TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:28:26 EST 2025
Erik Studio
[Erik Luluk]
Jombang, Indonesia-based designer of script and display typefaces, b. 1994. Fonts from 2021 and 2022: Ajinomote, Alacarte, Alexandria, Algeria, Always Hustlin, Always Smile, Amanda, American, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Angel Signature, Angel Wedding, Angry, Animals, Anime Quotes, Aquarius, Arsakha & Keenan, Authentic, Autobiography, Automatic, Autumn, Baby Girl, Bang, Beauty Queen, Best Moment, Better Day, Bistro, Black Jack, Blue Shawl, Break Coffee, Bright Star, Broken, Brotherhood, Brown Sugar, Bunny Bear, Buterfly, Butter Cookies, Capital City, Cast Only, Cheese It Together, Chicago, Chocolatte, Christmas Day, Christmas of Canada, Circle, Coasters, Coffee Phylosophy, Crayon, Creative Signature, Cute Love, Daddy Shark, Daisy Flowers, December, Dimension, Dinamica, Dinamite, Donut, Dream Only, Elegant Wedding, Every Way, Exotic, Farmhouse, Farmhouse, Festival, First Sight, Flowers, Gabriel, Galaxy, Gangnam, Girl Friend, Glitter, Graduation Day, Hallo Christmas, Hallo Mandala, Halloween, Handsome Tailor, Happiness, Happy Easter, Happy Halloween, Healthy Drinks, Hello Christmas, Hello Onyx, Hey Flamingo, Home Alone, Indonesia, It's Magnolia, Java Signature, Jessica, Journey, Journey of Flower, Jumping, Jungle, Just Beauty, Kamilla, Kids Rock, Killers, Kiss You, Kitchen, Little Fox, Little Snowman, Lotions, Love Eat, Love Strory, Luxury Signature, Madona, Magical Panda, Make the Shade, Mandala Handmade, Mandala Vintage, Metro, Milkshake, Minimalist, Minimalist Signature, Mistake, Momoyo, Monkey, Mothers Day, My Jolly, My Love, My Wife, Natural Signature, Neon Light, Night Mare, Oktoberfest, Paradise, Playground, Playing Games, Prestige, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Story, Puppy, Quality Time, Quantum and Time, Queen Diana, Quirky Style, Retro Party, Rinjani, Rolling, Rustic Style, Sahara, Sandbox, Save Us Please, Saxophone Signature, Simple Signature, Simple Thing, Snowball, Soulmate, Spider, Spooky Garden, Start Up, Stay Wonderful, Strawberry, Sublimation, Summer Time, Sun Flowers, Sundance (blackboard bold), Sunflower, Super Boom, Super Mega Game, Sweet Alice, Sweet Ball, Sweet Holiday, Sweet Lollipop, Sweet November, Sweet Pineapple, Sydney, Symphony, Tamara, Telephone Box London, The Airplane, The Attention, The Beach, The Bingo, The Brown Dog, The Family, The Manila, The Monogram, The Owl, The Procreate, The Queen, The RightPath, The Rock, The Signature, Time for Shelly, Vacation, View of Santorini, Vintage Aesthetic, Wedding, Wedding Day, Wedding Flowers, Wedding Vintage, Winter Season, Woman Quotes, Yolanda. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |