google]
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Dawn Studio (was: Frachmadi) [Fajar Rachmadi]
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Dede Mulyadi [Harder Type Foundry]
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Deden Handoko [Astro Type]
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Dedi Tri Anggara [PandAE86]
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Deduk Suandana [Made Deduk]
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deFaced fonts (was Synergistic Designs) [Stanley Roland Frantz]
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Design A Lot [Bogdan Casota]
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deTheme [Mega Ardelia]
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Dharma Sahestya (or: Dharmas Studio) [Ahmad Jamaludin]
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Dharma Syahputra [ETF Supply (or: TypeHaus)]
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Dicky Syafaat [Dicky Syafaat Fuadi]
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Dicky Syafaat Fuadi [Dicky Syafaat]
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Didi Syarif [Walkeren]
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Dieza Design [Rohmat Sidiq Mustaqim]
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Diki Hermawan [Letterflow Studio (or: Typestory)]
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Dilbadil [Abdillah Abdi]
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Dimas Ardhi [Glyph Style]
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Dimas Prasetyo [DM Studio (or: DM Letter)]
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din stil [Google]
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Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype) [Donis Miftahudin]
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Dirk Rullkötter [Dirk Rullkötter AGD (Werbung + Design)]
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Dirk Rullkötter AGD (Werbung + Design) [Dirk Rullkötter]
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Dirty Temp [Google]
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Dirtyline Studio [Hendra Maulia]
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Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel) [Muhammad Faizal Said]
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DM Studio (or: DM Letter) [Dimas Prasetyo]
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Dmitriy Chirkov [Media Lab (or: Dima Evans)]
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Doel Creative (or: Masterpiece Art) [Fajri Yandi]
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Doli Harahap [Tigade Studio]
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Dondon Nillo [Onyx Font Foundry]
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Doni Purwoko [Zeenesia Studio]
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Donis Miftahudin [Nathatype]
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Donis Miftahudin [Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype)]
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Donya Design [Teuku Muslyawan]
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DPS: Digital Publishing Services [Google]
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Dr. Adept [David Radisic]
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Dreamy Design [Google]
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DTP Software (NZ) [Google]
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Dumadi Studios [Toni Dzulham]
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Dwi Ahidian [Lemonthe]
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Dwi Krisdiantoro [NTC Graphic]
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Dysa Studio [Yusup Saputra]
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Dzulka Elfira [Tebaltipis Studio (or: Tebaltipis Lab)]
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Eben Sorkin [Sorkin Type (was: Eyebytes)]
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Eclipse Technologies [Google]
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Edric Studio [Ega Nugraha]
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Eep Apringga [Namara Creative Studio (Collectype?)]
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Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef) [Luthfi Fauzi]
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Ega Nugraha [Edric Studio]
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Egi Ahmad Mufid
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Eimantas Paskonis
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Ekayasa Ekayasa [Authentype (or: Mix Jpg)]
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Eko Bimantara [Type Dish]
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Eldertype Studio [Bang Toyib]
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Elena Genova [My Creative Land]
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Elfring Soft Fonts [Gary Elfring]
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Ellinor Maria Rapp [YOFF (or: Your Own Font; was Font Garden)]
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Emanes Design (or: Emanes Dsign) [Google]
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Embun Studio (or: Embuntype) [Aditya Rezki Apriyadi]
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Emerald City Fontworks [Steven J. Lundeen]
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Emil Karl Bertell [Fenotype]
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Emily Spadoni [Emily Spadoni]
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Emily Spadoni [Emily Spadoni]
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Enhanced Web Services [Google]
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Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja) [Aldy Sidik]
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Erlangga Suherman [Erlos Design]
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Erlos Design [Erlangga Suherman]
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Erwin Denissen [YourFonts]
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Erwin Denissen [Font Creator / High Logic]
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E-Signature Digital Graphics [Google]
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ETF Supply (or: TypeHaus) [Dharma Syahputra]
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E-Typography (or: Fontz) [Helen J. Hunt]
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Fachrizal Yusuf [Allouse Studio]
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Fadhil Aqsa [Meutuwah (or: Hermestype)]
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Fadlilah Studio [Fina Fadlilah]
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Fajar Abdul Fatah [Sibelumpagi Studio (or: Bale Design Studio)]
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Fajar Gunawan [Fargun Studio]
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Fajar Rachmadi [Dawn Studio (was: Frachmadi)]
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Fajri Yandi [Doel Creative (or: Masterpiece Art)]
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Fajrin Ilhamy [Grewfont Studio]
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Faka Pratama Putra [Tama Putra (or: Tama Vocks)]
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Fakhrul Razi
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Faldy Kudo [Kudo Creative (or: XD Creative)]
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Faqih Sandri [Typollery (was: Dri Zy)]
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Faras Dina [Authentic Studio]
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Fargun Studio [Fajar Gunawan]
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Faris Fonts Creative [Google]
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Farul Arjianto [Typefar]
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FastFont [Google]
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Fatih Günes [Oldschool Designer Co (or: Design Dukkan, or: Font Art)]
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Fatimah Dipi [Kong Font (or: Gemes Font)]
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Fatoni Nurman [Toni Studio]
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Febri Creative [Febrianto Yuwono]
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Febrianto Yuwono [Febri Creative]
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Fenotype [Emil Karl Bertell]
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Ferdian Syah [Ijemrockart]
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Ferdiansyah [Point Lab]
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Ferry Ardana Putra [Bluetype (or: Ardana Creative)]
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Figuree Studio [Icep Anwar Fadhil]
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Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif) [Muhammad Fikry]
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Filia Ika Syilviani [mycandythemes]
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Fina Fadlilah [Fadlilah Studio]
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Fiqi Art [Fiqi Febriyanto]
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Fiqi Febriyanto [Fiqi Art]
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Firman Suci Ananda [Tyfo Mono (was: Ease Type, or: Cartel Deux or Koll Kolls or Arctic Co)]
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Firman Syah [Olexs Studio (was: Rabbit Type, Mr. Rabbit, and Olex Studio)]
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Flamde Studio (was: Astageni Studio) [Nur Solikh]
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Floral Studio [Google]
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Florian Kriegner [Corridor]
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Flycatcher Design [Michael Gilliam]
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Font Castle (was: Dataibayt, Rizal Castle) [Salak Tung]
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Font Creator / High Logic [Erwin Denissen]
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Font Forestry [Jeremy Vessey]
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Font God [Graham Jupp]
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Font Source [Google]
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Font Source Europe (FSE) [Google]
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Fontcapture [Håkon Bertheussen]
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FontControl.com [Google]
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Fontherapy (was: Typecoconut Studio) [Google]
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Fontifier [Google]
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Fontologie [Google]
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Fontomania (or: Fontilizer) [Omer Agiv]
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FontPanda [Nic]
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Fonts For Peas [Google]
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Fontsgood [Ade Meiada]
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FontShop Germany [Google]
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Fontware Limited
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Fontysia (or: Atjeh Studio) [Rizal Aiyub]
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Formfound [Peter Fritzsche]
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Formula Solutions [Google]
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Frog Phic [Muladha Aidil]
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Fromletterel [Lia Almuknisa]
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Fuad Hasan [Ketikata (or: Ojo Ngintype)]
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Fuma Store [Google]
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G. Alex Gonzalez [Sluggo Design]
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Gaga Vastard [Ganiia Hidayah]
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Ganiia Hidayah [Gaga Vastard]
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Garisman Studio [Risman Ginarwan]
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Gary Elfring [Elfring Soft Fonts]
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Gatype (or: Chairul Art) [Chaidir Gata]
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Gavin Murray [Google]
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George Mok's free signature font service [Google]
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George Studio (was: I M Studio, Logic Type, or: Biargabara) [Ikhsan Maulana]
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Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio) [Haris Anggar Setioko]
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Get Studio (or: Her Design) [Herman Syah]
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Getypes Studio [Muhammad Rizaldi]
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Ghazi Humam Fauzan [Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio)]
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Ghuroba Studio [Hasan Udin]
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Gian Studio [Afri Giani]
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Gie Studio [Giwidodo Dodo]
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Gilang Maulana [Maulana Creative]
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Gilar Studio [Gumilar Pratama Adiatna]
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Girinesia (or: Outline Studio) [Su Wondo]
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Gitayogi Irhandi [Scratch Bali Design (or: Scratch Store, or: Scratch Design)]
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Gittype [Sigit Nur Wicaksono]
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Giuseppe Salerno [Resistenza]
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Giwidodo Dodo [Gie Studio]
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Globusfont [Google]
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Glyph Style [Dimas Ardhi]
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Glyphobet (was: mattt's fonts) [Matt Chisholm]
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Go Font Yourself [Google]
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Goa Shape [Google]
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GoldenGraph Design [Google]
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Gonjetso C [Twenty Two Creative Co.]
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Good Fonts (or: Font Lot, or: Gfonts) [Google]
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Good Java Studio
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Goodigital13 [Mariyana Mariyana]
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Goresan Pelangi [Brand Semut]
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Graham Jupp [Font God]
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Granz Creative [Google]
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Graphicfresh (was: Sameeh Store, or Sameeh Media) [Muhammad Husni Haikal]
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Graphix Line Studio [Aldiraya Pradipta]
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Graphx Edge Fonts [Google]
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Great Scott [Daniel Feldt]
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Great Studio [Mulkan Nazir]
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Great19 [Andhi Yulianto]
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Green Adventure Studio [Ardi Parwito]
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Grewfont Studio [Fajrin Ilhamy]
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Groen Studio (or: Jorse Creative, or: Jorsetype) [Symon Adam Abdullah]
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Guguh Gumantoro [Letter Stock (was: Gumacreative)]
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Gulya Yeap [Peach Creme]
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Gumilar Pratama Adiatna [Gilar Studio]
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Gustian Agung Asprilla [Papercrown]
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Gustian Agung Asprilla [Rillatype]
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Halim Studio [Antoni Halim]
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Hallotudio [Ahmad Fatkhul Munib]
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Halymunt Studio [Google]
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Hamzah Muhamad Ihsan [Typesthetic Studio]
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Hanaksara Studio [Darul Qutni Hakiki]
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HandFont [Google]
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HandFONT [Google]
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Handles Creative [Adi Handoko]
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Handschrift Digitalisierung [Google]
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HandWritten.com [Google]
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Hanief Farandi [Simetris (was: Hanief Studio, or: Hanzel Studio, or: Hanzel Space)]
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HansCo [Burhan Afif]
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Harald Geisler
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Harder Type Foundry [Dede Mulyadi]
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Håkon Bertheussen [Fontcapture]
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Haris Anggar Setioko [Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio)]
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Haris Prawoto [Selawe]
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Haris Purnama Putra [Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere)]
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Harris Design [James M. Harris]
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Hartadi Design [Google]
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Hasan Udin [Ghuroba Studio]
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Hasta Type (was: Iklaz Studio) [Salman Mashudi]
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Hayinah Hayinah [Rockboys Studio (or: Rockboy Studio)]
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Head:Line TypeDesign [Google]
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Head:Line Typedesign [Thomas Oldfield]
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Heinzel Studio [Nofi Sofyan Hadi]
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Helen J. Hunt [E-Typography (or: Fontz)]
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Hendra Maulia [Dirtyline Studio]
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Hendra Pratama [HP Typework (was: Mikrojihad Inc.)]
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Hendry Juanda [Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend)]
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Henry Cohn [Google]
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Heri Puryanto [Lemoncraft Studio]
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Herman Syah [Get Studio (or: Her Design)]
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Hesterica (or: Destriart Studio; was: Win Destrian) [Google]
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Hleb Zhyhunou [Mr. Typeman]
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House Industries [Andy Cruz]
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HP Typework (was: Mikrojihad Inc.) [Hendra Pratama]
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Hustle Supply Co [Jeremy Vessey]
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Hustletter (or: Acknesia) [Vindy Ary]
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Hypersick (or: Holydie Studio) [Yugo Priyat Moko]
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I Wayan Bill Natih [Balibilly Design]
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Ian Mikraz [Google]
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Ibnu Utomo [Omotu]
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Ibra Creative [Google]
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Icep Anwar Fadhil [Figuree Studio]
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Idealogo Studio (or: ffontspedia, or: Ahargun Shop) [Google]
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Ijemrockart [Ferdian Syah]
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Ikhsan Maulana [George Studio (was: I M Studio, Logic Type, or: Biargabara)]
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Ikiiko Type (was: wep) [Wahyu Eka Prasetya]
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Ikrar Bey Khubaib [Puri Creative (or: Ibey Design)]
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Ilham Prasetya [Kunotype]
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IlhamSyah Vutra [Inspira Type (or: Collabro Studio, or: Inspira Sign)]
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Ilhamsyah Vutra [Aktab Studio]
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imagexs (IMXS) [Google]
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Imam Nurrahmat [Nurrehmet Studio]
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Indotitas Squad [Mustaaqim Ibraa]
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Indriyanti Sidiq [Paranesia (or: Bismillah)]
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Ingga Nafasyah [Telllu Craft]
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Ink Creative Art [Google]
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Innire [Polina Chistyakova]
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Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio) [Arif Dwi]
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Inspira Type (or: Collabro Studio, or: Inspira Sign) [IlhamSyah Vutra]
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Intercon [Google]
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IntrovArtZone [Rudi Winarko]
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Intype [Puji Selawe]
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Iqbal Amsar Hidayat [Bal Studio (or: Balstudio)]
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Iqbal Paj [Balevgraph Studio]
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Irina Dvilyuk
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Irpan Maulana [Create Big Supply]
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It's Lativa [Google]
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Jacob Waller [Stiligt]
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Jada Akbal [Jada Type]
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Jada Type [Jada Akbal]
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Jafar Nation [Google]
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James Grieshaber [Typeco]
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James M. Harris [Harris Design]
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Jani Nurman [Studio Aktype]
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Jeff Ong [ONGdesign]
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Jefri Dwi Alfatah [Bluestype Studio (was: Jefri Design)]
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Jen Wagner
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Jeremy Vessey [Font Forestry]
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Jeremy Vessey [Pixel Surplus]
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Jeremy Vessey [Hustle Supply Co]
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Jetsmax (was: Riljs, or: Typograph Pro) [Khairil Anwar Husain]
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Jimmy Indra [Google]
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Joachim Frank [Waldorf Fonts]
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Joanne Hewitt [Joanne Marie]
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Joanne Marie [Chebby39]
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Joanne Marie [Joanne Hewitt]
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Joe Finocchiaro [Joe Finocchiaro Design]
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Joe Finocchiaro Design [Joe Finocchiaro]
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Joko Triwijayanto [Yanto Design]
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Jonas Stoltz [Statica Productions (or: House of TypoTaboo)]
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Jonathan Macagba [Prototype-NY (was: Handcraftedfonts)]
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Jonathan Smith [Rhode Island Soft Systems]
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Jose Jimenez [Celebrity Fontz]
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Joseph Grant [SnatchSoft]
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Julio Laily Domingo Ahad [Tarendra Studio]
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Jun Art (or: Semuthitam) [Mokhamad Junaedi]
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Just Lett [Muhammad Takiyuddin]
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Just Write Signature Font [Google]
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JustWrite Signature Font [Google]
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KA Designs [Kaitlynn Albani]
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Kadek Adi Mahardika [Creative Media Lab]
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Kaitlynn Albani [KA Designs]
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Kalpesh Vadera [True Signatures]
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Kamigawi Design [Rengga Eka Zulkarnaen]
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Karl Welker [Meine Unterschrift]
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Kasih Ibu [Google]
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Kata Toth [Google]
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Katario Studio [Rioniga Zandy]
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Kayona Alma [Pineung Type]
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Kelly Reed [Mellow Design Lab]
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Ketapel Creative [Google]
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Ketikata (or: Ojo Ngintype) [Fuad Hasan]
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Kevin Simpson [Cybertype (was: Western Commercial Arts Company (WCA Co))]
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Kevin Weichel [Google]
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Kevin Yudha [Prototype Studio (or: Equinox Studio, or: Kensington)]
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Khair Unnas [Zelow Type (was: Khaiuns)]
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Khairil Adithya [Google]
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Khairil Anwar Husain [Jetsmax (was: Riljs, or: Typograph Pro)]
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Khalidin Ink [Nurkhalidien Al-Haas]
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Khoir [Muhammad Romzul Khoir]
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Khurasan [Syaf Rizal]
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Khusunun Irawan [Typotopia Studio]
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Kin Creative [Sajikin Anwar]
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Klapaucius Co [Google]
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Kong Font (or: Gemes Font) [Fatimah Dipi]
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Konstantina Louka [Nantia]
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Krakenbox Studio [Yahdi Kumala]
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Krisna Galuh [Chocotype]
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Kudo Creative (or: XD Creative) [Faldy Kudo]
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Kunotype [Ilham Prasetya]
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Larabie Fonts [Ray Larabie]
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Larin Type Co [Pasha Larin]
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Leamsign Studio [Google]
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Lemoncraft Studio [Heri Puryanto]
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Lemonthe [Dwi Ahidian]
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Letter Battoyart [Google]
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Letter Stock (was: Gumacreative) [Guguh Gumantoro]
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Letterafandi Studio (was: Letterafa Studio, Peterdraw, Delapan Studio) [Ahmad Syarif Afandi]
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Letteragam (was: Viswell) [Agam Rahmadan]
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Letteralle [Annas Alam Yahya]
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Letterara Studio [Thomas Aradea]
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Letterflow Studio (or: Typestory) [Diki Hermawan]
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Letterfresh Studio [Rizki Andika]
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Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend) [Hendry Juanda]
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LetteringDelights.com [Google]
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Letterium Studio [Google]
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Lettersiro [Muhammad Sirojuddin]
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Lettertype Studio (or: Pradipta Creative) [Google]
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Levin S. Datau [Cloud Studio]
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Lia Almuknisa [Fromletterel]
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Libscript [Google]
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Logoglyph [Google]
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Logos [Google]
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Lovindha Kintani [Vermilione (was: Lovoos)]
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Luc(as) de Groot [TheTypes digital type foundry]
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Lucy Chugg [Creativeqube Design]
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Lukman Hidayat [Viaction Design (or: Viaction Type)]
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Luthfi Fauzi [Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef)]
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Luthfy Darsa [Rocket Template]
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Lyth Creative (or: Iyanatha) [Ana Natalia]
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M. Akmal [Mega Type]
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Ma2zak Computers [Google]
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Madatype Studio (or: The Typerex, or: Andrimada Creative) [Andri Ardianto]
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Made Deduk [Deduk Suandana]
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Madjack Font [Zaki Muhammad]
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Magic Fonts [Marvin Wong]
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Mah Studios [Google]
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Makashi Creative (or: Kammaqsum) [Maqsum Kamil Shiddiq]
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Malindo Creative [Murtadha Bin Sulaiman]
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Manjali Studio [Rizky Awaludin]
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Maqsum Kamil Shiddiq [Makashi Creative (or: Kammaqsum)]
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Marcelo Inez [Google]
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Måns Grebäck [Aring Typeface]
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Mariyana Mariyana [Goodigital13]
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Mark Bremmer [Google]
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Marvin Wong [Magic Fonts]
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Mas Anis Studio [Muhammad Naufal Anis]
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Masterfont (or: Studio Rosenberg) [Zvika Rosenberg]
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Match Fonts [Michel Bujardet]
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Matt Chisholm [Glyphobet (was: mattt's fonts)]
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Matthew Jayendra [Google]
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Mattias Josephson [mytruetype]
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Maulana Arahman [Typehome]
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Maulana Arrahman [Maulana Semar]
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Maulana Creative [Gilang Maulana]
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Maulana Semar [Maulana Arrahman]
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Maxime's Professional TrueType Signatures [Google]
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MaxnorType Studio [Ahmad N]
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MC Store (or: MC Creative) [Mohamad Candirah]
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MCType Typography and Bar Code [Google]
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Médiatic [Google]
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Media Lab (or: Dima Evans) [Dmitriy Chirkov]
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Medialoot [Tony Thomas]
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Mediatic [Google]
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Mediatic Handwriting Fonts [Google]
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Mega Ardelia [deTheme]
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Mega Type [M. Akmal]
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Meine Unterschrift [Google]
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Meine Unterschrift [Karl Welker]
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Mellow Design Lab [Kelly Reed]
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Menk [Andi Imam Rosady]
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Merk Mansoon [The Traveling Fox]
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Mesintik Studio [Google]
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Meutuwah (or: Hermestype) [Fadhil Aqsa]
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Mevstory Studio (or: Mandeh Studio, or: Eleanor Studio, or: Mevricks Studio, or: Lettercorner Studio) [Muhammad Afif Ersya]
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Michael Gilliam [Flycatcher Design]
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Michel Bujardet [Match Fonts]
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Mifiq [Taufiq Wijaya]
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Mila Garret [Google]
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Miley Cyrus [Cheapfontgenerator]
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Mindtype Co [Putra Khan]
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MissinkLab Studio [Beni Pantona]
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MJ Type (or: Jun Creative) [Muhamad Junaid]
