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160 Studio [Supar Wanto]
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24Design Studio [Nur Cholis Majid]
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4RF Font (or: 4RM, or: Bantai) [Arief Rochman]
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611 Studio [Rijal Muttaqin]
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7N Types [Situjuh Nazara]
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99fontstore [Google]
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A A Ngurah A Krisna Teja [Anomali Creative]
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A. Amirawan [freefontsfamily]
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A. Fahmy [Google]
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A Hendry Mulyana [Google]
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A Piece Of Cake [Google]
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AaType [Achmad Afandi]
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Abas Creative [Farhan Ramadhika]
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Abaz Studio (or: AZCRTV Studio) [Abdul Azis]
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Abbasy Studio [Angga Kristiandri]
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Abda Laka [Google]
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Abdillah Abdi [Dilbadil]
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Abduhan Fikhri [Doehantz Studio]
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Abdul Azis [Abaz Studio (or: AZCRTV Studio)]
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Abdul Aziz [Bringtype Studio]
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Abdul Basit [Google]
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Abdul Ghofur [GFR Creative]
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Abdul Hapiz Hilman [Fizzetica Type foundry]
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Abdul Kasim [Zerofive Studio]
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Abdul Malik Wisnu [Almarkha Type]
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Abdul Rochman [Roams Type (or: Veteran Type)]
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Abdul Rohman [Gravisio]
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Abdul Wahid Hasanudin [Google]
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Abdullah Mabhal [Mabhal Studio]
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Abdurrahman Assidiq [Google]
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Abdurrahman Hanif [Monocotype Studio (or: Monoco Type, or: Awal Studio)]
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Abedavera [Junius Alberto]
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Abi Afandi [Primitype Studio]
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Abidin Kadir [Google]
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Abil Walian [Nun Creatype (was: Saeful Bahri)]
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ABM Studio [Google]
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Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio) [Panggah Laksono]
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Abraham Type [Google]
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Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio) [Sarwo Edhi Prayitno]
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Abto Creative [Tommy Suhartomo]
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AC Fonts [Herman S.]
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Ach Syafii [Syafii Ahmad]
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Achmad Afandi [AaType]
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Achmad Hanif Ulinuha [Madhaline Studio]
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Achmad Solikhin [Niki Studio]
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Achmad Yani [Google]
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Activitype Foundry [Google]
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Adam Azura [Rikie Decki Iskandar]
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Adam Fathony [AF Studio]
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Addienne [Google]
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Addy Sukma Bharata [Suke Toejoeh (or: Pollux of Geminorum)]
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Ade Santani [Sancrea Studio]
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Adeline Linardi [Google]
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Ader Ader [Reda Adi Pratama]
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Adha Azzaki [Google]
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Adhi Abel [Google]
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Adhitya Nugroho [Tastype (or: Goodware Std)]
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Adi Handoko [Letterday Studio]
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Adi Susila [Google]
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Adi Wahyudi [Fight Graphx]
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Adianto Nuri Fahrezy [Adinuritype]
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Adib Muhammad [Lett Studio (or: Mamatt)]
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Adien Gunarta [Google]
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Adil Budianto [Suro Studio (or: Surotype)]
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Adinuritype [Adianto Nuri Fahrezy]
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Adiraphabet [Septo Adi Wicaksono]
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Adis Sandy [Google]
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Adit Darmawan [Google]
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Adit Saputra [Alter Deco Type foundry]
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Aditiyo DP [Creaditive]
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Aditiyo Dwi Putranto [Creaditive Design]
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Aditya Bayu Perdana [Google]
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Aditya Nugraha Putra [Weird Store]
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Aditya Rezki Apriyadi [Embun Studio (or: Embuntype)]
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Aditya Tri [Google]
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Aditya Wiraatmaja
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Aditya Wirabakti [Google]
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Adji Herdanto [Google]
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Adriansyah [Rivo Dwi Adriansyah]
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Adriyawan Dxsign [Google]
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Adyfo [Google]
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AEN Creative Studio [Agung Eko Nugroho]
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AF Studio [Adam Fathony]
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Afif Chandra Kusuma [Google]
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Afif Choirul Rohmah [Google]
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Afif Hidayat Alhabsi [Lafitte 58]
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Afif Mrfive [Google]
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Afiq Anggriawan [Google]
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Afista Kosong Tujuh [Micro Andi]
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Afri Giani [Gian Studio]
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Afridah Ciputra [Etig Letters (or: Beauty Beth)]
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Afterthem Studio [Feri Fauzi]
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Aftertime Studio [Mohammed Nor Miftahul Huda]
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Aftertime Studio [Google]
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Afton Ra [Google]
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Agam Rahmadan [Letteragam (was: Viswell)]
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Ageng Jatmiko [Google]
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Aghny Akromuddin El Haq [onlyfontyouandme]
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Agi Pramudiman [Loch Typography]
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Agik Purnomo Aji [Google]
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Agni Ardi Rein Prasetyo [Agniardi]
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Agni Pradipha [Google]
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Agni Yugisworo
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Agniardi [Agni Ardi Rein Prasetyo]
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Agung Aris [Google]
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Agung Eko Nugroho [AEN Creative Studio]
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Agung Harto [Google]
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Agung Maskund [Decade Type foundry]
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Agung Mr Big [Google]
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Agung Rohmat [Alphart]
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Agung Saputra [Arsy Creative]
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Agung Suwandi [Google]
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Agung Triyanto [Cempluk Studio]
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Agung Widiyantoro [Google]
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Agung Yuwanda [Google]
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Agus Alfian [Google]
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Agus Armanto [Faris Graphic Art]
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Agus Diantoro [Google]
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Agus Dwiyanto [Google]
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Agus Riyanto [Dlvastf Typesupply]
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Agus Setiawan [Google]
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Agus Setyawan [Angoes Tweentyfive (was: Angoes Abufira)]
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Ahmad Alkandary [Syifidz]
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Ahmad Aswin [Angin Studio (or: David Novrian)]
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Ahmad Faishal [Jangan Lupa Studio]
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Ahmad Fashihullisan [Linafis Studio]
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Ahmad Fatkhul Munib [Hallotudio]
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Ahmad Gani [Google]
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Ahmad Havij [Mad Havey]
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Ahmad Jafar Shadiq [Midvel]
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Ahmad Jamaludin [Dharma Sahestya (or: Dharmas Studio)]
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Ahmad Khaidir
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Ahmad Lutfi Fauzi [Projectype]
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Ahmad Muslimin [Koplexs Studio]
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Ahmad Muslimin [Google]
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Ahmad N [MaxnorType Studio]
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Ahmad Priabudiman [Google]
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Ahmad Rifal Fahrudin [LetterFall Studios]
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Ahmad Riqi [Ride Studio]
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Ahmad Rofingi [Kokok Studio]
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Ahmad Sekhudin [Google]
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Ahmad Sidiq [Jafanatype Studio]
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Ahmad Syarif Afandi [Letterafandi Studio (was: Letterafa Studio, Peterdraw, Delapan Studio)]
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Ahmad Taufiq [Google]
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Ahmad Wakhid [Eko Zero]
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Ahmad Zamzami [Zamjump]
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Ahmad Zulfikar Ali [Zet Design (or: Afredo.fk, or: Seventype)]
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Ahmed Crvst [Google]
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Ahsancomp Studio [Sukoco Sukoco]
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Ahsya Studio [Google]
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Ahwe Project [Dida Ahluddin]
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Ahya Agawiss [Google]
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Aidan's Studio [Google]
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Aim Creative [Google]
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Ainul Hayat [Google]
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Ainur Fariz [Google]
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Airotype Design [Google]
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Aisyah [Nur Aisyah Amalia]
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Aiyari [Ricky Rinaldi]
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Ajusia [Pana Type and Studio]
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Akaitype Studio [Sigit Nurcholis]
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Akang Kamezvara [Google]
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Akarija Studio [Google]
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Akarija Studio [Google]
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Akbar Fadholi [Google]
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Akbar Muzrien [Riverside Type Foundry]
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Akbar Rohmanto [Harmnessless]
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Akcsel Tara [AT Studio]
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Akhmad Afandhi [Google]
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Akhmad Misbakhul Munir [Munerf]
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Akhmad Reza Fauzi [Grezline Studio]
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Akhmad Reza Fauzi [Reza Design (or: Silverstein Design)]
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Akhmad Rizki Cahyadi [Mazkicibe]
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Akhmad Zaenudin [Google]
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Aki Jenggot [Google]
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Aksa & Nusa Co. [Google]
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Aksana Type [Google]
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Aksara [Google]
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Aksara Type Foundry [Yudhi Priansyah]
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Aksoro 99 [Wahyu Nugroho]
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Aktab Studio [Ilhamsyah Vutra]
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Akufadhl (was: Alternatype, or: Akutype, or: Alterna Type foundry) [Fadhl Waliy Ul Haqq]
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Akyfont Studio [Google]
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Al Ghul [Ali Ghulam]
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Al Ghul [Google]
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Al Masud [Alvin Syahri]
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Alam Syahril [Realtype (or: Earning Type Co)]
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Albion Room [Google]
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Alde Design [Alde Saputro]
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Alde Saputro [Alde Design]
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Aldi Dipshitdawg [Google]
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Aldi Hendarto [Google]
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Aldi Ramdan [TypeCase Studio (or: LetterSpirit Studio)]
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Aldiraya Pradipta [Graphix Line Studio]
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Aldrian Firmansyah [Google]
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Aldy Maulana [Google]
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Aldy Sidik [Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja)]
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Aldyth [Google]
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Aleppo (or: Acilkecil) [Google]
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Alex Couture
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Alex Hendy [Google]
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Alfadho Asy-Syauqi [Google]
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Alfareaniy [Rusdin Hendarsono]
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Alfian Rusli [Google]
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Alfin Ridhowi [Alfinart]
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Alfin Weniardi [Lone Army]
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Alfinart [Alfin Ridhowi]
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Alfiyan [Google]
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Alfonsus André [Google]
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Ali Firman [Elcode Type (was: Aku Jomblo, or: Hermestype)]
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Ali Ghulam [Al Ghul]
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Ali Hamidi [Brithos Type]
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Ali Hamidi [Noer Hadi]
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Ali Sifak Muftari [Liartgraphic]
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Alibata at Pandesal Outbox [Google]
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Alief Syahru [arukidz.fl]
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Alif Aufi [Google]
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Alif Nuryasin [Alifinart Studio]
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Alif Ryan Zulfikar [Sakha Design]
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Alif Teguh Putra [Google]
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Alif Yoga [Font Football and Design]
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Alifinart Studio [Alif Nuryasin]
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Aline Susanto [Google]
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Aliv Pandu [Sehat Co (or: Duasatu)]
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Aliv Pandu [Type Colony]
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Allmo Studio [Muhammad Nur Alamsyah]
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Allouse Studio [Fachrizal Yusuf]
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Ally Takyudin [Sundawani]
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Almarkha Type [Abdul Malik Wisnu]
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Almaz.id [Anang Widyasworo]
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Almeera Studio [Rinto Dwi Nugroho]
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Almen6ra [Google]
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Alpaprana Studio [Google]
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Alpha Bento [Rinaldi Novianda]
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Alphard Type [Fitria Rahmadhani]
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Alphart [Agung Rohmat]
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Alphigraphy [Nur Alfi Hidayat]
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Alrendra Studio [Yoga Al Rendra]
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Alrendra Studio [Google]
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Alt Desain [Google]
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Alter Deco Type foundry [Adit Saputra]
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Alter Spieler
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Aluyeah Studio (or: Cupcake Std) [Linggar Sundoro]
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Alvin Alif [Google]
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Alvin Danang [DV Studios]
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Alvin Hidayat [Google]
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Alvin Joshua [Google]
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Alvin Syahri [Al Masud]
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Alviuris Auliya Syafitri [Google]
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Amakden RHS [Inang Pangi Tubu]
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Amal Yusuf [Kereatype]
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Amar Arif [KaryAmo Studio]
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Amar Choiruddin [Google]
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Ameerazan Studio (was: Mamplanglaut) [Asep Sunandar]
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Amelia Refiani [Google]
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Amera Type [Cahyadi Ikhsan]
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Amin Mario [Amin Studio]
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Amin Maryono [Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio)]
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Amin Mustofa [Google]
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Amin Studio [Amin Mario]
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Aminda Choirun [Google]
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Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio) [Amin Maryono]
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Amir Muhammad [Any Type]
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Amir Subqi Setiaji [Blank Sub (or: Subqi; or: Blankids; was: Bombas Type)]
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Amir Subqi Setiaji
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Amiril Yasin [Twousstudio]
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Amit Kumar [Google]
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Amri Mauludin [Arima Type]
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Amru ID [Google]
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Amry Al Mursalaat [Docallisme HAS]
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Amtypes (was: TypeWolves, Amtypefoundry, or Try and Error) [Angga Mahardika]
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Ana Natalia [Lyth Creative (or: Iyanatha)]
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Anak Bapet [Google]
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Anang Fibriyanto [Cornertype Studio (or: Gassstype)]
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Anang Widyasworo [Almaz.id]
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Anata Sholeha [Google]
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Anaya Studio [Julizar Ismail]
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Andang Prasetyo [Google]
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Andhi Yulianto [Great19]
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Andhika Mahardika [Google]
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Andhika Pradana [Ikiikowrk]
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Andi A. Mallarangeng [Google]
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Andi Arafiq [Google]
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Andi Aw Masry [Campotype]
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Andi Rahmat [Google]
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Andi Syahdan [Bregetz Studio]
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Andi Winarno [Inkstypia (or: Kursi Merah Studio, or: Inkstype)]
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Andika Fez [Austin Signs]
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Andika Putra [Andmicro Studio (or: Scratchones)]
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Andika Setiawan [Ludere Studios (or: Dikas Studio)]
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Andika Setiawan [Dikas Studio]
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Andini Putri [Google]
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Anditya Choirul Salam [Google]
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Andmicro Studio (or: Scratchones) [Andika Putra]
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Andre Bima Falah Rabbani [Atharuah Studios]
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Andrea Zudip Aggasi [Nirmala Graphics]
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Andrew Novialdi [Google]
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Andrey Font Design [Stephanus Prabowo]
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Andrey Jahred [Google]
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Andri Ardianto [Madatype Studio (or: The Typerex, or: Andrimada Creative)]
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Andri Firmansyah [Google]
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Andri Kurniawan [Struggle Studio]
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Andrian Maulana [Google]
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Andriani Toegiono [Google]
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Andriansyah Muhamad Komarudin [Mantra Aksara]
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Andrie Nugrie [Nug's Project]
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Andry Andriansyah [Google]
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Angeline Clara Chintia [Ren Lin Font]
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Angga Kristiandri [Abbasy Studio]
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Angga Mahardika [Amtypes (was: TypeWolves, Amtypefoundry, or Try and Error)]
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Angga Suwista [Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk)]
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Angga Yudhistira [Sereneowl Fonts]
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Anggi Dwi Putra [Google]
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Anggi Hermawan [Forberas Club]
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Anggi Krisna Pranindita [TheBundles (or: Mehibi)]
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Anggi Lisnawati [Pathfinder]
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Angin Studio (or: David Novrian) [Ahmad Aswin]
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Angkalimabelas [Bagus Budiyanto]
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Angoes Tweentyfive (was: Angoes Abufira) [Agus Setyawan]
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Animus Studio [Septian Prajnabhawika]
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Anis Syafiqah [Google]
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Anjan Parindra [Google]
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Anjar Putra [Kecik Creative (was: Kecik Studio)]
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Anna Safitri [Runsell Type (or: Runsell Studio, Studio Runsell)]
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Annas Alam Yahya [Dolanan Fonts]
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Annas Alam Yahya [Letteralle]
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Anneisa Azhoera [Google]
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Annemieke [Google]
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Annisa Luthfiasari [Knickknacks]
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Anomali Creative [A A Ngurah A Krisna Teja]
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Anto Ginanto [Mr. Ginanto (or: Mangga Design)]
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António Martins [Guincho, 1421]
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Anton Cahyono [Motokiwo]
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Anton Priyatna [Apria]
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Anwar Patihan [Jehoo Creative]
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Any Type [Amir Muhammad]
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AnyType Co [Google]
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Aphriell Art [Google]
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Apria [Anton Priyatna]
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Aprian Sembada [Griyotype]
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Apriliyanto [Letterlite Studio]
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Apsari Wiba Pamela [Google]
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Aptatype Studio [Deni Pramadita]
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Aptfahmi [Google]
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Aptumi Studio [Google]
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Aqeel Art [Biham Santoso]
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Aqib Ady [Vroz Studio]
