TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:44:21 EDT 2025






Type design hot takes

A hot take is a "piece of deliberately provocative commentary that is based almost entirely on shallow moralizing" in response to a news story. It is "usually written on tight deadlines with little research or reporting, and even less thought". So here are some hot takes by some type designers published in 2022 at Typedrawers:

  • I really hate small caps and I wish they would go away forever. I already have lowercase letters---I don't need mini version of capitals that look dorky. (Ray Larabie)
  • I find f-ligatures distracting when I'm reading. I can see how useful they are but when I'm reading, they often trip me up and I prefer a natural fi or fl gap in most cases. (Ray Larabie)
  • Comic sans is excellent. Not in a "it has its uses" kind of way. I think it's an all-around good typeface. (Ray Larabie)
  • Papyrus is one of the all-time greats. (Ray Larabie)
  • All currencies should forgo symbols and just use letter abbreviations. (Craig Eliason)
  • Much of Zapf's type is technically impeccable but really boring. (Stephen Coles)
  • The four cardinal mortal sins of typography: The design of Helv*****. To use Helv*****. To design anything like Helv*****. To cherish Helv***** or any of its superfluous pastiche mockups. (Andreas Stötzner)
  • Revivals are the most boring thing ever. (Christian Thalmann)
  • Historicity is vastly overrated. Design for the future. (Christian Thalmann)
  • Syntax looks like it's made entirely from elbows. I'm grateful for its contribution to the rise of the humanist sans, but gods it's ugly. Gill Sans, on the other hand, is cute. (Christian Thalmann)
  • All script typefaces look the same. (Christian Thalmann)
  • All Jan van Krimpen' s typefaces are stiff and unattractive. (Ramiro Espinoza)
  • All fonts should be libre. (Dave Crossland)
  • Massimo Vignelli was and is to this day, the object of a personality cult. He was driven by a massive craving for notoriety to make controversial, even outrageous pronouncements to hold the loyalty of his followers. His legacy cannot be trusted. (Russell McGorman)

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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html