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MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design) [Muhammad Mujibulloh]
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Mohamad Arif Prasetyo [Yellowline]
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Mohamad Candirah [MC Store (or: MC Creative)]
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Mohamad Rian Rahardi [Creatype Studio (or: Taro Creatype, Crella Marketplace, Rahardi Creatype)]
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Mohamad Ridwan [Prestigetype Studio]
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Mohammed Husaini [Simple Type Studios]
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Mokhamad Junaedi [Jun Art (or: Semuthitam)]
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Monocotype Studio (or: Monoco Type, or: Awal Studio) [Abdurrahman Hanif]
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Moove Studio [Google]
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Moron Brother Co [Google]
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Morovia Fontware [Google]
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Motion Tail Studio [Saiful Bahri]
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Motokiwo [Anton Cahyono]
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Mozyen Studio [Muhamad Ali Hasan]
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Mr. Typeman [Hleb Zhyhunou]
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Mu Fazzal [Bosstype Studio]
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Muhajir Muhajir [Skinny Type]
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Muhamad Ali Hasan [Mozyen Studio]
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Muhamad Junaid [MJ Type (or: Jun Creative)]
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Muhamad Yusron Billah [Sron Studio]
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Muhammad Afif Ersya [Mevstory Studio (or: Mandeh Studio, or: Eleanor Studio, or: Mevricks Studio, or: Lettercorner Studio)]
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Muhammad Ahwal Bobby [Wallby Hand Studio]
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Muhammad Akbar [Sinfa (or: Tone Studio, or: Triotone)]
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Muhammad Faizal Said [Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel)]
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Muhammad Fikry [Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif)]
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Muhammad Husni Haikal [Graphicfresh (was: Sameeh Store, or Sameeh Media)]
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Muhammad Ilham [Old Studio (or: Analogous Studio)]
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Muhammad Mujibulloh [MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design)]
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Muhammad Naufal Anis [Mas Anis Studio]
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Muhammad Nazarudin [Niznaztype (was: Em Nazar)]
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Muhammad Nur Alamsyah [Allmo Studio]
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Muhammad Ridha Agusni [38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources)]
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Muhammad Rizaldi [Getypes Studio]
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Muhammad Romzul Khoir [Khoir]
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Muhammad Sirojuddin [Lettersiro]
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Muhammad Suhery [Phonnastudio]
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Muhammad Takiyuddin [Just Lett]
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Muhammad Taufiq [Sheilla Type (or: Luminto Studio)]
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Muhammad Yoni [Yon Type Studio]
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Muhammad Zulfani [Zuzulgo Studio]
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Muhammed Aswar [Azetype (or: AZ Studio, Azet Media Co.)]
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Muksalmina Muksalmina [Muksalmina (or: Mercurial, or: Muksal Creatives)]
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Muksalmina (or: Mercurial, or: Muksal Creatives) [Muksalmina Muksalmina]
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Muladha Aidil [Frog Phic]
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Mulia Yanto [Multype Studio]
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Mulkan Nazir [Great Studio]
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Multype Studio [Mulia Yanto]
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Muntab Art [Satriyo Hutomo]
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Murtadha Bin Sulaiman [Malindo Creative]
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Mustaaqim Ibraa [Indotitas Squad]
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My Creative Land [Elena Genova]
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mycandythemes [Filia Ika Syilviani]
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MyLiveSignature [Google]
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MyOwnFont [Google]
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mytruetype [Mattias Josephson]
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Mytype Studio [Google]
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Nahar [Nanda Hardiansyah]
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Namara Creative Studio (Collectype?) [Eep Apringga]
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Namib Rubber Stamps [Google]
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Nanda Hardiansyah [Nahar]
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Nantia [Konstantina Louka]
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Nathan Brown [Trailhead Design (was: Graphic Monkee, or: We Graphics)]
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Nathatype [Donis Miftahudin]
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Nauli Creative (or: Naulicrea Type, or: Nauli Type) [Google]
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Nic [FontPanda]
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Nice Web Type [Abigail Pesta]
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Nicky Laatz
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Nico Muslib [Google]
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Nicolas Isfani [Cotbada Studio]
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Nine Club Studio [Google]
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Nino Chichucha (or: Chichucha, or: Christoph Nino) [Christoph Nino]
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Nirmala Graphics [Andrea Zudip Aggasi]
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Nirmana Visual [Sigit Dwipa]
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Niznaztype (was: Em Nazar) [Muhammad Nazarudin]
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NJ Studio [Siti Nurjanah]
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Noah Type [Google]
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Nobu Collections (or: Ake) [Ake Thanantreesak]
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Noer Hadi [Ali Hamidi]
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Nofi Sofyan Hadi [Heinzel Studio]
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Norasoft Zierschriften [Google]
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Noyot [Google]
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NTC Graphic [Dwi Krisdiantoro]
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Nun Creatype (was: Saeful Bahri) [Abil Walian]
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Nur Cholis Majid [24Design Studio]
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Nur Miftah [Rakata Studio]
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Nur Solikh [Flamde Studio (was: Astageni Studio)]
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Nurkhalidien Al-Haas [Khalidin Ink]
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Nurrehmet Studio [Imam Nurrahmat]
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Nurrohman Rizki [Rissyletter Studio]