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arausidp [Google]
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Arba Syuhada [Ngen Type]
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Ardelia Adjandra [Google]
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Ardelia Widyanata [Google]
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Ardi Parwito [Green Adventure Studio]
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Ardi Santoso [Google]
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Ardi Setiyawan [Peni Creative]
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Ardi Suwardiansyah [Google]
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Ardian Dwipra [Imkara Studio (or: Subhans)]
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Ardian Nuvianto [Damarkurung9 Studio]
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Ardian Radityo [TSV Creative]
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Ardian Usman [Google]
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Ardy Knoxville [Typica Studio (was: Awakening Studios)]
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Area Type (was: GType) [Dhan Ghete]
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Arendx Studio [Asep Rendi]
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Ari Aditia Ikhsan [Riksan Studio]
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Ari Bintara [Google]
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Ari Budi Setiawan [Hamizan]
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Ari Dwi [Google]
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Ari Riadi [Google]
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Ari Sandi [Tosca Digital]
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Arial Fonts [Arialdy Nurazmi]
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Arialdy Nurazmi [Arial Fonts]
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Arie Design [Google]
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Arie Hadianto [HevnGrafix]
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Arief Pribadi [Google]
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Arief Rochman [4RF Font (or: 4RM, or: Bantai)]
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Arief Setyo Wahyudi [Typia Nesia]
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Arief Tri Sulistiyono [Supersemar Letter]
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Arif Dwi [Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio)]
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Arif Fadilah [Luhop Creative]
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Arif Gunawan [Natural Ink]
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Arif Wahyu [Google]
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Arima Type [Amri Mauludin]
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Ariq Aufa Muzakky [Google]
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Aris Dwi Pujo Utomo [Google]
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Ariyuno Yuthanggara [Google]
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Arkansas Type [Google]
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Arkara (or: Fopifopi) [Edy Bagus Pamungkas]
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Arkrist Letter [Harjuno Kristanto]
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Arly Mursalin [Google]
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Arnoldus Johan [Google]
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Arrizal Taufiq [Google]
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Arsy Creative [Agung Saputra]
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Art Slave [Google]
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Art StoreID [Google]
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Artha Desain (was: David Her) [Swangga Raditya]
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Arthy Type [Sani Sanjaya]
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Artiqlogy [Google]
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Arto Std [Kin Sugiarto]
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ArtOne CreativeWorks (was: Locomotype) [Arwan Sutanto]
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Arttotell [Asep Prasetio]
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arukidz.fl [Alief Syahru]
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Arvan Fatwa [LittleWind Studio]
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Arwah Ninja [Google]
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Arwan Sutanto [ArtOne CreativeWorks (was: Locomotype)]
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Arya Mularama [Google]
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Aryo Dwinugro [Google]
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Aryoni Ananta [Google]
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Asad Hanif [Google]
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Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio) [Ghazi Humam Fauzan]
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Asenbayu [Bayu Noor Witarsa]
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Asep Prasetio [Arttotell]
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Asep Prasetio [Bright Rhythm Studio]
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Asep Rendi [Arendx Studio]
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Asep Sunandar [Ameerazan Studio (was: Mamplanglaut)]
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Asep Zaenuri [Google]
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Asia Culture (Was: Indonesian Arts, or: Sukowati Studio Grafis) [Sutrisno Budiharto]
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Askar Fadhilah [Tkz Type]
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Asnan Affandi [Google]
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Asonyr [Google]
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Asri Agusti [Google]
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Asritype [Sudarmaji]
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Assalwa [Google]
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Assalwa Assalwa [Google]
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Assami Studio (or: Sammy Studio) [Teuku Asrul Sami]
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Asti Ramdani [Google]
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Astro Type [Deden Handoko]
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Astronautboys [Google]
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Asyan Design [Ismail Abdurrasyid]
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Asyera Harahap [Google]
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AT Studio [Akcsel Tara]
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AT Studio (or: Akcsel Tara Studio) [Google]
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Atakz Wijaya [Google]
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Atatamita [Qaila Sa]
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Atharuah Studios [Andre Bima Falah Rabbani]
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ATK Studio [Radinal Riki]
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Atom (or: Letteratom) [Eko Kurniawan]
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Attract Studio [Muammar Kadafi]
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Attype Studio [Fadli Ramadhan Iskandar]
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Audee Mirza [Google]
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Audhia Pramatha [Google]
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Audi Prasetya [Portype (was: Idesain Creative)]
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Auditya Mandala P [Google]
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August Siegit [Google]
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Aulia Akbar [Raretracks (was: Monodark)]
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Aulia Rahmi [Moontesk Studio]
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Auratype [Wahyu Dwi Cahyo]
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Austin Signs [Andika Fez]
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AV Type [Google]
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Ave Artha [Google]
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Avotype Studio [Google]
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Awali [Just Lett]
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Awaluddin Syarif [Walkeren]
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Awan Setiawan [Awan Studio]
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Awan Studio [Awan Setiawan]
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Awang Persada [Google]
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Axel Alessandro Satriawan [Axelzone Studio]
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Axel Lymphos [Maximillian Limpo]
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Axelzone Studio [Axel Alessandro Satriawan]
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AXR Lettering [Google]
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Ay Slte [Google]
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Aya Phoen
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Aydi Rainkarnichi [Google]
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Ayeela Studio [Google]
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Ayi Teiry
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Ayu Agustina [Google]
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Ayunda Swacita [Google]
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Azam Ramadhan [Google]
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Azhim Ferdaus [Google]
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Azi Satria [Google]
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Azim Aufaq [Wayang Venture]
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Azis Maulana Ihsan [Google]
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Azka Firas [Google]
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Azka Ryzki [Vable Studio]
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Azkara Studio [Google]
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Azmi Kamarullah [Google]
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Azmie Azhar [Google]
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Azwar Azhar [Google]
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Azwar Rakhman [Google]
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Azzam Studio [Muhammad Fajri]
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Azzumar99 [Google]
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Badi Ibad [HD Pro]
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Bagas Ardiatma [Trustha Studio]
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Bagas Satrio [Satriotype]
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Bagas Zhafran [Google]
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Bagas Zhafran [Rinjani Bagaz]
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Bagas Zhafran Rinjani Priyambodo [Google]
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Bagerich Type Foundry (was: Zealab Fonts Division, Zea Fonts, Zea Lab, Zeaspace) [Reza Rasenda]
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Bagus Aji Wicaksono [LetterCraft Studio]
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Bagus Arya Kirana [Krntype Studio]
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Bagus Budiyanto [Angkalimabelas]
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Bagus Prayogo [Google]
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Bagus Purwoko [Google]
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Bal Studio (or: Balstudio) [Iqbal Amsar Hidayat]
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Bale Design Studio [Google]
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Balevgraph Studio [Iqbal Paj]
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Baliniz [Rai Adi Sanjaya]
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Balpirick Studio
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Balya Studio [Google]
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Banana Seeds 1234 [Faith Zafya]
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Bandofol Studio [Mohamad Shadiq]
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Bang Kumis Type foundry (was: Eltypolocos Type foundry) [Endang Hidayat]
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Bang Toyib [Eldertype Studio]
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Bangkit Setiadi [Google]
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Bangkit Tri Setiadi [Blankids Studio]
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Banyumili Studio [Galih Eko Nurcahyo]
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Baps Patil [Bapusaheb Patil]
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Bapusaheb Patil [Baps Patil]
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Barkah (was: Alluranet) [Neuis Nurlela]
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Barwuah Anam [Muhammad Rifqil Anam HR]
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Basak Yardim [Google]
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Basedon Studio [Google]
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Basilisk Type Co [Google]
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Bastian Ahad [Google]
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Bastian Bentra [Google]
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Bastian Wirawan [Google]
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Bathara [Leonyka Arumantra]
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Bayfont [Bayu Pamungkas]
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Bayu Adityawarman [Google]
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Bayu Noor Witarsa [Asenbayu]
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Bayu Pamungkas [Bayfont]
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Bayu Prahara [Google]
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Bayu Rakhmadio [Google]
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Bayu Tri Ratman [Google]
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BCo Design & Lettering [Bildan Barzaly]
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Bdstrd Std [Google]
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Beary Design (or: Letter Beary) [Dian Haniffan Hadi]
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beforewinters [Google]
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Bejeletter [Eddy Mahfud]
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Bejos Work Studio [Waluyo Raharjo]
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Belinda Amelia [Google]
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Benawa Studio (or: Klaten Kerning Kleb) [Muhammad Farkhan]
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Benditos Creative [Google]
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Benediktus Hosni Iryandito [ReivNick]
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Benjee Lianism [Google]
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Benny Sebastian [Google]
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Bentype (or: Benawa Type) [Muhammad Farkhan]
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Berabe Studio [Google]
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Bery Arisandi [Google]
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Beujaya Studio [Wahyu Zulfahmi]
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Bhadal Studio [Caroline Barton]
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Bharat KV [Google]
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Bhima Bagaskara [Goldlake Graphic]
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Biham Santoso [Aqeel Art]
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Bildan Barzaly [BCo Design & Lettering]
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Billa34 [Google]
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Billy Robert [Google]
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Bilqis Studio [Eddy Goodboy]
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Bing Febby Aldiansyah [Rvq Type Foundry (was: Hey Bing Type Foundry)]
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Bivisyani Questibrilia [Google]
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Blackerning Studio [Taufiqurrohman Nadri]
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Blackletter Studio [Google]
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Blagoy Hristov [Google]
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Blank Sub (or: Subqi; or: Blankids; was: Bombas Type) [Amir Subqi Setiaji]
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Blankcraft (was: Fallen Type, or: Fallen Graphic) [Vava Aryanto]
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Blankids Studio [Bangkit Tri Setiadi]
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Blom Letter Studio [Muhammad Hisyam Rivai]
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Bloom XXVI [Google]
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Blu Aoi [Google]
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Blue Robin Design Shop (or: August 10) [Google]
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Blue Studio [Winarno]
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Blue Type (was: Littlehand Studio, Stringlabs Type) [Google]
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Bluestype Studio (was: Jefri Design) [Jefri Dwi Alfatah]
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Bluetype (or: Ardana Creative) [Ferry Ardana Putra]
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BLV Supply (or: BLV Art) [Mochamad Bayu]
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Bobby Haiqalsyah [Google]
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Bobby Satria [Oui Studio]
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Boiem Hanafi [Google]
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Bold Studio [Google]
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Bondan Gail [Google]
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BONG [Google]
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Booga Letter [Google]
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Bosstype Studio [Mu Fazzal]
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Boudewijn Rempt [Constructed Languages]
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Boy Moch Tomi [Work Ins Studio]
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Boyan Nurdiansyah [Ussual Studio (or: Boyanurd)]
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Bramaji Dipa Manggala [Moonbandit]
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Brand Semut [Goresan Pelangi]
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Bregetz Studio [Andi Syahdan]
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Brian Sintyu [Google]
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Brian Wiranata [Google]
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Brickwell Typesmith [Google]
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Bright Rhythm Studio [Asep Prasetio]
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Brigitta Martiana [Google]
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Bringtype Studio [Abdul Aziz]
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Brithos Type [Ali Hamidi]
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Brnk 1314 [Google]
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Bross Workshop [Iim Maulana Ibrahim]
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Bruno Ulbatt [Google]
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Bryantama Nur Hidayat Suyoto [Bryantamanh]
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Bryantamanh [Bryantama Nur Hidayat Suyoto]
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Budi Erlangga [Google]
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Budi Purwito [Google]
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Budi Setiawan [Google]
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Budiman Ramadhan [Google]
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Buhid alphabet [Google]
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Bukhari Andes [Google]
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Bulbul Project [Sigit Nugroho]
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Bulux S. Hero [Google]
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Buminatha Arvin [Google]
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Bungabunga [Nendi Emelia]
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Burhan Afif [HansCo]
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Burhanul Jauhar Arifin [Shakatype]
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Burnoth Design Company [Reza Kurniarinaldi]
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Bustanul Arifin
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Bykineks [Dede Kurniawan]
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Caca [Google]
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Cacat Otak [Google]
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Cadrilla Bareno [Google]
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Cahya Sabunge [Google]
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Cahya Sofyan [Studio Sun (or: Sun Brand Co)]
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Cahyadi Ikhsan [Amera Type]
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Calligraphy Fonts [Google]
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Calvert Type Studio [Google]
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Calvina Clvr [Google]
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Campotype [Andi Aw Masry]
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Candi Erwanto [Mystical Type]
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Candra Hamdani [Vultype Co]
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Caoca Studio (or: Heroglyphs) [Olivia Theresa]
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Caroline Barton [Bhadal Studio]
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Cassava Type [Google]
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Casualized [Muhammad Farid]
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Catatan Binar [Google]
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Catur Hari Wibowo [Google]
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CBRText Studio [Muhammad Khoirul Amal]
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Cek Creative [Google]
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Cemleret [Jupri Yudhana]
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Cempluk Studio [Agung Triyanto]
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Chaidir Gata [Gatype (or: Chairul Art)]
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Chairul Ashar [Hiro (or: ashar1802)]
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Chandra Chandro [Google]
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Chandra Maullana [Google]
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Chandra Muliawan [Google]
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Charissa Rais [Google]
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Charles Nix [New Fonts]
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Chasim [Google]
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Che Lin Tan [Google]
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CheapProfonts [Roger S. Nelsson]
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Chelsea Kortman [Google]
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Chepi Devosi [Google]
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Chiquita Clarissa [Google]
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Chococreator (or: Missingfont) [Sutrisno Al Rasyid]
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Chocotype [Krisna Galuh]
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Choirul A [Google]
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Choirul Basyri [Google]
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Choirul Masruroh [Nge Font]
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Chrestella [Google]
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Chris Toper [Google]
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Christiana Caitlin [Google]
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Christine Hanna [Google]
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Christo Wahyudi [Google]
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Christoph Nino [Vimddd]
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Christoph Nino [Nino Chichucha (or: Chichucha, or: Christoph Nino)]
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Christopher Bryan [Google]
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Christopher Ongkowidjojo [Google]
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Cindy Tandil [Google]
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Cindy Yo [Google]
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Cinthya Noviana [Google]
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Cipto Bagus Prakarso [Tomat Studio]
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Cipto Noor [Google]
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Cita Letter [Google]
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Ciusan [Dannie Herdyawan]
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Ckdsign (or: Blacksheep Studio) [Google]
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Claudia Malada [Google]
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Claudia Novreica Sutrisno [Google]
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Cloud Studio [Levin S. Datau]
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Coastal Type [Freissy Audrey]
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Cob Studios (was: Aidan, or WY Creative) [Wildan Yakob]
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Collapse Studio [Google]
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Collectype Studio
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Collins [Google]
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Consistype [Fachrul Ariestyan]
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Constructed Languages [Boudewijn Rempt]
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Cooldesign Lab [Kurniadi Saputra]
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Coretan Letter [Google]
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Cornelia Lam [Google]
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Cornertype Studio (or: Gassstype) [Anang Fibriyanto]
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cosmo.shroom [Google]
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Craft Supply [Nazzar Saputra]
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Creaditive [Aditiyo DP]
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Creaditive Design [Aditiyo Dwi Putranto]
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Creassion Studio [Luthi Fadhillah]
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Create Big Supply [Irpan Maulana]
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Creatipe [Google]
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Creative Great [Google]
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Creative17 Studio [Irfan Hidayat]
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Creativework Studio (was: Creativework69 Studio) [Daddi Daryawan]
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Creatnow Studio [Google]
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Creature of Earth [Google]
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Creatype Studio (or: Taro Creatype, Crella Marketplace, Rahardi Creatype) [Mohamad Rian Rahardi]
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Criselda Caecilia Titus [Google]
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Crossdown [Irfan Hidayat]
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Crump Hand [Stefie Justprince]
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CT Studio [Google]
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Cucu Supriyadi [Seventh Imperium]
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Cucu Supriyadi [Thirtype]
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Cuncun Suryadi [Zenmalik Studio]
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Custab Studio [Google]
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Cut Nurul Hadia [Keren Studio]
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Cynthia Fonts Cute [Google]
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D. Sandi Sjahputra [Winston Type Co.]
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Da Only Aan [Google]
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Dabah Faulkner [Google]
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Dacatype Studio [Google]
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Dadan Sukma Nurdiansyah [Dasukreation]
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Daddi Daryawan [Creativework Studio (was: Creativework69 Studio)]
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Daffa Ibnu [Google]
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Dagon Collective (or: Peradaban) [Google]
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Daily Studio [Zaizafun Hanifah]
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Daksina Type [Deemak Daksina]
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Dald Sgh [Google]
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Damarkurung9 Studio [Ardian Nuvianto]
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Damas Yudhistira [Damasyp]
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Damasyp [Damas Yudhistira]
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Damelev Studio (was: Logo Labs, Tanziladd, Rawi Project) [Nyapa Tanzil]
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Damian Setiawan [Google]
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Dana Font Co [Muhammad Alkaf]
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Danafont [Google]
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Danang Putrajati [Google]
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Dani [Google]
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Dani Teguh [Google]
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Dania [Google]
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Daniel Black [Google]
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Daniel Matakupan [Google]
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Daniel Tampubolon [Google]
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Danish Maulana [Encaaan]
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Dan'Kin Don [Google]
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Dannie Herdyawan [Ciusan]
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Danny Aldana Hidayat [The Good Store]
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Dansdesign [Danu Setyaji Nugroho]
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Danu Setyaji Nugroho [Dansdesign]
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Dany Rizki Trimulya [Giant Design]
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Darbotz [Google]
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Darman Kadir [DRM Works]
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Darno Wiyanto [Google]
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Darren Widyaatmadja [Google]
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Darul Qutni Hakiki [Hanaksara Studio]
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Darully Creator [Febryl Arully]
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Dasukreation [Dadan Sukma Nurdiansyah]
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Dav Studio (or: Dimas) [Dimas aji Virgiawan]
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David Chriss [Google]
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David Prasetya [Google]
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Davis Andi Pradana [Ribeth Studio (or: Fonthana Studio)]
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Dawn Studio (was: Frachmadi) [Fajar Rachmadi]
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Daxdu 28 [Google]
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DcLab [Google]
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Dea Andini [Google]
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Deadlock Studio [Rhega Juliandy]
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Deadra Ivanka Qintara [Google]
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Dean Nugraha [Sansakerta (or: DN Art)]
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Deasy Camiladini [Google]
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Deby Valencia [Google]
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Decade Type foundry [Agung Maskund]
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Dede Kurniawan [Bykineks]
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Dede Mulyadi [Harder Type Foundry]
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Deden Handoko [Astro Type]
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Dedi Agus Setiawan [Dedisain Studio]
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Dedi Tri Anggara [PandAE86]
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Dedisain Studio [Dedi Agus Setiawan]
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Deedeetype [Kurnia Setyadi]
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Deemak Daksina [Daksina Type]
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Deena Type [Google]
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Dega Syukurilah [Google]
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Degarism Studio [Deni Anggara]
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Delafa Design [Milla Febriana Tanjung]
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Delaga Studio [Faris Muafa]
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Delapan Studio [Google]
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Deli Pensil (was: Jetfast) [Delip Nugraha]
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Delip Nugraha [Deli Pensil (was: Jetfast)]
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Demonforge Studio [Putu Aditya Anggi Bayoga]
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Demsey Satya Nagara [Google]
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Denden Mushi Inc [Google]
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DenderType Studio [Google]
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Deni Anggara [Degarism Studio]
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Deni Hermawan [Dhw Type]
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Deni Pramadita [Aptatype Studio]
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Denies Ibenk [Nartz Type]
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Denis Heryanto Arham [Google]
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Denny Aryadi [Google]
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Denny Noveriandi [Google]
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Denny Subagja [Formatika Studio]
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Denny Subagja [Formatika studio]
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Denny Sutanto [Densu Design]
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Densu Design [Denny Sutanto]
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Deny Dwi Kurniawan [Mengulirpena]
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Dera Maulana [Google]
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Deri Kurnia [Trim Studio]
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Derren Stev [Google]
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Dery Suhendi [Google]
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Design Type [Google]
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Designformerch [Google]
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Designs Fuse [Google]
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Desy Aghadhia [Google]
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Desy Soelistio [Google]
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Desy Utami [Google]
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deTheme [Mega Ardelia]
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Detsxtype Studio [Google]
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Devina Phangestu [Google]
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Devsign [Google]
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Dhaef Dhaefur Rahman Al Mubarak [Google]
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Dhan Ghete [Area Type (was: GType)]
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Dhanny Stefanus [Google]
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Dhany Arliyanti [Google]
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Dharma Sahestya (or: Dharmas Studio) [Ahmad Jamaludin]
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dhefontana [Google]
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Dhendi Poseidon [Dhendiawan Dwiatma]
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Dhendiawan Dwiatma [Dhendi Poseidon]
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dherbert412 [Google]
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Dhika Putra [Google]
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Dhimas Bagas [Google]
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Dhimas Novianto [Google]
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dhridjie [Sulistiyono Widodo]
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Dhw Type [Deni Hermawan]
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Dian Haniffan Hadi [Beary Design (or: Letter Beary)]
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Dian Tresna Nugraha [Google]
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Dickhop [Google]
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Dicky Darmawan [Google]
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Dicky Syafaat [Dicky Syafaat Fuadi]
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Dicky Syafaat Fuadi [Dicky Syafaat]
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Dicubit [Fiki Ahmadi]
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Dida Ahluddin [Ahwe Project]
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Didaahwe Studio [Google]
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Didik Pratikno [Google]
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Dieza Design [Rohmat Sidiq Mustaqim]
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Differentialtype [Sidik Sidik]
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Digital Studied [Google]
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Digitype Studio (or: Nicky Art) [Yusuf Niki Syahroni]
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Dikas Studio [Andika Setiawan]
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Diki Hermawan [Letterflow Studio (or: Typestory)]
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Diki Mametos Setiadi [Mametos Type Foundry]
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Diki Pradipta Tri Atmojo [Pradipta Creative]
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Diki Pradipta Tri Atmojo [Lettertype Studio]
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Dilbadil [Abdillah Abdi]
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Dili Dita [Google]
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Dimas aji Virgiawan [Dav Studio (or: Dimas)]
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Dimas Ardhi [Glyph Style]
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Dimas Dwi [Google]
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Dimas Wahyu Ismanto [Google]
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Dimas Wicaksana [Godzilla B]
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Dimasato [Google]
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Dimension Beyond [Google]
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Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype) [Donis Miftahudin]
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Dina Andriani [Maneka Design]
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Dinartwork Studio [Google]
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Dinda Anindita [Google]
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Dion Aji [Tipudaya's Graphic]
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Diono Studio [Google]
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Diosi Julianto [DLetters Studio]
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Diqtam Darmawan [Endemiq Labs]
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Dira Anndhini [Google]
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Ditatype [Donis Miftahudin]
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Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel) [Muhammad Faizal Said]
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Ditton Supply Co [Kevin Adithia]
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Ditya Dewi Anandita [Yumna Type]
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Diyos [Yus Wardi]
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DjanCook Studio [Wawan Hermawan]
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Djoko Adi Redono [Google]
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DKV 18 ISI Surakarta [Google]
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DKV UPN Veteran Jawa Timur [Google]
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DLetters Studio [Diosi Julianto]
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Dlvastf Typesupply [Agus Riyanto]
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D.M. Rachmath [DMR Studio (or: Aksaratype Industries)]
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DMR Studio (or: Aksaratype Industries) [D.M. Rachmath]
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DNS Studio [Google]
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Docallisme HAS [Amry Al Mursalaat]
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Doehantz Studio [Abduhan Fikhri]
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Dolanan Fonts [Annas Alam Yahya]
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Dolets Do [Google]
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Dominique Thiodorus [Google]
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Doni Purwoko [Zeenesia Studio]
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Doni Sukma [Letter Omega]
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Donis Miftahudin [Ditatype]
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Donis Miftahudin [Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype)]
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Donis Miftahudin [Nathatype]
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DOP Studio [Google]
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Dora Typefoundry [Zahratul Laila]
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Dorothea Sugiharto [Google]
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Dotzeem [Hazim Mujahid]
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Dozzura Murti [Google]
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Dream Line Agency [Google]
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Dreamart [Heru Utama Putra]
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Dreamwaves [Ikhsan Rahandono]
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DRM Works [Darman Kadir]
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Duanolle Studio [Google]
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Duanpry Sihaloho [Google]
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Dumadi Studios [Toni Dzulham]
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Duta Wibowo [Google]
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DV Studios [Alvin Danang]
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Dwi Ahidian [Lemonthe]
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Dwi Krisdiantoro [NTC Graphic]
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Dwi Perkasa [Google]
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Dwight Yorg [Google]
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Dwima Hamid [Google]
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Dyah Ayuningtyas [Google]
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Dyaharum Pungki Revitasari [Jolicia Type]
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Dyan Muharom [Google]
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Dysa Studio [Yusup Saputra]
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Earl Ciel [Google]
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Earlyfair Studio [Fahmi Huzaini]
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Eaver Studio (or: Wahyu & Sani Co) [Wahyu S. Adi Wibowo]
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Ebaz Abdul [Google]
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Ecodezign [Google]
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Eddy Goodboy [Bilqis Studio]
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Eddy Istiyan Zuhri [Invitara (or: Merge354)]
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Eddy Mahfud [Bejeletter]
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Edi Gunawan [Edignwn Type (or: Fitriyawan)]
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Edignwn Type (or: Fitriyawan) [Edi Gunawan]
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Edom Wahyudi [Google]
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Edric Studio [Ega Nugraha]
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Edwina Rismayanti [Google]
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Edy Bagus Pamungkas [Arkara (or: Fopifopi)]
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Edy Pang Muhtar [Google]
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Edy Wiyono [Google]
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Eep Apringga [Namara Creative Studio (Collectype?)]
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Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef) [Luthfi Fauzi]
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Effie Herdi [Google]
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EFOS Studio [Google]
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Ega Nugraha [Edric Studio]
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Egha's Studio [Tahta Ega]
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Eghtin Studio [Google]
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Egi Maulana [Google]
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Egypto Type Co [Tegar Hafizhal]
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Eitiqad [Farhan Arsyadi]
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Eko Arif Setiawan [Google]
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Eko Arif Setiawan [Google]
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Eko Bimantara [Type Dish]
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Eko Kurniawan [Atom (or: Letteratom)]
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Eko Nur Cahyo [Kulo Kale Studio]
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Eko Nurcahyo [Marchtwentype Studio]
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Eko Samp [Google]
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Eko Zero [Ahmad Wakhid]
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Elcode Type (was: Aku Jomblo, or: Hermestype) [Ali Firman]
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Eldertype Studio [Bang Toyib]
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Elegantype Studio [Google]
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Elkizar [Google]
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Elvina Amelia [Google]
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Elysa Zheng [Google]
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Emanes Design (or: Emanes Dsign) [Google]
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Emas Didik Prasetyo [Typesea]
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Embun Studio (or: Embuntype) [Aditya Rezki Apriyadi]
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Emen Studio [Google]
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Emeralda Noor Achni Halilintar [Google]
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Emil Ihsan [Google]
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Emtheen Studio [Muhammad Dimas]
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EN 86 21 [Google]
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Encaaan [Danish Maulana]
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Encolab [Saiful]
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Endang Hidayat [Bang Kumis Type foundry (was: Eltypolocos Type foundry)]
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Endemiq Labs [Diqtam Darmawan]
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Endri Sulistyawan [Rashatype]
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Enggar Purjana [Nearzoo Studio]
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Enoy Production [Google]
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Eotype [Fajar Ramadan]
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Ephemera Fonts [Ilham Herry]
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Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja) [Aldy Sidik]
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Epitage Type [Google]
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Erfan Pranantiyo [Google]
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Eric Wiryanata [Thunder Panda Dings]
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Erik Luluk [Erik Studio]
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Erik Studio [Erik Luluk]
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Erin Hermanto [Google]
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Erri Nugraha [Google]
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Erry Fachrizal [Google]
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Erry Nugraha [TamaCide]
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Erwin Indrawan
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Erwin Maulana [Google]
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Ery Prihananto [Google]
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Esther Rahayu [Google]
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Estiko Priyanto [TSA Creative (or: Tiko Creative)]
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Etig Letters (or: Beauty Beth) [Afridah Ciputra]
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Eurieas [Raafi Hilmi]
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Eva Rd [Google]
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Evan Wijaya [Google]
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Evano Studio [Google]
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Eveline Tania [Google]
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evilalala [Google]
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Ewindri Putri Pratiwi [Google]
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Excellent Ritma Florendia [Mocosans (or: Slidehack)]
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Exima Co [Nining Setianingsih]
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Extrak Rebel [Google]
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Eztudio [Google]
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Ezza Adhreza Brahma [Ezzazabra]
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Ezzazabra [Ezza Adhreza Brahma]
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FA Studio (or: Fluffy Art Studio) [Indra Gunawan]
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FabledHut Team [Google]
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Fachran Heit [Fachrul Rozi]
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Fachrijal Al Farisi [Google]
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Fachrizal Yusuf [Allouse Studio]
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Fachrul Ariestyan [Consistype]
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Fachrul Rozi [Fachran Heit]
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Fachrur Rozzy [Rozzy Design]
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Fadhil Edrianda [Google]
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Fadhl Waliy Ul Haqq [Akufadhl (was: Alternatype, or: Akutype, or: Alterna Type foundry)]
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Fadiel Muhammad [Typologic (or: Voltage Sans)]
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Fadli Raihan [fadlilunasi]
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Fadli Ramadhan Iskandar [Attype Studio]
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Fadlilah Studio [Fina Fadlilah]
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fadlilunasi [Fadli Raihan]
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Fadly Baidowy [Google]
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Fahmi [Zulfahmi Yahya]
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Fahmi Huzaini [Earlyfair Studio]
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Fahmy Hidayat [Google]
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Fahrenno Asnawan [Megflags (was: HOUS Studio)]
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Fahrizal Tawakkal [Fontdation (was: Twicolabs Design)]
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Faisal Nahdi [Google]
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Faisal Tanjung [Sizimon Studio]
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Faishal Mahdy [Shaltype (or: Pudji Pangestoe Type Foundry)]
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Faith Zafya [Banana Seeds 1234]
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Fajar Abdul Fatah [Sibelumpagi Studio (or: Bale Design Studio)]
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Fajar Gani [Google]
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Fajar Rachmadi [Dawn Studio (was: Frachmadi)]
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Fajar Ramadan [Eotype]
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Fajrin Fathia [Google]
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Fajrin Ilhamy [Grewfont Studio]
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Faka Pratama Putra [Tama Putra (or: Tama Vocks)]
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Fakhri Aristo [Google]
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Faldy Kudo [Kudo Creative (or: XD Creative)]
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Falling Graphic [Google]
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Falyadhia Amirazanna [Google]
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Famco Type foundry [Ihsan Windy]
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Fanandia Mochamad Adenansyah [Google]
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Fandi Ahmad [Halofandi]
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Fandi Kurniawan [Guna Studio]
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Fani Hendra [Google]
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Fansara Studio [Google]
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FantasticFont Studio (or: Rendra Odd Eye) [Google]
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Fanuella Parera [Google]
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Faputra Kerja [Frederik Aristaputra]
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Faqih Sandri [Typollery (was: Dri Zy)]
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Farah Maulida [Grapicks]
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Farhan Arsyadi [Eitiqad]
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Farhan Ramadhika [Abas Creative]
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Farhan T. Sudiya [Illusletra (was: Typovecto, or: Tirta Craft)]
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Farid Dzulfiqar [Google]
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Farid Rahman [Google]
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Farida Kurniawan [Friday Type (was: Jumat Studio)]
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Farinsyah [Masfuf Istigfarin]
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Faris Fonts Creative [Google]
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Faris Graphic Art [Agus Armanto]
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Faris Muafa [Delaga Studio]
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Fariz Ikhsan [Google]
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Farnianti Putri [Google]
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Farul Arjianto [Typefar]
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Fatamorkidd [Fatan ZW]
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Fatan ZW [Fatamorkidd]
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Fateh Lab [Wisnu Cipto Wibowo]
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Fathoni Hidayah [Google]
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Fatia Herman [Google]
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Fatimah Dipi [Kong Font (or: Gemes Font)]
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Fatoni Nurman [Toni Mous (or: Toni Mouse)]
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Fatoni Nurman [Toni Studio]
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Fatur Rohim [Google]
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Fauzan Rafhy [Google]
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Fauzan S.Kom [Google]
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Fauzin Idea [Google]
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Fauzistudio [Sadat Fauzi]
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Fauzul Azmi [Pojol Type]
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Febby Rusdiansyah [Google]
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Febri Creative [Febrianto Yuwono]
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Febrian Nugroho [Google]
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Febrian Rachmat [Google]
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Febrianto Yuwono [Febri Creative]
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Febryan Satria [Spaceship Creative Lab]
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Febryl Arully [Darully Creator]
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Felitasari Rekso
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Feri Fauzi [Afterthem Studio]
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Ferianto Aryo N [Google]
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Ferren Go [Google]
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Ferry Ardana Putra [Bluetype (or: Ardana Creative)]
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Ferry Hadriyan [FHFont (was: Feydesign)]
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Ferry Septian [Uncurve]
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FHFont (was: Feydesign) [Ferry Hadriyan]
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Fight Graphx [Adi Wahyudi]
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Figuree Studio [Icep Anwar Fadhil]
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Fiki Ahmadi [Dicubit]
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Fikri Hidayat [Google]
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Fikri Rahman [Revork Lab (or: Revork Labs; was: Fikri Ar)]
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Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif) [Muhammad Fikry]
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Filia Ika Syilviani [mycandythemes]
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Fina Fadlilah [Fadlilah Studio]
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Finta Arfinia [Google]