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Nurul Fajri Redy [Redy Studio (or: Nfajri Redy)]
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Nyapa Tanzil [Damelev Studio (was: Logo Labs, Tanziladd, Rawi Project)]
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OCS Studio [Oki Candra Setiawan]
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Oki Candra Setiawan [OCS Studio]
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Oksana Petrenko [Calamar Art (or: Calamar Studio)]
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Old Studio (or: Analogous Studio) [Muhammad Ilham]
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Oldschool Designer Co (or: Design Dukkan, or: Font Art) [Fatih Günes]
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Olexs Studio (was: Rabbit Type, Mr. Rabbit, and Olex Studio) [Firman Syah]
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Omer Agiv [Fontomania (or: Fontilizer)]
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Omotu [Ibnu Utomo]
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On The Spot Studio [Tiffany Willett]
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ONGdesign [Jeff Ong]
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Onyx Font Foundry [Dondon Nillo]
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Orbit Enterprises [Google]
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Orbit Enterprises [Google]
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Oreon Studio [Arfi Ardian]
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Osigit [Google]
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Outline Studio
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Pana Type and Studio [Ajusia]
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PandAE86 [Dedi Tri Anggara]
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Panggah Laksono [Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio)]
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Papercrown [Gustian Agung Asprilla]
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Paranesia (or: Bismillah) [Indriyanti Sidiq]
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Pasha Larin [Larin Type Co]
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Patrick Durr [Abstract Type Design]
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Paul Hewitt [Google]
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Paula A Design (was: Nursery Art, Eikon Design) [Porapak Apichodilok]
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Peach Creme [Gulya Yeap]
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Pedro Alexandre Teixeira [Pedro Teixeira Foundry]
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Pedro Marinho [Google]
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Pedro Teixeira Foundry [Pedro Alexandre Teixeira]
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Pen Culture (or: End Co; was: Stripline Co) [Revo Farisky]
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Perspectype [Google]
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Peter Fritzsche [Formfound]
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Philip Trautmann [Shaped Fonts (was: Phitra Design)]
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Philippe et François Blondel [Polices True-Type Manuscrites]
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Phonnastudio [Muhammad Suhery]
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Picatype Studio [Akmal Yusar]
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Pineung Type [Kayona Alma]
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Pink Coffie [Google]
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Pixel Colours (or: pixelbypixel) [Bec Ralec]
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Pixel Surplus [Jeremy Vessey]
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Planet'Art [Roger Cote]
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PME Publishing Symbolon Fonts [Google]
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Point Lab [Ferdiansyah]
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Polices True-Type Manuscrites [Philippe et François Blondel]
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Polina Chistyakova [Innire]
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Polythene Designs [Google]
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Porapak Apichodilok [Paula A Design (was: Nursery Art, Eikon Design)]
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Prestigetype Studio [Mohamad Ridwan]
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Prototype Studio (or: Equinox Studio, or: Kensington) [Kevin Yudha]
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Prototype-NY (was: Handcraftedfonts) [Jonathan Macagba]
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Puji Selawe [Intype]
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Puri Creative (or: Ibey Design) [Ikrar Bey Khubaib]
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Putra Cetol Studio [Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma]
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Putra Khan [Mindtype Co]
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Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma [Putra Cetol Studio]
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Quantum Enterprises [Andrew Hunt]
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R Studio [Rikki Ibrahim]
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Rahmad Mulyadi [Baron WNM]
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Rahmad Rizky [RHD Studio (or: RHD Fonts, or: RHD Creative)]
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Rakata Studio [Nur Miftah]
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Randi Ilhamsyah [VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative)]
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Rangga Ilyasa [Google]
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Rangga Singgih Subekti [Subectype]
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Rantau Type [Yudi Pratama Chandra]
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Ray Larabie [Larabie Fonts]
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Redy Studio (or: Nfajri Redy) [Nurul Fajri Redy]
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Rengga Eka Zulkarnaen [Kamigawi Design]
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Resistenza [Giuseppe Salerno]
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Restu Angga
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Revnede [Yehezkiel Azizal]
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Revo Farisky [Pen Culture (or: End Co; was: Stripline Co)]
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Reza Design (or: Silverstein Design) [Akhmad Reza Fauzi]
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RHD Studio (or: RHD Fonts, or: RHD Creative) [Rahmad Rizky]
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Rhode Island Soft Systems [Jonathan Smith]
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Rhydan Studio [Google]
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Richard and Bernadette's Site (was: Zenith Page Professionals) [Google]
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Rifan Asri [Best Font Studio (was: Bald Creative, Asry Lab)]
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Rikki Ibrahim [R Studio]
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Rillatype [Gustian Agung Asprilla]
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Rinda Pratyas [Google]
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Rinto Dwi Nugroho [Almeera Studio]
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Rioniga Zandy [Katario Studio]
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Risman Ginarwan [Garisman Studio]
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Rissyletter Studio [Nurrohman Rizki]
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Rizal Aiyub [Fontysia (or: Atjeh Studio)]
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Rizki Andika [Letterfresh Studio]
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Rizky Awaludin [Manjali Studio]
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Robert Norton [s.a.x.]