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Fiona Saldy [Google]
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Fiona Studio [Google]
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Fiqi Art [Fiqi Febriyanto]
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Fiqi Febriyanto [Fiqi Art]
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Fitra Dwivani [Makaryo Collective]
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Fitria Rahmadhani [Alphard Type]
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Fivont [Taufik Tri Aryanto]
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Fizzetica Type foundry [Abdul Hapiz Hilman]
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Flamde Studio (was: Astageni Studio) [Nur Solikh]
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Flawless And Co [Google]
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Flip Studio [Google]
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Floral Studio [Google]
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Florencia Vani [Google]
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Fondiz [Google]
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Font Football and Design [Alif Yoga]
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Font Vector [vector.id]
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Fonta Benka [Google]
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Fontastic Indonesia [Google]
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Fontastic Lab [Google]
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Fontdation Studio [Gabriela Octavia]
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Fontdation (was: Twicolabs Design) [Fahrizal Tawakkal]
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Fontherapy (was: Typecoconut Studio) [Google]
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fontlettering [Google]
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Fontmine Studio [Google]
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Fontoloyo Store [Odho Acha]
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Fontria [Google]
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Foo Art [Google]
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Forberas Club [Anggi Hermawan]
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Formatika Studio [Denny Subagja]
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Formatika studio [Denny Subagja]
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Fortunes Co (was: Celcius Design) [Ramandhani Nugraha]
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Four Lines Studio [Zain Fahroni]
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Fourtiby [Irfan Ulya]
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Fran Studio [Niza Fahmi]
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Frantic Disorder [Kautsar Rahadi]
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Fredella Agatha [Google]
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Frederick Cristofer [Google]
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Frederik Aristaputra [Faputra Kerja]
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Fredy Rakhman Sujono
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freefontsfamily [A. Amirawan]
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Freeject [Google]
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Freeject Graphic [Google]
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Freissy Audrey [Coastal Type]
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Fresti Design [Google]
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Friday Type (was: Jumat Studio) [Farida Kurniawan]
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Friso M. Roest [Sonic Savior]
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Frog Phic [Muladha Aidil]
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FSY Creative Lab [Fuad Syaja]
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Fuad Hasan [Ketikata (or: Ojo Ngintype)]
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Fuad Syaja [FSY Creative Lab]
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Fuma Store [Google]
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Future Is Today [Jordan Raspatie]
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Future Is Yesterday [Google]
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Fype Co [Muhammad Hasan]
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Gabriel Latupeirissa [Google]
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Gabriel Okta [Google]
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Gabriela E. Tanizaal [Google]
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Gabriela Octavia [Fontdation Studio]
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Gaga Vastard [Ganiia Hidayah]
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Gais Zaelani [Jprint Studio]
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Galang Persada [O Type Foundry]
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Galatamen [Mustofa Nur Sidiq]
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Galih Aprilia [Slametype]
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Galih Eko Nurcahyo [Banyumili Studio]
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Galih Prasetyo [Google]
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Galih Sulistya Aji [Inst Ink Type]
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Gamartia Pertiwi [Google]
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Ganiia Hidayah [Gaga Vastard]
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Garisman Studio [Risman Ginarwan]
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Gartype Studio [Gumilang Anggara Ruslan]
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Gatra Studio [Wahyu Edhi Widodo]
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Gatype (or: Chairul Art) [Chaidir Gata]
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GAUZ [Google]
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Gblack Id [Wahyu Nurcahyo]
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GE Creative [Gema Aspriya]
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Gema Aspriya [GE Creative]
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Gens Creatif Store [Jujun Junaedi]
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Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio) [Haris Anggar Setioko]
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Gerry Soelaeman [Google]
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GFR Creative [Abdul Ghofur]
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Gha Arizal [Invasi Studio]
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Ghassani Kargi [Google]
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Ghazi Humam Fauzan [Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio)]
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Ghilky Gerdian [Typopotamus]
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Ghober Karat [Karat Design]
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Gia Studio [Google]
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Gian Studio [Afri Giani]
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Giant Design [Dany Rizki Trimulya]
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Giant Template [Google]
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Giart Studios [Google]
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Giemons [Oghie Novianto]
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Gigih Wiryana [Google]
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Gilang Fram [Google]
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Gilang Maulana [Maulana Creative]
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Gilang Purnama Jaya [GP Type foundry]
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Gilang Purnama Jaya [Spencer & Sons]
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Gilang Senzana [Senzana (was: Inksun Aksara, or: Inksun Mildertype)]
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Gilang Senzana [Typologic Syndrome]
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Gilar Studio [Gumilar Pratama Adiatna]
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Gilz Type [Google]
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Ginan Perdana [Nantachi Production]
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Ginanjar Wijaya Pratama [Gins Designs]
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Gins Designs [Ginanjar Wijaya Pratama]
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Giri Design [Google]
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Girinesia (or: Outline Studio) [Su Wondo]
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Gissella Hartomo [Google]
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Gittype [Sigit Nur Wicaksono]
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Gladys Prawira [Google]
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Glavy Fonts [Jason Glavy]
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Glendi Prasetyo [Google]
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Gloow Studio [Muhammad Iqram]
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Glyph Style [Dimas Ardhi]
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Go Letter (was: Goodigital13) [Google]
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Godzilla B [Dimas Wicaksana]
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Gold Type [Wahi Din]
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GoldenGraph Design [Google]
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Goldlake Graphic [Bhima Bagaskara]
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Good Java Studio
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Goodigital13 [Mariyana Mariyana]
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Gores Communitype Studio [Moh Amirulah]
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Goresan Pelangi [Brand Semut]
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GP Type foundry [Gilang Purnama Jaya]
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Grace Marcella [Google]
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Grace Refika [Google]
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Gracia Salim [Google]
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Grafemars [Irgy Widhiarma]
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Graisse Studio [Google]
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Granz Creative [Google]
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Graph Arts [Yanuar Lutfi]
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Graphic Crews [Google]
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Graphicxell Studio [Usman Al Baehaqi]
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Graphix Line Studio [Aldiraya Pradipta]
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Grapicks [Farah Maulida]
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Grapya Hardia [Huruforia (or: Gedrig Studio)]
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Gravisio [Abdul Rohman]
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Great19 [Andhi Yulianto]
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Green Adventure Studio [Ardi Parwito]
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Green Land [Google]
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Green Sea Studio [Google]
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Green Studio (or: Oscar Design) [Google]
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Green Type [Google]
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Greentype Studio (or: Greentrik.6789) [Tri Kuncoro]
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Gregorius Prima A [Google]
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Gregorius Wisnu Prastowo [Google]
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Grewfont Studio [Fajrin Ilhamy]
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Grezline Studio [Akhmad Reza Fauzi]
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Grim Letter [Google]
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Griyotype [Aprian Sembada]
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grungee jumping [Google]
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Guguh Gumantoro [Letter Stock (was: Gumacreative)]
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Guincho, 1421 [António Martins]
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Gulio Studio [Google]
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Gumilang Anggara Ruslan [Gartype Studio]
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Gumilar Pratama Adiatna [Gilar Studio]
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Gumpita Rahayu [Toko Type (was: Formika Labs, or: Studio Formika, or: Absolut Foundry)]
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Guna Studio [Fandi Kurniawan]
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Gusti Ngurah Widiantara [Google]
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Gustian Agung Asprilla [Rillatype]
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Gustian Agung Asprilla [Papercrown]
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Guts Type [Google]
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Habaab El Fath [Tafleh]
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Haden Artwork [Hielman Nur Addin]
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Hadiftype [Said Ismail]
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Hadjar Creative [Google]
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Haehae Design [Google]
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Hafatype [Google]
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Hafid Trihandoko [Google]
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Hafiz Amanudin [Hapsain]
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Haidi Shabrina [Mahameru Type (or: Haidi Illustration, or: Mahameru Type, or: HN Fonts)]
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Haifont [Surfpunk Ardi]
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Haikal Jamal [Haikal MHJ]
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Haikal MHJ [Haikal Jamal]
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Hajid Hikmatiyar [Hikhcreative]
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Hallotudio [Ahmad Fatkhul Munib]
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Halofandi [Fandi Ahmad]
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Halymunt Studio [Google]
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Hamam Jauhari [Wacaksara Co]
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Hamber Perdiansyah [Hoperative Design]
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Hamdani Putra [Refolve Design Studio]
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Hamizan [Ari Budi Setiawan]
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Hamlana Type [Ilham Maulana]
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Hamzah Muhamad Ihsan [Typesthetic Studio]
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Hanaksara Studio [Darul Qutni Hakiki]
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HandletterYean [Yean Aguste]
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Handmade Balinese typography [Google]
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Handpik Design [Muhammad Nurapik]
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Handstype [Mas Yudi]
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Hanief Farandi [Simetris (was: Hanief Studio, or: Hanzel Studio, or: Hanzel Space)]
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Hanif Arifinsyah [Hanifarifinsyah]
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Hanifa Rinaldi [Google]
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Hanifarifinsyah [Hanif Arifinsyah]
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Hanna Arzigian [Google]
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Hanna Bie [Google]
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Hanna Kurniawan [Google]
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HansCo [Burhan Afif]
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Hapsain [Hafiz Amanudin]
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Harder Type Foundry [Dede Mulyadi]
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Hardi Cahyanta [Google]
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Hardi Nugraha Tunggele [Hardseem]
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Hardiboy Design [Hardiman Siswanto]
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Hardiman Siswanto [Hardiboy Design]
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Hardseem [Hardi Nugraha Tunggele]
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Hariani Rizqi [Google]
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Haris Anggar Setioko [Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio)]
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Haris Gunawan [Google]
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Haris Mustafa [Google]
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Haris Prawoto [Selawe]
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Harjuno Kristanto [Arkrist Letter]
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Harmnessless [Akbar Rohmanto]
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Harris Darmawan [Google]
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Hartadi Design [Google]
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Harun Alukal [Google]
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Has Rizal [Hrz Studio]
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Hasta Suprayogo [Google]
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Hasta Type (was: Iklaz Studio) [Salman Mashudi]
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Hasto Nsp [Google]
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Hatf Type [Rendi Rochimah]
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Hazim Mujahid [Dotzeem]
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Hazmi Aufar [Google]
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Hazztype (was: Helve Tian) [Muhammad Hastian]
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HD Pro [Badi Ibad]
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Hedi Miftah [Letterdy Studio (or: Letterdy Miftah)]
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Heinzel Studio [Nofi Sofyan Hadi]
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Helpy Adiwinoto [Google]
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Hendi Kusuma [HK Studio]
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Hendi Stelenk [Google]
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Hendra Ardianto [Google]
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Hendra Gunawan [Google]
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Hendra Permana [Google]
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Hendra Pratama [HP Typework (was: Mikrojihad Inc.)]
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Hendri Arizandy [Google]
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Hendri Cahyana [Google]
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Hendry Juanda [Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend)]
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Hendy Firdaus [Google]
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Hendy Murti Sagita Pratama [Google]
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Henri Prasta [Google]
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Henry Setiawan [Google]
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Henta Zakharia [Google]
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Henta Zkhr [Google]
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Herbanu Tri Sasongko [Herbanuts (or: LetterStuff Type Foundry)]
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Herbanuts (or: LetterStuff Type Foundry) [Herbanu Tri Sasongko]
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Heretics Studio [Google]
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Heri Juniawan [Google]
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Heri Puryanto [Lemoncraft Studio]
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Herlan Nawwi [Sikifonts]
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Herlan Nawwi
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Herman S. [AC Fonts]
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Herman Siregar [Nous Studio (was: Nous ID Studio)]
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Hermawan Hermawan [Morel Type Studio (or: Moreltype, or: Morel Graphic)]
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Hero Studio (or: Ws Studio) [Wais Alqarni]
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Herpin Maulana [Lemon Studio Type]
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Herry Herry [Herry92]
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Herry92 [Herry Herry]
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Heru Catur Ariyanto [Sindu Melati]
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Heru Utama Putra [Letterena Studios]
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Heru Utama Putra [Dreamart]
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Hery Bee [Google]
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Herya Wildan [Wondoo Studio]
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Hesterica (or: Destriart Studio; was: Win Destrian) [Google]
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HevnGrafix [Arie Hadianto]
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Heypen Type [Rofiki Anas Maruf]
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Hielman Nur Addin [Haden Artwork]
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Hikhcreative [Hajid Hikmatiyar]
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Hilmius Akbar [Type Factory]
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Hindia Studio [Tulus Driyo]
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Hindra Permana [ndroadv]
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Hindro Cholis [Pidco Art]
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Hiro (or: ashar1802) [Chairul Ashar]
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Hisoka Morrow
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HK Studio [Hendi Kusuma]
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Holiday Earlier [Google]
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Hoperative Design [Hamber Perdiansyah]
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Hoperative Studio [Google]
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HoPoYa Studio (or: Mikailain) [Mahmud Fajar Rosyadi]
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Hotline Supply Co [Google]
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Howl 13 [Google]
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HP Typework (was: Mikrojihad Inc.) [Hendra Pratama]
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Hrz Studio [Has Rizal]
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httpsgoths [Google]
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Hudzaifah Studio [Google]
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Human Design [Google]
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Huruforia (or: Gedrig Studio) [Grapya Hardia]
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Hurup Aksara [Google]
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Husain Assyahid [Nendes Kombet]
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Husnan Taufiq [Google]
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Hustletter (or: Acknesia) [Vindy Ary]
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Huston Vincen [Google]
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Huyelah Realease [Google]
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HVF Studio [Nugroho Hamid Kurnia Santoso]
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Hypersick (or: Holydie Studio) [Yugo Priyat Moko]
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I Understand [Juli Awan]
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Ian Irwan Wismoyo [Just Font You]
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Ibnu Bahtiar [Google]
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Ibnu Utomo [Omotu]
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Ibra Creative [Google]
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IbraCreative [Roisatul Azizah]
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Icep Anwar Fadhil [Figuree Studio]
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iCutLetter Studio [Google]
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Idealogo Studio (or: ffontspedia, or: Ahargun Shop) [Google]
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Ignatius Giwan [Google]
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Ignatius Gregory [Google]
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Ignatius Sutono [Sutype Studio]
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Ihsan Hasanudin [Sanz d'Cloudz]
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Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi [Imagi Type]
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Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi [Juru Rancang Studio (was: Juru Aksara)]
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Ihsan Windy [Famco Type foundry]
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Iim Maulana Ibrahim [Bross Workshop]
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Ikhsan Hidayat [Google]
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Ikhsan Rahandono [Dreamwaves]
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Ikiiko Type (was: wep) [Wahyu Eka Prasetya]
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Ikiikowrk [Andhika Pradana]
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Ikrar Bey Khubaib [Puri Creative (or: Ibey Design)]
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Ikrasena Kartiwa [Google]
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Ilham Andreawan [Google]
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Ilham Herry
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Ilham Herry [Ephemera Fonts]
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Ilham Hutomo [Google]
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Ilham Maulana [Hamlana Type]
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Ilham Maulana [Google]
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Ilham NH [Google]
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Ilham Permana [Google]
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Ilham Taro (or: Type Aliens) [Ilham Wahyu]
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Ilham Wahyu [Ilham Taro (or: Type Aliens)]
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IlhamSyah Vutra [Inspira Type (or: Collabro Studio, or: Inspira Sign)]
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Ilhamsyah Vutra [Aktab Studio]
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Ilhan Mansis [Type Vora]
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Illousa Supply Co [Google]
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Illusletra (was: Typovecto, or: Tirta Craft) [Farhan T. Sudiya]
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Ilmawan [Yusuf Ilmawan]
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Ilstudios ID [Google]
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Imagi Type [Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi]
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Imam Darmawan [Google]
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Imam Muhajir [Straight Co]
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Imam Nurrahmat [Nurrehmet Studio]
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Imam Shofyan [Google]
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Imam Zakaria [Google]
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Imkara Studio (or: Subhans) [Ardian Dwipra]
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Imun Studio [Google]
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Inang Pangi Tubu [Amakden RHS]
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Indahayuska [Google]
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Indira Christiani [Google]
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Indra Gunawan [Google]
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Indra Gunawan [FA Studio (or: Fluffy Art Studio)]
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Indriyanti Sidiq [Paranesia (or: Bismillah)]
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Inermedia Studio
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infontree [Google]
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Ingga Endita Nafasyah [Google]
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Ingga Nafasyah [Telllu Craft]
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Initia Type [Liam Philip]
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Inkstypia (or: Kursi Merah Studio, or: Inkstype) [Andi Winarno]
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Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio) [Arif Dwi]
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Inovatype Type foundry [Google]
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Insan Nurbahagia [Google]
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Insannita Muthiahs [Google]
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Inspira Type (or: Collabro Studio, or: Inspira Sign) [IlhamSyah Vutra]
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Inst Ink Type [Galih Sulistya Aji]
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IntrovArtZone [Rudi Winarko]
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Intuisi Creative Studio [Rizal Mustiko]
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Intype [Puji Selawe]
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Inumocca Mocakaliyeh
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Invasi Studio [Gha Arizal]
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Invitara (or: Merge354) [Eddy Istiyan Zuhri]
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Ipan Susanto [Google]
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Iqbal Amsar Hidayat [Bal Studio (or: Balstudio)]
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Iqbal Arz (or: Heybrinc Studio) [Muhammad Iqbal Arz]
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Iqbal Habibi [Type Combo]
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Iqbal Hidayanto [Missingfont Studio (or: Chococreator)]
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Iqbal Paj [Balevgraph Studio]
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Iqbal Pauji [Typebae]
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Iqbal Syiroddudin [Google]
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Iqrotype Studio [Ira Petris]
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Ira Carella [Google]
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Ira Natasha
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Ira Petris [Iqrotype Studio]
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IRF Lab Studio (was: Miss Type) [M. Irfan Syouqi S.]
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Irfan Hidayat [Creative17 Studio]
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Irfan Hidayat [Crossdown]
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Irfan Mahmudin [Skiiller Studio]
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Irfan Nur Fadhilah [Google]
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Irfan Ulya [Fourtiby]
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Irgy Widhiarma [Grafemars]
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Irham Mustofa [Google]
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Irhami Razali [Google]
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Irma Asharini [Letrasupply Type foundry]
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Irpan Maulana [Create Big Supply]
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Irpan Maulana [Sabrtype (or: Sabr Creative)]
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Irsad Waroid Musyaffa [IWM Design]
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Irsyad Abdilah [Google]
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Irvan Mardiansah [Google]
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Irwan Darwaman [Google]
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Irwan Felani [Nadhira Felani]
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Irwan Riswanto [Neoflix]
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Ismail Abdurrasyid [Asyan Design]
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Isnayono (or: Onoborgol) [Google]
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Isroni Yoga Prasetya [Yoga Letter]
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Istiko Rahadi [Google]
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It's Lativa [Google]
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Ivan Achmad F [Google]
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Ivan Fatvr [Google]
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Ivan Harsanto [Google]
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Ivan Pranata [Sungi Creative]
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Ivana 12111 [Google]
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Ivonne Wnardo [Google]
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IWM Design [Irsad Waroid Musyaffa]
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Iyon Nurdiansyah [Google]
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Izabella Silveira [Google]
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Izalsye [Google]
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Izhar Fathurrohim [Google]
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Jack Creative [Google]
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Jada Akbal [Jada Type]
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Jada Type [Jada Akbal]
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Jafanatype Studio [Ahmad Sidiq]
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Jafar Nation [Google]
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Jagad Creative [Google]
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Jajat Rohmana [Google]
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Jakadarism [Google]
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Jamaludin Jumadil Khubro [Jimtype Studio]
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James Corona [Google]
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Jangan Lupa Studio [Ahmad Faishal]
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Jani Jaelani [JT Studio]
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Jani Nurman [Studio Aktype]
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Januar Maulana [Google]
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Januar Rianto [Google]
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Jasleen Kalirai [Google]
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Jasmine Julda [Google]
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Jason Glavy [Glavy Fonts]
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Java Pep
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Javanice Studio [Revsani Hisyam Wardhana]
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Javatype Studio [Tio Yulianto]
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Javenese typefaces: history [Jo de Baerdemaeker]
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Jayanth Nune [Pastelle Pyrex]
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JBK Studio [Ju Wandi]
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Jefri Dwi Alfatah [Bluestype Studio (was: Jefri Design)]
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Jehoo Creative [Anwar Patihan]
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Jeremy Hidayat [Google]
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Jessica [Google]
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Jessica Marbella [moonlightdream]
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Jessica Maria Hartanto [Google]
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Jessica Patrice [Google]
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Jhon Dafont [Google]
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Jihan Kausad [Google]
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Jimmy Indra [Google]
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Jimmy Offisia [Google]
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Jimtype Studio [Jamaludin Jumadil Khubro]
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Jipartsy Jips [Google]
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JK Creative
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Jo de Baerdemaeker [Javenese typefaces: history]
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Joe Letter [Google]
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John Design [Google]
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John van der Mijl [Google]
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Joko Setiono [JS Studio (was: Arttype7)]
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Joko Triwijayanto [Odbrand Design]
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Joko Triwijayanto [Yanto Design]
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Jolicia Type [Dyaharum Pungki Revitasari]
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Jonhson Subianto [Google]
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Jony Suharsono [Ony Studio]
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Jony Suharsono [Ony Studio (or: Solutype)]
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Jordan Raspatie [Future Is Today]
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Jos Gandos [Joz Gandoz]
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Jose Rimba [Google]
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Josephine Sugiharto [Google]
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Josephine Susanto [Google]
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Josephine Tansara [Market Sans]
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Joshua Xavier [Google]
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Joz Gandoz [Jos Gandos]
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Jprint Studio [Gais Zaelani]
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JS Studio (was: Arttype7) [Joko Setiono]
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JT Studio [Jani Jaelani]
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Ju Wandi [JBK Studio]
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Juan Jeje [Google]
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Jujun Junaedi [Gens Creatif Store]
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Juli Awan [I Understand]
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Julian Ma [Google]
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Juliana Thahir [Neelatype]
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Julie Studio [Google]
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Julio Laily Domingo Ahad [Tarendra Studio]
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Julizar Ismail [Anaya Studio]
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Julpik Artworks [Google]
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Jun Art (or: Semuthitam) [Mokhamad Junaedi]
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Juna Mr [Juna Nobi]
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Juna Nobi [Juna Mr]
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Junius Alberto [Abedavera]
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Jupri Yudhana [Cemleret]
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Juru Rancang Studio (was: Juru Aksara) [Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi]
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Just Font You [Ian Irwan Wismoyo]
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Just Lett [Muhammad Takiyuddin]
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Just Lett [Awali]
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Kabayan [Google]
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Kaineko [Osbert Darmawan]
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Kairul Fahmi [Google]
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Kamigawi Design [Rengga Eka Zulkarnaen]
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Kanaya Angeliq [Google]
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Karat Design [Ghober Karat]
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Karen Janice Kineta [Google]
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Karina Cahyadi [Google]
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karina12077 [Google]
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Karrisa Indraiasa [Google]
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KaryAmo Studio [Amar Arif]
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Kasih Ibu [Google]
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Katario Studio [Rioniga Zandy]
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Kateeng Ciu [Google]
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Kautsar Rahadi [Frantic Disorder]
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Kayona Alma [Pineung Type]
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Kayonnaalma [Google]
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Kecik Creative (was: Kecik Studio) [Anjar Putra]
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Keithzo [Google]
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Kelly Sinaga [Google]
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Kelvin Tan [Google]
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Ken Tatsumi [Google]
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Kereatype [Amal Yusuf]
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Keren Studio [Cut Nurul Hadia]
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Keristyper Studio (was: Tapa Type) [Tezar Tantular]
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Ketapel Creative [Google]
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Ketikata (or: Ojo Ngintype) [Fuad Hasan]
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Kevgusar [Kevin Gusti Arian]
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Kevin Abubakar Perdana [Google]
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Kevin Adithia [Ditton Supply Co]
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Kevin Gusti Arian [Kevgusar]
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Kevin Simanjuntak [Google]
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Kevin Yudha [Prototype Studio (or: Equinox Studio, or: Kensington)]
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Key Audri Type [Kiena Audri]
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Keystudio 2017 [Google]
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Kezia Sinaryo [Google]
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Khair Unnas [Zelow Type (was: Khaiuns)]
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Khairilm12 [Google]
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Khay [Google]
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Khoe Roni [Menangan Studio]
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Khoir [Muhammad Romzul Khoir]
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Khusunun Irawan [Typotopia Studio]
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Kidcool Studio (or: Kidcool Design) [Google]
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Kiena Audri [Key Audri Type]
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Kiky Dwi Agustina [Google]
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Kim Abraham [K_IN Studio]
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Kimora Marjorie [Google]
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Kin Creative [Sajikin Anwar]
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K_IN Studio [Kim Abraham]
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Kin Sugiarto [Arto Std]
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Kingsobu Pictures [Google]
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Kiwari Kolektiv Studio [Google]
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Klakon Studio [Google]
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klambi543 [Google]
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Klapaucius Co [Google]
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Knickknacks [Annisa Luthfiasari]
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Kokok Studio [Ahmad Rofingi]
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Koletta Anastasia [Google]
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Kong Font (or: Gemes Font) [Fatimah Dipi]
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Konsepta Studio [Google]
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Konstantine Studio
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Koplexs Studio [Ahmad Muslimin]
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Kreasi Malam [Google]
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Kreuk Type Studio [Rendra Diardjo]
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Krishna Kiran [Google]
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Krismagraph [Ratna Krismawati]
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Krisna Galuh [Chocotype]
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Kriswanto Kie [Google]
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Krntype Studio [Bagus Arya Kirana]
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Kruweks Studio [Google]
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KTwoP [Google]
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Kudo Creative (or: XD Creative) [Faldy Kudo]
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Kukuh Rizqyanto [Google]
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Kulo Kale Studio [Eko Nur Cahyo]
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Kurnia Setyadi [Deedeetype]
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Kurniadi Saputra [Cooldesign Lab]
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Kurniawan [Google]
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Kurniawan Eko [Letter Atom]
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Kyooti Bun [Teguh Permana]
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Laba Studio [Lambert Wahang]
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Lady Rose [Rosa Linda]
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Laetitia Caeli [Google]
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Lafitte 58 [Afif Hidayat Alhabsi]
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Lahansubur [Satriya Anggun]
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Laire Banyu [The Ocean Studio]
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Laire Banyu Sandi Pawenang [Ocean Studio]
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Lalan Farlan [Lfar Studio]
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Lambert Wahang [Laba Studio]
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Lantype Studio [Google]
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Latomani Otravez [Google]
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Laudi Gracivia [Google]
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Laurensius Adi [Google]
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Lavenia [Google]
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Leamsign Studio [Google]
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Lembur Art [Muhamad Zarkasih Heriyana]
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Lemon Studio Type [Herpin Maulana]
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Lemoncraft Studio [Heri Puryanto]
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Lemonthe [Dwi Ahidian]
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Leonardo Julio [Google]
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Leonardo Sigalingging [Google]
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Leonyka Arumantra [Bathara]
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Letrasupply Type foundry [Irma Asharini]
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Letrasupply Type foundry [Google]
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Lett Studio (or: Mamatt) [Adib Muhammad]
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Letter Art Studio [Sugiharto]
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Letter Atom [Kurniawan Eko]
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Letter Battoyart [Google]
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Letter Deen [Muhammad Wahyudi]
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Letter Omega [Doni Sukma]
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Letter Stock (was: Gumacreative) [Guguh Gumantoro]
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Letter U [Umbel Jahat]
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Letterafandi Studio (was: Letterafa Studio, Peterdraw, Delapan Studio) [Ahmad Syarif Afandi]
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Letteragam (was: Viswell) [Agam Rahmadan]
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Letterain Studio [Google]
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Letteralle [Annas Alam Yahya]
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Letterara Studio [Thomas Aradea]
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Letterative Studio [Google]
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LetterCraft Studio [Bagus Aji Wicaksono]
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Letterday Studio [Adi Handoko]
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Letterdy Studio (or: Letterdy Miftah) [Hedi Miftah]
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Letterena Studios [Heru Utama Putra]
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LetterFall Studios [Ahmad Rifal Fahrudin]
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Letterfand Studio [Yusuf Afandi]
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Letterflow Studio (or: Typestory) [Diki Hermawan]
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Letterfresh Studio [Rizki Andika]
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Letterhanna Studio (was: Hastype) [Rinaldo Hasibuan]
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Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend) [Hendry Juanda]
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Letterium Studio [Google]
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Letterlite Studio [Apriliyanto]
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Letterlogy [Luki Pratomo]
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Lettersiro [Muhammad Sirojuddin]
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Lettertype Studio [Diki Pradipta Tri Atmojo]
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Lettertype Studio (or: Pradipta Creative) [Google]
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Levin S. Datau [Cloud Studio]
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Lfar Studio [Lalan Farlan]
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Lia Wijayanti [Orenari (or: Oren Ari)]
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Liagracianti Djaphar [Google]
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Liam Philip [Initia Type]
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Liartgraphic [Ali Sifak Muftari]
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Libscript [Google]
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Licker Antony [Google]
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Lili Sadili [Murisa Studio]
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Lily Jessicac [Google]
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Linafis Studio [Ahmad Fashihullisan]
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Linda Lianto [Google]
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Linggar Sundoro [Aluyeah Studio (or: Cupcake Std)]
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Liora Harsha [Google]
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Lisna Lee [Google]
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Listiyani Tirta [Google]
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Lita Faolina [Product Type]
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Lithiana William [Google]
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LittleWind Studio [Arvan Fatwa]
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Livia Leonardo [Google]
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Loch Typography [Agi Pramudiman]
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Logoritma [Google]
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Lone Army [Alfin Weniardi]
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Lontara [Google]
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Lovelyana Vibes [Google]
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Lovindha Kintani [Vermilione (was: Lovoos)]
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LTNG Studio [Lulu Imanda Priyandhitya]
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Lucia Izco [Google]
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Lucky Andrian [Google]
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Lucky Anugerah [Google]
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Lucky Halim [Google]
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Lucky Ibrahim [Google]
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Lucky Type (or: Luckytype) [Muhammad Fajar]
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LuCreatype [Sekar Asri Andamari]
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Ludere Studios [Muthia Fajrijannah]
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Ludere Studios (or: Dikas Studio) [Andika Setiawan]
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Luhop Creative [Arif Fadilah]
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Luiza Medeiros [Google]
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Luki Pratomo [Letterlogy]
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Lukman Arief Alhakim [Type Manta Studio]
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Lukman Hakim [Google]
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Lukman Hidayat [Viaction Design (or: Viaction Type)]
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Lukmanul Khikmatullah [Macul Inc (or: Maculinc)]
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Lulu Imanda Priyandhitya [LTNG Studio]
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Lumiere Studios (or: Sally's Art) [Google]
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Lunetta Sean [Google]
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Lutfi Achmad [Lutfix Studio]
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lutfia1313 [Google]
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Lutfix Studio [Lutfi Achmad]
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Luthfi Fauzi [Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef)]
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Luthfi Juliansyah [Google]
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Luthi Fadhillah [Creassion Studio]
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Luthypia [Google]
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Lymamoli Studio [Google]
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Lyth Creative (or: Iyanatha) [Ana Natalia]
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M. Fairuzulhaq [Google]
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M Hilmi Farizqi [Google]
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M. Ilham Maulana [Google]
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M. Irfan Syouqi S. [IRF Lab Studio (was: Miss Type)]
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M Ramdan S Ganesa P [MRSGP Studios]
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M. Ridho Fikri [Unfutur Studio (or: Unfutur Labs)]
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M. Rizki Lakuse [Google]
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Mabhal Studio [Abdullah Mabhal]
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Macul Inc (or: Maculinc) [Lukmanul Khikmatullah]
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Mad Havey [Ahmad Havij]
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Madatype Studio (or: The Typerex, or: Andrimada Creative) [Andri Ardianto]
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Madhaline Studio [Achmad Hanif Ulinuha]
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Madhu Mohan [Tea Decoction]
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Mage Type [Setiadi Karya Pertiwi]
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Maggie Tunggono [Google]
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Maghrib Lab [Rizky Satyaludin]
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Magoo Studio [Google]
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Mahameru Type (or: Haidi Illustration, or: Mahameru Type, or: HN Fonts) [Haidi Shabrina]
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Mahazilla Studio [Wahyudi Manaa]
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Mahendra Andisona [Google]
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Mahmud Fajar Rosyadi [HoPoYa Studio (or: Mikailain)]
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Mahyud Creative [Google]
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Makaryo Collective [Fitra Dwivani]
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Makashi Creative (or: Kammaqsum) [Maqsum Kamil Shiddiq]
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Makasimase Studio [Wirda Wiranda]
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Make Idea [Google]
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Makna Studio [Yudis Tira]
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Malik Jabbar Ali [Google]
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Malik Wisnu [WSN Studio]
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Malltaletter [Google]
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Mametos Type Foundry [Diki Mametos Setiadi]
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Maneka Design [Dina Andriani]
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Mang Sv [Google]
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Manguluang Nadji [Google]
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Manifestoyz (or: Alghorie Std) [Google]
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Manjali Studio [Rizky Awaludin]
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Mantra Aksara [Andriansyah Muhamad Komarudin]
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Maorachmansyah Rinaldi Chika [Miao Drawing (or: Gumico Studio)]
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Maqsum Kamil Shiddiq [Makashi Creative (or: Kammaqsum)]
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Marcella [Google]
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Marcella 12100 [Google]
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Marcellina Giovanni [Google]
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Marchtwentype Studio [Eko Nurcahyo]
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Marendra Suryaningtyas [Google]
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Marhandam Palindung [Up Font Studio]
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Maria Clara Wirasmo [Google]
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Maria Nala Damajanti [Google]
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Mario Davin [Mario Font Design]
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Mario Font Design [Mario Davin]
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Mariyana Mariyana [Goodigital13]
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Market Sans [Josephine Tansara]
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Markonah Creative [Google]
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Marsnev [Muhammad Ariq Syauqi]
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Martype Co (was: Tyfrography) [Umar Farouq]
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Marun Studio [Google]
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Marvo Type [Google]
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Mas Ova [Google]
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Mas Yudi [Handstype]
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Masfuf Istigfarin [Farinsyah]
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Masteh Studio [Google]
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Maswani [Google]
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Masyafi Studio (or: Letterayu, Sasqia Creative, Ayyu, Sri Rahayu) [Muhammad Yafinuha]
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Matirasa [Google]
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Matra Creative [May Adifarzan Muis]
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Matthew Diki [Google]
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Matthew Jayendra [Google]
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Maulana Arahman [Typehome]
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Maulana Creative [Gilang Maulana]
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Maulana Hibban [Urban Store]
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Max Lee [Google]
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Maximillian Limpo [Axel Lymphos]
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Maximillian Limpo [TwoNineFive]
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MaxnorType Studio [Ahmad N]
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May Adifarzan Muis [Matra Creative]
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mayadki [Google]
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Mazkicibe [Akhmad Rizki Cahyadi]
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Mbronk Kukuh [Google]
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MC Store (or: MC Creative) [Mohamad Candirah]
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Medina Rosa [Google]
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Medina Type Studio [Google]
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MeFounderies (or: Muskaters) [Google]
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Mega Ardelia [deTheme]
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Megflags (was: HOUS Studio) [Fahrenno Asnawan]
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Megy Rahmat [Google]
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Meliora Studio (or: Ahdrim Studio) [Google]
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Melisa Gunawan [Google]
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Memet Saputro [Google]
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Menangan Studio [Khoe Roni]
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Mendiola B. Wiryawan [Google]
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Mengulirpena [Deny Dwi Kurniawan]
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Merllo Type [Google]
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Merllotype [Google]
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Mesintik Studio [Google]
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Mevilia [Google]
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Mevstory Studio (or: Mandeh Studio, or: Eleanor Studio, or: Mevricks Studio, or: Lettercorner Studio) [Muhammad Afif Ersya]
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Mgot Chan [Google]
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Miao Drawing (or: Gumico Studio) [Maorachmansyah Rinaldi Chika]
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Michael Alexander [Sanrok Studio]
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Michael Ferrari [Google]
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Michell Lorenza [Google]
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Michelle Chandra [Google]
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Michelle Florencia [Google]
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Micro Andi [Afista Kosong Tujuh]
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Midvel [Ahmad Jafar Shadiq]
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Mifiq [Taufiq Wijaya]
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Miftah Locare [Google]
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Miftahul Habib [Tlatous Type]
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Miftahur Rohmad [Google]
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Milla Febriana Tanjung [Delafa Design]
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Mimar Hidayat [Google]
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Mindtype Co [Putra Khan]
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Minor Praxis [Rully Prayogi]
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Mira Kartika Sari [Papermode Co]
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Missingfont Studio (or: Chococreator) [Iqbal Hidayanto]
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MJ Type (or: Jun Creative) [Muhamad Junaid]
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MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design) [Muhammad Mujibulloh]
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Mochamad Bayu [BLV Supply (or: BLV Art)]
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Mocosans (or: Slidehack) [Excellent Ritma Florendia]
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Moh Amirulah [Gores Communitype Studio]