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Roch Art [Rochadi Sudarma]
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Rochadi Sudarma [Roch Art]
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Rockboys Studio (or: Rockboy Studio) [Hayinah Hayinah]
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Rocket Template [Luthfy Darsa]
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Roger Cote [Planet'Art]
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Rohmat Sidiq Mustaqim [Dieza Design]
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Roiyani Teungku [Artisan Studio (or: Artisans)]
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Roland Hüse [Runes & Fonts (or: My Handwritings)]
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Rometheme [Yahdi Kumala]
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Roy P. Massena [Google]
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Rozikan Rozikan [Twin Letter (or: Twin Design)]
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Rudhi Sasmito [Google]
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Rudi Suhairi [Tegaki]
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Rudi Winarko [IntrovArtZone]
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Rudy Muhardika [Google]
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Runes & Fonts (or: My Handwritings) [Roland Hüse]
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Runsell Type (or: Runsell Studio, Studio Runsell) [Anna Safitri]
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Rusd Alfareaniy [Rusd Studio]
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Rusd Studio [Rusd Alfareaniy]
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Ryan Prasetya [Thirteen Studio (or: Lost Volt Type foundry)]
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Saffatin & Edy (was: Saffatin Sweettype, Saffatin Co, Siwox Studios, Siwox Smoke, DSiwoX) [Sarwo Edi]
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Sahrul Hidayat [Typeskets]
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Saiful Anwar [Sealoung (was: Masay Letter)]
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Saiful Bahri [Motion Tail Studio]
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Sajikin Anwar [Kin Creative]
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Salak Tung [Font Castle (was: Dataibayt, Rizal Castle)]
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Salman Mashudi [Hasta Type (was: Iklaz Studio)]
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Samuel John Ross [Cumberland Fontworks]
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San Gabriel Custom Fontologists [Google]
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Sancrea Studio [Ade Santani]
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Sandy Luke Nugroho [Google]
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Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk) [Angga Suwista]
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Sarid Ezra
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Sarwo Edi [Saffatin & Edy (was: Saffatin Sweettype, Saffatin Co, Siwox Studios, Siwox Smoke, DSiwoX)]
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Satriyo Hutomo [Muntab Art]
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s.a.x. [Robert Norton]
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Scratch Bali Design (or: Scratch Store, or: Scratch Design) [Gitayogi Irhandi]
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Scriptorium (Ragnarok Press, Fontcraft) [David Fleming Nalle]
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Sealoung (was: Masay Letter) [Saiful Anwar]
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Second Division [Google]
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Selawe [Haris Prawoto]
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Shaped Fonts (was: Phitra Design) [Philip Trautmann]
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Shawn Westphal [Google]
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Sheilla Type (or: Luminto Studio) [Muhammad Taufiq]
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ShowUp Type Foundry [Aulia Rahman]
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Sibelumpagi Studio (or: Bale Design Studio) [Fajar Abdul Fatah]
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Sigfont [Google]
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Sigit Dwipa [Nirmana Visual]
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Sigit Nur Wicaksono [Gittype]
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Sigit Nurcholis [Akaitype Studio]
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SigMaker 1.3 (free trial) [Google]
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Signature Factory [Google]
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Signature fonts [Google]
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Signature Software (or: Vletter Inc.) [Dave Fenwick]
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Signatures 2000 [Google]
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Silverdav Studio [David Kasidi]
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Simetris (was: Hanief Studio, or: Hanzel Studio, or: Hanzel Space) [Hanief Farandi]
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Simple Type Studios [Mohammed Husaini]
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Sinfa (or: Tone Studio, or: Triotone) [Muhammad Akbar]
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Sinikka Li [Google]
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Siti Nurjanah [NJ Studio]
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Siti Saribanon Nurjannah [Cititype]
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Skinny Type [Muhajir Muhajir]
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Skyla Design [Google]
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Sluggo Design [G. Alex Gonzalez]
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SnatchSoft [Joseph Grant]
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Snipe Scientist [Google]
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SNR Software [Google]
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Sorkin Type (was: Eyebytes) [Eben Sorkin]
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Spaceports [Google]
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Square One Communications [Google]
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Square One Communications [Google]
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Squigglefont [Google]
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Sron Studio [Muhamad Yusron Billah]
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SSI Scraps [Syukur Setiyadi]
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Stanley Roland Frantz [deFaced fonts (was Synergistic Designs)]
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STAR Retrieval Systems [B.W. Lee]
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Star Studio [Google]
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Statica Productions [Google]
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Statica Productions (or: House of TypoTaboo) [Jonas Stoltz]
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Stefani Letter [Stefani Tri Rosa Setiati Christiana]
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Stefani Tri Rosa Setiati Christiana [Stefani Letter]
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Steven J. Lundeen [Emerald City Fontworks]
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Stiligt [Jacob Waller]
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Stipline Studios (was: Fittingline Type Supply, or: Apon Bahrainy) [Teuku Marjan Bahrainy]
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String Labs Creative Studio [Virgiawan Listanto]
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Studio Aktype [Jani Nurman]
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Su Wondo [Girinesia (or: Outline Studio)]
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Subectype [Rangga Singgih Subekti]
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Sugar Frog Fonts [Google]
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Sukjana Almunandar [Alcode]
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Sunny Tudu [Google]
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Sunwalk Designs [Andy Krahling]
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Supar Wanto [160 Studio]
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Sutrisno Al Rasyid [Chococreator (or: Missingfont)]
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Suzanne C. Walker [Google]
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Syaf Rizal [Khurasan]
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Syifaul Hariq [Typescroll]
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Symon Adam Abdullah [Adefa Studio]
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Symon Adam Abdullah [Groen Studio (or: Jorse Creative, or: Jorsetype)]
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Syukur Setiyadi [SSI Scraps]
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szidat-design [Google]
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T Create (was: Primafox Design, or: Tanincreate) [Tanya Amos]
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Tama Putra (or: Tama Vocks) [Faka Pratama Putra]
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Tanya Amos [T Create (was: Primafox Design, or: Tanincreate)]
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Tarendra Studio [Julio Laily Domingo Ahad]
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Tatang Iskandar [Typeting Studio]
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Taufiq Wijaya [Mifiq]
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Teawat (or: This is typography) [Tomoyuki Watanabe]
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Tebaltipis Studio (or: Tebaltipis Lab) [Dzulka Elfira]
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Tedi Rohmansyah [Google]
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Tegaki [Rudi Suhairi]
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TekNovation [Google]