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Mohamad Arif Prasetyo [Yellowline]
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Mohamad Candirah [MC Store (or: MC Creative)]
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Mohamad Fahrul Anggoro [Google]
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Mohamad Farhan Ramadhan [Google]
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Mohamad Rian Rahardi [Creatype Studio (or: Taro Creatype, Crella Marketplace, Rahardi Creatype)]
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Mohamad Ridwan [Prestigetype Studio]
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Mohamad Shadiq [Bandofol Studio]
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Mohammad Azmil Bahar [Sons Of Baidlowi Type foundry]
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Mohammed Nor Miftahul Huda [Aftertime Studio]
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Mokhamad Junaedi [Jun Art (or: Semuthitam)]
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Moly Mol [Google]
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Monica Wibowo [Google]
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Monica Yatmatama [Google]
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Monocotype Studio (or: Monoco Type, or: Awal Studio) [Abdurrahman Hanif]
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Monogram [Google]
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Monoline Calligraphy [Putri Indira]
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Monstock [Nunung Nurwahidin]
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Moonalizart [Rafsanjani Fauzi]
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Moonbandit [Bramaji Dipa Manggala]
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moonlightdream [Jessica Marbella]
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Moontesk Studio [Aulia Rahmi]
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Moove Studio [Google]
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Morel Type Studio (or: Moreltype, or: Morel Graphic) [Hermawan Hermawan]
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Morning Monday (or: Typemo) [Google]
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Moron Brother Co [Google]
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Motion Tail Studio [Saiful Bahri]
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Motokiwo [Anton Cahyono]
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Mozarella Art [Google]
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Mozatype [Su Kasih]
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Mozyen Studio [Muhamad Ali Hasan]
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Mr. Ginanto (or: Mangga Design) [Anto Ginanto]
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MRSGP Studios [M Ramdan S Ganesa P]
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Mu Fazzal [Bosstype Studio]
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Muammar Kadafi [Attract Studio]
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Muchammad Wahono Sapto Adi Saputro [Google]
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Mudeva [Google]
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Muhamad Ali Hasan [Mozyen Studio]
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Muhamad Junaid [MJ Type (or: Jun Creative)]
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Muhamad Yusron Billah [Sron Studio]
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Muhamad Yusuf [Google]
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Muhamad Zarkasih Heriyana [Lembur Art]
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Muhammad Aditya [Google]
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Muhammad Afif Aulia [Google]
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Muhammad Afif Ersya [Mevstory Studio (or: Mandeh Studio, or: Eleanor Studio, or: Mevricks Studio, or: Lettercorner Studio)]
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Muhammad Afifersya [Google]
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Muhammad Alif [Ovoz Digital Shop]
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Muhammad Alkaf [Dana Font Co]
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Muhammad Ariq Syauqi [Marsnev]
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Muhammad Asyrafi [Google]
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Muhammad Basar Ngaringgomi [Google]
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Muhammad Dimas [Emtheen Studio]
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Muhammad Faizal Said [Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel)]
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Muhammad Fajar [Lucky Type (or: Luckytype)]
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Muhammad Fajri [Azzam Studio]
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Muhammad Farid [Casualized]
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Muhammad Farkhan [Benawa Studio (or: Klaten Kerning Kleb)]
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Muhammad Farkhan [Bentype (or: Benawa Type)]
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Muhammad Fatoni [Nyalaapi]
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Muhammad Fikry [Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif)]
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Muhammad Hasan [Fype Co]
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Muhammad Hasan [MuSan]
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Muhammad Hastian [Hazztype (was: Helve Tian)]
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Muhammad Helmi [Senekaligrafika]
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Muhammad Hisyam Rivai [Blom Letter Studio]
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Muhammad Iqbal Arz [Iqbal Arz (or: Heybrinc Studio)]
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Muhammad Iqbal Faizin [Google]
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Muhammad Iqbal Firdaus [Tegami Type]
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Muhammad Iqram [Gloow Studio]
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Muhammad Jauhar Azmi [Useless Graphic(was: Jojonikitype)]
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Muhammad Khoirul Amal [CBRText Studio]
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Muhammad Miftah [Google]
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Muhammad Mujibulloh [MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design)]
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Muhammad Nasir [Google]
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Muhammad Nazarudin [Niznaztype (was: Em Nazar)]
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Muhammad Nichal Zaki [Google]
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Muhammad Novianto [Typographic Studio]
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Muhammad Nur Alamsyah [Allmo Studio]
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Muhammad Nur Kholis [Google]
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Muhammad Nurapik [Handpik Design]
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Muhammad Panji [Sipanji (was: Straightwell)]
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Muhammad Qaeis [Google]
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Muhammad Rayyan [Slex Studio]
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Muhammad Rifqil Anam HR [Barwuah Anam]
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Muhammad Rizky Ariesto [Murizar]
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Muhammad Romzul Khoir [Khoir]
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Muhammad Sirojuddin [Zet Design]
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Muhammad Sirojuddin [Lettersiro]
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Muhammad Sirojuddin [Shiro Ngampus]
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Muhammad Sofyan Izzah [SOF Design]
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Muhammad Suhery [Phonnastudio]
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Muhammad Syafii Irman [Syafiiirman Studio (or: Alpha's Lettering)]
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Muhammad Takiyuddin [Just Lett]
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Muhammad Taufik [Rastype]
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Muhammad Taufiq [Sheilla Type (or: Luminto Studio)]
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Muhammad Tio [Google]
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Muhammad Wahyudi [Letter Deen]
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Muhammad Yafinuha [Masyafi Studio (or: Letterayu, Sasqia Creative, Ayyu, Sri Rahayu)]
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Muhammad Yoni [Yon Type Studio]
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Muhammad Zahran Aditiyawan [Google]
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Muhammad Zamroni [Google]
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Muhammad Zamroni Hamzah [Sensatype (was: Sunshine Design)]
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Muhammad Zulfani [Zuzulgo Studio]
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Muhammadhani Farinaldi [Google]
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Muhammed Geffir Al-Ridha [Google]
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Muharima Rasyid [Google]
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Mujahid Alawy [Google]
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Mukhlash Jamaludin [Mukhlis Risani]
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Mukhlis Risani [Google]
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Mukhlis Risani [Mukhlash Jamaludin]
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Muktyas [Google]
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Muladha Aidil [Frog Phic]
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Mulia Yanto [Multype Studio]
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Multype Studio [Mulia Yanto]
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Munerf [Akhmad Misbakhul Munir]
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Muntab Art [Satriyo Hutomo]
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Mur Zani [Zane Studio]
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Murisa Studio [Lili Sadili]
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Murizar [Muhammad Rizky Ariesto]
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MuSan [Muhammad Hasan]
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Mussyayin [Vermilione (or: Say Studio)]
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Mustofa Nur Sidiq [Galatamen]
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Muthia Fajrijannah [Ludere Studios]
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mycandythemes [Filia Ika Syilviani]
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Mystical Type [Candi Erwanto]
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Mytype Studio [Google]
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N. Amalin [Google]
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Nabila Studio [Google]
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Nabila Tyanara [Google]
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Nadhira Felani [Irwan Felani]
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Nadia Auliana [Propertype]
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Nadine Irawan [Google]
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Nadya Cord [Google]
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Nahar [Nanda Hardiansyah]
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Nahda Creative [Nahda Rajman]
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Nahda Rajman [Nahda Creative]
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Nakhwa Ali [Google]
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Namara Creative Studio (Collectype?) [Eep Apringga]
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Namela (or: Syamsi Namela) [Nur Syamsi]
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Nami Studio [Sahirul Iman]
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Nanda Hardiansyah [Nahar]
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Nanda Krista [Google]
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Nanda Muhammad Rifai [Google]
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Nanda Putra Sukmayadi [Strong]
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Nandaa Nan [Orak Arik Studio]
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Nandatype Studio
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Nantachi Production [Ginan Perdana]
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Naomi Prabudhi [Google]
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Nariswari Creative (or: Nariswari Creativitype) [Taufik Dwi Purnomo]
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Nartz Type [Denies Ibenk]
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Nash Typo [Google]
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Nasir Udin
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Nasir Uzzaman [Google]
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Nasrul Jadid [Rimbun Bambu]
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Nasruni Fajarita [Tiny Hand Letter]
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Natalia Inggrid [Google]
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Natanael Ginting [Google]
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Nathanael Dorange [Par Défaut]
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Nathanael Reinhart Saputra [XenoniteRS]
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Nathania Feldy [Google]
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Nathania Kawitan [Google]
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Nathatype [Donis Miftahudin]
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Natural Ink [Arif Gunawan]
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Nawa Sakti [Google]
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Nay Suzuki [Google]
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Nazzar Saputra [Craft Supply]
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Ndhietwentytwo Font [Google]
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ndroadv [Hindra Permana]
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Ndrorxx [Google]
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Nearzoo Studio [Enggar Purjana]
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Neelatype [Juliana Thahir]
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Nelly Tania [Google]
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Nendes Kombet [Husain Assyahid]
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Nendi Emelia [Bungabunga]
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Nenjo Studio [Google]
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Neoflix [Irwan Riswanto]
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Nest Studio [Google]
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Nestype (was: Nest Studio) [Yesaya Amnestian]
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Neuis Nurlela [Barkah (was: Alluranet)]
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New Fonts [Charles Nix]
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Nge Font [Choirul Masruroh]
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Ngen Type [Arba Syuhada]
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Ngene [Wachid Ristiyanto]
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NH Fonts [Niskala Huruf]
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Nicholas Jason Santoso [Google]
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Nicko Bhisma [Google]
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Nih Studio [Suci Anita]
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Niki Studio [Achmad Solikhin]
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Nikkita Maheera [Google]
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Niko Alamsyach [Google]
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Nine Club Studio [Google]
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Ninette Saraswati [Google]
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Nining Setianingsih [Exima Co]
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Nino Chichucha (or: Chichucha, or: Christoph Nino) [Christoph Nino]
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Nirmala Creative [Google]
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Nirmala Graphics [Andrea Zudip Aggasi]
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Niskala Huruf [NH Fonts]
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Nisrina Aulia [Google]
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Nita Aprilani Oktavia [Google]
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Niza Fahmi [Fran Studio]
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Niznaztype (was: Em Nazar) [Muhammad Nazarudin]
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NJ Studio [Siti Nurjanah]
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Noah Type [Google]
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Noer Hadi [Ali Hamidi]
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Nofi Sofyan Hadi [Heinzel Studio]
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Noftanti Studio [Google]
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Nopi Arahman [Google]
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Nous Studio (was: Nous ID Studio) [Herman Siregar]
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Noval Prast [Google]
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Novan Esthi [Google]
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Novan Esthi Bimo Santosa [Google]
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Novanda Rizki Adhika [Google]
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Novi Ananda [Novi Souldado]
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Novi Souldado [Novi Ananda]
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Novia Angelin [Google]
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Novia Jonatan [Tan Type]
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Novian Fahrurriza [Google]
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Novita Fahmi [Google]
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Nr. Achri [Google]
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nrlmstf [Google]
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NTC Graphic [Dwi Krisdiantoro]
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Nugi Nurzahid [Google]
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Nugraha Jati Utama [Rokoe Type]
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Nugroho Hamid Kurnia Santoso [HVF Studio]
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Nug's Project [Andrie Nugrie]
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Nun Creatype (was: Saeful Bahri) [Abil Walian]
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Nunung Nurwahidin [Monstock]
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Nur Aisyah Amalia [Aisyah]
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Nur Alfi Hidayat [Alphigraphy]
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Nur Cholis Majid [24Design Studio]
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Nur Elmizan Ash Shiddiqi [Google]
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Nur Faidin [Nurf Designs]
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Nur Firdaus [Sebeningjingga]
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Nur Khalidien [Google]
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Nur Kholis [Vilogsign]
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Nur Sahid [Google]
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Nur Solikh [Flamde Studio (was: Astageni Studio)]
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Nur Syamsi [Namela (or: Syamsi Namela)]
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Nurcahaya Sudarsono [Google]
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Nurf Designs [Nur Faidin]
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Nurkhairina Adinda [Google]
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Nurmiftah [Google]
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Nurrehmet Studio [Imam Nurrahmat]
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Nurrohman Rizki [Rissyletter Studio]
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Nurron Shodiqin [Nurrontype (was: Neuron Neuron, or: Neuron Type)]
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Nurrontype (was: Neuron Neuron, or: Neuron Type) [Nurron Shodiqin]
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Nursay Graphic [Sakta]
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Nurul Hidayani [Olive Type]
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Nurul Septiani [Google]
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Nuryanto Dwi [Google]
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Nusantara [Google]
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Nuun Design [Google]
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Nyalaapi [Muhammad Fatoni]
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Nyapa Tanzil [Damelev Studio (was: Logo Labs, Tanziladd, Rawi Project)]
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O Type Foundry [Galang Persada]
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Oak Studio [Google]
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Ocean Studio [Laire Banyu Sandi Pawenang]
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Ocean Type Foundry [Google]
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OCS Studio [Oki Candra Setiawan]
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Octaviani [Google]
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Odbrand Design [Joko Triwijayanto]
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Odelia Clarisa [Google]
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Odho Acha [Fontoloyo Store]
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Odies Dwi Yudhistira
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Oghie Novianto [Giemons]
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Ojimstudio [Google]
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Oka Dermawan [Google]
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Oki Candra Setiawan [OCS Studio]
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Oki S. Bayu [Pixel Font]
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Oktora Mila [Google]
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Olive Type [Nurul Hidayani]
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Oliver [Google]
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Olivia Chandra [Google]
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Olivia Theresa [Caoca Studio (or: Heroglyphs)]
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Omotu [Ibnu Utomo]
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Omus Julperta [Google]
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One Design [Google]
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onedsgn [Toni Setiawan]
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Onetype Co (or: Myster Oneart) [Google]
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onlyfontyouandme [Aghny Akromuddin El Haq]
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Onne Hermawan [Google]
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Ony Studio [Jony Suharsono]
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Ony Studio (or: Solutype) [Jony Suharsono]
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Opands [Topan Sofyan]
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Ophand Albana [Google]
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Opry Type 85 [Google]
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OPXWork [Taufik Tri Ariyanto]
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Orak Arik Studio [Nandaa Nan]
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Orchid Art [Google]
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Orenari (or: Oren Ari) [Lia Wijayanti]
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Osbert Darmawan [Kaineko]
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Osigit [Google]
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Oui Studio [Bobby Satria]
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Outline Studio
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Ovoz Digital Shop [Muhammad Alif]
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Ovy Octaviani [Google]
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Pahri Parlaungan Harahap [Revublikata]
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Paily Studio [Google]
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Pana Type and Studio [Ajusia]
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Panakota Vanila [Google]
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Panca Ahmadi Hasan
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PandAE86 [Dedi Tri Anggara]
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Pandan Wangi
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Panggah Laksono [Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio)]
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Panji Nugraha [Storic Type (or: Flavor Type, or: Flavortype)]
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Panji Rizquloh [Google]
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Paper Type [Google]
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Paper Witch [Google]
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Papercrown [Gustian Agung Asprilla]
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Papermode Co [Mira Kartika Sari]
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Par Défaut [Nathanael Dorange]
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Paranesia (or: Bismillah) [Indriyanti Sidiq]
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Pastelle Pyrex [Jayanth Nune]
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Pathfinder [Anggi Lisnawati]
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Patkus Wanto [Google]
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Patria Ari (was: Patria Std) [Patria Ari Wijonarko]
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Patria Ari Wijonarko [Patria Ari (was: Patria Std)]
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Peggy Yessica [Google]
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Pelangi Sekar [Google]
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Pen Culture (or: End Co; was: Stripline Co) [Revo Farisky]
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Pen Pointype [Google]
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Peni Creative [Ardi Setiyawan]
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Penny Type Co [Google]
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Perdana Kurniawan [Perdana Kurniawan Arta (or: Noun Visual)]
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Perdana Kurniawan Arta (or: Noun Visual) [Perdana Kurniawan]
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Perspectype [Google]
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Petite Bun [Google]
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Petra 2014 [Google]
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Petterco [Petterco Bahagia]
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Petterco Bahagia [Petterco]
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Petters Font [Rosyad Choha]
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Phallic Questionar [Google]
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Phonnastudio [Muhammad Suhery]
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Phytypo Design [Google]
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Piank [Tri Noviantika Aldilasari]
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Pidco Art [Hindro Cholis]
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Pierre Ang [Google]
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Pieter Oktavianus [Pieter Rooney]
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Pieter Rooney [Pieter Oktavianus]
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Pineung Type [Kayona Alma]
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Pixel Font [Oki S. Bayu]
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Pixia Design Studio [Google]
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Pnaj Lab [Google]
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Poen Tf [Google]
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Pojol Type [Fauzul Azmi]
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Popilog Design [Google]
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Popo Mangun [Google]
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Portype (was: Idesain Creative) [Audi Prasetya]
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Posts Type [T. Muhammad Rizal]
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Pradipta Creative [Diki Pradipta Tri Atmojo]
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Pramudya Munadi [Google]
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Prast Art [Google]
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Pratama Yudha
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Prayoga Dwi Nugraha [Google]
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Prestigetype Studio [Mohamad Ridwan]
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Pria Admaja [Google]
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Pria Rakhman [Google]
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Primitype Studio [Abi Afandi]
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Prio Nurokhim Aji [Prioritype]
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Prioritype [Prio Nurokhim Aji]
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Priscilla Siahaan [Google]
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Priska Nur Asriani [Google]
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Prissy Adelina [Google]
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Product Type [Lita Faolina]
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Productype Store [Google]
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Projectype [Ahmad Lutfi Fauzi]
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Propertype [Nadia Auliana]
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Prototype Studio [Google]
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Prototype Studio (or: Equinox Studio, or: Kensington) [Kevin Yudha]
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Puji Selawe [Intype]
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Pungky Noor [XIVI Studio]
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Puri Creative (or: Ibey Design) [Ikrar Bey Khubaib]
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purplenay [Google]
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Puruan TRP [Google]
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pustudio [Google]
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Putra Cetol Studio [Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma]
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Putra Khan [Mindtype Co]
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Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma [Putra Cetol Studio]
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Putri Ajeng [Google]
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Putri Ayu Wulandari [Setyaisiam Type]
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Putri Harahap [Google]
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Putri Indira [Monoline Calligraphy]
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Putriadinda Kirana [Google]
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Putu Aditya Anggi Bayoga [Demonforge Studio]
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Qaila Sa [Atatamita]
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Qeanc [Google]
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Qiwbrother Studio [Rayaseta Kartiwa]
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Qomar Creative [Google]
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Qoyyum Arfi [Google]
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Qwrtype Foundry
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Qynata Suhar [Google]
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R. Agung Aries Triyanto [Google]
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R Studio [Rikki Ibrahim]
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Raafi Hilmi [Eurieas]
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Raan Typeface [Google]
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Rabas Design [Rizal Rabas]
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Rabeeca [Tamam Design Studio]
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Rachmad Koto [Google]
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Radinal Riki [ATK Studio]
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Radinal Riki Mutaqin [Syntetype Studio]
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Raditya Putra Pratama [Raditya Type]
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Raditya Type [Raditya Putra Pratama]
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Raffael Sebastian [Google]
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Rafsanjani Fauzi [Moonalizart]
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Rahadyo Widyastomo [Google]
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Rahagita Type [Setiadi Rahagita]
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Rahm Atilla Habakar [Ximen Studio]
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Rahman Yerli [Google]
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Rahmiati Aulia [Google]
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Rai Adi Sanjaya [Baliniz]
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Raida Aufa [Google]
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Raihan Nizar [Google]
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Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer
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Rais Project [Google]
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Raissa Andreas [Google]
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Rajman Saja [Google]
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Rama Aditia [Google]
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Ramadha Wafiq Musthafa [Google]
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Ramadhan Benteng Sapogara [Sanggrama Visual Studio (was: Sanggravis Co)]
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Ramadhan Benteng Sapogara [Google]
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Ramandhani Nugraha [Fortunes Co (was: Celcius Design)]
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Ramdhan Suprayogi [Google]
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Ramli Rahmansyah [Google]
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Ramli Setiadi [Google]
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Ramlistudio [Google]
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Ramzi Pandu [Google]
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Randi Ilhamsyah [VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative)]
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Ranges Type [Google]
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Rangga Ilyasa [Google]
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Rangga Singgih Subekti [Subectype]
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Rangkai Aksara [Google]
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Rani Ramadiyan [Google]
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Rantau Type [Yudi Pratama Chandra]
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Raretracks (was: Monodark) [Aulia Akbar]
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Rashatype [Endri Sulistyawan]
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Rasshit Dsign [Rasyid Annas]
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Rastasari Aras [Google]
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Rastype [Muhammad Taufik]
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Rasyid Annas [Rasshit Dsign]
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Ratna Krismawati [Krismagraph]
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Ravy Herginza [Google]
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Raxon Rex [Google]
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Rayaseta Kartiwa [Qiwbrother Studio]
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Raymond Gunawan [Google]
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Rayn Media [Google]
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Raz Greas [Google]
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Razieqil Hamamaliy [Ruzicka]
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RCKY Studio [Rizki Agam Fonna]
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RDA Design [Google]
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Realtype (or: Earning Type Co) [Alam Syahril]
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Reand Aghara [Typopey]
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Red One Graph [Ridwan Taufik Kurniawan]
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Red Studio [Google]
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Reda Adi Pratama [Ader Ader]
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Reffan Suseno [Google]
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Refolve Design Studio [Hamdani Putra]
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Rega Wijaya [Google]
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Regaley 21 [Google]
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Regario [Google]
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Reginald Taffy [Google]
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Reichi Firmansyah [Google]
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ReivNick [Benediktus Hosni Iryandito]
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Reiza Risandy [Google]
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Rejazer Project [Reza Muhammad]
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Reka Safriani [Selotype]
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Rekamidea [Google]
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Ren Lin Font [Angeline Clara Chintia]
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Renaldi Novianda [Samrenal Studio]
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Renatal Charisti [Google]
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Rendi Dwi Putra [Google]
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Rendi Radiandi [Google]
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Rendi Rochimah [Hatf Type]
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Rendra Diardjo [Kreuk Type Studio]
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Rendy Aristo Devara [Google]
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Rendy Okta [Google]
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Rendy Yanwar
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Rengga Eka Zulkarnaen [Kamigawi Design]
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Renov Olivian
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Renzana Studio [Saepul Rifai]
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Repi Hilmana [Rhid Type]
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Republik Kreatif (was: RDP Fontstudio, or: Digital Republik) [Google]
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Resna Aryan [Google]
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Restu Angga
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Restu Dicky [Google]
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Revo Farisky [Pen Culture (or: End Co; was: Stripline Co)]
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Revork Lab (or: Revork Labs; was: Fikri Ar) [Fikri Rahman]
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Revsani Hisyam Wardhana [Javanice Studio]
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Revublikata [Pahri Parlaungan Harahap]
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revworks [Reyhan Rahmana]
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Reyhan Rahmana [revworks]
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Reynal Yesaya [Google]
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Reynaldi Cahyadianto [Google]
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Reyrey Blue [Risca Anitawati]
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Reza Design (or: Silverstein Design) [Akhmad Reza Fauzi]
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Reza Erdiansyah [Google]
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Reza Kurniarinaldi [Burnoth Design Company]
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Reza Mfck [Google]
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Reza Muhammad [Rejazer Project]
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Reza Rahman [Google]
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Reza Rasenda [Bagerich Type Foundry (was: Zealab Fonts Division, Zea Fonts, Zea Lab, Zeaspace)]
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Reza Renardika [Google]
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Reza Rinaldi [Google]
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Rhamdani Mardiansyah [Google]
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Rhea Bambulu [Google]
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Rhega Juliandy [Deadlock Studio]
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Rheza Purbawasesa [Google]
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Rhid Type [Repi Hilmana]
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Rhydan Studio [Google]
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Ribeth Studio (or: Fonthana Studio) [Davis Andi Pradana]
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Rich Graphic [Google]
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Richie Riky [Google]
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Richie Thiono [Google]
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richoz [Google]
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Rick Deslavu [Google]
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Ricky Hartasni [Taznix Creative]
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Ricky Rinaldi [Aiyari]
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Rico Julianep [Google]
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Rico Rifai [Google]
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Ride Studio [Ahmad Riqi]
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Ridho Catur Ihsan [Google]
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Ridsan Supardi [Google]
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Ridtype (was: Ridwanfil, or: Fontype Studio) [Ridwan Fadilah]
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Ridwan Fadilah [Ridtype (was: Ridwanfil, or: Fontype Studio)]
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Ridwan Soleh Saputra [Google]
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Ridwan Taufik Kurniawan [Red One Graph]
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Rifa Studio [Riza Fahmi]
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Rifki [Google]
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Rifki Syahrul Febrianoka [Google]
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Rifky Naufaldy [Google]
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Rifky Rizaldi [Google]
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RifkyFadly Akbar [Google]
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Rifqi Anjas [Google]
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Rifqi Ramdhani [Google]
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Rijal Muttaqin [611 Studio]
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Riki Bahari [Google]
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Rikie Decki Iskandar [Adam Azura]
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Rikki Ibrahim [R Studio]
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Riksan Studio [Ari Aditia Ikhsan]
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Rillatype [Gustian Agung Asprilla]
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Rimbun Bambu [Nasrul Jadid]
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Rina Kartina [Saxofont]
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Rinaldi Novianda [Alpha Bento]
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Rinaldo Hasibuan [Letterhanna Studio (was: Hastype)]
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Rinaldo Sutanto [Google]
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Rinda Pratyas [Google]
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Rinjani Bagaz [Bagas Zhafran]
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Rinto Dwi Nugroho [Almeera Studio]
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Rio Fabian [Google]
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Rio Suzandy [Google]
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Rioniga Zandy [Katario Studio]
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Ririn Khoiriyah [Google]
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Risa Andarwati Wazirotun [Waton Studio]
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Risal Dan [Google]
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Risca Anitawati [Reyrey Blue]
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Riska Candra Dewi [Google]
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Riski Firmana [Solid Type]
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Riskiansyah Ilyas [Google]
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Risma Hasna Dwiwina (winalve) [Google]
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Risman Ginarwan [Garisman Studio]
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Rissyletter Studio [Nurrohman Rizki]
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Ritchie Ned Hansel [Ritchtype (or: artkelso)]
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Ritchtype (or: artkelso) [Ritchie Ned Hansel]
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Ritter Willy Putra [Google]
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Rittsu [Google]
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Riva Marino [Google]
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Riverside Type Foundry [Akbar Muzrien]
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Rivian Art
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Rivo Dwi Adriansyah [Adriansyah]
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Riza Fahmi [Rifa Studio]
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Riza Mubaroq [Google]
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Rizal Bastian [Google]
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Rizal Khoirul Insan [Google]
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Rizal Mustiko [Intuisi Creative Studio]
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Rizal Rabas [Rabas Design]
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Rizkaard Dakthirteen [Google]
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Rizki Alisaptamarza [Google]
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Rizki Agam Fonna [RCKY Studio]
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Rizki Andika [Letterfresh Studio]
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Rizki Muharam Permana
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Rizki Pasadana [Google]
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Rizki Prakoso [Google]
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Rizki Wahyudi [Rudi Studio]
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Rizky Andyno Ramadhan [Google]
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Rizky Awaludin [Manjali Studio]
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Rizky Chandra Sofyan [RZKY CS]
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Rizky DA [Google]
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Rizky Fauzi [Google]
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Rizky Habibulloh Royani [Google]
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Rizky Satyaludin [Maghrib Lab]
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Rizqon Dharmawan [Google]
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RmboDsgn [Google]
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Roams Type (or: Veteran Type) [Abdul Rochman]
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Robbi Azis [Strangertype Studio]
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Rocaline [Google]
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Roch Art [Rochadi Sudarma]
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Rochadi Sudarma [Roch Art]
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Rofiki Anas Maruf [Heypen Type]
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Roger S. Nelsson [CheapProfonts]
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Roh Halus Mu [Google]
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Rohmat Sidiq Mustaqim [Dieza Design]
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Roisatul Azizah [IbraCreative]
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Rokoe Type [Nugraha Jati Utama]
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Rom Littera [Romli Nur Hidayat]
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Romli Nur Hidayat [Rom Littera]
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Rona Narendra [Google]
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Roni Tresnawan [Google]
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Ronny Agan [Google]
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Ronny Studio [Rony Rizki Jaya]
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Rony Rizki Jaya [Ronny Studio]
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Rosa Linda [Lady Rose]
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Rossa Kusmaya [Google]
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Rosyad Abdurahman [Google]
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Rosyad Choha [Petters Font]
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Rovika Sanap [Google]
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Roy Bayu Putra [Google]
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Royhan Nashuh Salsabiyl [Salsabiyl Studios]
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Rozikan Rozikan [Twin Letter (or: Twin Design)]
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Rozzy Design [Fachrur Rozzy]
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Rubirubiko Creative Studio [Google]
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Rudhi Sasmito [Google]
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Rudi Studio [Rizki Wahyudi]
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Rudi Syam [Google]
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Rudi Winarko [IntrovArtZone]
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Rudy Muhardika [Google]
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Rugamika [Google]
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Rully Prayogi [Minor Praxis]
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Runsell Type (or: Runsell Studio, Studio Runsell) [Anna Safitri]
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Rusd Alfareaniy [Rusd Studio]
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Rusd Studio [Rusd Alfareaniy]
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Rusdin Hendarsono [Alfareaniy]
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Ruslan Gani [Google]
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Ruzicka [Razieqil Hamamaliy]
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Rvq Type Foundry (was: Hey Bing Type Foundry) [Bing Febby Aldiansyah]
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Ryan C [Google]
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Ryan Mahar [Google]
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Ryan Prasetya [Thirteen Studio (or: Lost Volt Type foundry)]
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Ryan Rivaldo Vierra [Google]
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Ryanoberon Ryan [Google]
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RZKY CS [Rizky Chandra Sofyan]
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s3i [Google]
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Sabrtype (or: Sabr Creative) [Irpan Maulana]
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Sadat Fauzi [Fauzistudio]
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Saddam Husein [Google]
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Saepul Rifai [Renzana Studio]
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Saesarez Novandito [Google]
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Safira A [Google]
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Safri Fajar [Sapre Studio]
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Sage [Google]
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Sahdi Eng [Google]
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Sahirul Iman [Nami Studio]
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Sahrul Hidayat [Typeskets]
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Sai Poel
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Said Ismail [Hadiftype]
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Saidi Alfianor [Sentype]
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Saiful [Encolab]
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Saiful Anwar [Sealoung (was: Masay Letter)]
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Saiful Anwar [Google]
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Saiful Bahri [Motion Tail Studio]
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Saiful Maliki [Google]
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Sajikin Anwar [Kin Creative]
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Sajjad Hussain [Google]
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Sakha Design [Alif Ryan Zulfikar]
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Sakta [Nursay Graphic]
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Sakti Ardika [Google]
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Salamah Type [Google]
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Salman Boosty [Google]
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Salman Mashudi [Hasta Type (was: Iklaz Studio)]
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Salman Photowork [Google]
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Salsabila Shabriyyah [Google]
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Salsabiyl Studios [Royhan Nashuh Salsabiyl]
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Samalanga Studios [Google]
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Sambogo Creative [Google]
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Samrenal Studio [Renaldi Novianda]
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Samsul Arifin [Google]
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Samuel Sinaga [Google]
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Samuel Valentine S [Google]
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Sancrea Studio [Ade Santani]
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Sandi Dez [Zeune Type Foundry (was: Zeune Ink Foundry)]
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Sandy Luke Nugroho [Google]
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Sandy Phang [Google]
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Sanggrama Visual Studio (was: Sanggravis Co) [Ramadhan Benteng Sapogara]
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Sani Sanjaya [Arthy Type]
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Sanrego Najibullah Rowa [Google]
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Sanrok Studio [Michael Alexander]
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Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk) [Angga Suwista]
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Sansakerta (or: DN Art) [Dean Nugraha]
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Santalubia [Google]
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Santhosh Thottingal [Google]
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Sanz d'Cloudz [Ihsan Hasanudin]
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Sapre Studio [Safri Fajar]
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Sara Alisha Louhenapessy [Google]
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Saribanon Nur [Google]
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Sarid Ezra
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Sarif Letter [Google]
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Sarwo Edhi Prayitno [Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio)]
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Sastra Ferdian [Google]
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Satia Hayu Prabowo
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Satriotype [Bagas Satrio]
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Satriya Anggun [Lahansubur]
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Satriyo Hutomo [Muntab Art]
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Savira Faeyza Art [Google]
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Sawarna Creative [Google]
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Saxofont [Rina Kartina]
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Saxvify Studio [Google]
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Saytype [Sayuti Yuti]
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Sayuti Yuti [Saytype]
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Scratch Ones [Google]
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Sealoung (was: Masay Letter) [Saiful Anwar]
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Sebeningjingga [Nur Firdaus]
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Second Division [Google]
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Second Syndicate [Google]
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Seedsickshit [Google]
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Seeyouletter Studio [Google]
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Sefilianto [Google]
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Sehat Co (or: Duasatu) [Aliv Pandu]
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Sekar Asri Andamari [LuCreatype]
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Selawe [Haris Prawoto]
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Selotype [Reka Safriani]
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Selvia Cahya [Selvia Design]
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Selvia Design [Selvia Cahya]
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Sembodo Studio [Google]
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Semuel Kamba [Google]
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Sendika Vidiyantoro [Sendiv Studio]
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Sendiv Studio [Sendika Vidiyantoro]
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Senekaligrafika [Muhammad Helmi]
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Seno Aji [Google]
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Sensatype (was: Sunshine Design) [Muhammad Zamroni Hamzah]
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Sentype [Saidi Alfianor]
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Senzana (was: Inksun Aksara, or: Inksun Mildertype) [Gilang Senzana]
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Septian Prajnabhawika [Animus Studio]
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Septo Adi Wicaksono [Adiraphabet]
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Serene Ash [Google]
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Sereneowl Fonts [Angga Yudhistira]
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Serin Studio [Sulthan Adam Maulana]
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Sesa Grafika [Google]
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Setiadi Karya Pertiwi [Mage Type]
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Setiadi Rahagita [Rahagita Type]
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Seto Febriant [Google]
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Setyaisiam Type [Putri Ayu Wulandari]
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Setype [Tan Zuha]
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Seventh Imperium [Cucu Supriyadi]
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Shakatype [Burhanul Jauhar Arifin]
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Shaltype (or: Pudji Pangestoe Type Foundry) [Faishal Mahdy]
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Shape Studio [Teuku Saifullah]
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Sharlene Tjiung [Google]
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Sheilla Type (or: Luminto Studio) [Muhammad Taufiq]
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Sherleen Christie Soetanto [Google]
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Shiela Nur Shabira [Google]
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Shierly Caroline [Google]
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Shilla Vip [Google]
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Shiro Ngampus [Muhammad Sirojuddin]
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Sibelumpagi Studio (or: Bale Design Studio) [Fajar Abdul Fatah]
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Sibras Syahdan [Susi Type]
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Sidik Sidik [Differentialtype]
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Sifak Muf [Google]
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Sigit Nugroho [Bulbul Project]
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Sigit Nur Wicaksono [Gittype]
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Sigit Nurcholis [Akaitype Studio]
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Sign Studio [Sugi Yanto]
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Signatoro Studio [Wahyu Prihantoro]
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Sikifonts [Herlan Nawwi]
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Simbol Hello [Google]
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Simetris (was: Hanief Studio, or: Hanzel Studio, or: Hanzel Space) [Hanief Farandi]
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Sindu Melati [Heru Catur Ariyanto]
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Singpentinkhappy (or: Colors Happy) [Yahya Rifandaru]
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Sipanji (was: Straightwell) [Muhammad Panji]
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Sisca Andiny [Google]
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Sithoy [Google]
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Siti Nurjanah [NJ Studio]
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Situjuh Nazara [7N Types]
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Sizimon Studio [Faisal Tanjung]
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Skiiller Studio [Irfan Mahmudin]
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Skut Skuy Graphic [Wildan Gustia]
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Slametype [Galih Aprilia]
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Slenting Art [Google]
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Slex Studio [Muhammad Rayyan]
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Slyzi [SPMH]
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Slyzi Hadi [SPMH (was: Pumah)]
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Smallthings [Google]
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SOF Design [Muhammad Sofyan Izzah]
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Sofyan Yayan [Google]
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Sohel Studio [Google]
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Sola Type Studio [Google]
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Solid Type [Riski Firmana]
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Son Ajinur [Soni Type]
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Sona Sonzaya [Google]
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Soni Type [Son Ajinur]
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Sonic Savior [Friso M. Roest]
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Sons Of Baidlowi Type foundry [Mohammad Azmil Bahar]
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Soonshine [Google]
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Sopa Sudinar [Google]
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Sorry Studio [SyahSorry]
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Soti Brother [Google]
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Spaceship Creative Lab [Febryan Satria]
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Spencer & Sons [Gilang Purnama Jaya]
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SPMH [Slyzi]
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SPMH (was: Pumah) [Slyzi Hadi]
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Sprinkel Buddy [Google]
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Sron Studio [Muhamad Yusron Billah]
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SSI Scraps [Syukur Setiyadi]
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Staircase Studio [Google]
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Stanisa Vebe Shineta [Google]
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Starttype Studio [Google]
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Stefani Jessica [Google]
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Stefani Letter [Stefani Tri Rosa Setiati Christiana]
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Stefani Tri Rosa Setiati Christiana [Stefani Letter]
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Stefanius12126 [Google]
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Stefanus Kurniawan [Google]
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Steffi Widjaja [Google]
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Stefie Justprince [Crump Hand]
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Stephanus Bagus Saputra [Google]
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Stephanus Prabowo [Andrey Font Design]
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Stoned Twins Fuzzy [Google]
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Storic Type (or: Flavor Type, or: Flavortype) [Panji Nugraha]
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Storyteller Imagery [Google]
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StoryType [Google]
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Straight Co [Imam Muhajir]
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Strangertype Studio [Robbi Azis]
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String Labs Creative Studio [Virgiawan Listanto]
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Strong [Nanda Putra Sukmayadi]
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Struggle Studio [Andri Kurniawan]
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Struggletter [Google]
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Studio Aktype [Jani Nurman]
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Studio Sun (or: Sun Brand Co) [Cahya Sofyan]
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Su Kasih [Mozatype]
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Su Wondo [Girinesia (or: Outline Studio)]
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Suave Digital [Google]
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Subarkah Siwitomo [Google]
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Subectype [Rangga Singgih Subekti]
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Subotype [Google]
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Suci Anita [Nih Studio]
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Sudar Moko [Google]
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Sudarmaji [Asritype]
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suedostasien fonts [Google]
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Sugi Harto [Google]
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Sugi Yanto [Sign Studio]
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Sugiharto [Letter Art Studio]
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Sugiharto Art Studio [Sugiharto Bisnis]
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Sugiharto Bisnis [Sugiharto Art Studio]
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Suhery Anto
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Suke Toejoeh (or: Pollux of Geminorum) [Addy Sukma Bharata]