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Telllu Craft [Ingga Nafasyah]
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Teuku Marjan Bahrainy [Stipline Studios (was: Fittingline Type Supply, or: Apon Bahrainy)]
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Teuku Muslyawan [Donya Design]
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The Kennett Bros: HandFonts [Google]
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The Magic True Type Font [Google]
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The Traveling Fox [Merk Mansoon]
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TheTypes digital type foundry [Luc(as) de Groot]
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Thirteen Studio (or: Lost Volt Type foundry) [Ryan Prasetya]
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Thomas Aradea [Letterara Studio]
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Thomas Oldfield [Head:Line Typedesign]
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Thumbnail Designs [Andrew Martin]
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Tiffany Willett [On The Spot Studio]
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Tigade Studio [Doli Harahap]
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Tim Larson [Christ Trek Fonts]
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Tom Shea [Google]
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Tomoyuki Watanabe [Teawat (or: This is typography)]
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Toni Dzulham [Dumadi Studios]
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Toni Irfandi [Tony Type Studio]
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Toni Studio [Fatoni Nurman]
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Tony Thomas [Medialoot]
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Tony Type Studio [Toni Irfandi]
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Trailhead Design (was: Graphic Monkee, or: We Graphics) [Nathan Brown]
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Tri Studio [Ahmad Yusuf Tri Prayogo]
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Trifani [Google]
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True Signatures [Kalpesh Vadera]
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Tubagus Iqbal [TypoBureau Studio]
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TungFont [Google]
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Twenty Two Creative Co. [Gonjetso C]
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Twin Letter (or: Twin Design) [Rozikan Rozikan]
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Tyfo Mono (was: Ease Type, or: Cartel Deux or Koll Kolls or Arctic Co) [Firman Suci Ananda]
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Type and Company
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[Deduk Suandana]
Type Dish [Eko Bimantara]
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Type Nations [Google]
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Typeco [James Grieshaber]
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Typefar [Farul Arjianto]
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Typehand Studio [Yanuar Adi]
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Typehome [Maulana Arahman]
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Typeline Studio [Yadhie Setiawan]
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Typescroll [Syifaul Hariq]
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Typesetter [Google]
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Typeskets [Sahrul Hidayat]
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Typesthetic Studio [Hamzah Muhamad Ihsan]
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Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere) [Haris Purnama Putra]
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Typeting Studio [Tatang Iskandar]
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Typia Nesia [Arief Setyo Wahyudi]
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TypoBureau Studio [Tubagus Iqbal]
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Typollery (was: Dri Zy) [Faqih Sandri]
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Typos [Google]
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Typotopia Studio [Khusunun Irawan]
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UI Creative [Uzma Chaudhry]
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Union Hands (was: 50Fox)
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Ussual Studio (or: Boyanurd) [Boyan Nurdiansyah]
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Uzma Chaudhry [UI Creative]
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Vava Aryanto [Blankcraft (was: Fallen Type, or: Fallen Graphic)]
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Vermilione (was: Lovoos) [Lovindha Kintani]
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Viaction Design (or: Viaction Type) [Lukman Hidayat]
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Vimddd [Christoph Nino]
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Vindy Ary [Hustletter (or: Acknesia)]
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Virgiawan Listanto [String Labs Creative Studio]
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Vladimir Fedotov [VP Creative Shop]
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VP Creative Shop [Vladimir Fedotov]
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Vroz Studio [Aqib Ady]
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VS Software [Google]
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VSM Schriftsatz fur PC und Mac [Google]
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Vultype Co [Candra Hamdani]
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Vunira Design [Google]
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Vuuuds [Agung Syaifudin]
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VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative) [Randi Ilhamsyah]
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Wahyu Andi Prasetiyo [Weape Design]
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Wahyu Dwi Cahyo [Auratype]
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Wahyu Eka Prasetya [Ikiiko Type (was: wep)]
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Wahyu Syam [Google]
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Waldorf Fonts [Joachim Frank]
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Walkeren [Didi Syarif]
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Wallby Hand Studio [Muhammad Ahwal Bobby]
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Waluyo Raharjo [Bejos Work Studio]
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Weape Design [Wahyu Andi Prasetiyo]
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Weetype Studio [Yosep Hendhry]
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Wellscript Studio [Google]
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Why Arts [Google]
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Wildan Carfont [Wildan Suprian Syah]
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Wildan Suprian Syah [Wildan Carfont]
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Wildan Yakob [Cob Studios (was: Aidan, or WY Creative)]
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Wilson Multimedia [Google]
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Winarno [Blue Studio]
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Wolfgang Reifarth [BOOKNET]
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Yadhie Setiawan [Typeline Studio]
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Yahdi Kumala [Rometheme]
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Yahdi Kumala [Krakenbox Studio]
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Yanto Design [Joko Triwijayanto]
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Yanuar Adi [Typehand Studio]
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Ydhra Studio [Yudha Ageng]
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Yehezkiel Azizal [Revnede]
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Yellow Team (was: YellowType, or BRTL) [Google]
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Yellowline [Mohamad Arif Prasetyo]
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Yigit Karagoz [Google]
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YOFF (or: Your Own Font; was Font Garden) [Ellinor Maria Rapp]
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Yon Type Studio [Muhammad Yoni]
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Yosep Hendhry [Weetype Studio]
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yourfont [Google]
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YourFonts [Erwin Denissen]
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Yudha Ageng [Ydhra Studio]
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Yudi Pratama Chandra [Rantau Type]
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Yugo Priyat Moko [Hypersick (or: Holydie Studio)]
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Yulius Paryadi
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Yusup Saputra [Dysa Studio]
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Zaki Muhammad [Madjack Font]
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Zeenesia Studio [Doni Purwoko]
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Zelow Type (was: Khaiuns) [Khair Unnas]
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Zenobia Graphic [Google]
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Zet Design (or: Afredo.fk, or: Seventype) [Ahmad Zulfikar Ali]
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Zul Arizal [Google]
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Zulkhair Lettering [Zulkhairi M. Saleh]
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Zulkhairi M. Saleh [Zulkhair Lettering]
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Zuzulgo Studio [Muhammad Zulfani]
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Zvika Rosenberg [Masterfont (or: Studio Rosenberg)]
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