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Sukoco Sukoco [Ahsancomp Studio]
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Sukolab Std [Google]
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Sulistiyono Widodo [dhridjie]
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Sulthan Adam Maulana [Serin Studio]
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Sun Art (or: Nailetter) [Google]
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Sundawani [Ally Takyudin]
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Sundawani Typeface [Ujang Anom]
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Sungi Creative [Ivan Pranata]
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Sunyi Bersuara [Google]
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Sup Port [Google]
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Supar Wanto [160 Studio]
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Supersemar Letter [Arief Tri Sulistiyono]
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Supriadi Sihotang [Google]
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Suranto Studios [Google]
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Surat Toba [Google]
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Surfpunk Ardi [Haifont]
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Suro Studio (or: Surotype) [Adil Budianto]
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Suryo Wahono [Google]
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Susi Type [Sibras Syahdan]
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Sutrisna Khaidir [Google]
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Sutrisno Al Rasyid [Chococreator (or: Missingfont)]
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Sutrisno Budiharto [Asia Culture (Was: Indonesian Arts, or: Sukowati Studio Grafis)]
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Sutype Studio [Ignatius Sutono]
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Swangga Raditya [Artha Desain (was: David Her)]
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Sweet (H...sya) Revenge [Google]
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Sya'dan Ismail Rosyad [Will Letter (or: Will Graphic)]
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Syafbe [Syafwan Mus]
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Syafii Ahmad [Ach Syafii]
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Syafiiirman Studio (or: Alpha's Lettering) [Muhammad Syafii Irman]
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Syafwan Mus [Syafbe]
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Syaherthian [Google]
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Syahrul Muttaqin [Google]
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SyahSorry [Sorry Studio]
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Syakaltype Studio [Google]
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Syarif Hafidh [Google]
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Syifaul Hariq [Typescroll]
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Syifidz [Ahmad Alkandary]
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Symphony Studio (was: Symphony Art) [Google]
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Syntetype Studio [Radinal Riki Mutaqin]
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Syukur Setiyadi [SSI Scraps]
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T. Muhammad Rizal [Posts Type]
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t1tus [Google]
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Tafleh [Habaab El Fath]
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Tahta Ega [Egha's Studio]
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Tahu Balap [Google]
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Tama Putra (or: Tama Vocks) [Faka Pratama Putra]
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TamaCide [Erry Nugraha]
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Tamam Design Studio [Rabeeca]
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Tan Type [Novia Jonatan]
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Tan Zuha [Setype]
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Tandy Mackenzie [Google]
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Tardiex (or: Solata Studio, or: Aantebas) [Google]
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Tarendra Studio [Julio Laily Domingo Ahad]
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Tari Puteri [Google]
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Tarman Dedek [Google]
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Tastype (or: Goodware Std) [Adhitya Nugroho]
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Tatang Iskandar [Typeting Studio]
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Taufan Putra [Google]
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Taufik Dwi Purnomo [Nariswari Creative (or: Nariswari Creativitype)]
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Taufik Tri Ariyanto [OPXWork]
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Taufik Tri Aryanto [Fivont]
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Taufiq Wijaya [Mifiq]
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Taufiqurrohman Nadri [Blackerning Studio]
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Taupiq Nuzuli [Thanoestd Studio]
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Taznix Creative [Ricky Hartasni]
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Tazul Arifin [Google]
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Tea Decoction [Madhu Mohan]
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Tedi Rohmansyah [Google]
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Tegami Type [Muhammad Iqbal Firdaus]
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Tegar Bagas Dhonesya [Google]
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Tegar Hafizhal [Egypto Type Co]
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Tegh Co [Teguh Kharyanda]
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Teguh Fauzi [Google]
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Teguh Kharyanda [Tegh Co]
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Teguh Permana [Kyooti Bun]
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Teguh Pranata [Google]
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Telllu Craft [Ingga Nafasyah]
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Tentatype Studio [Google]
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Tera Gena Sukmara [Google]
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Teresa Tiffany [Google]
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Terima Kasih [WUB Studio]
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Teuku Asrul Sami [Assami Studio (or: Sammy Studio)]
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Teuku Fahruddin [Typehill]
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Teuku Saifullah [Shape Studio]
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Tezar Tantular [Keristyper Studio (was: Tapa Type)]
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TGIF STD [Google]
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Thanoestd Studio [Taupiq Nuzuli]
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The Brosnes [Google]
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The Fontune [Google]
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The Good Store [Danny Aldana Hidayat]
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The Letter Builder [Triza Mardihaqq]
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The North Studio [Google]
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The Ocean Studio [Laire Banyu]
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the1995std [Google]
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Thebros Nes [Google]
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TheBundles (or: Mehibi) [Anggi Krisna Pranindita]
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Thirteen Studio (or: Lost Volt Type foundry) [Ryan Prasetya]
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Thirtype [Cucu Supriyadi]
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Thomas Aradea [Letterara Studio]
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Thomas Joko Purba [Google]
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Thoriq Muttaqin [Google]
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Thunder Panda Dings [Eric Wiryanata]
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Tikara Sari [Google]
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Tiny Hand Letter [Nasruni Fajarita]
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Tio Yulianto [Javatype Studio]
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Tipo de Fabrica [Google]
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Tipo de Fabrica (was: Vero Type) [Zulfan Iskandar]
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TipType [Google]
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Tipu Daya [Google]
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Tipudaya's Graphic [Dion Aji]
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Tireomisu [Google]
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Titan Firman [Google]
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Titik Creative [Google]
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Tjandra Rinaldi [Google]
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Tkz Type [Askar Fadhilah]
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Tlatous Type [Miftahul Habib]
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Tlats Studios [Google]
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Tojanna [Google]
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Toko Type (was: Formika Labs, or: Studio Formika, or: Absolut Foundry) [Gumpita Rahayu]
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Tokokoo Studio [Google]
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Tomat Studio [Cipto Bagus Prakarso]
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Tommy Sitanggang [Google]
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Tommy Suhartomo [Abto Creative]
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Toni Dzulham [Dumadi Studios]
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Toni Mous (or: Toni Mouse) [Fatoni Nurman]
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Toni Setiawan [onedsgn]
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Toni Studio [Fatoni Nurman]
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Topan Sofyan [Opands]
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Toro Elmar [Google]
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Tosca Digital [Ari Sandi]
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Totem Design Studio [Google]
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Treelight.id [Google]
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Tri Kuncoro [Greentype Studio (or: Greentrik.6789)]
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Tri Noviantika Aldilasari [Piank]
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Tri Setyawan [Xtragraph (or: Adastra Design)]
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Tri Wijayanto [Google]
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Trice [Google]
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Tridentan [Google]
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Trifani [Google]
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Trim Studio [Deri Kurnia]
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Trio Agustin [Google]
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Trisno Pamuji [Google]
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Trisnu Wardani [Google]
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Triza Mardihaqq [The Letter Builder]
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Tropical Sunlight Co
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Troy Leinster [Google]
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Trustha Studio [Bagas Ardiatma]
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Trynita Hardianti [Google]
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TSA Creative (or: Tiko Creative) [Estiko Priyanto]
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TSV Creative [Ardian Radityo]
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Tubagus Iqbal [TypoBureau Studio]
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Tubagus Rangga Efarasti [Google]
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Tud1en [Google]
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Tulus Driyo [Hindia Studio]
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Twenty Three Design [Google]
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Twin Letter (or: Twin Design) [Rozikan Rozikan]
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Twin Rizki [Google]
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TwoNineFive [Maximillian Limpo]
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Twousstudio [Amiril Yasin]
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Type and Company
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Type Colony [Aliv Pandu]
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Type Combo [Iqbal Habibi]
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Type Dish [Eko Bimantara]
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Type Factory [Hilmius Akbar]
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Type Manta Studio [Lukman Arief Alhakim]
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Type Noise [Google]
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Type Studio (was: Vial Work) [Google]
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Type Vora [Ilhan Mansis]
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Type Zilla [Google]
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Typebae [Iqbal Pauji]
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TypeCase Studio (or: LetterSpirit Studio) [Aldi Ramdan]
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Typeclusive [Google]
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Typefar [Farul Arjianto]
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Typehand Studio [Yanuar Adi]
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Typehill [Teuku Fahruddin]
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Typeholish [Google]
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Typehome [Maulana Arahman]
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Typeline Studio [Yadhie Setiawan]
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Typemachine Supply [Google]
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Typescroll [Syifaul Hariq]
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Typesea [Emas Didik Prasetyo]
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Typeskets [Sahrul Hidayat]
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Typesthetic Studio [Hamzah Muhamad Ihsan]
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Typeting Studio [Tatang Iskandar]
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Typia Nesia [Arief Setyo Wahyudi]
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Typica Studio (was: Awakening Studios) [Ardy Knoxville]
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Typnco Studio [Google]
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TypoBureau Studio [Tubagus Iqbal]
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Typocrisy Studio [Google]
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Typographic Studio [Muhammad Novianto]
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Typollery (was: Dri Zy) [Faqih Sandri]
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Typologic (or: Voltage Sans) [Fadiel Muhammad]
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Typologic Syndrome [Gilang Senzana]
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Typopey [Reand Aghara]
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Typopotamus [Ghilky Gerdian]
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Typotopia Studio [Khusunun Irawan]
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Udenn Budiman [Google]
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Ujang Anom [Sundawani Typeface]
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Uli Kozok [Google]
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Ultra Yellow [Google]
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Umar Farouq [Martype Co (was: Tyfrography)]
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Umbel Jahat [Letter U]
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Ummu Humaira [Google]
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Uncurve [Ferry Septian]
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Unflea Studio [Google]
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Unfutur Studio (or: Unfutur Labs) [M. Ridho Fikri]
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Union Hands (was: 50Fox)
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Universe & Co. [Google]
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Untung Prasetyo [Yebhu]
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Up Font Studio [Marhandam Palindung]
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Upan Sulfan [Google]
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Upick Ngattboy [Google]
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Urban Store [Maulana Hibban]
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Useless Graphic(was: Jojonikitype) [Muhammad Jauhar Azmi]
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Usman Al Baehaqi [Graphicxell Studio]
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Ussual Studio (or: Boyanurd) [Boyan Nurdiansyah]
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Utopia19 [Witrina]
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Vable Studio [Azka Ryzki]
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Valiana Sandra Wijaya [Google]
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Vanessa Agnes [Google]
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Vanessa Chen [Google]
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Vannya Anjani [Google]
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Vava Aryanto [Blankcraft (was: Fallen Type, or: Fallen Graphic)]
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Vectorbuzz [Google]
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vector.id [Font Vector]
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Vembri Rizky [Google]
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Vera Rosdiana [Vynetta]
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Vermilione (or: Say Studio) [Mussyayin]
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Vermilione (was: Lovoos) [Lovindha Kintani]
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Veronica Nathania [Google]
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Viaction Design (or: Viaction Type) [Lukman Hidayat]
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Viananda Andrias [Google]
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Vicky Mardian [VMF Fonts]
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Victories (was: Letter A) [Google]
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Vidka Foundry [Google]
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Vilogsign [Nur Kholis]
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Vimddd [Christoph Nino]
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Vin Type Studio [Google]
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Vincent Hadi Wijaya [Google]
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Vincent Wong [Google]
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Vincentius Kevin [Google]
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Vindy Ary [Hustletter (or: Acknesia)]
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Violanny Rubin [Google]
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Virage Studio [Google]
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Virgiawan Listanto [String Labs Creative Studio]
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Visien Vinesa [Google]
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VMF Fonts [Vicky Mardian]
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Vordava [Google]
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Vroz Studio [Aqib Ady]
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Vultype Co [Candra Hamdani]
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Vunira Design [Google]
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Vynetta [Vera Rosdiana]
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VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative) [Randi Ilhamsyah]
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Wacaksara Co [Hamam Jauhari]
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Wachid Ristiyanto [Ngene]
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Wacky Studio [Google]
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Wahi Din [Gold Type]
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Wahy Sapt [Google]
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Wahyu Aji Prasetyo [WAP Type]
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Wahyu Andi Prasetiyo [Weape Design]
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Wahyu Arienda Kusumantika [Google]
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Wahyu Azizi
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Wahyu Dwi Cahyo [Auratype]
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Wahyu Edhi Widodo [Gatra Studio]
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Wahyu Eka Prasetya [Ikiiko Type (was: wep)]
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Wahyu Hadi Yuana
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Wahyu Nugroho [Aksoro 99]
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Wahyu Nurcahyo [Gblack Id]
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Wahyu Prasetiyo [Google]
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Wahyu Prihantoro [Signatoro Studio]
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Wahyu Rinaldi [Google]
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Wahyu S. Adi Wibowo [Eaver Studio (or: Wahyu & Sani Co)]
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Wahyu Syam [Google]
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Wahyu Zulfahmi [Beujaya Studio]
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Wahyudi Manaa [Mahazilla Studio]
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Wahyusu Typefactory [Google]
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Wais Alqarni [Hero Studio (or: Ws Studio)]
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Walkeren [Awaluddin Syarif]
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Waluyo Raharjo [Bejos Work Studio]
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Wandaily Studio [Google]
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Wandy Prathama [Google]
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WAP Type [Wahyu Aji Prasetyo]
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Wasana Creative (or: Wasana Agung) [Google]
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Wasis Yuliyanto [Wasisme Studio]
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Wasisme Studio [Wasis Yuliyanto]
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Wates Awal [Google]
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Waton Studio [Risa Andarwati Wazirotun]
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Wawan Hermawan [DjanCook Studio]
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Wawan Suryana [Google]
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Wayang Venture [Azim Aufaq]
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WD Font Creative (or: Captain Jack) [Google]
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Wdharm [Google]
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Weak Fellow [Google]
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Weape Design [Wahyu Andi Prasetiyo]
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Weetype Studio [Yosep Hendhry]
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Weird Store [Aditya Nugraha Putra]
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Weknow [Wino Sutarmin Kadir]
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Wellscript Studio [Google]
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WFG [Google]
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Whole Hearted [Google]
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Wicky Syailendra [Google]
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Widya Kusuma Hapsari [Google]
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Widya Putri [Google]
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Wieke P. Prabowo [Google]
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Wilda Khairunnisa [Google]
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Wildan Carfont [Wildan Suprian Syah]
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Wildan Gustia [Skut Skuy Graphic]
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Wildan Ilham [Google]
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Wildan Suprian Syah [Wildan Carfont]
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Wildan Yakob [Cob Studios (was: Aidan, or WY Creative)]
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Wildlife Studio [Google]
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Will Letter (or: Will Graphic) [Sya'dan Ismail Rosyad]
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Winarno [Blue Studio]
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Windy Huang [Google]
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Wino Sutarmin Kadir [Weknow]
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Winston Type Co. [D. Sandi Sjahputra]
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winterinnight [Google]
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Wirda Wiranda [Makasimase Studio]
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Wisnu Cipto [Google]
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Wisnu Cipto Wibowo [Fateh Lab]
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Wisnu Sanjaya [Google]
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Witrina [Utopia19]
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Wngstd [Yahhya Anas Atok Illah]
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Wnprh Collective [Google]
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Wondoo Studio [Herya Wildan]
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Work Ins Studio [Boy Moch Tomi]
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Wowok Prast [Google]
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Wras Studio [Google]
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Wrong Studio [Google]
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WSN Studio [Malik Wisnu]
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WUB Studio [Terima Kasih]
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XenoniteRS [Nathanael Reinhart Saputra]
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Ximen Studio [Rahm Atilla Habakar]
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XIVI Studio [Pungky Noor]
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Xtragraph (or: Adastra Design) [Tri Setyawan]
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Yaa Yaa [Google]
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Yadhie Setiawan [Typeline Studio]
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Yahhya Anas Atok Illah [Wngstd]
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Yahya Rifandaru [Singpentinkhappy (or: Colors Happy)]
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Yan Nugraha [Google]
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Yandi Adi Prasetya [Yandi Designs]
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Yandi Anugrah Akbar [Google]
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Yandi Designs [Yandi Adi Prasetya]
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Yanto Design [Joko Triwijayanto]
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Yanto Purnomo [Google]
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Yanuar Adi [Typehand Studio]
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Yanuar Antabua [Google]
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Yanuar Lutfi [Graph Arts]
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Yanuar Zico [Google]
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Ydhra Studio [Yudha Ageng]
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Yean Aguste [HandletterYean]
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Yebhu [Untung Prasetyo]
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Yehezkiel Noor Kali Kulla [Google]
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Yehuda Tanto [Google]
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Yellowline [Mohamad Arif Prasetyo]
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Yesaya Amnestian [Nestype (was: Nest Studio)]
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Yesica Stefanie [Google]
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Yesie Erma Yunita [Yunita Ecy]
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Yeti Taher [Google]
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Yoel Kevin Moeljono [Google]
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Yofi Aprilla [Google]
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Yoga Al Rendra [Alrendra Studio]
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Yoga Letter [Isroni Yoga Prasetya]
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Yogie Jullian [Google]
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Yohanes Merci [Google]
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Yon Type Studio [Muhammad Yoni]
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Yonathan Zacheus [Google]
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Yosep Hendhry [Weetype Studio]
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Yosia Donny Girawan [Google]
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Yudha Ageng [Ydhra Studio]
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Yudha Destiangga [Google]
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Yudhi Priansyah [Aksara Type Foundry]
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Yudi Pratama Chandra [Rantau Type]
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Yudis Tira [Makna Studio]
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Yugo Priyat Moko [Hypersick (or: Holydie Studio)]
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Yuhriat Baskoro [Google]
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Yukita Creative [Google]
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Yulinda Crafter [Yulinda Studio]
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Yulinda Studio [Yulinda Crafter]
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Yumna Type [Ditya Dewi Anandita]
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Yuna Huang [Google]
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Yuni Nirmalasari [Google]
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Yunita Ecy [Yesie Erma Yunita]
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Yunita Hadinata [Google]
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Yuri Sinatra [Google]
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Yus Wardi [Diyos]
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Yusuf Afandi [Letterfand Studio]
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Yusuf Darwin [Google]
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Yusuf Ilmawan [Ilmawan]
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Yusuf Matra [Google]
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Yusuf Niki Syahroni [Digitype Studio (or: Nicky Art)]
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Yusup Saputra [Dysa Studio]
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Zahratul Laila [Dora Typefoundry]
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Zain Abdillah [Zain Studio]
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Zain Fahroni [Four Lines Studio]
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Zain Studio [Zain Abdillah]
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Zaizafun Hanifah [Daily Studio]
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Zamjump [Ahmad Zamzami]
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Zane Studio [Mur Zani]
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Zavira Mumtaz [Google]
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Zeenesia Studio [Doni Purwoko]
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Zeepfeed [Google]
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Zefix [Google]
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Zelow Type (was: Khaiuns) [Khair Unnas]
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Zenmalik Studio [Cuncun Suryadi]
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Zerofive Studio [Abdul Kasim]
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Zerowork Studio [Google]
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Zet Design [Muhammad Sirojuddin]
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Zet Design (or: Afredo.fk, or: Seventype) [Ahmad Zulfikar Ali]
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Zeune Type Foundry (was: Zeune Ink Foundry) [Sandi Dez]
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Zhimet Cardozo [Google]
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ZHR Creative [Zuhair Ahmed]
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Zkhai Creative [Google]
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Zoom Graphic [Google]
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Zuhair Ahmed [ZHR Creative]
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Zulfahmi Yahya [Fahmi]
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Zulfan Iskandar [Tipo de Fabrica (was: Vero Type)]
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Zulfikar M. Nur [Google]
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Zulhadi Usman
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Zulhilmi Hanif [Google]
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Zultype Fonter [Google]
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Zulvex Blank [Google]
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Zuzulgo Studio [Muhammad Zulfani]
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